A Beacon of Hope in the Darkness: Warhammer 40,000 Xeno Civ Quest

Turn 10 planning vote closed New
Adhoc vote count started by Zolarian01 on Sep 13, 2024 at 10:01 AM, finished with 8 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Shifting into Gears
    - [X] Naval Actions
    -- [X] Hunter-class corvette (4x)
    - [X] Infrastructure Actions
    -- [X] Major Action 1
    --- [X] Build mining facilities in the Al'tarkin Depression (14 months)
    --- [X] Build Dan'xenal mining facilities in the Swal'torrek Mountains (6 months)
    --- [X] Build nanomaterial manufactory complex in the Kol'harrak District (4/6.4 months)
    -- [X] Major Action 2
    --- [X] Build nanomaterial manufactory complex in the Kol'harrak District (6.4/6.4 months)
    --- [X] Build nanomaterial manufactory complex in the Carr'iostan District (7 months)
    --- [X] Fortify the Gen'xarril Plains arcologies (4.8/4.8 months)
    --- [X] Upgrade shipyards to Tier 1, Level 2 (14.4/15 months)
    -- [X] Major Action 3
    --- [X] Upgrade shipyards to Tier 1, Level 2 (15/15 months)
    --- [X] Build underwater high-speed maglev rail network in the Teq'naris Archipelago (Phase 1) (16.56 months)
    -- [X] Minor Action 1
    --- [X] Build mineral processing facilities (8x)
    -- [X] Minor Action 2
    - [X] Archeology Actions
    -- [X] Action 1
    --- [X] Analysis - Encrypted Files from XA-07 (1/2 years)
    -- [X] Action 2
    --- [X] Analysis - Encrypted Files from XA-07 (2/2 years)
    -- [X] Action 3
    --- [X] Explore unknown alien ruins XA-06 (Level 3) (1 year)
    -- [X] Action 4
    --- [X] Explore unknown alien ruins XA-08 (16 months)
    - [X] Research Actions
    --- [X] Optical Computation - First Generation Optical Computers (1 year/3 years 2 months)
    --- [X] Optical Computation - First Generation Optical Computers (2 years/3 years 2 months)
    --- [X] Optical Computation - First Generation Optical Computers (3 years/3 years 2 months)
    --- [X] Optical Computation - First Generation Optical Computers (3 years 2 months/3 years 2 months)
    --- [X] Analysis - Unknown Alien Cybernetics Data (19.2 months/ 1 year 19.2 months)
    -- [X] Action 5
    --- [X] Analysis - Unknown Alien Cybernetics Data (1 year 19.2 months)
    - [X] Faith Actions
    -- [X] Pantheon
    --- [X] Action 1
    ---- [X] Build Shrines of Forging (Repeatable) (1/1 year)
    --- [X] Action 2
    ---- [X] Basic Flameweaver Rites (1 year/1 year 12 months)
    --- [X] Action 3
    ---- [X] Basic Flameweaver Rites (1 year 12 months/1 year 12 months)
    ---- [X] The Drums of Battle (12 months)
    -- [X] Psionic
    ---- [X] Basic Anti-Void Barriers: Prototype Refinement (1 year/3 years)
    ---- [X] Basic Anti-Void Barriers: Prototype Refinement (2 years/3 years)
    ---- [X] Basic Anti-Void Barriers: Prototype Refinement (3 years/3 years)

Ok, time to cook up the overview.
A little heads up for you all.

I am almost done with the overview for Turn 10 and.....all I can say is you fellas are in for a surprise.
Turn 10 overview New
The tenth year of our ascension to the cosmos ends with some more major infrastructural projects being completed, even as four new corvettes are commissioned, the new optical computers are made available for general use, and the arts of the deities are being slowly rediscovered, with an appreciable breakthrough in that direction.

Overview: Naval Actions
Hunter-class corvette × 4

Description: A basic warship design based on the Resolution-class, the Hunter-class is a simple vessel armed with small caliber guns, laser cannons, missiles and torpedoes.
Cost: 190 M minerals, 57 M nanomaterials
Build time: 9 months
Shakedown cruise duration: 1 month

Thanks to the efforts of our shipyards and shipbuilders, our Cosmonaval Fleet has again doubled in size, as the Hunter-5, Hunter-6, Hunter-7 and Hunter-8 have been built and commissioned by the AUMCC.

