Renegade Chapter Master Quest Redux (WH40k Quest)

Storm Avengers Space Marine Chapter

Storm Avengers

Founding Chapter: Ultramarines
Founding: M32/Fourth Founding
Chapter Master: Torvald Thunderson
Homeworld: Midgardia (Current), Ragnarok (Former)
Fortress-Monastery: Aula Fortis (Current), Aula Occisi (Former)
Speciality: Combined Arms, Naval Warfare & Boarding Actions.
Colours: Red and white with a golden trim.
Symbol: Crossed golden lightning bolts behind a red lambda 'A'.
Battlecry: "We are the Avenging Storm!"
I'm so hard confused about how we can get favors from the Forgeworlds when we're at war with them.
I think I missed an update.

Time to re-read this quest ... there are worse fates than this.
I'm so hard confused about how we can get favors from the Forgeworlds when we're at war with them.
I think I missed an update.

Time to re-read this quest ... there are worse fates than this.
Simple it's the forgeworlds that are allied ton us which are loki, Odin, and sif mostly due to us saving mechanical behinds from big threats for the latter two while loki is just the forgeworld that got lucky that we have similar views with them in innovation and weren't attacked by either chaos or the orthodox forgeworlds.
Turn 7/530-534.M41
[X] The Storm Avengers give the Oberon-class Battleship to Forge World Loki. Gain one Honourbound Favour to Forge World Loki.
[X] The Storm Avengers give the Lunar-class Cruiser to Forge World Loki. Gain one Major Favour to Forge World Loki.
[X] The Storm Avengers keep the Emperor-class Titan for themselves.

"You have a plan, Torvald?" asks Sig as he joins in your chambers aboard the Might of Storms.

"Not exactly," you answer your Chapter Champion, "I do know that the civil war must be dealt with before it can be allowed to spread beyond the Vanir Sub-Sector. It could be a devastating blow to the Asgardia Sector if that happens, something we do not need to suffer on top of the destruction inflicted across the forge worlds. Our new domain is not weak, but like all things, it can only take so many blows before it falls."

"Do you wish to send the chapter against Harald Reximus and his fellow traitors?" inquires Sig.

"I do not know," you admit, "We should send some of our brothers to aid the Sector Lord against his treasonous cousin, but there are other threats to the Asgardia Sector. The rebellion in the Ymir Sub-Sector may be on the verge of death, but that is not the same thing as being dead. And I have heard word from Antares. The Iron Sentinels will be committing all of their spare forces to the civil war, which admittedly is not all that great considering how reduced our brothers are and their other commitments."

"Forge World Freya," says Sig.

"Aye," you reply as you wonder how the upcoming fights with Baldur and Freya will go.

You crush both of their forces at Sif, but since then, your mighty task force has been split up into three smaller ones. One to safeguard Sif while Freya and Baldur each have an invasion force coming their way to bring them to heel. Once both rebel forge worlds have fallen, Thor would surrender or at least fall back in line. Something that you have mixed feelings about.

On the one hand, the tech-priests of Forge World Thor attacked and attempted to kill your brothers and have killed your huskarls and your cousins in the Carmine Talons. On the other hand, pragmatism demands a lighter hand with Thor for their factories and shipyards are almost uniquely invaluable to both your own Chapter and to the Iron Sentinels. You need the fruits of their industry in the long run or an unthinkable expensive alternative, no matter what your current relationship may look up.

What would the God-Emperor think of your actions? What would the Primarch think? Are the tech-priests of Thor traitors to be wiped out or misguided citizens to be brought back into the light of the Emperor?

Decisions of that nature fall to you as Chapter Master, something that was true even when the Storm Avengers were still part of the Imperium. And now there are no nominally higher authorities for you to hide behind.

"Odin is under attack, but we already have forces committed there," says Sig, "Ymir? Or the Daughters of Celeste? Those heretics have been rebuilding their strength."

"At least we have some idea of what they have been up to while they were quiet," you say, "Unfortunately, we still lack any idea of where they are operating out of."

"At least they have limited access to ships," muses Sig before pausing, "That is true, Torvald?"

"They only have the one strike cruiser and lack access to any shipyards to our knowledge," you answer, "It is not impossible for them to have expanded their meagre fleet, but we have no signs that they have."

"Which does not mean that they have not," says Sig.

"Indeed," you agree, "We also have the pirate problem to consider if the sector is to truly thrive. The pirate lords have been dealt with, but the Freebootas and Dark Eldar are still going strong. We have eliminated some of the Ork warships, but we have not come close to routing out the problem. A proper hunt will be required to purge the greenskin pirates from the sector."

"That might be a good job for scouts," suggests Sig, "Our junior brothers could do with some experience in both boarding actions and hunting down an illusive foe."

"3rd Company are our best when it comes to facing the greenskin menace," you point out.

"Aye, that is true," concedes the Chapter Champion.

"I shall engage in prayer," you say after a moment of silence, "I shall need the God-Emperor's guidance for my upcoming decision."

"If it pleases you, Torvald, I shall join you."

"I would appreciate it, brother."

Free Actions (Choose up to three)
Perform actions that don't fall under Production or Chapter Deployment. Also includes non-Codex compliant changes to your chapter organisation.
[ ] Write-in.
[ ] Write-in.
[ ] Write-in.
Skald Action
A diplomatic venture taken by your skalds such as calling in a Favour or reaching out to another faction.
[ ] Write-in.
Chapter Deployment
[ ] Torvald and his Honour Guard are engaged in the Baldur Sub-Sector and currently unavailable.
[ ] 1st Company (100) is engaged in the Baldur Sub-Sector and currently unavailable.
[ ] 2nd Company (100) is unassigned and currently available.
[ ] 3rd Company (92) is unassigned and currently available.
[ ] 4th Company (88) is unassigned and currently available. (Strike Cruiser crippled)
[ ] 7th Company (93) is unassigned and currently available.
[ ] 8th Company (97) is unassigned and currently available.
[ ] 9th Company (88) is engaged in the Odin Sub-Sector and currently unavailable.
[ ] 10th Company (83) is unassigned and currently available.
[ ] 1st Chapter Fleet is engaged in the Odin Sub-Sector and currently unavailable.
[ ] 2nd Chapter Fleet is engaged in the Baldur Sub-Sector and currently unavailable. (Strike Cruiser crippled)
[ ] Requilary Battle Barge Might of Storms is engaged in the Sif Sub-Sector and currently unavailable.
[ ] Battle Barge Ardent Storm is unassigned and currently available. (Badly Damaged)

Production (24 Points & 8 Techmarines available)
[ ] Write-in.
-Battle Barge Ardent Storm is badly damaged and requires one Major Favour from Forge World Odin to repair.
-Strike Cruiser Light of Guilliman is crippled and requires one Major Favour to repair.
-Strike Cruiser Carmine Talon is crippled and requires one Major Favour to repair.
Development (20 Resource Points available)
[ ] Write-in.
Chapter Organisation (Optional)
This is here so you can make Codex-compliant changes to the chapter to suit your preferences. Think things like assigning vehicles or warships to a company or replacing losses in a battle company from a reserve company. Most of this will happen automatically and will be sorted out by me, the QM, but here is the option if anyone wants to do it themselves.
[ ] Write-in.



