The Radiant Shepherd - A Warhammer 40K God-Emperor Quest

Yeah that would be fine. The Dark Angels absolutely wouldn't believe a Custodes messenger though.

Also in regards to the update. I got the Rogue Trader game recently and it is has sunk its hooks into me. I've been spending almost all my free time playing it. So the update here is going to be delayed until I finish, which fortunately shouldn't be too much longer.

I'm going to call it research.
Well, that's aggravating. The DA thing, not the Rogue Trader thing, how is the game, I've been considering buying it?

Well, we'll think of something…what if the Custodes messenger had communed with the God-Emperor and bore the unmistakable feel of it?

[ ] Commune (10 points)
Through a great exertion of your power, you can directly communicate with the soul of another being while shielding them from being overwhelmed by your presence. Communication in this way is always perfectly accurate and your touch will linger on the recipient, making it apparent to anyone that they are acting in your name.

May I ask if you came to a decision on the existence and harnessing of the Firetide?
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Well, that's aggravating. The DA thing, not the Rogue Trader thing, how is the game, I've been considering buying it?

Well, we'll think of something…what if the Custodes messenger had communed with the God-Emperor and bore the unmistakable feel of it?

Pretty good. The last two acts are a bit weak, but I put 90 hours into it over two weeks. So I certainly enjoyed myself.

May I ask if you came to a decision on the existence and harnessing of the Firetide?

The Firetide is simply the aftereffects of the Astronomicon. The only way to harness it would be to point the Astronomicon in a different direction. Which would have massive effects on Imperial navigation.
Turn 4: The Conclave of Prophets
[X] The Infinite Truth
-[X] Send Visions (5 Points)
--[X] Oud Oudia Raskian: The Dark Age of Technology as you knew it, the wonders and horrors of knowledge that even the Mechanicus at its height did not know. The signing of the Treaty of Mars, and your own manifestation as Omnissiah before the Magos of that era. The progressive factions of the Mechanicus, who operated with your blessings during the Great Crusade, and the service they rendered to humanity and the Quest for Knowledge. The blade of the Enemy, blinding one eye of the Mechanicus, luring them to twin sins of regression and rebellion, diverting them from the path. A occulary of golden and ethereal clockwork, which you integrate seamlessly into Raskian's bleeding eyesocket, that he and all the Mechanicus might see anew. Flashes of the Choral Engine's location and similarity to the Golden Throne, hidden STCs, guardsmen of the Solar Auxilia who's kit would put any Skitarii to shame. Yourself-As-Omnissiah, rising new and whole from a repaired golden throne, blessing Raskian for what he has done.
-[X] Guide the Tarot (1 Point)
--[X] Magi attending the pilgrimage: The same cards for everyone, no matter how many times they draw on the surface of Mars - MAGUS - REVELATION - FAMILIA HUMANA - GREAT EYE. Raskian speaks your truth, the Mechanicus is an integral part of humanity and must protect it, Chaos approaches.
- [X] Blessing
--[X] Oud Oudia Raskian (1 Point): Charisma and the apparant blessing of the Motive Force to work mechanical wonders, that he might prove himself your chosen.
--[X] The Lamenters (2 Points): Fortune and fortitude whenever they aid those most in need.
--[X] Fidus Kryptman (1 Point): The light of clarity and discernment, triumphing over fear. None who might be spared can be lost, if the depthless storm is to be overcome.

The Conclave of Prophets

Your vision turns to the red planet. To the teeming mass of iron and silicon that is the mechanicus. Past the rusted forge mounts to the great machine in the heart of the noosphere. Towards Oud Raskian. The motive force runs through him as surely as blood and you direct its working to grant him a grand vision of ones and zeroes.

Immense steel plates shudder as the fabricator general is wracked with the epiphany of the vision. Many of his secondary cogitators are overloaded as you push his systems to the brink of ruin. But when he arises once more it is with a righteous spark in his oculus.

Massive cranes lift him into the pulpit of the Forge Cathedral of Olympos Mons and he preaches a furious sermon to the assembled arch magi. He informs them of the vision the Omnissiah has granted to him and recites many great and powerful litanies that will no doubt be referenced by the data scribes for centuries to come.

