A Beacon of Hope in the Darkness: Warhammer 40,000 Xeno Civ Quest

A little heads up for you all.

I am nearly done with the Turn 14 overview and should be able to drop it by the weekend.

Get ready for this one.
A little heads up for you all.

I ended up finishing the Turn 13 overview way earlier than expected, and thus will drop it in an hour.
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Turn 13 overview
The thirteenth year of our ascension to the cosmos ends with more major infrastructural projects, both civilian and military, being completed, even as our Navy undergoes a slight expansion, with two new corvettes and four new destroyers being commissioned, a few vital breakthroughs in the scientific fields, the arts of the deities are being slowly rediscovered, with some good progress in that direction, even as the first planetary colony ship is built and our people look to settle celestial bodies beyond our homeworld.

Overview: Naval Actions
Purveyor-class planetary colony ship × 1
Hunter-class corvette × 2
Raider-class destroyer × 4

Cost: 1.1995 B minerals, 359.91 M nanomaterials
Shakedown cruise duration: 1 month

Thanks to the efforts of our shipbuilders, we have been able to inaugurate the first vessel intended to carry colonists to form a planetary colony, the Purveyor, even as two new Hunter-class corvettes and four new Raider-class destroyers have been added to the Cosmonaval Fleet.

Overview: Infrastructure Actions
Build mining facilities in the Northern Dap'tarral Plateau (Phase 3)

Description: The Dap'tarral Plateau is an expansive volcanic plateau that has seen considerable volcanic activity in the past. As of now, the several volcanoes here have gone silent for many years, and the region is now teeming with several highly rich mineral veins. The problem with tapping then lies in the fact that there are quite a lot of them, and thus we will have to split the operations into two regions - north and south, and then staggering the operations for each region over multiple phases. It will be a very, very laborious undertaking, but the end results will be worth it.
Cost: 1.4 B minerals, 420 M nanomaterials
Time: 13.8 months
Chance of success: 85%
Rolls: 2d100 = 183 (Brilliant success)

At long last, the final stage of mine development in the northern Dap'tarral Plateau is complete! This development has come at a particularly opportune time, as the Cor'av'na and the Defense Secretariat have considerable plans for the Dae'laan.

Reward: Increased minerals production (+3.5 B minerals per year)

Build mining facilities in the Southern Dap'tarral Plateau (Phase 3)

Description: The Dap'tarral Plateau is an expansive volcanic plateau that has seen considerable volcanic activity in the past. As of now, the several volcanoes here have gone silent for many years, and the region is now teeming with several highly rich mineral veins. The problem with tapping then lies in the fact that there are quite a lot of them, and thus we will have to split the operations into two regions - north and south, and then staggering the operations for each region over multiple phases. The second phase has been completed, and now we head on to the third. It will be a very, very laborious undertaking, but the end results will be worth it.
Cost: 1.65 B minerals, 495 M nanomaterials
Time: 15.7 months
Chance of success: 85%
Rolls: 2d100 = 173 (Major success)

At long last, the final stage of mine development in the southern Dap'tarral Plateau is complete! This development has come at a particularly opportune time, as the Cor'av'na and the Defense Secretariat have considerable plans for the Dae'laan.

Reward: Increased minerals production (+3.75 B minerals per year)

Build Blue Dan'xenal mining facilities in the Nel'rannir Hills

Description: The Nel'rannir Hills have a rather grim aspect to them, being devoid of most forms of vegetation, save a few exceedingly hardy shrubs. Such is the nature of the hills that they have inspired several myths of being cursed by Nes'taria. Recent surveys, however, suggest a cause that is more materialistic than divine. They have identified some Green Dan'xenal veins underneath, alongside veins of Blue Dan'xenal. In light of the recent scare, we should stock up on this hopefully useful material.
Cost: 650 M minerals, 195 M nanomaterials
Time: 8.5 months
Chance of success: 70%
Rolls: 2d100 = 154 (Notable success)

The new mining facilities at the Nel'rannir Hills are now complete, and producing a steady stream of Blue Dan'xenal for our researchers to have a look at.

Reward: Increased Blue Dan'xenal production (+4.3 M Blue Dan'xenal per year)

Build Green Dan'xenal mining facilities in the Bes'kaalar Valley

Description: Recent geological surveys have stumbled upon a sizable vein of Green Dan'xenal in the Bes'kaalar Valley. It would be a good idea to set up mining facilities there.
Cost: 550 M minerals, 165 M nanomaterials
Time: 5.3 months
Chance of success: 85%
Rolls: 2d100 = 162 (Appreciable success)

The construction of mines in the Bes' kaalar Valley has proceeded without any noteworthy incident and the newly built mines are already contributing to our Green Dan'xenal stockpiles.

Reward: Additional Green Dan'xenal production (+2.8 M Green Dan'xenal per year)

Build Green and Blue Dan'xenal mining facilities in the Aj'nellim Depression

Description: One of the notable characteristics of the Aj'nellim Depression is the unusual bright orange coloration of the sand present here. It has been the topic of speculation for years, to which we now have a feasible answer, as a survey has detected a vein of Green Dan'xenal alongside a vein of Blue Dan'xenal. A proposal has been prepared regarding tapping into them. All it needs are resources and personnel.
Cost: 850 M minerals, 255 M nanomaterials
Time: 8.2 months
Chance of success: 80%
Rolls: 2d100 = 173 (Major success)

The work on the new mines in the Zel'rithan Hills has been completed without trouble, and are yielding shipments of Green and Blue Dan'xenal as we speak.

Reward: Additional Green and Blue Dan'xenal production (+6.24 M Green Dan'xenal, +3.34 M Blue Dan'xenal per year)

Build nanomaterial manufactory complex in the Qaol'marik District

Description: The Qaol'marik District is a region of significant potential, thanks to the surge in construction here as of late. As such, there is a constant demand for raw materials. To address this, plans have been drawn up to build a nanomaterial manufactory complex here.
Cost: 750 M minerals, 225 M nanomaterials
Time: 7.2 months
Chance of success: 85%
Rolls: 2d100 = 193 (Near-perfect success)

The new nanomaterial manufactory complex in the Qaol'marik District is up and running, and already supplying us with nanomaterials for our needs.