Beowulf Incursion (Beowulf Sub-Sector): The Beowulf Sub-Sector is under threat from the Ork empire located in the neighbouring Grendel Sub-Sector with feral worlds having fallen to the greenskins. While cleared of human life, these worlds belong to the Emperor and allowing the Orks to get further entrenched will likely lead to trouble in the future. Threat Level Low.
Fortress World Tyrfing (Tyrfing Sub-Sector): While the Bloody Steel survivors have aligned themselves with their Prodigal Brethren, their brief homeworld, the heretical Fortress World Tyrfing, still remains. Even without the Bloody Steel, Tyrfing on its own would be a very troublesome planet to invade, but its elimination would go a long way to safeguarding the Asgardia Sector. Threat Level Extreme.
Daughters of Celeste (Asgardia Sector): While the majority of the Slaaneshi Iron Sentinels are slain at Mjolnir, their Daemon Princess leaders were able to escape aboard a damaged Strike Cruiser with the majority of the Iron Sentinel gene-seed reserve. Hunt them down before they can rebuild their strength and grow into a greater threat. Latest reports indicate that the Daughters of Celeste have at least a company's worth of 'battle-sisters'. Threat Level Extreme.
Feral Ork Purge (Asgardia Sector): Thanks to a series of past Waaaghs, a good many of the worlds in the Asgardia Sector have a populace of Feral Orks. While the greater threat of these primitive xenos is usually nominal, every Space Marine knows what the Orks can do when left unchecked. Conduct a purge on the Feral Orks to curtail their threat. Threat Level Low.
Freeboota Hunt (Asgardia Sector): The Asgardia Sector has several Ork Freebootas operating within it, with more than ten different Ork Kaptins being identified. Go to the usual hunting grounds of the Freebootas and attempt to eliminate some of them. Threat Level Medium.
Patrolling (Asgardia Sector): There are many minor threats to the Asgardia Sector and the loyal Imperial citizens calling it home. Having forces patrol the sector will allow the Chapter to proactively deal with any threats that unexpectedly appear in the sector. Threat Level Variable.
Raiding (Asgardia Sector): There are many threats within the borders of the Asgardia Sector, from Orks to heretics to minor xenos powers. Sending forces to raid these foes can weaken them by hitting targets of opportunity. Threat Level Variable.
Home Guard (Gard Sub-Sector): As important as it is for the chapter to go out and slay the enemies of humanity, it is also important the chapter protects its home on Midgardia. Stationing forces on Midgardia will help deter opportunities or planned attacks on the fortress-monastery. Threat Level Variable.
Omnissiah Service (Asgardia Sector): A good relationship with a Forge World is vital for any thriving chapter and your Chapter is on fairly good terms with the Adeptus Mechanicus despite everything. Nevertheless, the tech-priests don't work for free and you will need to do something for them in exchange for their time and effort. Thankfully, the Adeptus Mechanicus won't say no to the aid of space marines as your assistance is too valuable to turn down. Threat Level Variable.
Heresy in Ymir (Ymir Sub-Sector): The Ymir Sub-Sector has been mostly reclaimed and the backbone of the rebellion has been broken. Now all that remains is purging the last few hold out of heretic rebels from the sub-sector. The Vanaheim Valkyries are here. Threat Level Low.
Driving Back the Dracs (Alfheim Sub-Sector): The Dracs Coalition is the biggest threat of the minor xenos powers. Undermining their control over human worlds and targeting their war machine would slow down their expansion into the Asgardia Sector. Threat Level High.
Purging the Strulrot (Jormungandr Sub-Sector): The Strulrot Empire is an expansionist and highly aggressive xenos empire. In a fit of daring and foolish audacity, these aliens have conquered a feral world and purged it of its human populace. Threat Level Medium.
Safeguarding Odin (Odin Sub-Sector): Hoping to take advantage of Odin's weakness while the rest of the sector is distracted, the Darcs Coalition has launched an assault on Forge World Odin. While the Tech-Guard of Odin is holding for now, it is only a matter of time before the depleted defenders fall if they don't receive any reinforcements. Threat Level High.
The Asgardia Civil War (Vanir Sub-Sector): A pretender and traitor, Harald Reximus, has made a bid for his cousin's throne. Supported by the Dark Eldar of the Kabal of the Black Reaping, Harald Reximus has plunged the Vanir Sub-Sector into civil war, something which threatens to spill over to the rest of the Asgardia Sector. The Vanaheim Valkyries and Battlefleet Asgardia will be deployed here. Threat Level High.
The Prodigal Brethren (Imperium of Man): The Prodigal Brethren are old foes of your Chapter and you doubt their presence in the Asgardia Sector so soon after your arrival is coincidence. Despite recent setbacks, the Prodigal Brethren have still seen a net growth in power as they increase their strength at the expense of ally and enemy alike and have now decided to cut their losses while they are still ahead. Hunt them beyond the borders of the Asgardia Sector. Threat Level Extreme.

Iron Sentinels

1st Company (30) = Deployed at Forge World Freya.
2nd Company (90) = Deployed at Forge World Freya.
3rd Company (100) = Deploying to the Vanir Sub-Sector.
4th Company (100) = Garrison Duty at Arx Ferrea on Mjolnir.
10th Company (85) = Deploying to the Vanir Sub-Sector.

Points of Interest

The Forge Worlds of Asgardia (Asgardia Sector): The Asgardia Sector has six remaining Forge Worlds in it. Forge World Odin is the primary supplier of Battlefleet Asgardia, capable of producing Retribution-class Battleships, Mars-class Battlecruisers & Overlord-class Battlecruisers. Forge World Freya is capable of producing Mars-class Battlecruisers while Forge World Loki can produce Overlord-class Battlecruisers.
Forge World Baldur is home to the only remaining Titan Legion as Legio Fulgaran refused to abandon its home. Forge World Thor is the primary supplier of the Iron Sentinels with its shipyards being able to produce Adeptus Astartes warships. Forge World Sif is the least notable Forge World beyond its close relationship with the Order of the Sacred Storm.
The Order of Sacred Storm (Sif Sub-Sector): Located in the Sif Sub-Sector, the Adepta Sororita order is infamous for their isolationist nature and considering themselves answerable to only to the God-Emperor. Located on the capital of the Sif Sub-Sector, the Shrine World Gunnerheim, the Order of the Sacred Storm have made sure to maintain a close relationship with the rest of their sub-sector. A close relationship that has led to the sisters becoming the rulers of the Sif Sub-Sector after the Imperium abandoned the Asgardia Sector.
Lord Sector Sigurdr Reximus (Asgardia Sector): Through a mixture of legitimacy, force and charisma, Lord Sector Sigurdr Reximus managed to maintain his dynasty's ancestral control over the Asgardia Sector. With the famous Vanaheim Valkyries of his homeworld and suborning what remains of Battlefleet Asgardia, Sigurdr Reximus will likely be an invaluable ally to the Chapter.
Hell Forge Heimdall (Heimdall Sub-Sector): Taken by the Ruinous Powers a few centuries ago, the Hell Forge Heimdall was the primary supplier of a massive rebellion that swept over the entire sector. Even centuries later when the rebellion was crushed long ago, Heimdall is a major supplier to Chaos cults and heretic uprisings across the Asgardia Sector and is currently attempting to entice external allies to bolster its strength.
Kabal of the Black Reaping (Asgardia Sector): The Kabal of the Black Reaping are Dark Eldar pirates who prey upon the worlds and shipping of the Asgardia Sector. These xenos specialise in close combat and boarding actions with a noted tendency to steal everything that they can where they will then sell their captured vessels, cargo and loot in exchange for even more slaves.
Greenskins of Grendel (Asgardia Sector): The Grendel Sub-Sector is home to an Orkoid Empire known as the Greenskins of Grendel. The xenos have resisted every minor attempt to purge them and have yet to receive the attention of a major attempt at elimination due to greater threats to prioritise. They regularly spill out into neighbouring sub-sectors, especially the Beowulf Sub-Sector as the greenskins seem to have some fascination with the Fortress World Beowulf.
Knight Worlds of Asgardia (Asgardia Sector): Thanks to its long and storied history, the Asgardia Sector is home to dozens of Knight Worlds, whose brave and noble defenders refused to leave with the Imperium. Now they fight to protect their homes, either independently or under the banner of House Reximus or one of the Forge Worlds.
Inquisitorial Fortress (Asgardia Sector): The Asgardia Sector was said to have an Inquisitorial Fortress, belonging to a cabal of the Ordo Malleus. While this band of Inquisitors are nominally focused on other threats, you have no doubts they won't take kindly to you and your brothers. To make matters worse, you have no idea where their fortress is located or what assets they can bring to bear in the Asgardia Sector.
Xenos Presence (Asgardia Sector): There are four minor xenos species of note in the Asgardia Empire. The first is the Larant High Kingdom, a feudal Avian species that lacks unity, but makes up for it by controlling three sub-sectors that each have a large number of inhabited worlds. The second is the Mahenessian Republic, an isolationist and defensive democracy of aquatic shellfish. The Mahenessi are relatively small with just seven systems across a single sub-sector.
The third is the Darcs Coalition, who originate from a shattered world that is infested with advanced technology of unknown xenos origin and another democracy, one that attempts to subject all those around them. The Darcs Coalition controls over sixty worlds, including several which once belonged to the Imperium, across nine sub-sectors and have technology approaching equality with the Imperium.
The final xenos empire is the Strulrot Empire, militaristic reptilians who consider a religious mandate to kill anyone not of their kind. Led by an Arch-Khan, they are aggressive and have spread out across ten worlds over two sub-sectors with a noted preference for mobile and mechanised warfare.