Many miracles of the cog are witnessed in those days and the news spreads from arch magi to magi to tech acolyte and even the lowly serfs working in the dark catacombs. The Fabricator General is the prophet of the Omnissiah and his words are holy writ made manifest. At his direction the assembled conclave creates three new holy orders to perform the directives laid out in the Omnissiah's holy vision.

The first are the Pilgrims of the Beacon. To them are granted the gifts of the Iron Crown, dozens of ships diverted from other tasks and even newly constructed. A billion skitarii are loaded into those cavernous holds and the great god machines of the Mechanicus legions are carried into orbit by great cathedral ships. It will be the Pilgrims task to seek out the fabled Choral Engine and bring it into the Omnissiah's light.

The second are the Solar Smiths. To them are granted the surface of Mars itself. All its fabricators and manufactorums are turned to one purpose even as ancient designs are unearthed from the archives. It is no longer enough to simply fulfill the needs of the solar guard with the minimum of equipment. It is time to equip the solar auxilia as once was done when the Omnissiah walked the galaxy.

"At long last, the Guard is properly armed. Mankind's safety can be assured." The voice conjures visions of your legions again. The massed ranks of the solar auxilia marching to war in your name.

We could not save mankind then. Perhaps we can make our amends now. Regret is a useless emotion. It is they who failed you. Their mortal flesh failed in the critical moment. Now perhaps their descendants will have a chance to do better. With muffled frustration you turn your attention back to the Mechanicus.

The third and final order are the Throne Wrights. These are the most ancient and revered arch magi. Granted the most profound insight into the quest for knowledge they are connected through arcane mechanisms to the heart of the noosphere itself. There they commune in sacred seclusion and consider the golden throne in all its glory. They ponder its mysteries and consider what adjustments are needed to return it to its full power.

"Enter your mind, repair the throne, Gain power!" The tempter returns. You can taste the sweet fruit of your past memories. Of when you were strong and powerful. Oh, how you wish to return to those days.

"We cannot risk this going... wrong. A single tug from the chaos gods could result in the golden throne being ripped apart by our own magi. Bless them as they restore us to glory." A very good point. It would not do for the magi to make things worse. Or to open an avenue for the Great Enemy. Your Custodes are careful, but if they could understand the workings of your Throne they would have already fixed it. Such ignorance leaves openings into the heart of your power.

The Curse of the Penitent
Satisfied that the priests of the cog are faithfully following your commands your attention turns to one of the more unfortunate chapters of your astartes roaming the galaxy. True to form you sight the lamenters' ships struggling to navigate a roiling storm on the sea of souls.

On board superhumans in yellow and black battle the horrors of the warp in a desperate bid to keep themselves and their mortal crews alive. You can foresee that this is but one of the many trials they will face in their crusade, and that many battle brothers will fall in the years to come.

This is the unfortunate curse of the Lamenters and one too deeply ingrained into the weave of fate for even you to change. But you can provide some measure of solace to the unfortunate. You lay your power on the astartes like a shroud. It is not much against their unrelenting fate, but they find that their blows strike with holy fury and their fallen fight beyond the limits of their frames.

"I like them... Despite it all, they remain wholly human. Poor things are undoubted cursed, though..." A weak and pitiful observation. The Lamenters do their duty even unto death. They know what is required of them.

"Such is the evil of the warp, that those among the finest of our grandchildren be subjected to such a horrid fate. As evil as it sounds, though, we should turn our attention towards other matters. It is beyond us to aid the Lamenters any further, they must break their curse by their own strength or die trying." You agree with this whisper. This is a trial that the Lamenters must overcome on their own. Or die trying. Though you note with some pride that in most of the lines of fate they do manage to overcome their penance. The geneseed of your favored son is strong indeed.

To Know What Must Be Done
Turning from the sea of souls you focus your attention on one of your most useful tools. Inquisitor Kryptman is currently tracking yet another cult of genestealers. Necessary, but a waste of his prodigious mind.

