Renegade Chapter Master Quest Redux (WH40k Quest)

Storm Avengers Space Marine Chapter

Storm Avengers

Founding Chapter: Ultramarines
Founding: M32/Fourth Founding
Chapter Master: Torvald Thunderson
Homeworld: Midgardia (Current), Ragnarok (Former)
Fortress-Monastery: Aula Fortis (Current), Aula Occisi (Former)
Speciality: Combined Arms, Naval Warfare & Boarding Actions.
Colours: Red and white with a golden trim.
Symbol: Crossed golden lightning bolts behind a red lambda 'A'.
Battlecry: "We are the Avenging Storm!"
also again great thanks to @Cjdavis103 cause without him this may have been a death blow instead of just a heavy blow that comes with a lot of loot.
Agreed. @Cjdavis103 if you are reading this, I give you an honorary invitation to the Discord Cabal and would be happy for you to join us, you earned it with how much you just saved our asses.
We shouldn't even counter attack because if we go burn their recruiting worlds then they can call the rest of the imperium for help.
They won't, b/c if they call in the rest of the Imperium, they might learn of their shame, and we just showed that we aren't afraid of not just sharing it, but "twisting" it to make their Primarch out to be the villain. They're gonna want to keep everyone else out of this no matter what we do.
The Dark Angels and other chapters just had a massive blow, those Terminator Armour are only for there eilte, so 65+ as we dont know how many got killed in Mjolnir. That along with the nomal SM that they lost along with gear and tanks, they are gonna need a long while to recover from this
Not to mention that we have confirmation that the Grand Masters of the Angels of Redemption and the Persecutors of Darkness were killed here, so that's their leadership taking a beating.
My main point was that there are other organizations in the imperium that already know about the Fallen.
Or it could be that we be the ones who informed them of that bit of information in this Quest's universe since we do have an Ordo Malleus Conclave here.

Do I understand it correctly that there is a chance we have a Gloriana at the end of the turn? If yes, that is going to force the rest of the Imperium to react and a fight with a Gloriana should show the Tau exactly how outgunned they are.
There's a slight possibility, but it's far from certain b/c this is one of the biggest and most powerful Battleships the Imperium ever made here. I fully expect it to be able to warp out. Partly b/c I think it would be REALLY ridiculous if by turn 20 we actually have a Gloriana in our hands that I kinda just written it off as highly improbable.
...That is way out of our price range. It also take a few turns to make one unless we build three and have them rotated every year. That would cost 900 RP so it isn't economical. We probably won't have much opportunity for RP growth for a few turns just trying to fix most of the damages.

We've got 9 honor bound with the cogboys, and with there new willingness for innovation was can 'sell' them some of our tech that we couldn't before because we dared to reverse engineer anything. Also build Tartaros Pattern Manufactorum, so we can slowly but surly replace all of our Indomitus Pattern. We can get a lot of favors from a lot of chapters if we're handing terminator armor off to others, and once we have a extra to cover for a number lost with a ship we can trade them to other chapters for favors as well.
So once the forge worlds are up and running it would be easy build at least one, and at most we should only need two though it'll take time to build up. Honestly I know people want to rush forward but I don't think the QM is going to stall out on this again, or deal with timeskips. But I think we'll be at this for a while this time.

...That is way out of our price range. It also take a few turns to make one unless we build three and have them rotated every year. That would cost 900 RP so it isn't economical. We probably won't have much opportunity for RP growth for a few turns just trying to fix most of the damages.

We might need to make another deal with the Tau for more RP. The rest of the Sector doesn't give us anything other than PP, and that was before the civil war crippled all production for around... half a century now.
That's what he have the Admech HBs for, along with the BB shipyard and everything else for when the Forge Worlds are up and running again. Things like that would take us quite a bit on our own, but with the Forge Worlds, and especially after this attack, we can get quite a bit.
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Sure, but we aren't the targets of this assault. The Knights of Kaliban are.

If they sent 9 Companies from 6 Chapters just to keep us busy, what do you think they mustered for killing nearly an entire Chapter worth of Fallen?

