Wait, it did? What, that shouldn't work. I've never seen the tally double tally someone who changed their vote later :V Did I set a setting wrong? Yes, I did. There is a newest vote only option.
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The Second Battle for Epstost Major - Preparing the Battlespace New
The Second Battle for Epstost Major - Preparing the Battlespace

Epstost Major's landmass consists of the three large continents of Gentrice in the north, Oria in the east and Ilanus in the south, and the two smaller continents of Stormhold east of Oria, the home of the Halo Swords and seat of their fortress monastery, forever clouded in hefty storms and wind and Nerum, and Nerum, which layed west of Ilanus.

And then there were the Eree Islands. Isolated six thousand kilometers from any other major landmass, these forsaken isles had been abandoned by all since the invasionl. When the Tyranids retreated in their frantic bid to salvage what they could from your unrelenting, earth-scorching campaign against their capillary towers, they did not reclaim the bioforms and tyrannoforming on these remote islands. The Imperium, too, had turned a blind eye, expending the resources necessary to purge the feral Tyranid infestation that had taken root there very much down their list of priorities.

Satellite and air scout images had shown you the grim reality: All seven major islands twisted into grotesque, deadly parodies of lushness, overrun by a nightmare of feral tyranid fauna and flora. Once fertile lands had been corrupted into living, writhing horrors, colossal "trees" of sinew and chitin twisting skyward, draped in fleshy vines that writhed like serpents. These monstrous "trees" were crowned with pulsing masses of wriggling leaves desperate to catch , their roots burrowing deep into the earth, sucking the very life from the soil. The ground itself was carpeted with a seething, undulating mass of smaller organisms now engaged in a relentless battle for supremacy, each one a hideous amalgamation of carapace, flesh, and latent hunger. The air was thick with the stench of spores and the oppressive, otherworldly hum of countless feral bioforms, all driven by instinct alone, devoid of purpose but to exist, to spread, to consume, to reproduce.

It was the perfect place for you to grind KillKrusha and all the ork freaks on its stupid spaceship into dust, far from the touch of human civilization and separated from it by a thousand kilometers of ocean. If every last shred of Tyranid corruption was obliterated in the ensuing battle, no one would mourn the loss.

The cockpit of your ACU feels like a familiar, comforting place. As you sink into the command chair, the last traces of tension slip away. With a press of a button, the forty-meter-tall machine comes to life, its quantum core warming up with a hum as the control surfaces and screens illuminate. You briefly lament the lack of your preferred blue hue, but the adjusted monochrome color scheme is functional enough, and there's no medtech in this universe you trust to tamper with your brain to fix your lack of color vision.

"Hey, Luna," you say, cracking your neck as you begin the startup and checkup sequence, your eyes darting between component readouts and status notifications. "Miss me?"

"While our opportunities for communication have diminished, I remain constantly at your side," the integrated QAI responds in its usual toneless manner. "Command Units Shepard and Harkon are fully operational and ready for the proceeding operations."

"Excellent," you reply, before opening a channel to Katrisha. "Pastor Command, General Shepard ready for launch. Finalizing startup sequence. All systems green. Ready to gate." You press the final startup button, and the ACU roars to life beneath you, its baleful eyes glowing a menacing blue.

"Copied, General. Airspace is clear. Hive Teams and Paladin Teams have exited the perimeter and are en route. Green light to open bunker doors and proceed to the ground gate."

"Roger, Pastor Command. What's the ETA on Paladin Team?"

"Paladin Team will reach Sunhollow Island in fifteen hours."

"Copy. Opening bunker doors, and proceeding to gate. Luna, connect to the orbital gate, check coordinates, confirm power core and capacitor bank charge status." You press another button, and doors weighing thousands of tons of cobalt-blue steel move aside, allowing the ACU to exit its armored storage bunker.

"Connection to the space gate is stable. Position corrected to the edge of optimal range. Ground gate charge is green, and coordinates for Sunhollow Island are locked in."

"Confirmed from our end, General," Katrisha says, her tone measured. "Gate activation in two minutes."