Your touch gives him clarity of thought and purpose beyond even his previous drive. As the last of the four armed cultists fall before his acolytes Kryptman realizes that these are just a precursor of what is to come. He is treating the symptom not the root.

And so Kryptman retreats to his ship and ponders sector maps and biologis reports. The tyranids feed on biomass. Thus that biomass must be denied to them, but preferably without denying the benefits to the Imperium either.

And so the inquisitor begins planning a great cordon. Entire worlds must be evacuated and then sterilized. Entire sub sectors swept of any possible source of replenishment. And by the time the starving tyranids crawl across them they will meet worlds fortified and prepared to receive them.

Repent Sinner!
The Ecclesiarch is a man of deep and unshakable faith. He knows that the God Emperor has a plan for him, and his faith is vindicated when his personal tarot readers repeatedly tell him the same thing. They speak of the Emperor speaking with him directly from the throne.

Of course even for a man of his faith and standing, gaining entry to the throne room is not a simple matter. But your touch fills Baldo Slyst with zeal and purpose. He argues with the captain general relentlessly, and stubbornly opposes his efforts to deploy more Custodes until at least even the super human patience of Valoris is forced to relent.

Satisfied the Ecclesiarch makes his pilgrimage to the throne room and forces himself to advance to within ten paces of the lowest step. It is the closest he can get in the face of your divine radiance. There he falls to his knees and prays unceasingly for three days and three nights. Until at last the Custodes have to carry out his comatose form.

But after several months of recuperation the emaciated Slyst is back once more to pray for your guidance. Again he falls and again he returns over and over in an unending cycle. The light of righteousness burns in his eyes. He will not stop until he receives the prophesied commands.

"Guidance is required to correct inefficient behavior, both re: inefficient prayer and inefficiencies of the Ecclesiarchy - Priority Note: Care required due to noted irrationality." Irrationality, that is one to put the disgusting ideology your supposed servants have twisted your Imperium to. Using these superstitious fools goes against your entire system of rationality, but you suppose you must work with the tools available.

"He's just a mere man... You can't expect them to take on your full psychic might and be fine. Have some heart. Emperor knows we need a bit of heart." Weakness! If you must use this man, then standing in your presence is the least of your requirements. If he does not have enough fortitude to simply be in your presence, then how can you know he will have the fortitude to stand up against the travails of the galaxy.

The Doom of Varadon

The sky was falling. A billion monstrous pods constantly rained down as Captain Varric looked out over the walls of the fortress monastery. The air was filled with an acidic tang that burned his eyes and nose. If he had been mortal no doubt he'd be blind by now, but there were no mortals left. All the chapter's serfs were long dead.

And Captain Varric knew that he would follow them soon. He had hoped that some of the chapter would survive. That they would at least be able to warn the Imperium of this new xenos threat. But it was not to be. In the distance he could see the chapter's battle barge, the Litany of Flame, descend towards the ground. Distance made it seem to move deceptively slowly, but he knew it would impact like the mountain of metal it was.

And that would be his chance. Not to survive, but to enact as terrible a toll as he could on this xenos menace. Placing his helmet on his head he raised his fist to signal the last few of his battle brothers. They needed no words or encouragement. Everyone there knew that their deaths were nigh, but they would not go quietly.

Moving to the rampant Captain Varric looked out over the teeming masses of the xenos. The monstrous hordes swarmed over the land. From a distance it looked as if the hills themselves were moving, some of them were. Bringing up his bolter Captain Varric mentally calculated the fall of the Litany of Flame. The barest moment before impact he shouted his last command. "For the Emperor!"

A half dozen bolters rang out even as the Litany of Flame finally crashed into the surface. A massive blast wave of promethium and plasma slammed through the swarm tossing the smaller xenos into the air and shaking the larger monstrosities even as the marines methodically picked off target after target.

Assailed from two directions thousands of xenos died in mere moments. But then they recovered. A million monstrous throats screamed like a single wounded beast, and the swarm lunged towards the last of the space marines. Thousands more died to unrelenting bolter fire, but tens of thousands replaced them.