Reward: Additional nanomaterials production (+1.55 B nanomaterials per year)

Build nanomaterial manufactory complex in the Wen'thaaram District

Description: The Wen'thaaram District is a rising economic node for the Dae'laan, with many new manufacturing facilities being built here. As such, there is a constant demand for raw materials. To address this, plans have been drawn up to build a nanomaterial manufactory complex here.
Cost: 850 M minerals, 255 M nanomaterials
Time: 8.2 months
Chance of success: 85%
Rolls: 2d100 = 192 (Near-perfect success)

The new nanomaterial manufactory complex in the Wen'thaaram District is up and running, and already supplying us with nanomaterials for our needs.

Reward: Additional nanomaterials production (+1.65 B nanomaterials per year)

Build nanomaterial manufactory complex in the Yev'zilgan District

Description: The Yev'zilgan District is a region of significant potential, thanks to the surge in construction here as of late. As such, there is a constant demand for raw materials. To address this, plans have been drawn up to build a nanomaterial manufactory complex here.
Cost: 950 M minerals, 285 M nanomaterials
Time: 9.2 months
Chance of success: 85%
Rolls: 2d100 = 195 (Near-perfect success)

The new nanomaterial manufactory complex in the Yev'zilgan District is up and running, and already supplying us with nanomaterials for our needs.

Reward: Additional nanomaterials production (+1.75 B nanomaterials per year)

Build arcologies near the Fen'zarril Hills

Description: Now that we have cut our teeth in building arcologies, it is time to take up more projects. The next group is slated to be built near the Fen'zarril Hills. The region is for the most part untamed and by building arcologies, we can populate it with minimal impact on the local environment.
Cost: 900 M minerals, 270 M nanomaterials
Time: 35 months
Chance of success: 71%
Rolls: 2d100 = 169 (Appreciable success)

A new set of arcologies have been built in the Fen'zarril Hills, and already they are being populated by those who wish to live closer to the untamed wilds. The colonists are beginning to settle down into what is a very wild part of the Nav'korran Expanse.

Rewards: 7 small arcologies built. Additional minerals and nanomaterials production (+950 M minerals, +285 M nanomaterials per year); population limit increases by 350 million.

Build arcologies in the Les'tarros Plains

Description: The Les'tarros Plains are a charming little piece of land in the proximity of a lush forest and a mineral node in the southeast of the Nav'korran Expanse. The terrain there would be an ideal candidate for building another group of arcologies.
Cost: 940 M minerals, 282 M nanomaterials
Time: 39 months
Chance of success: 72%
Rolls: 2d100 = 174 (Major success)

A new set of arcologies have been built in the Les'tarros Plains, and already they are being populated by those who wish to live closer to the untamed wilds. The colonists are beginning to settle down into what is a very pristine part of the Nav'korran Expanse.

Rewards: 7 small arcologies built. Additional minerals and nanomaterials production (+1.35 B minerals, +405 M nanomaterials per year); population limit increases by 350 million.

Build a floating city

Description: Having proven the feasibility of building a city on water, now is the time to actually build one and see how it works out.
Cost: 300 M minerals, 90 M nanomaterials
Time: 16 months
Chance of success: 65%
Progress: 9/16 months

Work on the second floating city is progressing smoothly, with a little more than half of the work already done.

Build automated farming complexes × 8
Build exotic gas refineries × 8
Build nuclear breeder reactors × 6
Build Green Dan'xenal processing facilities × 12

Cost: 432 M minerals, 131.2 M nanomaterials

The new automated farming complexes, exotic gas refineries, nuclear breeder reactors and Green Dan'xenal processing facilities have been built and are already contributing to the economy.

Overview: Archaeology Actions
Explore unknown alien ruins XA-09 (Level 2)

Cost: 1.7 M minerals, 510K nanomaterials
Time: 15 months
Chance of success: 78%
Rolls: 2d100 = 163 (Appreciable success)

The Lorefinders have finished exploring the second level of the site XA-09.

On the second level, they found some more vats and cisterns to mix chemical agents in, as well as secure storehouses where they were presumably stored for use. Right now, they are empty - not a single barrel happens to be present. Not that it matters much, but we would liked to have a few for analysis.

Anyhow, their report states that this facility is in good shape, and can be restored with resources and time.

Unlocked: Restore and reactivate Facility XA-09 (Military Action)

Explore unknown alien ruins XA-10 (Level 2)

Cost: 5.6 M minerals, 1.68 M nanomaterials
Time: 16 months
Chance of success: 78%
Rolls: 2d100 = 172 (Major success)

The Lorefinders have carried out a thorough exploration of the second underground level of the site XA-10, and have compiled a report regarding the same.

The second level is quite expansive, with additional supplementary assembly lines present. Also present are sizable warehouses with crates full of components, which we presume are for the military equipment that used to be manufactured here. We will hopefully be able to put them to use in some way or the other.

What makes things better is the presence of an underground railway line, presumably to improve logistics, and connect this manufactory complex to the other military installations we have found earlier. This will naturally be of much use to us.

We have found schematics for vehicles and aircraft that mostly conform to what we had found in our earlier explorations of the XA-category sites. These can serve as a good basis for new vehicles and aircraft, and such has been noted down in the report to the Cor'av'na, along with the fact that this facility is in very good condition, and only needs resources and time to restore to working condition.

Unlocked: Restore and reactivate Facility XA-10 (Military Action)

Explore unknown alien ruins XA-11

Cost: 1.5 M minerals, 450K nanomaterials
Time: 20 months
Chance of success: 66%
Rolls: 2d100 = 97 (Close failure)

Based on the data from the last expedition five years ago, we got down to work, combing every bit of the sand we could see in front of us. We searched very thoroughly, but still could not find the hidden entrance. However, these searches have narrowed the field down to one particular region, where we have the most reason to believe the entrance is located.