The degrees of Reputation you can earn range from Despised, to Hated, to Bad, to Suspect, to Neutral, to Good, to Liked, to Honoured, to Exalted.
Favours range from Minor to Major to Honourbound.

Owed to the Storm Avengers
Battlefleet Asgardia = 2 Honourbound Favours, 3 Major Favours,
Forge World Odin = 3 Honourbound Favours, 3 Major Favours.
Forge World Loki = 2 Major Favours.
Forge World Sif = 1 Honourbound Favour, 5 Major Favours.
Order of the Sacred Storm = 2 Major Favours, 1 Minor Favour.
Von Grom Dynasty = 4 Major Favours.

Owed by the Storm Avengers
Carmine Talons = 1 Honourbound Favour.
Adeptus Mechanicus = Liked.
-Forge World Baldur = Despised.
-Forge World Freya = Despised.
-Forge World Loki = Liked.
-Forge World Odin = Honoured.
-Forge World Sif = Honoured.
-Forge World Thor = Bad.
Adeptus Administratum = Good.
Adeptus Astartes = Neutral.
-Blood Angels & Successors = Good.
–Carmine Talons = Honoured.
-Ultramarines & Successors = Neutral.
–Storm Avengers (Loyalists) = Despised.
–Iron Sentinels = Honoured.
Adepta Sororitas = Neutral.
-Order of the Sacred Storm = Honoured.
-Order of our Enchanting Lady = Despised.
Aristocracy of Asgardia = Neutral.
-Lord Sector Sigurdr Reximus = Liked.
Ecclesiarchy = Neutral.
Imperial Guard = Neutral.
-Vanaheim Valkyries = Good.
Imperial Navy = Neutral.
-Battlefleet Asgardia = Liked.
Ordo Hereticus = Despised.
-Inquisitor Astrid Reximus = Despised.
Ordo Malleus = Hated.
Ordo Xenos = Hated.
Pirate Lords of Asgardia
-Pirate-King Dean Falcon = Suspect.
-Pirate-Lord Grinner = Suspect.
-Pirate-Lady Harmonia Quiss = Suspect.
-Pirate-Lord Viktor Savage = Suspect.
-Pirate-Lady Lilith Panem = Suspect.
Rogue Traders = Neutral
-Von Grom Dynasty = Liked+ (Subordinate)
-Yngmar Dynasty = Neutral?
-Lukov Dynasty = Bad

Ongoing Research Projects

Xenotech Gravitic Thrusters = 1 Techmarine

Sub-Sector Development

Minor AdMech Favour is worth 5 RP.
Major AdMech Favour is worth 20 RP.
Honourbound AdMech Favour is worth 100 RP.

Sub-Sector Status
-Total Income = +21 RP per turn.
Midgardia = +12 RP per turn
-Ground Fortifications (Level 10)
-Orbital Fortifications (Level 7)

-Basic Academy
-Carapace Armour Manufactorum
-Hotshot Lasweapon Manufactorum
-Chimera Manufactorum
-Leman Russ Manufactorum
-Valkyrie Manufactorum
-Basilisk Manufactorum
-'Baneblade' Manufactorum
-Fury Manufactorum
-Thunderbolt Manufactorum
-Marauder Manufactorum
Danlan = +1 RP per turn
Valha = +0 RP per turn
Minvir = +3 RP per turn
-Orbital Fortifications (Level 6)
Grisnir = +0 RP per turn
-Ground Fortifications (Level 15)
-Orbital Fortifications (Level 10)

-Carapace Armour Manufactorum
-Hotshot Lasweapon Manufactorum
-Chimera Manufactorum
-Leman Russ Manufactorum
-Valkyrie Manufactorum
-Basilisk Manufactorum
-Thunderbolt Manufactorum
Folkvangr = +1 RP per turn
Tannheim = +1 RP per turn
-Ground Fortifications (Level 5)
-Orbital Fortifications (Level 4)

-Chimera Manufactorum
-Valkyrie Manufactorum
Jostir = +3 RP per turn
-Ground Fortifications (Level 17)
-Orbital Fortifications (Level 10)

-Carapace Armour Manufactorum
-Hotshot Lasweapon Manufactorum
-Chimera Manufactorum
-Valkyrie Manufactorum
-Thunderbolt Manufactorum
Thur = +0 RP per turn
-Ground Fortifications (Level 1)
-Orbital Fortifications (Level 1)
-Advanced Campus

Saemir = +0 RP per turn

Storm Avenger Infrastructure
-Errant Armour Manufactorum (4/100)
-1st Midgardia Armour (Trained) = Stationed on Minvir.
Recruitment Costs (Green/Trained/Regular)
Infantry Regiment = 1 RP/2 RP/3 RP
Heavy Infantry Regiment = 2 RP/3 RP/4 RP
Mechanised Regiment = 2 RP/3 RP/4 RP
Heavy Mechanised Regiment = 3 RP/4 RP/5 RP
Airborne Regiment = 3 RP/4 RP/5 RP
Heavy Airborne Regiment = 4 RP/5 RP/6 RP
Stormtrooper Regiment = ~/~/5 RP

Armour Regiment = 4 RP/6 RP/8 RP
-Superheavy Attachment = 3 RP
Artillery Regiment = 4 RP/6 RP/8 RP

Interceptor Regiment = 6 RP/8 RP/10 RP
Fighter Regiment = 6 RP/8 RP/10 RP
Bomber Regiment = 6 RP/8 RP/10 RP
Available Planetary Projects
Industrial Complex/Costs 10 RP = +1 RP for the planet. Can be taken an unlimited amount of times. You can only build one at a time per world.
Orbital Industrial Complex/Costs 25 RP = +1 RP for the planet. Can be taken an unlimited amount of times. You can only build one at a time per world.
Basic Academy/Costs 50 RP = Allows recruitment of Trained-rated Regiments.
Advanced Academy/Costs 100 RP = Allows recruitment of Regular-rated Regiments. Required for recruitment of Stormtrooper Regiments.
Minimal Campus/Costs 20 RP = Mildly increased training rate of Asgardian pyskers.
Basic Campus/Costs 50 RP = Moderately increased training rate of Asgardian pyskers.
Advanced Campus/Costs 100 RP = Majorly increased training rate of Asgardian pyskers.

Ground Fortifications/Costs 10 RP times level = Self-explanatory. Requires the prior level of fortifications to be built.
Orbital Fortifications/Costs 10 RP times level = Self-explanatory. Requires the prior level of fortifications to be built.

Escort Dockyard/Costs 25 RP = Allows the refitting or repairing of one escort-sized warship.
-Upgrade to Escort Shipyard (Write-in Type)/Costs 35 RP = In addition to the above, it allows the construction of the chosen warship class.
Cruiser Dockyard/Costs 75 RP = Allows the refitting or repairing of one cruiser-sized warship.
-Upgrade to Cruiser Shipyard (Write-in Type)/Costs 125 RP = In addition to the above, it allows the construction of the chosen warship class.
Battleship Dockyard/Costs 300 RP = Allows the refitting or repairing of one battleship-sized warship.
-Upgrade to Battleship Shipyard (Write-in Type)/Costs 500 RP = In addition to the above, it allows the construction of the chosen warship class.