"Well, then, let's go, baby," you murmur, issuing the move order. The ten-thousand-ton machine lumbers forward with heavy steps toward the ground gate. The space between its two arches flickers with al field of blue energy as the massive machine marches into it, disappearing into the buffer without emerging on the other side.

You remain in transit for only a few seconds as quantum technology you barely comprehend surges with energy, rematerializing you fifteen thousand kilometers away on the nightside of Epstost Major. You emerge with an explosion of bright blue energy, vaporizing any Tyranid organisms in close proximity and setting those farther away aflame. The surface of your command unit shimmers with residual heat and energy. Feral organisms miles away scatter in terror, nothing more than cowardly insectoid beasts without the presence of the Hive Mind.

"No deviation in landing coordinates detected," Luna reports as your battle map assembles itself on the central screen. "We have reached Sunhollow Isle."

"Pastor Command, we've reached Sunhollow and will begin Phase One of Operation Eerie Lure," you comm to Katrisha, ordering your ACU to construct a land factory on the scorched ground where you landed. You queue up engineers, mass extractors, and power generators. "Constructing a ground gate to enable Commander Harkon to gate into the OA."

"Command Unit Harkon stands ready, General," Katrisha confirms. "I have a message from General Laurent for you. She wishes you good luck and hopes that the Riot Pod patch works as the techs promised."

"Luna, track the course of the Killkrusha and run continuous stochastic analysis of its landing site. Monitor feral Tyranid activity," you instruct, acknowledging the message without further comment as the second mass extractor comes online.

"Radar imaging of Gargoyle swarms indicates increased activity, but so far, no coordinated hostile action detected."

Two and a half hours into Operation Eerie Lure, Eliza guided her sACU through the gate, following Rebecca into the abyss. The moment she issued the command to move, her piloting suit administered a cocktail of drugs, lulling her into a tranquilized haze. The world softened, her eyes fluttering shut as her heartbeat steadied. Clutching the purity seal on her chest, she murmured prayers through slurred lips, the words blending with the mechanical stride of her sACU as it marched into the ground gate, her involvement reduced to a passive passenger.

As she crossed the threshold and emerged on the other side, a deeply buried part of her mind screamed in silent terror. Something was wrong, terribly wrong, like her mind was in two places at once simultaniously. Her heart rate spiked, blood pressure surging as a fleeting wave of vertigo and confusion threatened to surface. But the potent drugs held it at bay, drowning the instinctual panic beneath layers of synthetic calm.

A second dose of medication shot into her arm, flooding her system with stimulants. The fog lifted abruptly, leaving her wide awake, drenched in sweat, and painfully aware of every grain of dust in the cockpit.

"Time for beauty sleep is over, Commander," Rebecca's image flickered to life on the right display. The steely determination in her scowl, framed by creeping gray roots and the thin scar over her eye, snapped Eliza out of her daze. "We have a battlefield to prepare. Get to work."

"Yes, General," Eliza replied, forcing control into her voice. She quickly scanned the cockpit, reacquainting herself with the controls before turning to the central screen. The base Rebecca had established since the operation began was stark and utilitarian, a barebones setup designed to rush a powerful economy capable of constructing a QGW R-32 quickly. Rebecca's ACU was already on the move, expanding factories with relentless precision.

"Pastor Command, Commander Harkon has arrived in the Operational Area and will commence Phase 2-H," Eliza reported, her voice steadying. "I'll begin Phase 2-S. We'll take it from here."

"Copy that, General," Katrisha's face appeared above Rebecca's. "Show them no mercy. The Emperor protects."

"The Emperor protects," Eliza and Rebecca intoned in unison. The former Sororitas, her golden eyes burning with faith, nodded once before disconnecting. Eliza blinked, still shaken by the gating process, and forced herself to recall the details of Phase 2-H.

"Constructing a Continental and five T3 Engineers. Upgrading RAS and C-D3 Drone. Moving southeast to begin Phase 2-H, economic expansion onto Rockshore Island."