Status: Chance of success increased by 14%

Explore unknown alien ruins XA-12

Cost: 1.5 M minerals, 450K nanomaterials
Time: 21 months
Chance of success: 50%
Rolls: 2d100 = 78 (Failure)

Much of the time of the second expedition to XA-12 has been consumed by exploring the cave system. It is indeed rather expansive, and offers excellent insights as to the geological history of Xan'qarras. We have named it the Vel'tazan Cave System.

During the course of the exploration, we checked each and every nook and cranny of the system, which has for obvious reasons slowed us down. One thing is obvious, though - we'll be here for quite a while, if we want to find that hidden entrance.

Status: Chance of success by 5%

Explore unknown alien ruins XA-13

Cost: 1.7 M minerals, 510K nanomaterials
Time: 23 months
Chance of success: 55%
Rolls: 2d100 = 96 (Close failure)

Having set up a mobile base camp on one of the sides of the canyon, our cybernetics teams got down to work on the cybersecurity systems. Five years ago, they were considered tough, tricky and resilient, but now, with the development of new quantum and optical supercomputers, dealing with them is appreciably easier. In fact, the algorithms have been decrypted up to 75% in this attempt. They ask for some more time, and they are sure to open the doors for us.

Status: Chance of success increased by 15%

Explore unknown alien ruins XA-14

Cost: 1.9 M minerals, 570K nanomaterials
Time: 1 year 2 months
Chance of success: 66%
Rolls: 2d100 = 87 (Failure)

It was all we could do to set up a proper base camp in the vicinity of the site, for starters. After that we mapped out the entire site with drones to get a better idea of what we were dealing…and it turned out to be quite a handful.

There is a very considerable amount of fortifications and defenses at the site, giving rise to the question: exactly what could it be that would warrant such security measures? We can only assume the level of the cybersecurity protocols if the physical defenses are so formidable. Nevertheless, we have gotten down to work, neutralizing external defenses and trying to crack down the cybersecurity measures.

Status: Chance of success increased by 2%

Explore unknown alien ruins XA-15

Cost: 2.2 M minerals, 660K nanomaterials
Time: 1 year 5 months
Chance of success: 60%
Rolls: 2d100 = 69 (Failure)

The site XA-15 is one way to redefine the term "challenge" (the other being XA-16).

For one, the location of the entrance is…unbelievable. An underground cave system that opens near the Sel'kaarnos Bay, which is a rather cyclone-prone region. The approach to the location is defended by a series of gun emplacements and hardened bunker aggregates, making it even more of a challenge.

Status: Chance of success set to 50%.

Explore unknown alien ruins XA-16

Cost: 2.5 M minerals, 750K nanomaterials
Time: 1 year 8 months
Chance of success: 60%
Rolls: 2d100 = 67 (Failure)

The site XA-16 is one way to redefine the term "challenge" (the other being XA-15).

The location of the entrance is in a rather hostile part of Xan'qarras - the footthills of the El'garkan Mountains, the highest mountain range on the planet. The fact that there are Neph'lar Drakes in the vicinity doesn't make it any easier, along with the bitterly cold temperatures.

Status: Chance of success set to 50%.

Explore unknown alien ruins XA-17

Cost: 2.8 M minerals, 840K nanomaterials
Time: 1 year 11 months
Chance of success: 63%
Rolls: 2d100 = 89 (Failure)

Regarding the site XA-17, our teams have been able to largely disable the automated defenses; however, the cybersecurity algorithms are proving to be a bit of a challenge. Our hackers, though, are confident of breaking them down, given some more time.

Status: Chance of success increased by 3%

Overview: Research Actions
Analysis - Unknown Alien Cosmocraft Designs

Description: We have come across designs and schematics for cosmocraft in the computers at XA-05. The All-Union Center for Cosmological Studies and the All-Union Military Command Committee have expressed an interest in having them studied in depth. This will go a very long way in helping develop our cosmonaval capabilities.
Category: Cosmocraft
Cost: 700 M nanomaterials
Time: 14 years 6.14 months
Chance of success: 77%
Unlocks: Research times and costs for Cosmocraft projects reduced by 25%.
(Major Breakthrough)
Rolls: 2d100 = 196 (Near-perfect success)

At long last, it is done! Our scientists and shipbuilders have sifted through all the designs and schematics obtained from XA-05 and run them through the newly built quantum and optical supercomputers, which enabled the project to not only be completed before the original deadline, but also make critical breakthroughs while doing so. This will be of great aid to the Cor'av'na and the Defense Secretariat in the future.

Rewards: Research times and costs for Cosmocraft projects reduced by 35%.

Analysis - Unknown Alien Genetic Engineering Data

Description: Among other things, we found a cache of data pertaining to the field of genetic engineering in XA-05. By studying it, we can glean some new insights, and hopefully, get an idea as to the biology of the alien species that once inhabited our homeworld in the past.
Category: Biotechnology
Cost: 120 M nanomaterials
Time: 2 years 3.84 months
Chance of success: 80%
Unlocks: Chance of success for Biotechnology projects increased by 7.5%
Rolls: 2d100 = 172 (Major success)

Having studied the genetic engineering data obtained from XA-05, our geneticists have gained an improved understanding of the field, which will be quite important, considering the fact that Project Nef'ar'zal is now a thing.

Reward: Chance of success for Biotechnology projects increased by 7.5%; cost of Biotechnology projects reduced by 15%.

Analysis - Unknown Alien Cybernetic Implants

Description: The implants recovered from the site XA-05 are of an intriguing nature in that they are supposed to integrate with the body of the recipient. Such a technology is rather unfamiliar to us, due to the fact that our senses have been heightened considerably with years of harsh training and livelihood to the point that the idea of artificially enhancing them was dismissed. Maybe, we should open up this concept again?
Category: Cybernetics
Cost: 200 M nanomaterials
Time: 3 years 18.72 months
Chance of success: 75%
Unlocks: Cybernetic implants available for production.
(Minor Breakthrough)
Rolls: 2d100 = 168 (Appreciable success)

The efforts of our researchers have seen the development of various cutting-edge cybernetic implants that integrate seamlessly with the biological body, without any ill side-effects. This is a welcome development in light of the initiation of Project Nef'ar'zal.