Carapace Armour Manufactorum/Costs 40 RP = Upgrades PDF with Carapace Armour. Unlocks Heavy Regiments.
Hotshot Lasweapon Manufactorum/Costs 50 RP = Upgrades PDF with Stormtroopers. Required for recruitment of Stormtrooper Regiments.
Chimera Manufactorum/Costs 20 RP = Upgrades PDF with APCs. Required for recruitment of Mechanised Regiments.
Leman Russ Manufactorum/Costs 50 RP = Upgrades PDF with Tanks. Required for recruitment of Armour Regiments.
Valkyrie Manufactorum/Costs 30 RP = Upgrades PDF with Gunships. Required for recruitment of Airborne Regiments.
Basilisk Manufactorum/Costs 40 RP = Upgrades PDF with Artillery. Required for recruitment of Artillery Regiments.
'Baneblade' Manufactorum/Costs 100 RP = Upgrades PDF with Superheavy Tanks. Required for recruitment of Superheavy Attachments.
Lightning Manufactorum/Costs 100 RP = Upgrades PDF with Interceptors. Required for recruitment of Interceptors Regiments.
Thunderbolt Manufactorum/Costs 100 RP = Upgrades PDF with Fighters. Required for recruitment of Fighter Regiments.
Marauder Manufactorum/Costs 100 RP = Upgrades PDF with Bombers. Required for recruitment of Bomber Regiments.
Power Armour Manufactorum/Costs 300 RP = Upgrades Huskarls with Power Armour.
Errant Armour Manufactorum/Costs 100 RP = Makes the Mark VIII "Errant Armour" Power Armour standard issue for the Storm Avengers.

Forge Foundries/Costs 30 RP = Grants +1 Point for Production. Only one can be built at a time.
Power Weapon Manufactorum/Costs 10 RP = +5 Power Weapons per turn.
Specialist Weapon Manufactorum/Costs 10 RP = +5 Specialist Weapons per turn.
Heavy Weapon Manufactorum/Costs 10 RP = +5 Heavy Weapons per turn.
Jump Pack Weapon Manufactorum/Costs 10 RP = +5 Jump Packs per turn.
Iron Halo Manufactorum/Costs 50 RP = +1 Iron Halo per turn.
Rosarius Manufactorum/Costs 50 RP = +1 Rosarius per turn.
Adamantine Mantle Manufactorum/Costs 50 RP = +1 Adamantine Mantle per turn.
Indomitus Terminator Manufactorum/Costs 150 RP = +1 Indomitus-pattern Terminator Armour per three turns.
Bike Manufactorum/Costs 10 RP = +2 Bikes per turn.
Tarantula Turret (Heavy Bolter) Manufactorum/Costs 10 RP = +3 Tarantula Turret (Heavy Bolter) per turn
Tarantula Turret (Lascannon) Manufactorum/Costs 10 RP = +3 Tarantula Turret (Lascannon) per turn
Tarantula Turret (Multi-Laser) Manufactorum/Costs 10 RP = +3 Tarantula Turret (Multi-Laser) per turn
Tarantula Turret (Assault Cannon) Manufactorum/Costs 10 RP = +3 Tarantula Turret (Assault Cannon) per turn
Land Speeder Manufactorum/Costs 20 RP = +1 Land Speeder per turn.
Land Speeder Storm Manufactorum/Costs 20 RP = +1 Land Speeder Storm per turn.
Land Speeder Tornado Manufactorum/Costs 20 RP = +1 Land Speeder Tornado per turn.
Land Speeder Typhoon Manufactorum/Costs 20 RP = +1 Land Speeder Typhoon per turn.
Rhino Manufactorum/Costs 20 RP = +1 Rhino per turn.
Razorback (Heavy Bolter) Manufactorum/Costs 30 RP = +1 Razorback (Heavy Bolter) per turn.
Razorback (Heavy Flamer) Manufactorum/Costs 30 RP = +1 Razorback (Heavy Flamer) per turn.
Razorback (Assault Cannon) Manufactorum/Costs 30 RP = +1 Razorback (Assault Cannon) per turn.
Razorback (Lascannon) Manufactorum/Costs 30 RP
= +1 Razorback (Lascannon) per turn.
Vindicator Manufactorum/Costs 30 RP = +1 Vindicator per turn.
Whirlwind Manufactorum/Costs 30 RP = +1 Whirlwind per turn.
Predator Destructor Manufactorum/Costs 40 RP = +1 Predator Destructor per turn.
Predator Annihilator Manufactorum/Costs 40 RP = +1 Predator Annihilator per turn.
Castaferrum Dreadnought Manufactorum/Costs 120 RP = +1 Castaferrum-pattern Dreadnought per turn.
Contemptor Dreadnought Manufactorum/Costs 300 RP = +1 Contemptor-pattern Dreadnought per three turns.
Stormtalon Manufactorum/Costs 60 RP = +1 Stormtalon per turn.
Stormraven Manufactorum/Costs 300 RP = +1 Stormtalon per two turns.
Land Raider Phobos Manufactorum/Costs 600 RP = +1 Land Raider Phobos per six turns.
Land Raider Crusader Manufactorum/Costs 600 RP = +1 Land Raider Crusader per six turns.
Land Raider Redeemer Manufactorum/Costs 600 RP = +1 Land Raider Redeemer per six turns.


Available Output
Output is available for a single turn and cannot be stockpiled. Any Points not spent during the turn will be lost and won't be available in any following turns. The exception to this is points from Adeptus Mechanicus Favours, which can be stockpiled for later use. Any wargear that requires a Techmarine to build purchased via an Adeptus Mechanicus Favour costs triple.

9 Points from Techmarines.
0 Points from Forge World Thor.
10 Points from Forge World Odin.
5 Points from Forge World Loki.
10 Points from Forge World Sif.
0 Points from Forge World Baldur.
0 Points from Forge World Freya.

Adeptus Mechanicus Minor Favour is worth 20 Points or it can be used as a Techmarine substitute.
Adeptus Mechanicus Major Favour is worth 100 Points
Adeptus Mechanicus Honourbound Favour is worth 500 Points
Equipment Costs
Power Armour, Boltguns, Bolt Pistols & Chainsaws are standard issue.

5 Power Weapons = 1 Point
5 Specialist Weapons = 1 Point
5 Heavy Weapons = 1 Point
5 Jump Packs = 1 Point

1 Indomitus-pattern Terminator Armour = 5 Points (Takes 3 Turns & requires Techmarine)
1 Iron Halo = 5 Points
1 Rosarius = 5 Points
1 Adamantine Mantle = 5 Points

2 Bikes = 1 Point
Vehicle Costs
3 Tarantula Turret (Heavy Bolter) = 1 Point
3 Tarantula Turret (Lascannon) = 1 Point
3 Tarantula Turret (Multi-Laser) = 1 Point
3 Tarantula Turret (Assault Cannon) = 1 Point
1 Rhino = 2 Points/1 Crew
1 Razorback (Heavy Bolter) = 3 Points/1 Crew
1 Razorback (Heavy Flamer) = 3 Points/1 Crew
1 Razorback (Assault Cannon) = 3 Points/1 Crew
1 Razorback (Lascannon) = 3 Points/1 Crew
1 Land Speeder = 2 Points/2 Crew
1 Land Speeder Storm = 2 Points/2 Crew
1 Land Speeder Tornado = 2 Points/2 Crew
1 Land Speeder Typhoon = 2 Points/2 Crew
1 Vindicator = 3 Points/2 Crew
1 Whirlwind = 3 Points/2 Crew
1 Predator Destructor = 4 Points/2 Crew
1 Predator Annihilator = 4 Points/2 Crew
1 Castaferrum-pattern Dreadnought = 4 Points (Requires Techmarine)
1 Contemptor-pattern Dreadnought = 10 Points (Takes 3 & Requires Techmarine)
1 Stormtalon = 6 Points/1 Crew
1 Stormraven = 10 Points/2 Crew (Takes 2 Turns & requires Techmarine)
1 Land Raider Phobos = 20 Points/2 Crew (Takes 6 Turns & requires Techmarine)
1 Land Raider Crusader = 20 Points/2 Crew (Takes 6 Turns & requires Techmarine)
1 Land Raider Redeemer = 20 Points/2 Crew (Takes 6 Turns & requires Techmarine)
Warship Costs
Escort = 1 Minor Favour/1 Turn
5 Escorts = 1 Major Favour/1 Turn
30 Escorts = 1 Honourbound Favour/5 Escorts per 1 Turn.
Cruiser = 1 Major Favour (Forge World Thor)/3 Turns
3 Cruisers = 1 Honourbound Favour (Forge World Thor)/1 Cruiser per 3 Turns
Battle Barge = 1 Honourbound Favour (Forge World Thor)/10 Turns