This was no equal match. In the end Captain Varric was the last to fall, and with him the last of the Shadow Wolves. A chapter snuffed out by an uncaring galaxy.

The Gravespite Massacre

Fury made Ragnar's eyes bleed red, but with an effort he contained himself. He couldn't help but remember the treacherous attack on his wolf lord, but he had already exacted a portion of revenge. And as long as he kept his wits about him he would enact even more. It would be a bittersweet saga to sing on Fenris, but a worthy one.

For three days he had been waiting with his brothers on this desolate ridge, and he would wait even longer if he had to. He knew the traitorous allies of his target would have to pass below if they wanted to reach Longspire, and when they did he would mete out justice.

And he did not have to wait long. He heard them before he saw them. The screams and chanting of their slave cultists rose out of the valley as the first of the warband came into view. But they were mere chaff beneath his ax. Ragnar impatiently peered into the valley searching for his real prey. There! One of the despicable traitors wearing the twisted version of a wolf skin.

Ragnar stilled his instinctive growl. They were not yet in position. He would have to wait just a little longer. Clicking his voxcaster once he sent the signal to his brothers to get ready. It would not be much longer.

Seconds seemed to stretch into eternity, but at last the final Word Bearer walked into the range of his bolter. He clicked his vox once more and then waited three breaths. Then with a roar Ragnar erupted from his hiding place, his chainsword revving and his bolter unleashing volleys of explosives at his hated foe. From their places in the surrounding ridges his brothers did the same and the chaos band faltered as the screaming space wolves descended on them.

But sadly that confusion lasted only a moment. Even as their slaves cowered, the traitors formed a square and began to return fire. It wouldn't be enough. They were exposed with no cover, and attacked from every angle.

It shouldn't have been enough. But then one of the Word Bearers whipped around and buried his own sword into one of his own comrades. Ragnar had only the briefest moment of confusion before the truth was revealed. A slender arm clad in black armor erupted from the stricken word bearer. Then the rest of the daemon followed like an insect emerging from a bloody cocoon.

Every Space Wolf present immediately shifted targets. Instinctively knowing that they only had one chance to survive.But as the daemon danced through their bolter fire seemingly untouched by the rain of explosive hail Ragnar knew it was already too late.

Roaring again he raised his chainsword and redoubled his sprint to reach the daemon as it began killing his brothers. If he was to die this day, then at least he would die with honor.

"The timeline is broken... What you know is not certain to pass" The words ring true. The weave of fate is unraveling as too many pull at its strands. The future is becoming uncertain.

"Alert: Suboptimal Behavior - Recommendation: Correct Space Marine Priorities Generally - Pointless Death For Revenge Repeated Ad Infinitum Redux of post-Heresy Chaos - Revenge Mission: Worthless, Duty: Priority, Suggestion: Advise to be more like Imperial Guard." The very idea fills you with indignation. To treat your creations as mere soldiers on a board. They were meant for greater things. To bear your will across the galaxy.

You are about to turn your attention back to the galaxy and your people spread across when a one last voice whispers in your thoughts, "You've forgotten Ghazghkull, finish what we started."

Quest Note: For the record Ragnar was chosen to die immediately after the turn started. I was surprised and somewhat mortified when he was brought up in the thread.

The Emperor's power is tremendous but so are the draws upon it. Every turn, you only have a limited amount to spend on actions to guide the galaxy.
Plan voting only please.
You have 10 points to spend.
[ ] Guide the Tarot (1 Point)
Use your influence to give cryptic advice to people through the Imperial Tarot. You must write-in what messages you want to send and to whom. The more detailed and complex the message, the more likely that it will be misinterpreted or only understood in part. You can target these messages broadly, like to all governors in a sector, or specific, like sending the message to a single Inquisitor that fulfils a set of criteria you define.

[ ] Observe (1 point)
Sometimes you need more information than what your own visions of the present and future can reveal. Spend some time observing a specific place, person or something else.