Reward: Cybernetics actions in Project Nef'ar'zal are unlocked.

Improved Destroyer Maintenance Subroutines

Description: Building a navy and maintaining it is by no means a cheap thing. It requires appreciable amounts of expenses - something that we can afford at the moment. Still, we should reduce expenses wherever possible. Our researchers have ideas for specialized subroutines that will help with the maintenance of our destroyers.
Category: Cosmocraft - Military
Cost: 415 M nanomaterials
Time: 15 months
Chance of success: 90%
Reward: Reduces upkeep cost of destroyers
Rolls: 2d100 = 175 (Major success)

Our labbers and engineers have come up with a series of specialized subroutines that will help streamline the maintenance of our destroyers, making them less expensive to maintain.

Reward: Raider-class destroyer maintenance costs reduced by 15%.

Orbital Shipyard Expansion (Level 3)

Description: Our cosmic engineers have come up with a plan to upgrade the existing design of the orbital shipyard we are building right now. The new design will have more berths for constructing vessels, and they will be made such that they are capable of building vessels one class larger than the destroyers.
Category: Cosmic Facilities
Cost: 950 M nanomaterials
Time: 4 years
Chance of success: 85%
Unlocks: Orbital Shipyard (Tier 1, Level 3) (Military Infrastructure Option)
Rolls: 2d100 = 164 (Appreciable success)

The intensive efforts on the part of our researchers has led to the development of a new orbital shipyard design that is larger than the existing one, with greater shipbuilding capacity, as well as the ability to build larger vessels.

Reward: Orbital Shipyard (Tier 1, Level 3) (Military Infrastructure Option)

Unlocked: Military Vessel Designs - Cruisers (Research Option); Orbital Shipyard Advancement (Tier 2) (Research Option)

Design Cycles - Orbital Defense Outpost

Description: In light of the recent scare that we had, the Cor'av'na is requesting the Sci-Res-Dev Secretariat to look into the possibility of upgrading our orbital defensive infrastructure. Our researchers are thus working out concepts for an upgrade to the orbital defense platforms we have right now. Given the current situation, it would be a very good idea to push it forth.
Category: Cosmic Defenses
Cost: 850 M nanomaterials
Time: 20 months
Chance of success: 85%
Unlocks: Orbital Defense Outpost (Military Infrastructure Option)
Rolls: 2d100 = 158 (Notable success)

It was a bit difficult, but our engineers have been able to pull it off. We now have a working design for our orbital defense outposts, which are appreciably expanded versions of our OD platforms, and capable of providing greater defensive capabilities than them.

Reward: Orbital Defense Outpost (Military Infrastructure Option)

Basic Electromagnetic Weaponry

Description: Now that we have properly studied the recovered electromagnetic weapons, it is about time we work on developing some functional examples of our own, based on the same.
Category: Military Equipment - Electromagnetic Weapons
Cost: 850 M nanomaterials
Time: 2 years 12 months
Chance of success: 90%
Unlocks: Basic Electromagnetic Weaponry available for production
Rolls: 2d100 = 186 (Brilliant success)

The untiring efforts of our military engineers has led to the development of several cutting edge weapons based on the principle of electromagnetic propulsion. Chief among them are a new cannon for our geodynes¹, along with a new series of firearms based on an innovative chemrail system, propelling bullets with Green Dan'xenal crystals embedded in them as armor-piercing micro-warheads. This new line of weaponry, named "Accelerator Weaponry", is being touted as a game-changer by some in the Cor'av'na, and there is already a push to transition to the new weapons.

Reward: Accelerator Weaponry available for mass production.

Overview: Faith Actions
Basic Stellar Restoration Rites

Description: The holy energies of the sun are not merely used for purification and cleansing, they have a restorative purpose as well. In the past, the Starwalkers aided the healers with their own abilities in this field. Rediscovering them would be of great benefit to us.
Time: 2 years
Chance of success: 90%
Rolls: 2d100 = 184 (Brilliant success)

The initial rites of Stellar Restoration proved to be quite easy to learn and master. So much so that the practitioners are somewhat disappointed at having no opportunity to put their skills to use any time soon. Still, this is a step in the right direction.

Reward: Battlefield casualty recovery increased by 5%; low-level Chaos corruption can be cleansed.

Unlocked: Intermediate Stellar Restoration Rites (Lore of the Light)

Basic Stellar Wrath Rites

Description: The energies of the Light do not just purify and heal, they can be used offensively as well. There have been several examples of this during the Voidspawn Wars. Relearning the rites concerned would, thus, be in our best interest.
Time: 2 years
Chance of success: 85%
Rolls: 2d100 = 175 (Major success)

The first set of Stellar Wrath rites and spells have been relearned successfully by the priesthood and psiolytes, who now feel a little more confident to take on the foul spawn of the Void, should they come our way.

Reward: Basic level Stellar Wrath rites and spells available. Can deal 150% damage to lesser Chaos daemons, 95% damage to intermediate Chaos daemons, and 50% damage to Greater Chaos daemons.

Basic Wrath of the Wilds Rites

Description: The wilds can be like a caring parent, providing one with all that is needed to sustain life. However, they can also be like your worst enemy, mauling and poisoning those that fall foul of them. Several rites were devised in the years of the Voidspawn Wars, which make use of this fierce power. We must rediscover them if we wish to stand a chance against the abominations of the Void.
Time: 2 years
Chance of success: 90%
Rolls: 2d100 = 194 (Near-perfect success)

The rediscovery of the Wild Wrath rites has been a smashing success in every way possible. The initiated druids have taken to the rites and spells like a fish does to water, and the results are very promising. Some in the priesthood are optimistic about remastering the entire field in a few years at this rate.