Remember man, the qm confirmed there are dozens of Dark Angel Chapters.

All Dark Angel Chapters have a Deathwing and Ravenwing.

And for especially hard targets, they still call in the regular members of the Chapter that are not in the know. They just make up a bullshit excuse as to why they are attacking them.

A dozen chapters?!?

How the warp did they pull that off without the ordos astartes kicking up a fus? They get nervous when 3 or four chapters work in consort.

A dozen chapters working as one should have the High lords scrambling and moving against them
A dozen chapters?!?

How the warp did they pull that off without the ordos astartes kicking up a fus? They get nervous when 3 or four chapters work in consort.

A dozen chapters working as one should have the High lords scrambling and moving against them

The DA has a lot of secret assets most likely. They could have secret Chapters over the last ten thousand years that do their dirty work. If they gradually stole various stuff over thousands of years, it makes sense. Sounds completely in character for the Chapter.

I wouldn't be surprised if they have a legion the size of the Space Wolves in deniable assets after all this time. And those hypocrites complain to the SW about breaking the codex numbers.
The DA has a lot of secret assets most likely. They could have secret Chapters over the last ten thousand years that do their dirty work. If they gradually stole various stuff over thousands of years, it makes sense. Sounds completely in character for the Chapter.

I wouldn't be surprised if they have a legion the size of the Space Wolves in deniable assets after all this time. And those hypocrites complain to the SW about breaking the codex numbers.

So tiny?

The Space Wolves only number 1.5-2 k Space Marines in a good year. Often its closer to just above normal Chapter Strength.

They get away not following the Codex because nobody in power is worried about them ever becoming a threat.
The DA has a lot of secret assets most likely. They could have secret Chapters over the last ten thousand years that do their dirty work. If they gradually stole various stuff over thousands of years, it makes sense. Sounds completely in character for the Chapter.

I wouldn't be surprised if they have a legion the size of the Space Wolves in deniable assets after all this time. And those hypocrites complain to the SW about breaking the codex numbers.

You can't really have " secret chapters" all chapters come from foundings and the Inquisition has acess to those ( outside of the cursed founding which they put off limits even to themselves) and each of those chapters need to be sending in gene seed tithes or they get branded traitors ( that was one of the primary reasons the badab war kicked off)

40k isn't a nice enough place where you can put marines on the proverbial shelf for a rainy day first founding chapters are usualy real busy fighting a lot of nasty wars.

further a dozen chapters is approaching the level of commitment of the god damn armaggedon war and that was against Ghazgul within spitting distance of sol. that many space marines getting pulled from their usual duties is going to very obvious very concerning and probably ruinous to a lot of places whom suddenly don't have their protectors.

What the hell is happening in the Imperium right now
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What the hell is happening in the Imperium right now

We are in the 1st half of M41.

So the 12th Black Crusade happened fairly recently, but likely ended before the quest began. Otherwise we have the Maccharian Crusade which lasted 7 years in the late 300s of M41.

Then.....nothing notable for 4 centuries.

Its a big empty space in the timeline.

Edit: Oh yeah, so we are exposing the Tau to the Imperium 6-700 years early. In the official timeline, they didn't fight the Imperium until the late 900's. So as a reminder, all their tech is 5-600 years less developed.
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We are in the 1st half of M41.

So the 12th Black Crusade happened fairly recently, but likely ended before the quest began. Otherwise we have the Maccharian Crusade which lasted 7 years.

Then.....nothing notable for 4 centuries.

Its a big empty space in the timeline.

The Necrons have been awakening around the beginning of M41 and many Imperial worlds were affected by that. So the logistics of the Imperium is a bigger mess than average with Tombs getting active underground.