[ ] Aid or Hinder Navigators (3 points)
The currents of the warp are treacherous and many a war was decided by one side receiving reinforcements just at the right time. You can put your finger on the scales by trying to alter the travel time of a fleet, though the gods of chaos might counteract you, especially if you try to influence their followers.

[ ] Send Visions (5 Points)
You send a prophetic dream and portends to specific people. Only one individual can receive this guidance, but you can communicate much more detailed information this way with a vastly lower chance of being misunderstood.

[ ] Displace Fleet (6 points)
The right person at the wrong place can make all the difference. Exert your will to fling a fleet off course to a different destination than it intended. This is unlikely to work on chaos fleets.

[ ] Commune (10 points)
Through a great exertion of your power, you can directly communicate with the soul of another being while shielding them from being overwhelmed by your presence. Communication in this way is always perfectly accurate and your touch will linger on the recipient, making it apparent to anyone that they are acting in your name. This power only costs 4 points if the target has been brought to your throne room on Terra.

[ ] Create Warp Storm (10 points)
The warp is never a calm place and with the right infusion of your vast might, you can conjure a storm in it that will make travel in an area all but impossible for anyone without divine guidance. However, your control over this storm is not perfect yet, so the storm might grow larger than intended and you can not control when it calms down again.

[ ] Blessing or Curse (variable)
Many call out for you to guide their hand every day. Sometimes you do. With this action, you can directly aid a mortal with a fraction of your power. Investing more points increases the effect. Blessing larger groups or giving very broad blessings will weaken the effect.[/B][/B]
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Now listen, Helbrecht against Imotekh is the only notable thing I can think of. Though we can expect the Ork invasion of Rynn's World as well.

Oh, and we really need to prepare for the Kraken.

Other than that, I think we need to handle some of the things that came up.

Quest Note: For the record Ragnar was chosen to die immediately after the turn started. I was surprised and somewhat mortified when he was brought up in the thread.
Great. I killed Ragnar.

Although, it didn't help people largely ignored me...
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Now listen, Helbrecht against Imotekh is the only notable thing I can think of. Though we can expect the Ork invasion of Rynn's World as well.

Other than that, I think we need to handle some of the things that came up.

Great. I killed Ragnar.

Although, it didn't help people largely ignored me...
Is Ragnar even that important? I'm not really familiar with him. Just get the Spear of Russ to another Space Wolf imo.

Bigger problem is that the Tyranid menace is coming closer, Ghazghul hasn't been dealt with and we still haven't recuperated from Celestine being ranked
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Dammit. We might also have the Orphean War. We went four years in this turn, 983-987, the Orphean War starts in 991, and is preceded by a Necron

We may need to just go for a wide swathe of blessings and tarots.

Let's see:

Golden Throne
This fucking Ecclesiarch.

We might be able to use the Communing with the zealot to get some assistance to some of those things...huh, apparently the Second Tyrannic War was a War of Faith, ironically.

And honestly, directing zealots against the real enemies and not those rebels who get caught up in rebelling against oppression would be a better use of such zealousness. We could use blessings to give him endurance, and to understand what we are really trying to convey as far as wanting our servants to act, as opposed to his interpretation.


As Malakbael is a Shrine World, would it be low bandwidth to convey the name, that it is a planet, and we want the Fabricator General to know to the Ecclesiarch?
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Dammit. We might also have the Orphean War. We went four years in this turn, 983-987, the Orphean War starts in 991, and is preceded by a Necron

We may need to just go for a wide swathe of blessings and tarots.

Let's see:

Golden Throne
This fucking Ecclesiarch.

We might be able to use the Communing with the zealot to get some assistance to some of those things...huh, apparently the Second Tyrannic War was a War of Faith, ironically.

And honestly, directing zealots against the real enemies and not those rebels who get caught up in rebelling against oppression would be a better use of such zealousness. We could use blessings to give him endurance, and to understand what we are really trying to convey as far as wanting our servants to act, as opposed to his interpretation.
For the Orphean War, let's send a Tarot to the Ordo Xenos to investigate the Caracol System and at least avoid the Necron's opening move being so damaging so destroying a Solar System and killing all those Astropaths and destroying ships in the warp.
Repent Sinner!