"Then get to it," Rebecca barked, her command snapping Eliza back into focus. She quickly executed the necessary steps, loading her sACU and engineers into the Continental transport and setting course for the southern of the twin islands. Her Operational Area spanned the narrow strait between Sunhollow and Rockshore, where she was to establish a base to launch a direct assault on Sunhollow's southern shore and distribute forces across the island.

Rebecca had warned that even if the lure worked, there was no guarantee the vile greenskin would, or could, land his looted starship directly atop the Lure Base. Moreover, the strength and composition of the KillKrushKroosa's landing force remained unknown. Flexibility in force deployment was crucial, especially since the landing was likely to occur during Rebecca's sleep cycle, leaving the first six hours of combat squarely on Eliza's shoulders.

The weight of that responsibility made her swallow hard. Yet it was a relatively low-risk assignment. Rebecca's plan anticipated that the orks would eventually push them off Sunhollow Island. Eliza's objective was to inflict as much attrition as possible, trading war material and xenos lives before retreating to Rockshore from where they were to wage a prolonged campaign. Her secondary goal was to construct the needed fallback base on Rockshore's northern shore.

Eliza struggled to match Shepard's relentless pace, making mistakes and forgetting critical tasks. Despite months of intense commander training, she and Sena were far from ideal candidates for the commander program under normal circumstances, and neither had the benefit of biological augmentation. But Eliza knew that, in the end, it didn't matter. They were chosen because they were trustworthy. She just needed to be good enough, to guard Rebecca's back while she slept and carry out her assignments adequately. She trusted Rebecca to win this battle if Eliza, Shepard's abominable QAI, and the Knights of Tet could hold the line long enough to prevent a total collapse. The absurdity of the situation wasn't lost on her: the Emperor had entrusted her with a warmachine powerful enough to lay siege to her own city and demand her father name her his heir by force. A weapon that, in the right hands, was unstoppable by any conventional army.

The vulnerable part of the equation was her. She needed rest, sleep, and already, after just a few hours, she felt her focus wavering and her nerves fraying. Rebecca had made it abundantly clear via "friendly" ACU on ACU training matches just how outmatched Eliza and Katrisha would be in a direct confrontation with her. It was a subtle yet effective message, one that Eliza respected.

"Background radio chatter from space suggests the Imperial Armada has engaged the Ork fleet," Luna's voice cut through Eliza's concentration, jolting her out of her efforts to establish the Knights' rearmament and repair base. Integration Conclave members were already being gated in, setting up recuperation facilities and manufacturing plants to protofab ammunition and basic replacement parts for the ancient steeds, with no time to waste as Paladin Team's arrival loomed. Later, observers from all major branches of the Imperium present on Epstost Major would join them and Eliza sadly was also responsible for taking care of them.

"Emperor preserve them," Eliza whispered, her battlefield view shifting to the edge of her expanding base. She zoomed in on a group of T1 units she had positioned at the boundary of the Tyranid flora, watching as they tore through the chitinous underbrush, annihilating the xenos for her amusement and satisfaction. When the Tyranids had assaulted her home, she had felt helpless, weak, and small. But now, she was powerful, unstoppable by ordinary means, and the xenos horrors from the void were nothing but insects to be crushed under the might of her Automata Army.

A flicker of pride swelled in her chest as she observed the riot pods Laurent's tech priests had managed to patch into their unit templates. She didn't fully grasp the technical details, only that the UEF's tech priests had devised a tiny cogitator script to integrate these pods into nearly every unit. The EarthCOM tech priests had drawn inspiration from Imperial war machines to place the pods, the Mech Marine had one on its right chest, the Striker tank had one on each flank…

Eliza grinned, selecting the small T1 army and ordering them to advance into a dense section of Tyranid forest. She watched with satisfaction as the automata obeyed, their weapons blazing as their machine spirits detected xenos. Explosive shells and riot bullets shredded the chitinous underbrush, and Eliza gleefully revelled in the imagined screams of the xenos as they were torn apart in the merciless hailstorm.

Where will the Killkrushkroosa land? (Vote for the funniest one)
[]Right atop the Lure Base
[]In the Straight between the Twin Islands
[]In the Ocean
[]On Rockshore Island
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As nice as it is to get a world map, I feel like a map of the island chain we're fighting on would be a bit more practical.

