So my updated plan......
[]Plan Per Ardua ad Astra II
-[X]Naval Actions (1 425 M minerals, 427.5 M nanomaterials)
--[X]Shipyard 1
---[X] Shipbuilding - Hunter Corvettes x5 (475 M minerals, 142.5 M nanomaterials)
--[X]Shipyard 2
---[X]Shipbuilding - Hunter Corvettes x5 (475 M minerals, 142.5 M nanomaterials)
--[X]Shipyard 3
---[X] Shipbuilding - Hunter Corvettes x5 (475 M minerals, 142.5 M nanomaterials)
-[X] Infrastructure Actions (5518.8 M minerals, 1 650.08 M nanomaterials
--[X]Major Actions 1-2 (20.4 months)
---[X]Build mining facilities in the Northern Dap'tarral Plateau (Phase 1) (1 250 M minerals, 375 M nanomaterials) [14 months / 7 months]
---[X]Build mining facilities in the Southern Dap'tarral Plateau (Phase 1) (1 300 M minerals, 390 M nanomaterials) [15.5 months / 8 months]
---[X]Build Dan'xenal mining facilities in the Nel'rannir Hills (500 M minerals, 135 M nanomaterials) [5.5 months / 2.8 months]
---[X]Build Dan'xenal mining facilities in the Kem'xarrok Valley (450 M minerals, 135 M nanomaterials) [5.2 months / 2.6 months]
--[X] Major Actions 3-4 (2 years 22.6 months)
Build orbital defense platform (450M minerls, 135 M nanomaterials) [23 months / 11.5 months]
---[X]Build orbital shipyard (492 M minerals, 147.6 M nanomaterials] [21.2 months / 10.6 months]
Restore and reactivate Facility XA-06 (4 950 M minerals, 1 485 M nanomaterials) [4 years 1 month / 2 years 0.5 months]
--[X]Minor Action 1
---[X] Build automated farm complexes x8 (86.4 M minerals, 23.04 M nanomaterials) [2.88 months each / 11.52 months]
--[X]Minor Action 2
---[X]Build exotic gas refineries x8 (86.4 M minerals, 23.04 M nanomaterials) [2.88 months / 11.52 months]
--[X] Minor Action 3
---[]X]Build nuclear breeder reactors x8 (86.4 M minerals, 23.04 M nanomaterials) [2.88 months / 11.52 months]
-[X}Archeology Actions (6.8 M minerals, 2.1 M nanomaterials)
--[X] Action 1-2
---[X]Analysis - Encrypted Files from XA-07 [2 years / 1 year]
--[X] Action 3-4
---[X]Explore unknown alien ruins XA-08 (Level 1) (2 M minerals, 0.6 M nanomaterials) [16 months / 8 months]
---[X]Explore unknown alien ruins XA-10 (1.4 M minerals, 0.42 M nanomaterials) [18 months / 9 months]
--[X] Action 5-6
-[X]Research Actions (2 721 M nanomaterials)
--[X]Actions 1-4 (3 yrs 18.6 months)
---[X]Analysis - Unknown Alien War Machines (96 M nanomaterials) [2 yrs 20.6 months / 11.15 months]
---[X]Military Vessel Designs - Destroyers (150 M nanomaterials) [9.6 months / 2.4 months]
---[X]Improved Corvette Maintenance Subroutines (225 M nanomaterials) [8.1 months / 2 months]
---[X]Improved Shipyard Maintenance Subroutines (150 M nanomaterials) [6.3 months / 1.6 months]
---[X]Analysis - Unknown Alien Cosmocraft Designs (700 M nanomaterials) [14 yrs 6.14 months / 3 yrs 1.507 months]
--[X] Actions 5-8
---[X]Analysis - Advanced Personal Combat Armor Data (200 M nanomaterials) [4 years 4 months / 1 year 1 months]
-[X]Faith Actions
--[X] Pantheon Actions 1-2
--[X]Basic Sanctification Rites [2 years / 1 year]
--[X]Pantheon Actions 3-4
---[X] Basic Exorcism Rites [2 years / 1 year]
--[X]Pantheon Actions 5-6
---[X]Basic Lunar Purification Rites [2 years / 1 year]
--[X] Psionic Actions 1-3
---[X][X]Basic Runecrafting Methods [2 years / 16 months]
---[X]Psiolyte Training Programs [1 year / 4 months]
---[X]Intermediate Wardcrafting Methods [3 years 6 months / 1 year 2 months] 1 yr 6 months
--[X] Psionic Actions 4-5
---[X]Basic Formation Crafting Methods [2 years / 1 year]
Resources Spent:
7 017 M minerals
4 792.68 M nanomaterials
I'll recalculate the resources used in the plan a bit later. It will be decreased though because I got rid of a lot of options in order to spend more slots per action to try to get the actions completed more quickly.
@Zolarian01 Can you please let me know if this plan is formatted correctly for you? Also how strict is the 12 month limits for completing an action in a single turn? For example I've got two slots allocated to the Research action for Unknown Alien Cosmonaut Designs which takes 7 yrs 3.07 months - that should take 8 turns, correct? If slots are freed up in later turns, can we sink them into actions already being researched in order to complete them earlier?
If I've calculated Psionic Actions 1-3 correctly the two Psiolyte Training Programs should be completed this turn and the slots will still be tied up this turn but the Intermediate Wardcrafting Methods should be completed next turn, but if I put Intermediate Wardcrafting Methods first then no options will be completed this turn and all will be completed next turn.