1 Minor Favour can be used to refit a Strike Cruiser or Battle Barge.

Chapter Status

Chapter Master Torvald Thunderson: Worthy Thunderer, Aegis of Antonius, Timeless Liberty, 1/1 Adamantine Mantle.
Chapter Champion Sig Stormson: 1/1 Archaeotech Power Weapon, 1/1 Archaeotech Specialist Weapon, Invictus Iron
9/Honour Guard Squad Zero-Zero: 9/9 Archaeotech Power Weapons, 9/9 Archaeotech Specialist Weapons, 9/9 Artificer Armour.

Master of the Keep (1st): Grimvard Thunderson
Master of the Watch (2nd): Stefan Freeson
Master of the Arsenal (3rd): Rod Forgeson
Master of the Fleet (4th): Karl Voidson
Master of the Marches (5th): EMPTY
Master of the Rites (6th): EMPTY
Chief Victualler (7th): Scottus Lightson
Lord Executioner (8th): Halla Stormson
Master of the Relics (9th): Peder Freeson
Master of the Recruits and Reconnaissance (10th): Clin Boltson
Master of Sanctity: Jannis Hopeson
Total/Spare Chaplains: 10/2 (10/10 Power Weapon, 10/10 Rosarius)
Master of the Apothecarion: Bruce Boltson
Total/Spare Apothecaries: 17/9
Gene-seed: 127 (Storm Avengers), 32 (Angels of Retribution)
Chief Librarian: Steffen Strangeson
Total/Spare Librarians: 15/7 (15/15 Power Weapon)
Master of the Forge: Horwan Forgeson
Total/Spare Techmarines: 17/9 (17/17 Power Weapon, 17/17 Artificer Armour)

Unassigned Power Weapons: 175
-Unassigned Archaeotech Power Weapons: 136
Unassigned Specialist Weapons: 112
-Unassigned Archaeotech Specialist Weapons: 34
Unassigned Heavy Weapons: 107
-Unassigned Archaeotech Heavy Weapons: 70
Unassigned Jump Packs: 30

Unassigned Iron Halo = 3
Unassigned Rosarius = 6
Unassigned Adamantine Mantle = 0
Unassigned Artificer Armour = 35
Unassigned Indomitus-pattern Terminator Armour = 16
Unassigned Cataphractii-pattern Terminator Armour = 0
Unassigned Tartaros-pattern Terminator Armour = 0

Unassigned Bikes = 41
Assigned/Worthy Thunderer: Master-crafted Thunder Hammer (No penalty to initiative)
Assigned/Timeless Liberty: Storm Shield (Adamantium aka Unbreaking, Boosts Willpower)
Assigned/Aegis of Antonius: Tartaros-pattern Terminator Armour (3+ Invulnerable Save, Feel No Pain, Eternal Warrior, It Will Not Die)
Assigned/Wings of the Wasp: Jump Pack (Inbuilt power source means it can be used indefinitely, including to hover.)
Assigned/Storm Stinger: Master-crafted Plasma Pistol (Extra attack)
Assigned/Mighty Goliath: Tartaros-pattern Terminator Armour (Increases wearer's strength)
Assigned/Hawk's Faith: Master-crafted Sniper Rifle (Instant Death, Rending)
Assigned/Black Claws: Master-crafted Lightning Claws (Stealth)
Assigned/Green Fury: Master-crafted Power Fist (Bonus against Greenskins)
Assigned/Avenging Iron: Artificer Armour (Inbuilt Volkite Caliver)
Assigned/Ice Warden: Artificer Armour (Resistance to Fire/Flames)
Assigned/Invictus Iron: Artificer Armour (Inbuilt Iron Halo)
Assigned/Just Saviour: Artificer Armour (Inbuilt Storm Bolter)
Assigned/Monsterslayer: Tartaros-pattern Terminator Armour (Bonus against Monstrous Creatures)
Assigned/Silver Sentinel: Artificer Armour (Improved Warp Resistance)
Assigned/Warrider: Tartaros-pattern Terminator Armour (Inbuilt Master-Crafted Autocannon in shoulder in addition to regular weaponry)
Assigned/Wrath of Hallr: Thunder Hammer (Boosts Strength & Toughness)
Assigned/Repulsion of Heresy: Master-crafted Plasma Gun (Boosts Ballistic Skill)
Assigned/Blade of Swift Absolution: Master-crafted Power Sword (Increased Initiative, Additional Attack)

Lost/Stormbringer: Master-crafted Thunder Hammer (Boosts Toughness & Willpower)
Lost/Red Rage: Tartaros-pattern Terminator Armour (Grants 1 Additional Melee Attack, Feel No Pain)

1st Company (Veteran Company)

Captain Grimvard Thunderson: 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Iron Halo, Mighty Goliath, Blade of Swift Absolution, 1/1 Adamantine Mantle.
Champion Haldor Voidson: 1/1 Archaeotech Power Weapon, 1/1 Iron Halo, 1/1 Indomitus-pattern Terminator Armour.
Librarian Valentin Voidson: 1/1 Indomitus-pattern Terminator Armour.
Chaplain Stefan Stoneson: 1/1 Indomitus-pattern Terminator Armour.
Apothecary Wulf Voidson: 1/1 Indomitus-pattern Terminator Armour.
Techmarine Birger Snowson

3/Terminator Command Squad One-Zero: 3/3 Power Weapons, 3/3 Specialist Weapons, 3/3 Indomitus-pattern Terminator Armour.
10/Terminator Veteran Squad One-One (Veteran Sergeant): 10/10 Power Weapon, 2/2 Archaeotech Heavy Weapon, 10/10 Indomitus-pattern Terminator Armour.
10/Terminator Assault Veteran Squad One-Two (Veteran Sergeant): 10/10 Archaeotech Power Weapon, 10/10 Indomitus-pattern Terminator Armour.
10/Terminator Veteran Squad One-Three (Veteran Sergeant): 10/10 Power Weapon, 2/2 Archaeotech Heavy Weapon, 10/10 Indomitus-pattern Terminator Armour.
10/Terminator Veteran Squad One-Four (Veteran Sergeant): 10/10 Power Weapon, 2/2 Archaeotech Heavy Weapon, 10/10 Indomitus-pattern Terminator Armour.
10/Terminator Assault Veteran Squad One-Five (Veteran Sergeant): 10/10 Archaeotech Power Weapon, 10/10 Indomitus-pattern Terminator Armour.
10/Terminator Assault Veteran Squad One-Six (Veteran Sergeant): 10/10 Archaeotech Power Weapon, 10/10 Indomitus-pattern Terminator Armour.
10/Sternguard Veteran Squad One-Seven (Veteran Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Archaeotech Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Archaeotech Heavy Weapon, 10/10 Artificer Armour.
10/Sternguard Veteran Squad One-Eight (Veteran Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Archaeotech Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Archaeotech Heavy Weapon, 10/10 Artificer Armour.
10/Vanguard Veteran Squad One-Nine (Veteran Sergeant): 10/10 Archaeotech Power Weapon, 10/10 Archaeotech Specialist Weapon, 10/10 Jump Packs, 10/10 Artificer Armour.
10/Vanguard Veteran Squad One-Ten (Veteran Sergeant): 10/10 Archaeotech Power Weapon, 10/10 Archaeotech Specialist Weapon, 10/10 Jump Packs, 10/10 Artificer Armour.

