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[X] Undivided (Faithful)

Remember, picking "Undivided (Faithful)" doesn't mean that our Warband will be just "Horus-descent Word Bearers".

Given that we had "Plagues subvote" after making Nurglite Warband (from Thousand Sons Geneseed), and were told by QM that other options have "equivalents" (for example, Slaaneshi Warbands have "obsessions"), next sub-vote will most probably about how "Faithfulness" of our Warband would look.
Working with Bile might be good, especially if we can get some of his new men/gland hounds. Do we know what year it is? It might be too early for him to have some of his best stuff.
Many thanks, I had the idea because Erebus is so hated that I cannot see any of those that hate him hiring 6-1 to have him offed, after news of his services will spread.
He does sadly have strong rnough plot armor that you shouldn't expect success on that front note so thr comissiobers.

They just hate him enough that the idea of inconvenience Erebus is enough to make them fork over what 6-1 wants.

Honestly a success in that specific commission will probably lead to warband with reverse flash levels of petty spite.

"It was me Erebus."

[X] Undivided (Mercenary)

I feel like this is more in the spirit of the request, Horus wasn't a true believer in the Chaos gods IIRC.

For the next warband speculation, I kind of hope the poxigor request still available
The Pesitgor one will still be up…. It helps that one of 6-1's components is requesting it.
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