Renegade Chapter Master Quest Redux (WH40k Quest)

Storm Avengers Space Marine Chapter

Storm Avengers

Founding Chapter: Ultramarines
Founding: M32/Fourth Founding
Chapter Master: Torvald Thunderson
Homeworld: Midgardia (Current), Ragnarok (Former)
Fortress-Monastery: Aula Fortis (Current), Aula Occisi (Former)
Speciality: Combined Arms, Naval Warfare & Boarding Actions.
Colours: Red and white with a golden trim.
Symbol: Crossed golden lightning bolts behind a red lambda 'A'.
Battlecry: "We are the Avenging Storm!"
Effectively so. You know their great shame and worse, you have twisted it into their Primarch being the villain of it.
... are they going to tell anyone to bring in some heavy backup, or is this just gonna be a purely 1st Legion deal?

I ask because I'd still kinda like to shell-shock the Imperium with the 1st Damocles Gulf War, but I'm not gonna be upset if that ship has sailed.
... are they going to tell anyone to bring in some heavy backup, or is this just gonna be a purely 1st Legion deal?

I ask because I'd still kinda like to shell-shock the Imperium with the 1st Damocles Gulf War, but I'm not gonna be upset if that ship has sailed.

Not likely, the 1st legion consider this their own affair. They will not tell the Imperium anything about us lest their shame become know to the wider galaxy, assuming our in Sector Inquisition pals don't tell them and hold the 1st under blackmail for the rest of their natural lives
Well that freaking hurt.

The Dark Angels came in hard, aggressive and honestly kinda dumb.
They lost what 200+ veterans and most of their gear in this assault?

Seriously this whole event just began and we are already at 1,000 dead Space Marines. What a mess.

[X] 46 Jump Packs
[X] 1 Rosarius
[X] 3 Iron Halos

are they going to tell anyone to bring in some heavy backup, or is this just gonna be a purely 1st Legion deal?

I asked this a few days ago. QM said this is a pure DA affair. They will tell no one of their shame.
... are they going to tell anyone to bring in some heavy backup, or is this just gonna be a purely 1st Legion deal?

I ask because I'd still kinda like to shell-shock the Imperium with the 1st Damocles Gulf War, but I'm not gonna be upset if that ship has sailed.
I imagine any heavy backup is other 1st legion chapters just more of them this time. The Dark angels REALLY don't want other people leaving about the fallen.
Can do the same for Death Guard and our brother chapters now that I think about it, if they have concerns we can do it on Midgardia so all Gene Seed is protected if their willing to.

Actually, @Oshha, can we do that?
You can propose it, but a central supply of back-up gene-seed is more likely to be kept on the capital or one of the Forge Worlds.
... are they going to tell anyone to bring in some heavy backup, or is this just gonna be a purely 1st Legion deal?
It will be a purely Unforgiven affair. They won't involved other Imperial factions because they don't want people to start asking awkward questions.
Should've been doing the test slave thing turns ago honestly.
We honestly thought it would be enough like we're getting a lot of new scouts per turn the normal way but the main fight is likely to be even worse then the fight in Midgardia hoping for the best but we may lose multiple companies. Hindsight 20-20 we should have done test slave this turn but yea no one thought about it
@Osha What's your take on loyalist chapter legion makeup in 40k?

As an example, my head canon is that there are always ~1,000 loyalist chapters any given century and roughly half of those are Ultramarines legion or "Ultramarines" (really traitor gene seed lines founded as Ultramarines).

And then the other 50% is made up of the other 8 loyalist legions. With hardly any Space Wolf or Salamander successors.

Etc, etc.

So basically how many DA Chapters are wandering around as a reserve pool to source more attacks like this?
@Osha What's your take on loyalist chapter legion makeup in 40k?

As an example, my head canon is that there are always ~1,000 loyalist chapters any given century and roughly half of those are Ultramarines legion or "Ultramarines" (really traitor gene seed lines founded as Ultramarines).

And then the other 50% is made up of the other 8 loyalist legions. With hardly any Space Wolf or Salamander successors.

Etc, etc.

So basically how many DA Chapters are wandering around as a reserve pool to source more attacks like this?

I would say at least a hundred, if not closer to two hundred. After the UM and the IF, IIRC, they're the largest portion.

Even just 50, though, would potentially be as much as 50k SMs, if not more if certain chapters/groups flout the Codex under the table.
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@Osha What's your take on loyalist chapter legion makeup in 40k?

As an example, my head canon is that there are always ~1,000 loyalist chapters any given century and roughly half of those are Ultramarines legion or "Ultramarines" (really traitor gene seed lines founded as Ultramarines).

And then the other 50% is made up of the other 8 loyalist legions. With hardly any Space Wolf or Salamander successors.

Etc, etc.

So basically how many DA Chapters are wandering around as a reserve pool to source more attacks like this?
I'm not the QM but I believe canon said that Dark angel geneseed make up either 10% or 15% of all chapters.
Oh good, a guy who's probably still a posthuman supremacist. Aside from the Tau issue, he'll have little issue with what we do.