Assigned Vehicles
21 Tarantula Turrets (Heavy Bolter)
18 Tarantula Turrets (Lascannon)
20 Tarantula Turrets (Multi-Laser)
21 Tarantula Turrets (Assault Cannon)
3 Land Speeders
3 Vindicators
3 Whirlwinds
3 Predator Destructors
3 Predator Annihilator
4 Stormtalons
2 Stormravens
Land Raider Phobos Vaccus Tonitru
Land Raider Phobos Terra Tempestas
Land Raider Crusader Imperialis Procella
Land Raider Redeemer Imperialis Tempestas

Assigned Warships
Strike Cruiser Burden of Justice (No Launch Bays, Prow Heavy Lances)
-3 Gladius-class Frigates

2nd Company (Battle Company)

Captain Stefan Freeson: 1/1 Archaeotech Power Weapon, Storm Stinger, 1/1 Iron Halo, Silver Sentinel
Champion Robert Strangeson: 1/1 Archaeotech Power Weapon, 1/1 Iron Halo, 1/1 Artificer Armour.
Librarian Epistolary Thord Lightson
Chaplain Ogmund Flameson
Apothecary Bjorn Thunderson
Techmarine Einar Freeson

3/Command Squad Two-Zero: 3/3 Power Weapons, 3/3 Specialist Weapons
10/Tactical Squad Two-One (Veteran Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 2/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Two-Two (Veteran Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Two-Three (Veteran Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Two-Four (Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Two-Five (Veteran Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Two-Six (Veteran Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Assault Squad Two-Seven (Veteran Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 2/2 Specialist Weapon, 10/10 Jump Packs.
10/Assault Squad Two-Eight (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 2/2 Specialist Weapon, 10/10 Jump Packs.
10/Devastator Squad Two-Nine (Veteran Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 4/4 Heavy Weapon.
10/Devastator Squad Two-Ten (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 4/4 Heavy Weapon.

1/Castaferrum-pattern Dreadnought chassis (Brother Tormod)
1/Castaferrum-pattern Dreadnought chassis (Brother Arnfinn)

Assigned Vehicles
21 Tarantula Turrets (Heavy Bolter)
21 Tarantula Turrets (Lascannon)
21 Tarantula Turrets (Multi-Laser)
21 Tarantula Turrets (Assault Cannon)
3 Land Speeders
3 Vindicators
3 Whirlwinds
3 Predator Destructors
3 Predator Annihilator
4 Stormtalons
4 Stormravens

Assigned Warships
Strike Cruiser Storm of Vengeance
-3 Gladius-class Frigates

3rd Company (Battle Company)

Captain Rod Forgeson: Green Fury, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Iron Halo, Warrider
Champion Asvald Hopeson: 1/1 Archaeotech Power Weapon, 1/1 Iron Halo, 1/1 Artificer Armour.
Librarian Arn Flameson
Chaplain Stein Stoneson
Apothecary Alfgeir Freeson
Techmarine Ivan Flameson

Company Traits
Orkslayers = Bonus to all rolls against Orks.

3/Command Squad Three-Zero: 3/3 Power Weapons, 3/3 Specialist Weapons
10/Tactical Squad Three-One (Veteran Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
9/Tactical Squad Three-Two (Veteran Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
9/Tactical Squad Three-Three (Veteran Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
9/Tactical Squad Three-Four (Veteran Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
9/Tactical Squad Three-Five (Veteran Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
9/Tactical Squad Three-Six (Veteran Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
9/Assault Squad Three-Seven (Veteran Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 2/2 Specialist Weapon, 10/10 Jump Packs.
9/Assault Squad Three-Eight (Veteran Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 2/2 Specialist Weapon, 10/10 Jump Packs.
9/Devastator Squad Three-Nine (Veteran Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 4/4 Heavy Weapon.
10/Devastator Squad Three-Ten (Veteran Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 4/4 Heavy Weapon.

Assigned Vehicles
21 Tarantula Turrets (Heavy Bolter)
18 Tarantula Turrets (Lascannon)
16 Tarantula Turrets (Multi-Laser)
21 Tarantula Turrets (Assault Cannon)
3 Land Speeders
3 Vindicators
3 Whirlwinds
3 Predator Destructors
3 Predator Annihilator
4 Stormtalons
6 Stormravens
Land Raider Phobos Fury of Redemption

Assigned Warships
Strike Cruiser Storm of Wrath
-3 Gladius-class Frigate

4th Company (Battle Company)

Captain Karl Voidson: 1/1 Archaeotech Power Weapon, Repulsion of Heresy, 1/1 Iron Halo, Ice Warden, Wings of the Wasp
Champion Harald Rainson: 1/1 Archaeotech Power Weapon, 1/1 Iron Halo, 1/1 Artificer Armour.
Librarian Arndor Strangeson
Chaplain Oskar Skyson
Apothecary Esjar Stoneson
Techmarine Samuel Hopeson

3/Command Squad Four-Zero: 3/3 Power Weapons, 3/3 Specialist Weapons
9/Bike Squad Four-One (Veteran Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 2/2 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon, 10/10 Bikes.
9/Tactical Squad Four-Two (Veteran Sergeant Niklas Iceson)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
9/Tactical Squad Four-Three (Veteran Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
9/Tactical Squad Four-Four (Veteran Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
9/Tactical Squad Four-Five (Veteran Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
9/Tactical Squad Four-Six (Veteran Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
8/Assault Squad Four-Seven (Veteran Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 2/2 Specialist Weapon, 10/10 Jump Packs.
8/Assault Squad Four-Eight (Veteran Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 2/2 Specialist Weapon, 10/10 Jump Packs.
9/Devastator Squad Four-Nine (Veteran Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 4/4 Heavy Weapon.
9/Devastator Squad Four-Ten (Veteran Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 4/4 Heavy Weapon.

1/Castaferrum-pattern Dreadnought chassis (Brother Claes)
1/Castaferrum-pattern Dreadnought chassis (Brother Gunnar)

Assigned Vehicles
18 Tarantula Turrets (Heavy Bolter)
13 Tarantula Turrets (Lascannon)
15 Tarantula Turrets (Multi-Laser)
18 Tarantula Turrets (Assault Cannon)
3 Land Speeders
3 Vindicators
3 Whirlwinds
3 Predator Destructors
3 Predator Annihilator
4 Stormtalons
4 Stormravens

Assigned Warships
Strike Cruiser Light of Guilliman
-3 Gladius-class Frigates

7th Company (Battle Company)

Captain Scottus Lightson: Black Claws, 1/1 Iron Halo, Avenging Iron
Champion Mikael Gustson: 1/1 Archaeotech Power Weapon, 1/1 Iron Halo, 1/1 Artificer Armour.
Librarian Paul Season
Chaplain Bard Boltson
Apothecary Svart Waveson
Techmarine Brand Season

Company Traits
Heretic Slayers = Bonus to all rolls against human Chaos forces.

3/Command Squad Seven-Zero: 3/3 Power Weapons, 3/3 Specialist Weapons
9/Bike Squad Seven-One (Veteran Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 2/2 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon, 10/10 Bikes.
9/Tactical Squad Seven-Two (Veteran Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
9/Tactical Squad Seven-Three (Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Seven-Four (Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
9/Tactical Squad Seven-Five (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Seven-Six (Veteran Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Assault Squad Seven-Seven (Veteran Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 2/2 Specialist Weapon, 10/10 Jump Packs.
9/Assault Squad Seven-Eight (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 2/2 Specialist Weapon, 10/10 Jump Packs.
9/Devastator Squad Seven-Nine (Veteran Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 4/4 Heavy Weapon.
9/Devastator Squad Seven-Ten (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 4/4 Heavy Weapon.