Overview: Infrastructure Actions
Build mining facilities in the Al'tarkin Depression

Description: The Al'tarkin Depression is a unique one, as far as depressions are concerned. Geological surveys have shown it to be quite rich in minerals, which would be good news for us, if not for the fact that it is also the location of an extensive underground cave system that has not been fully surveyed so far. The presence of a large oasis in the vicinity complicates matters somewhat, due to the local fauna frequenting it. It will be quite the challenge to build a mine here.
Cost: 890 M minerals, 267 M nanomaterials
Time: 14 months
Chance of success: 60%
Rolls: 2d100 = 137 (Success)

It was quite tricky at times, considering the lack of sufficient knowledge about the nearby cave system, but we have succeeded in establishing mining facilities in the area. They are already churning out minerals as we speak. Meanwhile, the nearby oasis has been marked as a potential site for building arcologies.

Reward: Additional minerals production (+1.21 B minerals per year)

Build Dan'xenal mining facilities in the Swal'torrek Mountains

Description: Recent geological surveys in the Swal'torrek Mountains have revealed the presence of appreciable veins of Dan'xenal. It would serve us well to develop facilities to mine this vital mineral, as new applications for it are discovered.
Cost: 350 M minerals, 105 M nanomaterials
Time: 6 months
Chance of success: 85%
Rolls: 2d100 = 175 (Major success)

The construction of the new mines has gone off without a hitch, and they are producing fresh Dan'xenal as we speak. This will be helpful, considering the increased demand for it.

Reward: Additional Dan'xenal production (+2.25 M Dan'xenal per year)

Build nanomaterial manufactory complex in the Kol'harrak District

Description: The Kol'harrak District is a region of significant potential, thanks to the surge in construction here as of late. As such, there is a constant demand for raw materials. To address this, plans have been drawn up to build a nanomaterial manufactory complex here.
Cost: 620 M minerals, 186 M nanomaterials
Time: 6.4 months
Chance of success: 85%
Rolls: 2d100 = 174 (Major success)

The new nanomaterial manufactory complex in the Kol'harrak District is up and running, and already supplying us with nanomaterials for our needs.

Reward: Additional nanomaterials production (+840 M nanomaterials per year)

Build nanomaterial manufactory complex in the Carr'iostan District

Description: The Carr'iostan District is a rising economic node for the Dae'laan, with many new manufacturing facilities being built here. As such, there is a constant demand for raw materials. To address this, plans have been drawn up to build a nanomaterial manufactory complex here.
Cost: 690 M minerals, 207 M nanomaterials
Time: 7 months
Chance of success: 85%
Rolls: 2d100 = 180 (Brilliant success)

The new nanomaterial manufactory complex in the Carr'iostan District is up and running, and already supplying us with nanomaterials for our needs.

Reward: Additional nanomaterials production (+980 M nanomaterials per year)

Build underwater high-speed maglev rail network in the Teq'naris Archipelago (Phase 1)

Description: While basic inter-settlement railways have been built in the Teq'naris colony, to form a strong and hopefully, unassailable link to the mainland, it has been proposed to build an underwater high-speed rail line, connecting the island chain to the continent of Dek'manak. Such an undertaking, while definitely highly beneficial, is problematic due to the fact that our engineers do not have experience in building structures underneath the seas, or for that matter, the seabed.
Cost: 648 M minerals, 194.4 M nanomaterials
Time: 16.56 months
Chance of success: 65%
Rolls: 2d100 = 111 (Close success)

Our efforts on the third attempt have finally borne fruit, as the railway lines have been laid down, and are operational. It required a lot of work on the part of our engineers and priests to pull this feat off, and the People's Secretariat for Transportation intends to reward them for the same.

Reward: Additional minerals and nanomaterials production (+390 M minerals, +117 M nanomaterials per year)
Unlocked: Build underwater high-speed maglev rail network in the Teq'naris Archipelago (Phase 2) (Major Infrastructure Action)

Fortify the Gen'xarril Plains arcologies

Description: Our engineers have prepared a plan to incorporate defensive measures in the Gen'xarril Plans arcologies, since they were built before the fortified arcology designs were available. We should incorporate these upgrades as soon as possible.
Cost: 200 M minerals, 60 M nanomaterials
Time: 8 months
Chance of success: 70%
Rolls: 2d100 = 168 (Appreciable success)

The requisite upgrades to the arcologies in the Gen'xarril Plains have been incorporated by our engineers, rendering them safer to any form of armed assault.