Actually I think it is more him being an atheist with all this Word Bearers shit he keep hearing. He was around when the Emperor made his stance on the whole "are you a god" question was answered - the fact it is apparently mainstream just shows how degenerate this time is. Though if the Death Guard were on ice long enough Space Marine on Space Marine combat should also come across as crazy.
Damm can't wait for the main fight also something to consider and one that is worrying where we the patroling IS companies, there were 2 of them and with the talons occupying the steel hunger and Heimdal who attacked us (other than the Dark angels) and were able to get both of their attentions

[X] 46 Jump Packs
[X] 1 Rosarius
[X] 3 Iron Halos

also again great thanks to @Cjdavis103 cause without him this may have been a death blow instead of just a heavy blow that comes with a lot of loot.
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Actually I think it is more him being an atheist with all this Word Bearers shit he keep hearing. He was around when the Emperor made his stance on the whole "are you a god" question was answered - the fact it is apparently mainstream just shows how degenerate this time is. Though if the Death Guard were on ice long enough Space Marine on Space Marine combat should also come across as crazy.
No, I'm being legit: That was of the Death Guard's flaws that led to them falling: When the 14th Legion set off from Terra, they felt that they could take on the toughest tasks so that squishy humans didn't have to die horribly trying something they'd never accomplish. But after a few centuries of this and Mortarion rejoining, that morphed into a very fashy loathing of humans for being 'weak', AKA not posthuman supersoldiers, and considered them utterly incapable of knowing what was good for themselves.

They're really going to be pissed that unaugmented humans, and especially psykers, run the Imperium now.
So bit of a mixed bag this update but it has some caveats that make it less horrible (and moderately hilarious). For starters, and as has already been discussed, this crusade is going to be a DA-only affair which has its ups and downs: no non-DA forces involved which is good, them being able to do things they would otherwise get censured for is bad. There is also them only being able to call on other Unforgiven for aid which has a whole host of problems tied to it: too many chapters get called in, wider Imperium gets suspicious since the High Lords already do not trust the DA for essentially operating as a Legion still and their suspicious behavior whenever non-descript Space Marines in black armor are running around. Still, they can and likely will feed Unforgiven into the grinder because a renegade empire (which is essentially what the Storm Avengers are at this point) with Fallen Angels in its highest echelons absolutely cannot be left alone. Them trying for a surprise decapitation strike was smart but for once they got hammered by the other side having the Dark Age technology advantage and this is absolutely a massive bloody nose for them but the Dark Angels are not exactly known for backing down when their existence is threatened and their pride gets stomped on.

There is also the minor issue of the other renegade chapters knowing the terrible secret of the DA, which was made abundantly clear by Torvald outright saying it to their face and further cementing the renegades can't be dealt with by anything less than the business end of a boltgun by saying the Lion was a traitor. With the presence of the Death Guard loyalists, which will likely be identified soon enough since I imagine the DA are wondering just what chapter these new marines could be from, the whole situation is rapidly spiraling into a series of mutual escalations that cannot be walked back from. Maybe the Tau jump in, maybe the wider Imperium (or just the Inquisition really) starts wondering why the Dark Angels and a bunch of their successor chapters are going so hard after a minor group of renegade chapters in an abandoned sector, maybe the Ultramarines get involved since they think its their responsibility to "discipline" (read: execute mercilessly) their rogue successors, maybe the Admech get involved because Dark Age archeotech is something they'd murder planets for.
The Dark Angels came in hard, aggressive and honestly kinda dumb.
They lost what 200+ veterans and most of their gear in this assault?
It wasn't kinda of dumb. Except maybe on Vanaheim. On Vanaheim, it was meant to be go in, kill Osmadiel and any other heretic leadership they could only for the Death Guard to get a nat 100 on killing them while the Angels of Vengeance went rogue after Torvald pissed them off. Things did get bad for a bit which is why Osmadiel took a chance on releasing the Death Guard. Once the Angel of Redemption Grand Master was killed, it should have been an orderly retreat where the Dark Angels and Angels of Vengeance got out with light to moderate losses, but the latter got stubborn and decided to fight to the last.

On Midgardia, everything went wrong for them. You used a secret super-death laser to blow up one of their warships, bogged down the ground forces with the prepared Storm Guard. And you hit them with boarding actions, which is your speciality and even then, the 1st Company involved was good enough to repel you the first time. If you had been a normal Space Marine Chapter without secret DAoT tech and a ridiculously well-equipped IG/PDF force, including standard issue Carapace Armour, they would have likely beaten you and taken your fortress-monastery.

At Mjolnir, the Unforgiven did win. Yes, they took a bad hit when the strike cruiser carrying a 1st Company was destroyed, but half of the defending Astartes died in the process. They did successfully seize the fortress-monastery and it was only a self-destruct that denied it to them and took out their remaining ground forces, which were still fairly intact at that point.