Assigned Vehicles
16 Tarantula Turrets (Heavy Bolter)
19 Tarantula Turrets (Lascannon)
16 Tarantula Turrets (Multi-Laser)
19 Tarantula Turrets (Assault Cannon)
3 Land Speeders
3 Vindicators
3 Whirlwinds
3 Predator Destructors
3 Predator Annihilator
4 Stormtalons
4 Stormravens
Land Raider Phobos Storm of Penance

Assigned Warships
Strike Cruiser Talon of Ragnarok
-4 Hunter-class Destroyers

8th Company (Battle Company)

Captain Halla Stormson: Wrath of Hallr, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Iron Halo, Just Saviour, 1/1 Jump Pack.
Champion Sigbrand Rainson: 1/1 Archaeotech Power Weapon, 1/1 Iron Halo, 1/1 Artificer Armour.
Librarian Ruben Iceson
Chaplain Erlend Hailson
Apothecary Simen Rainson
Techmarine Torbjorn Voidson

3/Command Squad Eight-Zero: 3/3 Power Weapons, 3/3 Specialist Weapons
10/Tactical Squad Eight-One (Veteran Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Eight-Two (Veteran Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Eight-Three (Veteran Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Eight-Four (Veteran Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Eight-Five (Veteran Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Eight-Six (Veteran Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Assault Squad Eight-Seven (Veteran Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 2/2 Specialist Weapon, 10/10 Jump Packs.
9/Assault Squad Eight-Eight (Veteran Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 2/2 Specialist Weapon, 10/10 Jump Packs.
9/Devastator Squad Eight-Nine (Veteran Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 4/4 Heavy Weapon.
9/Devastator Squad Eight-Ten (Veteran Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 4/4 Heavy Weapon.

Assigned Vehicles
21 Tarantula Turrets (Heavy Bolter)
21 Tarantula Turrets (Lascannon)
21 Tarantula Turrets (Multi-Laser)
21 Tarantula Turrets (Assault Cannon)
3 Land Speeders
3 Vindicators
3 Whirlwinds
3 Predator Destructors
3 Predator Annihilator
3 Stormtalons
4 Stormravens

Assigned Warships
Strike Cruiser Avenging Thunder (No Launch Bays, Prow Torpedo Tubes)
-4 Hunter-class Destroyers

9th Company (Battle Company)

Captain Peder Freeson: 1/1 Archaeotech Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Iron Halo, Monsterslayer
Champion Mord Lightson: 1/1 Archaeotech Power Weapon, 1/1 Iron Halo, 1/1 Artificer Armour.
Librarian Heimir Skyson
Chaplain Bentley Hopeson
Apothecary Johannes Iceson
Techmarine Stein Lightson

3/Command Squad Nine-Zero/Razorback (Heavy Bolter): 3/3 Power Weapons, 3/3 Specialist Weapons
10/Tactical Squad Nine-One (Veteran Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
0/Tactical Squad Nine-Two (EMPTY)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Nine-Three (Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Nine-Four (Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
9/Tactical Squad Nine-Five (Sergeant)/Rhino: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
9/Tactical Squad Nine-Six (Sergeant)/Rhino: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Assault Squad Nine-Seven (Veteran Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 2/2 Specialist Weapon, 10/10 Jump Packs.
10/Assault Squad Nine-Eight (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 2/2 Specialist Weapon, 10/10 Jump Packs.
10/Devastator Squad Nine-Nine (Veteran Sergeant)/Rhino: 1/1 Power Weapon, 4/4 Heavy Weapon.
10/Devastator Squad Nine-Ten (Sergeant)/Rhino: 1/1 Power Weapon, 4/4 Heavy Weapon.

Assigned Vehicles
19 Tarantula Turrets (Heavy Bolter)
20 Tarantula Turrets (Lascannon)
18 Tarantula Turrets (Multi-Laser)
21 Tarantula Turrets (Assault Cannon)
1 Razorback (Heavy Bolter)
4 Rhinos
3 Land Speeders
3 Vindicators
3 Whirlwinds
3 Predator Destructors
3 Predator Annihilator
4 Stormtalons
4 Stormravens

Assigned Warships
Strike Cruiser Bane of Heresy (No Launch Bays, Prow Torpedo Tubes)
-6 Sword-class Frigates

10th Company (Scout Company)

Captain Clin Boltson: 1/1 Archaeotech Power Weapon, Hawk's Faith, 1/1 Iron Halo
Champion EMPTY: 0/1 Power Weapon
Librarian Theodor Lightson
Chaplain Jonathan Hopeson
Apothecary Edvin Metalson
Techmarine Gudmund Freeson

0/Command Squad Ten-Zero:
10/Scout Squad Ten-One (Veteran Sergeant Trond Windson)/Land Speeder Storm & Land Speeder Storm: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Scout Bike Squad Ten-Two (Veteran Sergeant Leaf Metalson): 1/1 Power Weapon, 3/3 Heavy Weapon, 10/10 Bikes.
10/Scout Bike Squad Ten-Three (Veteran Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 3/3 Heavy Weapon. 10/10 Bikes.
10/Scout Bike Squad Ten-Four (Veteran Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 3/3 Heavy Weapon, 10/10 Bikes.
8/Scout Squad Ten-Five (Veteran Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
7/Scout Squad Ten-Six (Veteran Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
7/Scout Squad Ten-Seven (Veteran Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
7/Scout Squad Ten-Eight (Veteran Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
7/Scout Squad Ten-Nine (Veteran Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
7/Scout Squad Ten-Ten (Veteran Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.

Assigned Vehicles
14 Tarantula Turrets (Heavy Bolter)
14 Tarantula Turrets (Lascannon)
26 Tarantula Turrets (Multi-Laser)
14 Tarantula Turrets (Assault Cannon)
2 Land Speeder Storms

Assigned Warships
Strike Cruiser Defiant Light (No Launch Bays, Prow Torpedo Tubes)
-3 Gladius-class Frigates
Gabriella von Grom's 'Blackshields':
-Techmarine Gustav Hopeson
-10/Tactical Squad Black-One (Veteran Sergeant Rikard Boltson): 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.

Chapter Vehicles

1 Razorback (Heavy Flamer)
3 Rhinos
1 Castaferrum-pattern Dreadnought Chassis
2 Contemptor-pattern Dreadnought Chassis
2 Vindicators
1 Predator Destructors
1 Predator Annihilator

None at the moment.

TBD Tarantula Turrets (Heavy Bolter)
TBD Tarantula Turrets (Lascannon)
TBD Tarantula Turrets (Multi-Laser)
TBD Tarantula Turrets (Assault Cannon)
4 Rhinos
1 Razorback (Heavy Bolter)
21 Land Speeders
2 Land Speeder Storms
21 Vindicators
21 Whirlwinds
21 Predator Destructors
21 Predator Annihilator
27 Stormtalons
28 Stormravens
Land Raider Phobos Ferrum Tonitruum
Land Raider Phobos Terra Tempestas
Land Raider Crusader Imperialis Procella
Land Raider Redeemer Imperialis Tempestas
Land Raider Phobos Storm of Penance
Land Raider Phobos Fury of Redemption

Chapter Fleet

Battle Barges can carry up to three companies (300).
Strike Cruisers can carry up to one company (100).

All warships have increased speed from improvements to their engines.
All warships have superior sensor arrays for tracking and identifying targets.
All warships have a targeting matrix that links their weapons to sensor arrays for either greater general accuracy or targeting precise points.