There could be delays in information which is why that period is so empty.
regardless if we survive this the DA can not be in a good situation violating the breakup of the legions so blatently for no reason they can't even claim an emergency.

this is the kind of action that gets everyone looking at you with side eyes at best and active censure and restrictions more likely.
You can't really have " secret chapters" all chapters come from foundings and the Inquisition has acess to those ( outside of the cursed founding which they put off limits even to themselves) and each of those chapters need to be sending in gene seed tithes or they get branded traitors ( that was one of the primary reasons the badab war kicked off)
Eh. That have been a couple of times where a Chapter has been founded outside of a Founding like that one time the Iron Hands or one of their Successors splintered during an AdMech schism where the High Lords decided to make the splinter group into a new chapter. And honestly, the Imperium has enough paperwork issues that nobody is going to question some missing records on a loyalist Chapter that is doing their job and paying their tithes. Given how the Dark Angels can make a Chapter vanish, I bet they could also make one appear.
We are in the 1st half of M41.
Second half actually. I had you start in the first half in the original quest, but the reboot has you starting the second half.
The Necrons have been awakening around the beginning of M41 and many Imperial worlds were affected by that. So the logistics of the Imperium is a bigger mess than average with Tombs getting active underground.

There could be delays in information which is why that period is so empty.
That's Newcron lore. Oldcron lore only has the Imperium encountering the Necrons just before the last century of the millenia.
regardless if we survive this the DA can not be in a good situation violating the breakup of the legions so blatently for no reason they can't even claim an emergency.

this is the kind of action that gets everyone looking at you with side eyes at best and active censure and restrictions more likely.
Nah, Dark Angels do this sort of thing every now and again and get away with it. If you got the clout of a First Founding Chapter, you can get away with a lot.
A dozen chapters?!?

How the warp did they pull that off without the ordos astartes kicking up a fus? They get nervous when 3 or four chapters work in consort.

A dozen chapters working as one should have the High lords scrambling and moving against them
To be more specific, since this is not that big of a spoiler, the Dark Angels are here with forces from across 10 Successor Chapters. While I can't tell you the exact numbers, on both the Triumvirate and the Unforgiven, we have over five thousand involved in this war.

And by the end of this, most of them will be dead.

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To be more specific, since this is not that big of a spoiler, the Dark Angels are here with forces from across 10 Successor Chapters. While I can't tell you the exact numbers, on both the Triumvirate and the Unforgiven, we have over five thousand involved in this war.

And by the end of this, most of them will be dead.

...Okay, the DA now officially turned an entire Sector against the Imperium. Any official who has even a minor understanding of the Imperium now knows they will probably be killed. The DA believes they know their darkest secret, and they don't fuck around with that.

So congratulations Dark Angels, you turned an entire sector into renegades. I'm sure the Imperium will be very happy if they find out about this. :rolleyes:

Now to see how badly the Tau will be screwed over by possibly a few Chapters full of space marines as first contact. Only this time, the ships will be put to use.
...Okay, the DA now officially turned an entire Sector against the Imperium. Any official who has even a minor understanding of the Imperium now knows they will probably be killed. The DA believes they know their darkest secret, and they don't fuck around with that.

So congratulations Dark Angels, you turned an entire sector into renegades. I'm sure the Imperium will be very happy if they find out about this. :rolleyes:

Now to see how badly the Tau will be screwed over by possibly a few Chapters full of space marines as first contact. Only this time, the ships will be put to use.
Eh, we already had an alliance with the Tau. I don't think there was a chance for us to peacefully rejoin after that.
...Okay, the DA now officially turned an entire Sector against the Imperium. Any official who has even a minor understanding of the Imperium now knows they will probably be killed. The DA believes they know their darkest secret, and they don't fuck around with that.

So congratulations Dark Angels, you turned an entire sector into renegades. I'm sure the Imperium will be very happy if they find out about this. :rolleyes:

Now to see how badly the Tau will be screwed over by possibly a few Chapters full of space marines as first contact. Only this time, the ships will be put to use.

Ehhhh, the Imperium won't care, much.

The Maccharian Crusades I mentioned? Well with confirmation that we are in the 2nd half of M41. They were a century or two ago.

That one Crusade conquered a 1,000 worlds in 7 years.

