[X]Plan Reduced Spending for Now
-[X]Naval Actions [ 1 195.25 M minerals, 334.575 M nanomaterials]
--[X]Shipyard 1
---[X]Purveyor-class planetary colony ship x1 (12 months) (375 M minerals, 112.5 M nanomaterials)
--[X]Shipyard 2
---[X] Raider-class destroyers x3 (11.9 months) (497.25 M minerals, 149.175 M nanomaterials)
--[X]Shipyard 3
---[X] Hunter-class corvettes x4 (7.65 months) (323 M minerals, 72.9 M minerals)
--[X]Shipyard 4
---[X] none
-[X]Infrastructure Actions [7 456 M minerals, 2 243.2 M nanomaterials]
--[X]Major Action 1
---[X]Build mining facilities in the Northern Dap'tarral Plateau (Phase 3) (13.8 months) (1 400 M minerals, 420 M nanomaterials)
---[X]Build nanomaterial manufactory complex in the Wen'thaaram District (8.2 months) (850 M minerals, 255 M nanomaterials)
--[X]Major Action 2
---[X]Build mining facilities in the Southern Dap'tarral Plateau (Phase 3) (15.7 months) (1 650 M minerals, 495 M nanomaterials)
---[X]Build nanomaterial manufactory complex in the Qaol'marik District (7.2 months) (750 M minerals, 225 M nanomaterials)
--[X]Major Action 3
---[X]Build cloning facility (20 months) (550 M minerals, 165 M nanomaterials)
--[X]Major Actions 4-6
---[X]Build arcologies near the Fen'zarril Hills (35 / 11.6 months) (900 M minerals, 270 M nanomaterials)
---[X]Build arcologies in the Les'tarros Plains (39 / 13 months) (940 M minerals, 282 M nanomaterials)
--[X]Minor Actions 1-5
---[X]Build automated farming complexes x40 (416 M minerals, 131.2 M nanomaterials)
-[X]Archeology Actions [16.5 M minerals, 4.95 M nanomaterials]
--[X]Actions 1-2
---[X]Explore unknown alien ruins XA-17 ( 1 yr 11 months / 1 yr) ( 2.8 M minerals, 0.84 M nanomaterials)
--[X] Action 3
---[X]Explore unknown alien ruins XA-13 (23 months) ( 1.7 M minerals, 0.51 M nanomaterials)
--[X] Action 4
---[X]Explore unknown alien ruins XA-09 (Level 2) (15 months) (1.7 M minerals, 0.51 M nanomaterials)
--[X]Action 5
---[X]Explore unknown alien ruins XA-10 (Level 2) (16 months) (5.6 M minerals, 1.68 M nanomaterials)
--[X]Actions 6-7
---[X] Explore unknown alien ruins XA-16 (1 yr 8 months / 16 months) (2.5 M minerals, 0.75 M nanomaterials)
--[X]Actions 8-9
---[X] Explore unknown alien ruins XA-15 (1 yr 5 months / 15.5 months) (2.2 M minerals, 0.66 M nanomaterials)
-[X]Research Actions [1 056.25 M nanomaterials]
--[X]Actions 1-4
---[X]Analysis - Unknown Alien Cosmocraft Designs
--[X]Actions 5-9
---[X]Analysis - Advanced Personal Combat Armor Prototypes (4 yrs 8.16 months / 20.8 months) (206.25 M nanomaterials)
--[X]Actions 10-12
---[X]Basic Electromagnetic Weaponry (2 yrs 12 months / 20 months) (850 M nanomaterials)
-[X]Faith Actions
--[X]Pantheon Actions 1-4
---[X]Intermediate Divinator Rites (4 years / 1 year)
--[X]Pantheon Actions 5-6
---[X] Basic Stormweaver Rites (2 years / 1 year)
--[X]Pantheon Actions 7-9
---[X]Basic Shadewalker Rites (3 years / 1 year)
--[X]Pantheon Actions 10-12
---[X]Basic Shadeslayer Rites (3 years / 1 year)
--[X]Psionic Actions 1-4
---[X]Intermediate Wardcrafting Methods (3 yrs 18 months / 22.5 months)
--[X]Psionic Actions 5-6
---[X]Basic Runecrafting Methods (2 years / 1 year)
--[X]Psionic Actions 7-8
---[X]Basic Formation Crafting Methods (2 years / 1 year)
--[X]Psionic Action 9
---[X]Form Order (1 year)
-[X]Military Actions [4500 M minerals, 1350 M nanomaterials]
--[X]Action 1-10
---[X]Build orbital defense platform x 10 (230 months / 23 months) (4 500 M minerals, 1350 M nanomaterials)
-[X]Project Nef'ar'zal Actions
--[X]Action 1
---[X]Identify candidates for the project
--[X]Action 2
---[X]Identify candidates for the project
Total Expenditure -
* Minerals: 1195.25 + 7456 + 16.5 + 4500 = 13 167.75
* Nanomaterials: 334.575 + 2243.2 + 4.95 + 1056.25 + 1350 = 4 988.975
With this plan I'm tying to reduce our expenditure this turn so that we can build up our minerals and nanomaterials stockpiles even as we build up more extraction of those every turn.
Purveyor-class colony ship so that we can use it to set up our first colony to expand our resources base. I'm thinking we should set up our first colony on Kel'taor, our homeworld's moon, as it is described as mineral-rich as well as close to our homeworld.
3 Raiders and 4 Hunters will give us a total fleet strength of six Raiders and thrrty Hunters. We can start forming them up into regular flotillas so we can start training them in teamwork rather than just as individual ships - one Raider and five Hunters should make a fairly decent task force.
Major Infrastructure takes every option to increase minerals and nanomaterials I can find. Also building a cloning facility because we have a population of less than half a billion, and that's pretty small by 40K standards. Also increasing our population of psiolytes increased our number of Faith slots so hopefully increasing our population will increase our number of actions. The arcologies are to accommodate any new population, and out of curiosity to see if it gives us any bonuses.
Research Actions are to get the power armours and electromagnetic weapons we researched last turn into the basic production stage so we can get them into the hands of the SDF, and also continue the ongoing alien cosmocraft designs that have been researched the last couple of turns, and which should be completed in Turn 14 (barring Murphy).
The Psionic actions are pretty self-explanatory due to the limited choices, while the Pantheon actions include focusing on divination and on seeing through shadows and concealment, as well as using those shadows as a weapon.
For Military actions I've really custt beack because the whole point of my plan is to cut down on our spending this turn so that we can build up our stockpile of minerals and nanomaterials so we can keep going all-out on spending in the following turns. My original thouhght was to use each of the first two military actions to build another Arsenal and Ordnance manufactory each and then use eight more to build orbital defence platforms to improve our defences from an orbital attack, however the arsenals and ordnance manufactories wound up using as much resources as all eight orbital defence platforms, so I decided to drop them and just build orbital weapon platforms this turn. Less train on the budget, more potential for the future.
The reason I only used ten Military actions rather than twelve was that, while Project Nef'ar'zal was described as having four actions, I wasn't sure if that meant it had four actions in addition to our Military actions, or whether those were part of our Military actions and we could allocate a maximum of four Military actions to this project. I assumed the latter just to be on the safe side.