Well, if we ever want to go through some low-cost effort's, we can try and use tarot to try and do more than one message a turn, though its not like what we were doing before was majorly complex for the most part. If I had any idea, we could send a tarot message or two to a few highlords or induvial's, like Trajan to go and do stuff, like sending a force to hunt for a Angel, a lost weapon of Eons past on a palace of Amethyst on the planet of Karis Celaphola. While also warning of a threat beyond the stars whose coming will, be beyond counting and will try and kill everything unless the High lords are warned about the threat involved. Or telling Raskian in the tarot, vague descriptors of locations of places or artifacts of immense power and danger, like the seventh Blackstone fortress in Pacificus, or a beacon in the warp, powerful and vital for the throne, located on Makabeal, fragile but vital.
Stuff vague and not overly complex, and relatively simple to understand without overly trying to dumb complex thought into the tarot system that will just increase the amount of nonsense and misunderstanding the Tarot brings if we try and bring extremely complex orders or thought patterns into messages with a chance at misinterpreting.
That leaves enough room to focus on points to spend on warriors' weapons like Helbrecht, or following the advice of our voices in our head next turn, or as mentioned try and contact the Laughing god for an alliance of sorts. Which could help us stop the Coheria thread from turning out the way it did, since it had his major involvement all over the place from his Harlequins.