Reward: Basic level Wrath of the Wilds rites and spells available. Can deal 125% damage to lesser Chaos daemons (150% to lesser Noxious Phagemaker daemons), 85% damage to intermediate Chaos daemons (95% - 105% damage to intermediate Noxious Phagemaker daemons) and 45% damage to Greater Chaos daemons (50% - 60% damage to Greater Noxious Phagemaker daemons)

Basic Shadewalker Rites

Description: The shadows are the hiding place for all sorts of no-gooders, or at least, that is what most people tend to believe. But they have been used effectively as a shroud by those with good intentions as well. Those who were able to master this ability were called Shadewalkers. By means of some rites and spells, they could meld in with the darkness. Relearning this ability is of the utmost importance if we are to have an advantage against our enemies.
Time: 3 years
Chance of success: 80%
Rolls: 2d100 = 163 (Appreciable success)

There were some difficulties in the process, but in spite of them, our priesthood and psiolytes have been able to master the rites of the Shadewalkers. While these are not capable of recreating the legendary shadow-melding abilities of the past, they provide a sufficient veneer of darkness for one to observe something undetected.

Reward: Basic Shadewalker spells available.

Unlocked: Intermediate Shadewalker Rites (Lore of Shadows)

Basic Refinement Rites

Description: There is an old saying, "A chain is only as strong as its weakest link." This maxim is something that blacksmiths and metalworkers have taken to heart, as they strive to remove any impurities whatsoever while making a weapon or a tool. In the past, special rites were used to purify the metals. The weapons and tools made using them were very sturdy, and stood the test of time. Maybe we should consider rediscovering them, and combining them with our technological prowess to see what kind of weapons and tools we get.
Time: 3 years
Chance of success: 80%
Rolls: 2d100 = 162 (Appreciable success)

It was a bit harder than we expected, but the combination of persistence and the large numbers of volunteers paid off in the end, as we have been able to relearn the preliminary rites and spells of Refinement. Our toolmakers and workers at the Arsenal and Ordnance Manufactory Complexes are being trained in these rites and spells, and the initial results look to be promising.

Reward: Overall performance of all tools, weapons and munitions increased by 10%.

Unlocked: Intermediate Refinement Rites (Lore of Metal)

Basic Runecrafting Methods

Description: "Runecrafting is an art that requires an appreciable level of expertise, finesse and precision. For even the slightest mistake in etching can change the characteristics of a rune." This is the motto of several of our esteemed Runecrafters, who distinguished themselves during the Voidspawn Wars. The runes created by them were of great aid to us, by either strengthening our forces, or weakening the foe. It will be in our interest to relearn these powerful methods.
Time: 2 years
Chance of success: 72%
Rolls: 2d100 = 124 (Success)

With some help from the breakthroughs achieved last time, as well as a few right now, we have been able to crack the basics of the art of Runecrafting. It indeed deserves its reputation of being a difficult art to learn and master. However, once mastered, it can provide considerable power to its practitioners and their allies. For now, we are able to create basic runes with our current knowledge.

Reward: Low-level Runes can be crafted.

Unlocked: Intermediate Runecrafting Methods (Anti-Daemonology Research Option)

Intermediate Wardcrafting Methods

Description: Our success in relearning the arts of Wardcrafting is a positive sign and a ray of hope for the Anti-Daemonologists. However, we cannot afford to rest on this little success, as there are methods to create more advanced Wards than the ones we can make right now. Relearning these methods will not be easy, but considering what threats we had faced during the Voidspawn Wars, the efforts will prove to be worth it.
Time: 3 years 18 months
Chance of success: 66%
Progress: 1 year / 1 year 6 months

We have made considerable progress on our next attempt at deciphering the intermediate-level methods of Wardcrafting.

Psiolyte Training Programs (Can be repeated and assigned to multiple slots)

Description: There is a very old saying, "Practice makes perfect.". This is a universal truth, and has never been disproved. The new field of psionics cannot be an exception to this rule. We must start some initial training programs to not only hone the skills of our existing psiolytes, but also gain new recruits.
Cost: Negligible
Time: 1 year
Chance of success: 72%
Rolls: 2d100 = 183 (Brilliant success)

Our efforts to find more new psiolytes among the populace have met with unexpected success, as a rather large number of candidates have been registered this year.

Rewards: 34,869 new psiolytes recruited.

  • Grade 1 psiolytes = 2,850
  • Grade 2 psiolytes = 8,736
  • Grade 3 psiolytes = 15,194
  • Grade 4 psiolytes = 7,943
  • Grade 5 psiolytes = 146

Basic Formation Crafting Methods

Description: The only thing that requires a greater level of finesse and precision than a rune is a formation. While not easy to make, when properly made and executed, the results can be impressive, as is told in the histories of the Voidspawn Wars, where our Formationists put their skills to good use, conjuring formation arrays of a supportive and of a destructive nature. Needless to say, we must put effort into rediscovering these powerful arts.
Time: 2 years
Chance of success: 64%
Rolls: 2d100 = 94 (Close failure)

Unfortunately, our third attempt at comprehending the methods of Formation Crafting has again met with failure. However, we have made a few vital breakthroughs that all but ensure success on our next attempt.

Status: Chance of success increased by 11%

Form Order

Description: As our prowess in the psionic arts improves with time, along with the numbers of our psiolytes, it would be worth the consideration to form orders out of the practitioners of the various disciplines of the psionic fields.
Time: 1 year
Chance of success: 100%
Rolls: 2d100 = 197 (Near-perfect success)

Under the supervision of the Rel-Psi Secretariat, in an attempt to bring an ordered structure to the studies of the various psionic fields, three Orders have been formed - the Order of the Sun, the Order of the Moon and the Order of the Waves. These Orders will help with the research of rites and spells in these particular fields.