Upgrade shipyards to Tier 1, Level 2

Description: Now that the new shipyard specifications are available, we should update and upgrade the existing ones to them as soon as feasible.
Cost: 570 M minerals, 171 M nanomaterials
Time: 15 months
Chance of success: 90%
Rolls: 2d100 = 163 (Appreciable success)

Our engineers have upgraded the existing shipyards to the newly developed specifications, resulting in an increase in shipbuilding capacity, as well as the ability to build larger vessels, in the future.

Reward: Shipyards upgraded to Tier 1, Level 2 (Can build 5 corvettes and 3 destroyers at once)

Build mineral processing facilities × 16

Cost: 172.8 M minerals, 52.48 M nanomaterials

The new mineral processing facilities have been brought online and are already contributing to our economy.

Overview: Archaeology Actions
Analysis - Encrypted Files from XA-07

Description: A cache of encrypted files has been brought back from the command center at the site XA-07. They now await the attention of the cybernetics experts at the AUAS.
Time: 2 years
Chance of success: 67%
Rolls: 2d100 = 93 (Close failure)

The second attempt at cracking the files obtained from XA-07 has made more headway through the complicated layers of quantum encryption, to the point that they are confident of cracking it the next time they give it a try.

Status: Chance of success increased by 15%

Explore unknown alien ruins XA-06 (Level 3)

Cost: 2.8 M minerals, 840K nanomaterials
Time: 1 year
Chance of success: 72%
Rolls: 2d100 = 182 (Brilliant success)

Having finished their work on the second level of the site, the team of Lorefinders descended down to the third level.

From the looks of it, the third level is an underground storage area, with warehouses full of suits of armor, weapons, ammunition, sensors and other such stuff. The amounts present here would be enough to outfit at least a few small regiments of superwarriors.

There is a rapid transit hub here, next to the warehouses, for transporting troops and supplies to their destinations. Our cybernetics experts have pulled the data from the control center's computers and gone over it. They say that the rail lines provide a linkage to more facilities such as this across the planet, XA-07 being one among them.

Overall, the facility is in very good shape after all these years, and the Lorefinders are of the opinion that it can be restored and reactivated, given enough resources and time.

Unlocked: Restore and reactivate Facility XA-06 (Major Infrastructure Option)

Explore unknown alien ruins XA-08

Cost: 2 M minerals, 600K nanomaterials
Time: 16 months
Chance of success: 70%
Rolls: 2d100 = 121 (Success)

Our cybernetics experts finally managed to get through the layers of encryption on the security protocols and have opened the doors to the site XA-08. Once opened, a team of experienced Lorefinders entered the facility, making their way through the screening floor with some difficulty (possibly due to it being an important military facility), but thankfully no casualties.

The actual facility turned out to be some distance below ground level, and upon leaving the reinforced elevator, the Lorefinders were stunned by what they saw.

From what they described, XA-08 seems to be a military manufactory, a garrison, a fortress and a rapid deployment hub - all combined into one, with two levels. At least, the holomaps obtained from the site say so.

The Lorefinders at the site have filed a preliminary report, requesting additional resources and personnel, while also shooting off a memo to the AUMCC about the importance of this site.

Unlocked: Explore unknown alien ruins XA-08 (Level 1) (Archaeological Action)

Overview: Research Actions
Optical Computation - First Generation Optical Computers

Description: Having developed proper and practical hardware for data storage in an optical medium, we are on the cusp of having realized optical computation. Now all that is left to be done, is to develop the rest of the hardware that will help us realize this dream, and provide another big boost to our computation capabilities.
Category: Computation
Cost: 57.5 M nanomaterials
Time: 3 years 2 months
Chance of success: 78%
Unlocks: G-1 Optical Computers available for general usage; research time for all projects reduced; additional research capacity available
Rolls: 2d100 = 154 (Notable success)

Our scientists have added yet another feather to their caps, as they have successfully created a working optical computer. This feat gives us much cause to be happy, as the new machines are projected to increase our overall computation capabilities considerably. Even now as we speak, they are being manufactured for general usage across the Dae'laan.

Reward: G-1 Optical Computers available for general usage; research time for all projects reduced by 20%; chance of success for all projects raised by 5%; 3 additional research slots available.