[X] In the Straight between the Twin Islands

Hey Eliza, hope you can do well under pressure.
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[X]On Rockshore Island
-[X] right on top of the umie base, How are we supposta have a propra scrap if the big humie base is kill crushed as we land ya git!
[X]Right atop the Lure Base

I mean, his name IS Killkrusha. Wouldn't be very Killkrusha of him if he didn't try to killcrush them by landing on them. Wouldn't have been a good scrap anyhow if this was all it took to kill the humies.
[x]In the Ocean

No scrap in sight, and afaik orks aren't water breathers. They might legit all die, or just need to swim to the nearest island with no armor or Tek.
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as if I were to give an option here that would bypass the showdown with Killkrusha
For story reasons I get that, but in universe I don't get how it doesn't lose him his hulk and most of his equipment.

Turn the hulk into an underwater base? Amphibious assault orks in diving suits marching up the beach? Tiny rocket jets that somehow let the hulk maneuver on water?

Well, even if it offers no material advantage, I think it's funny if he has to swim to the fight. At least more funny then everything going to plan.
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For story reasons I get that, but in universe I don't get how it doesn't lose him his hulk and most of his equipment.

Turn the hulk into an underwater base? Amphibious assault orks in diving suits marching up the beach? Tiny rocket jets that somehow let the hulk maneuver on water?
The Hulk is the capital hive city of canophes BigMek somehow made fly-worthy. It is 150 kilometers tall and the ocean around the island chain is at most 3 km deep. Its also spacetravel worthy and has big engines with which it will land.
It will be fine.
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I get that wet navies aren't really featured in 40K but they do exist. Helsreach's had a few chapters featuring an Ork submarine fleet terrorizing oil platforms and landing an amphibious assault on the titular Hive.

Like, the Orks know what water is. They have ways of dealing with it.
No scrap in sight, and afaik orks aren't water breathers. They might legit all die, or just need to swim to the nearest island with no armor or Tek.
Just to note - there is at least one recorded occasion where Orks forgot that they need to breath and spent hours fighting a boarding action in a ship that mostly consisted out of holes.

Also you need to remember that Orks are basically one of the closest counterparts to ACU in Warhammer universe. Outfitting their KillaKans with breathing apparatus will take them half an hour at most. And then they will just walk on the sea floor.
Wonderful Quest Bot!
Just finished reading the entire thing (yes the previous post too)

All aboard for UEF Navy!
Also a tsunami will be hilarious (especially if Gretchin's surf)

[X]In the Ocean

[X] In the Straight between the Twin Islands
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there was no guarantee the vile greenskin would, or could, land his looted starship directly atop the Lure Base.
One the one hand Ork accuracy and piloting are famously pathetic. On the other hand the ship has a footprint of almost 2000 square kilometres (or more if they don't land the tall cone-shaped hive bottom down).
Horseshoes, hand-grenades and hive-ships: close is quite enough.

Where will the Killkrushkroosa land? (Vote for the funniest one)
Funniest? Complete miss. Dude has a projectile the size of a small island and couldn't even hit the archipelago.

[X]In the Ocean

[] We'z still flying half a Kroosa
The whole point of the lure is go get as many Orks in one place as possible. The other half of the ship would come down somewhere.
The whole point of the lure is go get as many Orks in one place as possible. The other half of the ship would come down somewhere.

(Vote for the funniest one)

Doesn't have to be a good idea.

The Hulk is the capital hive city of canophes BigMek somehow made fly-worthy. It is 150 kilometers tall and the ocean around the island chain is at most 3 km deep. Its also spacetravel worthy and has big engines with which it will land.
It will be fine.

Yeah, it's not the Orks that'll need swimming lessons. Revy and Eliza however...

When that Hive goes up against the ocean, it's the Hive that'll win.
So we'll be dealing with what, a 3 kilometers worth of water being rather violently displaced.

Mega tsunami would be an understatement.
The near side of the island chain is likely to get stripped to the bedrock.
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