The Ecclesiarch is a man of deep and unshakable faith. He knows that the God Emperor has a plan for him, and his faith is vindicated when his personal tarot readers repeatedly tell him the same thing. They speak of the Emperor speaking with him directly from the throne.

But your touch fills Baldo Slyst with zeal and purpose. He argues with the captain general relentlessly, and stubbornly opposes his efforts to deploy more Custodes until at least even the super human patience of Valoris is forced to relent.

I am honesrly getting tired of this jackass skeleton fucking around without our say so. First the Mechanicus then the Ecclesiarchy.

He's muddled with the activities of the Custodes twice now with his unsanctioned fuckery. The Banana Guard deserve a better master
I need to sleep, but I have this as an outline

Helbrecht-Imotekh - 1 Blessing
Kraken - 1 Tarot warning, perhaps Battlefleet Bakka and the Ultramarine descendants?
Golden Throne - 2 blessing
Orpheus -1 Tarot warning
This fucking Ecclesiarch. Commune 4. Orpheus Sector, supernova, Necrons. the Kraken and to hunt Ghazghkull. Get across righteous ideals and love for fellow man. +1 Blessing with endurance of body against the weight of your power and mind to accept harsh truths.
The alternative is to take one blessing from the Golden Throne assistance to the Throne Wrights and put it against Ghazzy in some way, or for an additional blessing on the Ecclesiarch to understand what we want to convey so we can really make sure he knows the targets including Ghazzy.
Helbrecht-Imotekh - 1 Blessing
Kraken - 1 Tarot warning, perhaps Battlefleet Bakka and the Ultramarine descendants?

Actually, Grimnar would be a far better recipient of a blessing to fight Imotekh. Get him to wield the Spear of Russ and that'd offset Rangar's death too.

"988.M41 Battle of Vhaloth IV – Logan Grimnar, majestic atop his chariot, Stormrider, leads his Great Company in a charge that finally breaks the Necron phalanxes of Imotekh the Stormlord on Vhaloth IV."
The second are the Solar Smiths. To them are granted the surface of Mars itself. All its fabricators and manufactorums are turned to one purpose even as ancient designs are unearthed from the archives. It is no longer enough to simply fulfill the needs of the solar guard with the minimum of equipment. It is time to equip the solar auxilia as once was done when the Omnissiah walked the galaxy.
Wait, who exactly is being equipped? The whole Guard? The ones guarding the Solar Segmentum? …the ones guarding Sol alone?

Actually, Grimnar would be a far better recipient of a blessing to fight Imotekh. Get him to wield the Spear of Russ and that'd offset Rangar's death too.

"988.M41 Battle of Vhaloth IV – Logan Grimnar, majestic atop his chariot, Stormrider, leads his Great Company in a charge that finally breaks the Necron phalanxes of Imotekh the Stormlord on Vhaloth IV."
Well, that's new. Stupid lexicanum/wiki doesn't include everything, it's only in Logan's page.

I'd say it's 50/50. Helbrecht has larger forces and is a better void commander, Logan is a better personal fighter. And Helbrecht is more dedicated to hunting him down.
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For the Orphean War, let's send a Tarot to the Ordo Xenos to investigate the Caracol System and at least avoid the Necron's opening move being so damaging so destroying a Solar System and killing all those Astropaths and destroying ships in the warp.
Can the tarot really convey a location, though? @Arcanestomper? We might be better served alerting Battlefleet Orpheus and the other defenders.
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I'd say it's 50/50. Helbrecht has larger forces and is a better void commander, Logan is a better personal fighter. And Helbrecht is more dedicated to hunting him down.
Imotekh always fights duels. Grimnar is the better call for putting down Imotekh, especially if we soup him up with the Spear of Russ.
Can the tarot really convey a location, though? @Arcanestomper? We might be better served alerting Battlefleet Orpheus and the other defenders.
The Battlefleet can't do much unless we're resorting to mass exterminatus from the beginning. We need some ground troops to kick the Orpheus Necrons while they're waking up.