Analysis - Unknown Alien Cybernetics Data

Description: We have come across a cache of data concerning the cybernetic implants discovered from XA-05. By studying it first, we will be able to get a better understanding of the implants.
Category: Cybernetics
Cost: 50 M nanomaterials
Time: 1 year 19.2 months
Chance of success: 75%
Unlocks: Chance of success for Cybernetics Implants projects increased, research time for such projects reduced
Rolls: 2d100 = 173 (Major success)

Our researchers have carried out an exhaustive analysis of the cybernetic implants dats discovered from XA-05, and are now much better equipped to tackle this field and any projects related to it.

Reward: Chance of success for Cybernetics Implants projects increased by 10%, research time for such projects reduced by 10%.

Overview: Faith Actions
Build Shrines of Forging (Repeatable)

Description: The art of metalworking is one that originated with our ancestors trying to find better materials than stone with which to make weapons and tools out of. Over the years, it has been refined into what can be considered to be a top-notch craft, requiring skills and precision to produce cutting-edge products. It is no surprise that over the years, the blacksmiths became fervent devotees of the Fire Goddess's Metalworking Aspect, Tar'sankras. By building shrines dedicated to her, we can ensure that she is appeased, while at the same time ensuring that our products are of the best quality possible.
Cost: 2.5 M minerals, 750K nanomaterials
Time: 1 year
Chance of success: 85%
Rolls: 2d100 = 186 (Brilliant success)

Across the homeworld, shrines honoring those who work with metals have been built. They will help with the training of edafomancers, who are adept at the art of manipulating the ground, as well as the metal. Alongside, they will serve as centers of manufacturing and quality control and enhancement.

Reward: + 200 Shrines of Forging built across Xan'qarras. Training of Edafomancers increased. Quality of products increased by 1% overall.

Basic Flameweaver Rites

Description: The considerable power wielded by the flame is something that can give anyone pause. It can be used offensively and defensively, in a myriad variety of ways. The Flameweavers were those who excelled in the use of fire offensively, with a battery of spells to burn the enemy. Relearning them would be a good idea, considering what awaits us in the Void.
Time: 1 year 12 months
Chance of success: 85%
Rolls: 2d100 = 194 (Near-perfect success)

The most basic pyromantic spells and rites of an offensive nature have been mastered by the psiolytes, with the assistance of the priesthood. They will serve as the basis of a new corps of Flameweavers, who will be instrumental in the rediscovery of more advanced spells and rites of this nature.

Reward: Basic Flameweaver spells and rites available; Flameweavers available for recruitment.
Unlocked: Intermediate Flameweaver Rites (Lore of Fire)

The Drums of Battle

Description: Alongside Nes'taria, there is another deity whose influence hangs heavy over us. The goddess of war, Kre'valis, was invoked often by soldiers before marching into battle. Even though it has been quite some time since the last wars were fought, her aura is undeniable, due to the warrior spirit that resides within. She is still invoked, in order to restrain the curse of Rak'sarkon. Many are the legends that speak of her. They must be collated for the good of her priesthood and our populace.
Time: 12 months
Chance of success: 90%
Unlocks: Lore of War
Rolls: 2d100 = 192 (Near-perfect success)

Our priest and priestesses have worked hard to prepare the Kre'valsarri Codex, a combined compilation of written works concerning the goddess of war. It will be of much aid to us in the times to come.
Unlocked: Lore of War; new Faith Actions available.

Basic Anti-Void Barriers: Prototype Refinement

Description: During the Years of Darkness, our priesthood were working fervently on a means to shield our warriors from the ruinous energies of the Void. They were only able to develop some crude prototypes, which were not particularly effective at carrying out their intended role. But they still were able to provide an advantage to us, however slight. We must rediscover the research on them and get to work on it if we intend to survive the attentions of the Dark Gods.
Time: 3 years
Chance of success: 69%
Rolls: 2d100 = 165 (Appreciable success)

The painstaking efforts of our priesthood and psiolytes over the past years have finally borne rich fruit, thanks to some chance breakthroughs, as the prototypes of the anti-Void barriers developed by our ancestors have been refined into something much more functional and effective. They have been named "Aetherian Shrouds". The priesthood and psiolytes iterate that this is but a preliminary design, subject to change and improvements in the future.