That's our entire Sector conquered multiple times in the span of a turn.

We are tiny.
Eh. That have been a couple of times where a Chapter has been founded outside of a Founding like that one time the Iron Hands or one of their Successors splintered during an AdMech schism where the High Lords decided to make the splinter group into a new chapter. And honestly, the Imperium has enough paperwork issues that nobody is going to question some missing records on a loyalist Chapter that is doing their job and paying their tithes. Given how the Dark Angels can make a Chapter vanish, I bet they could also make one appear.

Second half actually. I had you start in the first half in the original quest, but the reboot has you starting the second half.

That's Newcron lore. Oldcron lore only has the Imperium encountering the Necrons just before the last century of the millenia.

Nah, Dark Angels do this sort of thing every now and again and get away with it. If you got the clout of a First Founding Chapter, you can get away with a lot.

Sure I can see a few of them being secretly founded but there's limits to how much can be " lost" or "found" without attracting the wrong kind of attention.

You can get away with a lot as a first founding chapter.

but a dozen chapters working in unison without a stated emergency is a rather terrifying thing for the High Lords to deal with. that kind of force can shatter entire sectors and is 100% in violation of breaking of the legions for the DA to just decide to do it. If it was half that i could see them maybe getting away with it with a lot of side eyes and lot of questions about why the hell so many marines left their post and how they all just decided to go in the same direction. but 12 chapters is an almost unprecedented level of Marine cooperation and the fact that they are all of one Gene line and it starts to look a lot like the Dark angels LEGION rather than DA successor chapters.

and a space marine Legion is not something the High lords want to form or even allow the precedent for the temporary formation of one.

there is an entire Ordo of the inqustion solely dedicated to preventing space marines from doing shit like this

then again it's your universe so what you say goes but IMO this kind of force gets a lot of attention from a lot of people many of whom would start eyeing up some anti-space marine options
You can get away with a lot as a first founding chapter.

but a dozen chapters working in unison without a stated emergency is a rather terrifying thing for the High Lords to deal with. that kind of force can shatter entire sectors and is 100% in violation of breaking of the legions for the DA to just decide to do it. If it was half that i could see them maybe getting away with it with a lot of side eyes and lot of questions about why the hell so many marines left their post and how they all just decided to go in the same direction. but 12 chapters is an almost unprecedented level of Marine cooperation and the fact that they are all of one Gene line and it starts to look a lot like the Dark angels LEGION rather than DA successor chapters.

and a space marine Legion is not something the High lords want to form or even allow the precedent for the temporary formation of one.
That thing is, the Dark Angels do this every now and again in canon. You have several incidents where the Unforgiven just go and team up to hunt down some Fallens and they just get away with it apart from some complaints about them abandoning prior commitments. Even then the complaints aren't about them legion-building, but about them running away from existing campaigns to do their own thing.
That thing is, the Dark Angels do this every now and again in canon. You have several incidents where the Unforgiven just go and team up to hunt down some Fallens and they just get away with it apart from some complaints about them abandoning prior commitments. Even then the complaints aren't about them legion-building, but about them running away from existing campaigns to do their own thing.

I'll drop it but it feels weird that a force this massive doesn't kick up any alarms in the imperium especially without a clear threat.
It's not like the DA or the Unforgiven are telling people about where there forces are deployed, and communication is fragmented enough that realistically, no one knows that 3K marines just up and dissappeared.
It's not like the DA or the Unforgiven are telling people about where there forces are deployed, and communication is fragmented enough that realistically, no one knows that 3K marines just up and dissappeared.
And the people who do know probably know better than force the issue, if forced far enough for every single Unforgiven to react the imperium would probably lose a lot of systems in the sudden civil war, the DA are not only one of the most numerous and well equipped genelines but also the most unified and willing to kill other imperials
well if it's not politically costly for them then we're probably going to need to find some other long term solution.

Otherwise they're just going to keep sending successor chapters at us.

Even with our bullshit I don't think we grind down a gene line of space marines especially since they're got a much larger support network than we do