Reward: Order of the Sun, Order of the Moon and Order of the Waves formed (Rites actions for Lore of the Light, Lore of the Night and Lore of Water take 20% less time and are 5-10% more likely to succeed)

Overview: Military Actions
Restore and reactivate Facility XA-07

Description: After a detailed expedition and investigation of the site XA-07, the Lorefinders have declared the facility to be fit for restoration and reactivation. Based on their reports, we have prepared a plan for the same. It will be quite expensive, but the eventual benefits will be worth it.
Cost: 4.75 B minerals, 1.425 B nanomaterials
Time: 3 years 22 months
Chance of success: 70%
Rolls: 2d100 = 173 (Major success)

The gargantuan efforts on the part of teams of engineers have seen the facility XA-07 being successfully restored to a state of complete functionality. It is back online, and already the Cor'av'na and the Defense Secretariat have taken possession of the facility, and staffed it with a small army of military personnel and engineers, who now await orders for producing equipment.

Build Arsenal Manufactory Complex in the Qaol'marik District

Description: In light of what has happened recently, the Defense Secretariat has proposed a plan to expand the Dae'laan's armed forces. As a step in that direction, we will be building large manufactory complexes to produce vehicles, aircraft, drones, along with weapons and sensors for the same. There is a proposal to build such a complex in the Qaol'marik District. It would be prudent to complete it as soon as possible.
Cost: 750 M minerals, 225 M nanomaterials
Time: 7.3 months
Chance of success: 85%
Rolls: 2d100 = 174 (Major success)

The efforts of our engineers have paid off, resulting in the inauguration of another string of major military infrastructure projects in a while. This Arsenal Manufactory Complex in the Qaol'marik District will be the beginning of the development of a cutting edge military force.

Reward: Production of military vehicles, aircraft, drones, etc increased (+2,500 per year)

Build Arsenal Manufactory Complex in the Wen'thaaram District

Description: In light of what has happened recently, the Defense Secretariat has proposed a plan to expand the Dae'laan's armed forces. As a step in that direction, we will be building large manufactory complexes to produce vehicles, aircraft, drones, along with weapons and sensors for the same. There is a proposal to build such a complex in the Wen'thaaram District. It would be prudent to complete it as soon as possible.
Cost: 850 M minerals, 255 M nanomaterials
Time: 8.3 months
Chance of success: 85%
Rolls: 2d100 = 181 (Brilliant success)

The efforts of our engineers have paid off, resulting in the inauguration of another string of major military infrastructure projects in a while. This Arsenal Manufactory Complex in the Wen'thaaram District will be the beginning of the development of a cutting edge military force.

Reward: Production of military vehicles, aircraft, drones, etc increased (+2,500 per year)

Build Arsenal Manufactory Complex in the Yev'zilgan District

Description: In light of what has happened recently, the Defense Secretariat has proposed a plan to expand the Dae'laan's armed forces. As a step in that direction, we will be building large manufactory complexes to produce vehicles, aircraft, drones, along with weapons and sensors for the same. There is a proposal to build such a complex in the Yev'zilgan District. It would be prudent to complete it as soon as possible.
Cost: 950 M minerals, 285 M nanomaterials
Time: 9.3 months
Chance of success: 85%
Rolls: 2d100 = 186 (Brilliant success)

The efforts of our engineers have paid off, resulting in the inauguration of another string of major military infrastructure projects in a while. This Arsenal Manufactory Complex in the Yev'zilgan District will be the beginning of the development of a cutting edge military force.

Reward: Production of military vehicles, aircraft, drones, etc increased (+2,500 per year)

Build Ordnance Manufactory Complex in the Qaol'marik District

Description: In light of what has happened recently, the Defense Secretariat has proposed a plan to expand the Dae'laan's armed forces. As a step in that direction, we will be building large manufactory complexes to produce all the necessary munitions for our armed forces, along with all the requisite small arms for our infantry. There is a proposal to build such a complex in the Qaol'marik District. It would be prudent to complete it as soon as possible.
Cost: 750 M minerals, 225 M nanomaterials
Time: 7.3 months
Chance of success: 85%
Rolls: 2d100 = 173 (Major success)

The efforts of our engineers have paid off, resulting in the inauguration of the first few major military infrastructure projects in a while. This Ordnance Manufactory Complex in the Qaol'marik District will be the beginning of the development of a cutting edge military force.

Build Ordnance Manufactory Complex in the Wen'thaaram District

Description: In light of what has happened recently, the Defense Secretariat has proposed a plan to expand the Dae'laan's armed forces. As a step in that direction, we will be building large manufactory complexes to produce all the necessary munitions for our armed forces, along with all the required small arms for our infantry. There is a proposal to build such a complex in the Wen'thaaram District. It would be prudent to complete it as soon as possible.
Cost: 850 M minerals, 255 M nanomaterials
Time: 8.3 months
Chance of success: 85%
Rolls: 2d100 = 172 (Major success)

The efforts of our engineers have paid off, resulting in the inauguration of the first few major military infrastructure projects in a while. This Ordnance Manufactory Complex in the Wen'thaaram District will be the beginning of the development of a cutting edge military force.

Build Ordnance Manufactory Complex in the Yev'zilgan District

Description: In light of what has happened recently, the Defense Secretariat has proposed a plan to expand the Dae'laan's armed forces. As a step in that direction, we will be building large manufactory complexes to produce all the necessary munitions for our armed forces, along with all the required small arms for our infantry. There is a proposal to build such a complex in the Yev'zilgan District. It would be prudent to complete it as soon as possible.
Cost: 950 M minerals, 285 M nanomaterials
Time: 9.3 months
Chance of success: 85%
Rolls: 2d100 = 185 (Brilliant success)

The efforts of our engineers have paid off, resulting in the inauguration of the first few major military infrastructure projects in a while. This Ordnance Manufactory Complex in the Yev'zilgan District will be the beginning of the development of a cutting edge military force.

Build orbital shipyard

Description: In order to build up our fleet, we need to build additional shipyards.
Cost: 492 M minerals, 147.6 M nanomaterials
Time: 21.2 months
Chance of success: 75%
Progress: 15.6/21.2 months

The work on the fifth shipyard is progressing smoothly enough, and is two-thirds complete as of now.

