...Could it be possible that this station was in fact meant to imprison one of the sundered shards of the C'tan? Perhaps Mephet'ran, the Deceiver, considering all these whispers.

If so, the best possible thing to do is to repair the station, ensure that the Shard is properly imprisoned, and set up a guard to make certain that no other intrudes upon the station and risks releasing the C'tan Shard.

We are an Infernal, the best thing to do with a C'tan Shard is bind it to our will and call it 'Rover' :V
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[X] Mental

This might be a containment cell of some sort for a C'tan. As to who made it that is a different story. The fact it has an atmosphere and an angular looking poetic language makes me think it might be Aeldari. Their runes are kind of angular looking.
Actually, did we propagade those brain implants through the population? If we did, that should give all of the companions here mental boosts, so even more reasons to choose Mental