Send the Raven Guard or Inquisition/Death Watch at them.

Here's my idea proposal for a plan.

5 points for the Ecclesiarch, 4 for Communing and 1 for blessing.
1 Tarot for Raven Guard/Inquisition to head of the Orpheus Necrons.
2, 1 Tarot and blessing for Logan Grimnar to wield the Spear of Russ and confront Imotekh.
1 Tarot and blessing for Helbrech and Templars to expand and fight Kraken.

The Templars are already engaged in some capacity with Kraken already. This just makes it a bigger priority.

Despite the support of the Black Templars, the planet was overrun. The Wolves' fortress-monastery was destroyed and every remaining Marine of the Chapter was killed
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Imotekh always fights duels. Grimnar is the better call for putting down Imotekh, especially if we soup him up with the Spear of Russ.

The Battlefleet can't do much unless we're resorting to mass exterminatus from the beginning. We need some ground troops to kick the Orpheus Necrons while they're waking up.

Send the Raven Guard or Inquisition/Death Watch at them.
How? Seriously, how are we meant to point them at a specific sector with the tarot? It's hard enough doing that with Communing. The tarot conveys messages and signs yes, but something as specific as a shingle sector in the big galaxy?
How? Seriously, how are we meant to point them at a specific sector with the tarot? It's hard enough doing that with Communing. The tarot conveys messages and signs yes, but something as specific as a shingle sector in the big galaxy?
We've literally given Kryptman a specific planet to investigate last turn and it worked.

We can be as specific as we want, but not detailed or complex.

"specific, like sending the message to a single Inquisitor that fulfils a set of criteria you define."
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As Malakbael is a Shrine World, would it be low bandwidth to convey the name, that it is a planet, and we want the Fabricator General to know to the Ecclesiarch?

You're going to have to tell me what you want to do there.

Can the tarot really convey a location, though? @Arcanestomper? We might be better served alerting Battlefleet Orpheus and the other defenders.

The tarot is imprecise, but it can usually get someone to the general vicinity of where they need to go.
I got some Tarot prompt ideas too if we decide to go with my idea.

Orpheus Sector and especially the Caracol System: Send visions of a deathless host rising from its grave and with their grim scythes glowing of green death, snuffing out the great torch in the sky before reaching for the rest of the heavens.

High Marshal Helbrecht: Send visions of wolves made of shadows fallen at the hands of innumerable chitin and flesh that knew no honor. The faithful knight bound in the cross must confront it with his zealous brethren.

Logan Grimnar: an old wolf bares its fangs, yet one fang is golden and far longer than another other, before a storm that destroys all life.
Dammit. We might also have the Orphean War. We went four years in this turn, 983-987, the Orphean War starts in 991, and is preceded by a Necron

We may need to just go for a wide swathe of blessings and tarots.

Let's see:

Golden Throne
This fucking Ecclesiarch.

We might be able to use the Communing with the zealot to get some assistance to some of those things...huh, apparently the Second Tyrannic War was a War of Faith, ironically.

And honestly, directing zealots against the real enemies and not those rebels who get caught up in rebelling against oppression would be a better use of such zealousness. We could use blessings to give him endurance, and to understand what we are really trying to convey as far as wanting our servants to act, as opposed to his interpretation.


As Malakbael is a Shrine World, would it be low bandwidth to convey the name, that it is a planet, and we want the Fabricator General to know to the Ecclesiarch?
I can confirm, that the shadow wolves meet this part of the hive mind in 987.M41. Meaning that the Orphean War is pretty much about to kick off next turn or so, if nothing is else to be done about it. Much higher, and by far greater importance, is finding and bringing down this daemon that keeps showing up. This is the second time, a black, shadowy, lithe daemon has come in and massively screwed over one of our hero's first with Celestine, and now by actively choosing and hunting down someone as important as Ragnar. Suffice to say, if we do nothing, whomever is controlling it is going to knock out more of our hero's while we focus on fixing government structures and not dealing with more small but important objects/people like Ragnar and the like.
I can confirm, that the shadow wolves meet this part of the hive mind in 987.M41. Meaning that the Orphean War is pretty much about to kick off next turn or so, if nothing is else to be done about it. Much higher, and by far greater importance, is finding and bringing down this daemon that keeps showing up. This is the second time, a black, shadowy, lithe daemon has come in and massively screwed over one of our hero's first with Celestine, and now by actively choosing and hunting down someone as important as Ragnar. Suffice to say, if we do nothing, whomever is controlling it is going to knock out more of our hero's while we focus on fixing government structures and not dealing with more small but important objects/people like Ragnar and the like.
Good point, but we don't have enough actions to take actions right now.