Build orbital defense platform × 4

Description: Now that we have working designs for an orbital defense platform, we should build some in order to ensure the safety of the space around our homeworld.
Cost: 1.8 B minerals, 540 M nanomaterials
Time: 23 months
Chance of success: 75%
Rolls: 2d100 = 164 (Appreciable success)

In the wake of the Bolt from the Heavens, the Cor'av'na has given the go-ahead for a crash program to build orbital defenses. As part of this program, named "Sky Guardian", four more orbital defense platforms, named Defense Platform-2-X, Defense Platform-3-X, Defense Platform-4-X and Defense Platform-5-X. This marks a step forward in the government and military's commitment to keeping the people and the revolution secure.

Build anti-orbital missile batteries in the Af'tellark District

Description: The crash landing of the unknown cosmocraft has laid bare the grossly deficient state of our defensive measures. In order to mitigate and prevent the worst of such a scenario, the AUMCC has ordered the construction of anti-orbital missile batteries across the Dae'laan. A few suitable sites have been identified in the Af'tellark District for the same.
Cost: 800 M minerals, 240 M nanomaterials
Time: 8.7 months
Chance of success: 85%
Rolls: 2d100 = 178 (Major success)

The construction of anti-orbital missile batteries in the Af'tellark District has been completed without any trouble whatsoever. It is hoped that they will serve as a means of defense against attacks from the cosmos.

Reward: Anti-orbital missile batteries in the Af'tellark District built to Level 2.

Build anti-orbital missile batteries in the Gek'varril District

Description: The crash landing of the unknown cosmocraft has laid bare the grossly deficient state of our defensive measures. In order to mitigate and prevent the worst of such a scenario, the AUMCC has ordered the construction of anti-orbital missile batteries across the Dae'laan. A few suitable sites have been identified in the Gek'varril District for the same.
Cost: 900 M minerals, 270 M nanomaterials
Time: 9.7 months
Chance of success: 85%
Rolls: 2d100 = 184 (Brilliant success)

The construction of anti-orbital missile batteries in the Gek'varril District has been completed without any trouble whatsoever. It is hoped that they will serve as a means of defense against attacks from the cosmos.

Reward: Anti-orbital missile batteries in the Gek'varril District built to Level 2.

Build anti-orbital missile batteries in the Bel'narrith District

Description: The crash landing of the unknown cosmocraft has laid bare the grossly deficient state of our defensive measures. In order to mitigate and prevent the worst of such a scenario, the AUMCC has ordered the construction of anti-orbital missile batteries across the Dae'laan. A few suitable sites have been identified in the Bel'narrith District for the same.
Cost: 1 B minerals, 300 M nanomaterials
Time: 10.7 months
Chance of success: 85%
Rolls: 2d100 = 182 (Brilliant success)

The construction of anti-orbital missile batteries in the Bel'narrith District has been completed without any trouble whatsoever. It is hoped that they will serve as a means of defense against attacks from the cosmos.

Reward: Anti-orbital missile batteries in the Bel'narrith District built to Level 2.

Project Nef'ar'zal
Identify candidates for the project × 4

Description: We must conduct an extensive search amidst the populace to find suitable candidates for Project Nef'ar'zal.
Time: 1 year
Rolls: 2d100 = 143 (Notable success)

We have had some success in our intensive searches for proper candidates for Project Nef'ar'zal. These individuals have been housed in a sprawling residential complex built near the 1st Federal Center for Advanced Military Research, where they will undergo a rigorous training regimen for now.

Reward: 15,500 candidates found.

  • Previous stockpile: 5.7333 B
  • Previous production (Total): 18.8495 B
  • New production (Total): 18.8495 B + 3.5 B + 3.75 B + 950 M + 1.35 B = 28.3995 B
  • Previous upkeep: 1.712 B
  • New upkeep: 1.712 B + 1.3 B - 260 M = 2.752 B
  • Previous production (Actual): 17.1375 B
  • New production (Actual): 28.3995 B - 2.752 B = 25.6745 B
  • Expenditure: 26.2849 B
  • Calculated stockpile: 5.7333 B - 26.2849 B + 17.1375 B + 5.7 B + 1.4875 B + 1.2969 B + 514.58 M + 506.25 M - 1.04 B = 5.0511 B

Exotic gasses
  • Previous stockpile: 699.02 M
  • Previous production (Total): 37.5 M
  • New production (Total): 37.5 M + 6 M = 43.5 M
  • Previous upkeep: 14 M
  • New upkeep: 14 M
  • Previous production (Actual): 23.5 M
  • New production (Actual): 23.5 M + 6 M M = 29.5 M
  • Expenditure: Nil
  • Calculated stockpile: 699.02 M + 23.5 M + 660,000 + 570,000 + 480,000 + 390,000 + 300,000 + 210,000 + 120,000 + 30,000 = 725.28 M

Radioactive materials
  • Previous stockpile: 17.521 M
  • Previous production (Total): 900,000
  • New production (Total): 900,000 + 150,000 = 1.05 M
  • Previous upkeep: 350,000
  • New upkeep: 350,000
  • Previous production (Actual): 550,000
  • New production (Actual): 550,000 + 150,000 = 700,000
  • Expenditure: Nil
  • Calculated stockpile: 17.521 M + 550,000 + 21,250 + 17,500 + 13,750 + 10,000 + 6,250 + 2,500 = 18.142 M

  • Previous stockpile: 12.1034 B
  • Previous production (Total): 11.1623 B
  • New production (Total): 11.1623 B + 1.55 B + 1.65 B + 1.75 B + 285 M + 405 M = 16.8023 B
  • Previous upkeep: 853 M
  • New upkeep: 853 M + 405 M - 81 M = 1.177 B
  • Previous production (Actual): 10.3093 B
  • New production (Actual): 16.8023 B - 1.177 B = 15.6253 B
  • Expenditure: 11.2721 B
  • Calculated stockpile: 12.1034 B - 11.2721 B + 10.3093 B - 1.9 B + 555.42 M + 27.5 M + 277.08 M + 154.375 M + 151.875 M - 324 M = 10.0828 B