Reward: Basic Aetherian Shrouds available

  • Previous stockpile: 3.7845 B
  • Previous production (Total): 7.1195 B
  • New production (Total): 7.1195 B + 1.21 B + 390 M + 80 M = 8.7995 B
  • Previous upkeep: 870 M
  • New upkeep: 870 M + 420 M = 1.29 B
  • Previous production (Actual): 6.2495 B
  • New production (Actual): 8.7795 B - 1.29 B = 7.4895 B
  • Expenditure: 4.1381 B
  • Calculated stockpile: 3.7845 B - 4.1381 B + 6.2495 B + 504.17 M + 111.15 M + 2 × (4.4 M + 3.8 M + 3.2 M + 2.6 M + 2.0 M + 1.4 M + 0.8 M + 0.2 M) - 420 M = 6.128 B

Exotic gasses
  • Previous stockpile: 653 M
  • Previous production (Total): 25.5 M
  • New production (Total): 25.5 M
  • Previous upkeep: 14 M
  • New upkeep: 14 M
  • Previous production (Actual): 11.5 M
  • New production (Actual): 11.5 M
  • Expenditure: Nil
  • Calculated stockpile: 653 M + 11.5 M = 664.5 M

Radioactive materials
  • Previous stockpile: 16.1 M
  • Previous production (Total): 750,000
  • New production (Total): 750,000
  • Previous upkeep: 350,000
  • New upkeep: 350,000
  • Previous production (Actual): 400,000
  • New production (Actual): 400,000
  • Expenditure: Nil
  • Calculated stockpile: 15.7 M + 400,000 = 16.5 M

  • Previous stockpile: 7.7394 B
  • Previous production (Total): 5.8507 B
  • New production (Total): 5.8507 B + 840 M + 980 M + 117 M = 7.7877 B
  • Previous upkeep: 536 M
  • New upkeep: 536 M + 126 M = 662 M
  • Previous production (Actual): 5.3147 B
  • New production (Actual): 7.7877 B - 662 M = 7.1257 B
  • Expenditure: 1.3496 B
  • Calculated stockpile: 7.7394 B - 1.3496 B + 5.3147 B + 756 M + 596.17 M + 33.34 M - 126 M = 12.964 B

  • Previous stockpile: 4.83 M
  • Previous production (Total): 550,000
  • New production (Total): 550,000 + 2.25 M = 2.8 M
  • Previous upkeep: 15,000
  • New upkeep: 15,000 + 75,000 = 90,000
  • Previous production (Actual): 535,000
  • New production (Actual): 2.8 M - 90,000 = 2.71 M
  • Expenditure: Nil
  • Calculated stockpile: 4.295 M + 535,000 + 375,000 - 75,000 = 5.13 M

A/N: You made a killing again, you filthy animals!

Time to prepare Turn 11.

PS: Enjoy it while you can, because a little shock is coming your way in the near future.
Last edited:
Possible problems:

Fleet attack
I think we're decently set in terms of ability to pump out a fleet in an emergency. We can't build destroyers yet, but we've been on top of research, and I don't think destroyers could have been beelined for.

Demon attack/wild beast attacks:
We don't really know what we have in the way of an army, but we've done a little preparation in faith actions. We haven't ignored it completely.

Resource depletion:
Well, nothing we can do to prepare for that.

Unless it's something we're getting an entirely outside context problem, I think we're set.

All I can say to that is - wait and watch (although the Imperium at this point still is unaware of your existence).


The scenarios you have laid out are quite reasonable enough, and here are my answers to that.

1. If a crisis does come upon you, you can at best spam corvettes, quickly research destroyers and churn them out too, and hope that the enemy has nothing in the way of capital ships (supercruisers, battleships, dreadnoughts).

2. I would worry less about the fauna on your homeworld, and more about the Daemons. And talking about Chaos, you would need more than just temples to take the fight to them.

For starters, the Navis Imperialis doesn't have corvettes.

As to your question - well, I can say that our corvettes would give a good account of themselves against Imperial destroyers and frigates. 4-6 destroyers and 1-3 frigates against 8-10 of our corvettes?

That would end badly for them.


Noted it and fixed it.
As to your question - well, I can say that our corvettes would give a good account of themselves against Imperial destroyers and frigates. 4-6 destroyers and 1-3 frigates against 8-10 of our corvettes?

That would end badly for them.
Ok, that's good. So what about a dozen destroyers, 4-6 frigates and 1 light cruiser for the Imperials? What's our chance of beating that?

In that case, the presence of the light cruiser would complicate things somewhat. You would need some destroyers to tip the balance in your favor.