So the Unforgiven got two losses due to unexpected factors that they couldn't have reasonably predicted and they got one pyrrhic victory where the enemy was still hurt was then they were.
@Osha What's your take on loyalist chapter legion makeup in 40k?
About 50% Ultramarine and there are no official Salamander or Space Wolf successors. Beyond that, there are a few dozen Successor Chapters each of the other legions, leaning towards more Imperial Fist and Blood Angel successors. The rest of the Chapters are unknown which basically means they don't know. It could be a Loyalist Primarch, a Traitor Primarch or Chimeric, but the records of that don't exist anymore if they ever did or nobody knows wheres said records.
"To all sons of the Lion," you call into a vox channel that you know the enemy will be monitoring, "This is Chapter Master Torvald Thunderson of the Storm Avengers and the Asgardian Triumvirate. I know the truth of your Primarch's actions at Caliban. How he destroyed his own homeworld, how he turned on his own sons and betrayed without warning. I know of your great shame and I know that you are here to silence those who know the truth about it."
You know I wonder our average marines already knew about this "information" before hand.

If not then the chapter master openly claiming the Lion was a traitor is certainly an experience.
Without a doubt, the Dark Angels are going to feel a lot of pain and frustration for this complete failure of a purge.

Perhaps they will cheer themselves up by purging some blue-skinned Xenos in the area. What could possibly go wrong? :rolleyes:
"Let's us hear it then," says Ovald as he leans forward, "What threat comes our way?"

"Greenskins, I believe," answers Steffen confidently, "Waaagh! Ironrekka is going to be greater than any of us expected and according to my visions, he will come to the Beowulf Sub-Sector with a space hulk."

"Are you sure?" demands Osmadiel and you sympathise with the Knight of Caliban as that is poor news for his Chapter.

"I am," Steffen tells him, "There will be a great warship, larger than any battle barge and filled with ancient technology and it will be green. It will come to the Beowulf Sub-Sector to lay waste to the Knights of Caliban, the head of a large host of warships. There will be no forgiveness in the Beowulf Sub-Sector."
Well Steffen's vision was correct. The interpretation left something to be desired.

So I'm wondering what's the damage on the Knights of Caliban. After all I'm interpreting that as a Gloriana (or even worse the Rock itself) showing up at the Beowulf subsector.
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Without a doubt, the Dark Angels are going to feel a lot of pain and frustration for this complete failure of a purge.

Perhaps they will cheer themselves up by purging some blue-skinned Xenos in the area. What could possibly go wrong? :rolleyes:

This is just part 1 of a 3 part update. Its only going to get worse from here.

(And I mean that, this is a waste for both us and the Imperium)
Fixed. Thanks for catching that.

Effectively so. You know their great shame and worse, you have twisted it into their Primarch being the villain of it.

You don't have to, but if you want the Iron Sentinels to rebuild in anything approaching a timely fashion, you'll want to donate.

So any reason why we can't gather up a couple of astropath choirs and send out the truth to the entire empire far and wide but focused mostly on those chapters like the wolves who have been fucked over by them the most? Don't know if we have evidence, but the founding chapters would have records of the names and faces of the Knights and we could point to all the bullshit they've pulled trying to cover their ass over the 1000s of years. Give them something else to worry about with the inquisition and a number of chapters wanting to have 'words' with them.
So any reason why we can't gather up a couple of astropath choirs and send out the truth to the entire empire far and wide but focused mostly on those chapters like the wolves who have been fucked over by them the most? Don't know if we have evidence, but the founding chapters would have records of the names and faces of the Knights and we could point to all the bullshit they've pulled trying to cover their ass over the 1000s of years. Give them something else to worry about with the inquisition and a number of chapters wanting to have 'words' with them.

We could, but why the hell do you want to announce to the Imperium where we are?

We live via anonymity.

Also, we don't have nearly all the facts. The Knights of Caliban either left out some of the truth, didn't realize how corrupt their leadership was, never got the whole picture or lied to us to make themselves look better. But the info we have on the Fallen is biased and wrong.

So its exposing our version of events, painting a bullseye on us for no good reason.

One group will be pleased. The Alpha Legion will be applauding us for all the chaos and shit stirring that kind of broadcast would cause.
Also, we don't have nearly all the facts. The Knights of Caliban either left out some of the truth, didn't realize how corrupt their leadership was, never got the whole picture or lied to us to make themselves look better. But the info we have on the Fallen is biased and wrong.
I think it was basically both sides got their asses deceived. They don't know the full truth or do not realise it.
So I'm wonder what's the damage on the Knights of Caliban. After all I'm interpreting that as a Gloriana (or even worse the Rock itself) showing up at the Beowulf subsector.

A Spacehulk sounds more like the Rock. Frankly at that point are only chance of survival is forcing those fucking gremlins to wake that idiot up early. Sure that would only happen if they have a choice between waking him up or we set off the atomics we get on board the Rock. But otherwise the Rock is just going to fucking murder our fleets.