Green Dan'xenal
  • Previous stockpile: 19.516 M
  • Previous production (Total): 16.6 M
  • New production (Total): 16.6 M + 2.8 M + 6.24 M + 60,000 = 25.7 M
  • Previous upkeep: 220,000
  • New upkeep: 220,000 + 180,000 = 400,000
  • Previous production (Actual): 16.38 M
  • New production (Actual): 25.7 M - 400,000 = 25.3 M
  • Expenditure: Nil
  • Calculated stockpile: 19.516 M + 16.38 M + 2 × (4,250 + 3,500 + 2,750 + 2,000 + 1,250 + 500) = 35.924 M

Blue Dan'xenal
  • Previous stockpile: 0
  • Previous production (Total): 2.25 M
  • New production (Total): 2.25 M + 4.3 M + 3.34 M = 9.89 M
  • Previous upkeep: 0
  • New upkeep: 0
  • Previous production (Actual): 2.25 M
  • New production (Actual): 2.25 M + 4.3 M + 3.34 M = 9.89 M
  • Expenditure: Nil
  • Calculated stockpile: 2.25 M + 304.6K + 2.199 M = 4.7536 M

1. A term in the Drak'xarri Lexicon used to refer to tracked ACVs (Armored Combat Vehicles).

A/N: All right, it seems like it's time for War Communism.

Better tighten your belts, everyone, and prepare for turn 14.
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What the hell,Lorefinders!?
What do we even pay these guys for !?
(/s just in case)
Anyways,other than the Bumfinders,fantastic work,everyone!
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Hey, they're doing their best. Besides, we're almost done with all of the XA stuff

And the XB sites are off the table for now, as we can't crack the XB language ( I'm pretty sure it's Eldar but I don't know if that's been confirmed in canon. Maybe if we start up a new colony next turn with the Purveyor that might open up more archeological site we can actually investigate.

Also, we get a discount of a third rather than a quarter for Analysis of Unknown Alien Cosmocraft Designs? HELL YES!!!!!
BTW how do all these investments in military infrastructure affecting the economy and the populace ?Is it boosting to the economy ?
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Well,hopefully we'll be getting a boost from salvaging the Imperial wreckages we're about to create

How about fuck no ???

We're a single world still undergoing development, not even a single star system, and we're freaking out at the landing of a single Imperial light cruiser on our homeworld. Our biggest ships are destroyers and we have no access to warp travel. We are nowhere near ready to take on the forces of even a single Rogue Trader, let alone an Imperial scout force.
How about fuck no ???

We're a single world still undergoing development, not even a single star system, and we're freaking out at the landing of a single Imperial light cruiser on our homeworld. Our biggest ships are destroyers and we have no access to warp travel. We are nowhere near ready to take on the forces of even a single Rogue Trader, let alone an Imperial scout force.
I am accumulating positive energy in this thread to supercharge the rolls
Also,we already have a colony ship and the super soldier project is going well so far;we just need more ships to start settling other planets and rocks so we can extract resources from and fortify them and also complete the super soldier project so when the Imps come looking for a lost ship they'll have a nasty surprise of power armoured monkeys with weapons that can one shot anything and everything they can throw at us
Thank you all for coming to my TEDTalk
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Good arguments you two put forward.

I can say this - the Imperials won't exactly be looking that desperately for a single rogue Endeavor, they haven't come to that point where every ship is essential.

But I can also say this - the Warp/Void is a crazy thing, and there is no telling as to what pops out of it, and when.
Stability mechanic and how it works
While you all wait for Turn 14 (unfortunately delayed due to writer's block), let me explain to you how the stability stat works.

It is simple, tbh. The higher the value of the stat, the greater the measure of stability within your territory, and thus, the greater the Order within. That is, if you stay above 50.

On the contrary, if you go below 50, then you are looking at significant levels of disorder, aka Chaos, and at the lowest, you are basically worshipping one of the Four Dark Gods.


1. 90 - 100% (Exceptionally Stable): This faction/entity has a very high level of stability and can be considered to be a beacon of Order.

(Negligible chance of Chaos cults arising)

2. 70 - 89% (Highly Stable): For the most part, this faction/entity is very stable, with minor undercurrents of internal tensions. It can be considered to be Orderly enough, but should not let the internal tensions be.

(Very small to small chance (0 - 10%) of Chaos cults arising)

3. 60 - 69% (Moderately Stable): This faction/entity can be said to be stable, but has appreciable internal issues that threaten the peace and the fabric of its society. It will have to take action against said issues with a degree of urgency.

(Notable chance (10 - 20%) of Chaos cults arising)

4. 50 - 59% (Somewhat Stable): This faction/entity is barely holding on a semblance of Orderliness, with considerable internal problems threatening to cause it to disintegrate and unravel. Immediate action is recommended.

(Appreciable chance (21 - 30%) of Chaos cults arising)

5. 40 - 49% (Somewhat Unstable): This faction has descended into the first stage of Disorderliness, with its internal tensions and rifts now a definitive feature of its societal fabric, as it turns away from the Light.

(Moderate chance to not-insignificant chance (31 - 49%) of Chaos cults arising)

6. 30 - 39% (Appreciably Unstable): This faction/entity has taken another step towards Disorder and Chaos, with more evidence to allegiance to a dark power.

(Considerable chance (50 - 69%) of Chaos cults arising)

7. 20 - 29% (Severely Unstable): This faction/entity is at the penultimate stage of the path of damnation, and a virtual slave to the Dark Power(s).

(High chance (70 - 89) of Chaos cults arising)

8. 0 - 19% (Exceptionally Unstable): This faction/entity has given itself over to Chaos in its entirety, and will fight for the darkness with their lives.

(Very high chance (90 - 100%) of Chaos cults arising)
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