The Ecclesiarch is already going to take half our availability, and we got two impending calamities and a prospective opportunity to headcap a high priority target in Imotekh.

We don't even have the chance to target Ghazghkull despite one of the voices reminding us.

Well, we could drop the blessings for Logan and Helbrecht, which would open up room to hit Ghazghkull and investigate this Daemon. But, would significantly lower the chances of success in removing Imotekh and steming Kraken imo
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Now listen, Helbrecht against Imotekh is the only notable thing I can think of. Though we can expect the Ork invasion of Rynn's World as well.

Oh, and we really need to prepare for the Kraken.

Other than that, I think we need to handle some of the things that came up.

Great. I killed Ragnar.

Although, it didn't help people largely ignored me...
Oh come now Eva, you had no way of possibly knowing Ragnar would be in anyway killed, none of us did. Besides that, I think this turn everyone is definitely going to be much more perceptive to listening, especially with how we are starting to see major consequences start occurring, with Bad (and Good) events now majorly starting to affect the galaxy because of our decisions now.
Dammit. We might also have the Orphean War. We went four years in this turn, 983-987, the Orphean War starts in 991, and is preceded by a Necron

We may need to just go for a wide swathe of blessings and tarots.

Let's see:

Golden Throne
This fucking Ecclesiarch.

We might be able to use the Communing with the zealot to get some assistance to some of those things...huh, apparently the Second Tyrannic War was a War of Faith, ironically.

And honestly, directing zealots against the real enemies and not those rebels who get caught up in rebelling against oppression would be a better use of such zealousness. We could use blessings to give him endurance, and to understand what we are really trying to convey as far as wanting our servants to act, as opposed to his interpretation.


As Malakbael is a Shrine World, would it be low bandwidth to convey the name, that it is a planet, and we want the Fabricator General to know to the Ecclesiarch?
I also, am fully behind this plan, so long as next turn we don't keep putting this demon on the backburner as it starts fucking us and all of our precious hero's and important people, every damn time we go and ignore them for that turn.
Good point, but we don't have enough actions to take actions right now.

The Ecclesiarch is already going to take half our availability, and we got two impending calamities and a prospective opportunity to headcap a high priority target in Imotekh.

We don't even have the chance to target Ghazghkull despite one of the voices reminding us.

Well, we could drop the blessings for Logan and Helbrecht, which would open up room to hit Ghazghkull and investigate this Daemon. But, would significantly lower the chances of success in removing Imotekh and steming Kraken imo
I would say Helbrecht, both for the Blessings, as he can and is both a highly Marital but also Tactical Marine, who's main con is his Zealotry when it proves a hinderance, rather than a boon in a combat situation that goes against something he doesn't like. Besides, I think a warning to hunt down a demon and a particularly vicious xeno race, would be all odds, probably fall if not under low bandwith, something easy to fall under a tarot sign if not.
So....anyone up for reviving the Lion?
To be honest, i think it is (as of right now) to much of an action sink, perhaps later when we have nudged the Imperium/Galaxy a bit more in our favor it can be done?

And also we definitely need to start consider the Daemon (or existing Master) as the main opposing player to us in this... Chess Game:
We make a move, They move to oppose us.
We acquire an asset, They move to deny us an asset.
We strengthen/Bless a important piece/event, They weaken/curses an piece/event.
Every move we make, They will make countermove.

So... What assets or events are we willing to lose/risk and what events/assets aren't even on the table to risk losing?