1st Chapter Fleet
-Battle Barge Unyielding Defiance
–4 Gladius-class Frigates
-Vanguard Cruiser Fury of Midgardia (Prow Lances, Short-Plasma Macrocannons)
–4 Gladius-class Frigates
-Vanguard Cruiser Wrath of Midgardia (Prow Lances, Short-Plasma Macrocannons)
–4 Gladius-class Frigates
2nd Chapter Fleet
-Battle Barge Void Thunderer
–4 Gladius-class Frigates
-Strike Cruiser Carmine Falconer
–3 Gladius-class Frigates

Reliquary Battle Barge Might of Storms (Archeotech Agility & Firepower, Subpar Durability)
-4 Gladius-class Frigates
Battle Barge Ardent Storm
-4 Gladius-class Frigates

Strike Cruiser Burden of Justice (No Launch Bays, Prow Heavy Lances)
-3 Gladius-class Frigates
Strike Cruiser Storm of Vengeance
-3 Gladius-class Frigates
Strike Cruiser Storm of Wrath
-3 Gladius-class Frigate
Strike Cruiser Light of Guilliman
-3 Gladius-class Frigates
Strike Cruiser Talon of Ragnarok
-4 Hunter-class Destroyers
Strike Cruiser Avenging Thunder (No Launch Bays, Prow Torpedo Tubes)
-4 Hunter-class Destroyers
Strike Cruiser Bane of Heresy (No Launch Bays, Prow Torpedo Tubes)
-6 Sword-class Frigates
Strike Cruiser Defiant Light (No Launch Bays, Prow Torpedo Tubes)
-3 Gladius-class Frigates


Not too much to say here. You have the forge worlds and the civil war to worry about, but don't forget about lesser threats and I really can't think of anything else to add.

Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to.
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hey,am i reading this right and we have a lot of unused high quality astartes armor and weapons? could we lend our brothers what we currently dont need?

not neccessarily to get favours. just so they are more effective.
Hmm, we might want to just leave 4th company as a garrison while their Strike Cruiser is repaired.
As to the rest, not sure, but we definitely need to send a company and maybe more to hunt the Daughters of Celeste. I'd prefer 7th due to their Company trait Heretic Slayers.
hey,am i reading this right and we have a lot of unused high quality astartes armor and weapons? could we lend our brothers what we currently dont need?
We used to have even more before we gave like 50 of each Archaeotech weapons to the 1st company, reason we're keeping so many back in the armory is cause of attrition, so that we can get their bonuses as long as we can before they get destroyed. but we do have a lot of archeotech power weapons should probably give more to the 1st and the chapter
hey,am i reading this right and we have a lot of unused high quality astartes armor and weapons? could we lend our brothers what we currently dont need?

not neccessarily to get favours. just so they are more effective.
If you did that, you wouldn't so much be lending them as giving them away.
Hhm we should also let third company go freeboota hunting as for ships and to secure trade for the sector cause battlefleet asgardia Is gonna be busy in vanir.

Also @Oshha is our grand cruisers ready for the take off and for the defense of gard cause I think it's been awhile since last heard of them and if we are leaving a company here they could use one of cruisers as a temporary ship.
Also @Oshha is our grand cruisers ready for the take off and for the defense of gard cause I think it's been awhile since last heard of them and if we are leaving a company here they could use one of cruisers as a temporary ship.
Your grand cruisers are both in service and no, you may not use them as transports for your space marine companies.
Views from Odin (Canon)
Views from Odin​

Odin was once a paradise. A planet sized forge Odin was a keystone of the Asgardia Sector as it supplied every Battleship within the sector. Every other Forge World was forced to grovel at its feet for their precious Battleships and the sector government would do anything to please its army's main supplier. Odin was a paradise, but all Tech Acolyte Episolon-Rho 87 could see was ash and rot.

Surveying the surrounding area ER-87 gazed upon the monolith he was tasked with purifying. A fallen Warhound Titan lay not 100 meters away, and it would not stop festering. Even half a decade later it continued to rot, spewing forth an army of maggots every seven minutes. He had his assigned Tech Guard set up a perimeter around the beast but all this did was contain the infection. This was a job for a higher Tech Priest, one more versed in the prayers of the Machine God. This job was beyond his calling, but everyone else was either preoccupied or dead.

Little else was expected from him at this juncture, so ER-87 continued as he was. Maintain the barricades, exterminate the maggots, and request a minor artillery barrage every 7 days when the maggots formed into Chaos Spawn and attempted to seriously breach the perimeter.

As he watched yet another wave of maggots disappear under a wave of fire all he could do is hope those above him knew what to do.


"Unworthy of love, unworthy of respect, and barley worth the rope to go hang yourself!"

Magos Biologis Delta-Rho 12 always had mixed feelings on Magi Parliament meetings.

"Wretch! Hound! Maggot feasting on the bounty of their betters! You should have been incinerated the moment you opened your craven mouth decades ago! You shame Odin and the Mechanicus at large by continuing to waste air as you have!"

His feelings, however, have become a lot more clear recently. He fucking despised it.

"Waste? You call me and my actions a waste? While I stood at the forefront of the invasion you hid in your laboratories squandering resources!"

The shit show masquerading as a meeting was primarily spawned by one exceedingly polite individual, Archmagos Beta-Alpha 385. Formerly a Magos of low renown BA-385 rose to the rank of Archmagos like the majority of the newly crowned Archmagi of Odin, upon the back of fallen God Machines.

Responsible for leading the ground defense of Odin following his predecessor's death after the initial landing of the Titans, BA-385 should have been the least controversial pick for Archmagos of the millennia. There was just one small problem. He wouldn't shut the fuck up.

"It was my actions that prevented the central plasma reactors from overloading you inbred homunculus! Your blatant disrespect for the Machine God would find a better place at Sif then in these sacred halls!"

If there was one use for this meeting, however, it was an excellent way to find who supported what as the screeching in the auditorium increased a few pitches. While Archmagos BA-385 is hated by just about every older tech priest on and off the planet he is surprisingly popular with the younger, less orthodox tech priests of Odin. Combined with the fact that the head of the ultra-orthodox faction, Fabricator Locum Gamma-07, died when the Brethren seized the shipyards means every day more and more tech priests side with him.

As it was, however, none of this impacted him. Magos Biologis Delta-Rho 12 slumped in his seat slightly more as the arguments continued. All he could hope is that the Fabricator General knows what to do.


Fabricator General Alpha-01 did not make mistakes. Mistakes were the realm of biological flesh and blood. He took the information available to him and made the best decision for the Forge World based on it.

All the information available to him said the Titans of Baldur should have marched against the Titans of Heimdall. The tenets of the cult was clear, the machine must be protected and the heretek destroyed. All the information available to him said that after the heretek fleet was crushed the fleets of Baldur should have sailed to Heimdall and burned the planet to the ground. This did not happen.

Instead, Baldur decided to drag the sector into a massive civil war. Fabricator General Alpha-01 did not make mistakes, so with the information available to him Alpha-01 knew a change was needed, no matter how much he hated it.

The orthodox faction, one he was a part of, must be diminished. To join this war as they demand would leave Odin defenseless as its few remaining allies turn against it. With this in mind the radical Magos Beta-Alpha 385 was elevated to Archmagos. This action galvanized the radicals in the parliament and would be further bolstered with his eventual elevation to Fabricator Locum. While in this position he could be contained to Guard equipment production while limiting his influence in the parliament. Without a solid leader in the orthodox faction they will follow him out of habit and the radicals will follow him due to his elevation of BA-385.

While this will ultimately empower the radicals more then we would prefer there is little other option if Odins destruction is to be prevented.
[X] Purging Heretics and building a Dockyard
-[X] Have the Skalds try to negotiate with Forge World Thor.
—[X] Arguments for their surrendering:
> The Storm Avengers do not desire this conflict and that Thor has nothing to gain from this war.
> When an Ork WAAAAAGH attacked Thor it was not Baldur or Freya who went to their defense, it was the Iron Sentinels and the Storm Avengers. Continuing this war will only isolate your Forge World from its actual allies.
> This conflict is wasting resources that could we used to destroy actual threats to the sector.
> There will be no reparations for the damage you have done to our fleets.
>The Storm Avengers will continue to protect, supply, and buy from Thor as we have before. Even if Sif were to come and attack you in retribution we would still come to your defense. As long as you keep to your own affairs the Storm Avengers will not interfere.
>We have the STC for the Battle Barge and the Strike Cruiser and we will give them to Odin, Sif, and Loki so we can order our ships from them in the future if you do not back down.
>We have recently recovered an Emperor-Class Titan. Keep up with your aggressions then Sif will have the honor of being its caretaker. Agree to back down, then the more venerable Odin will have the honor.
-[X] Have the 4th Company Captain talk to the Larant Mercenaries on Midgardia. They seemed eager to work with us, so might as well see what kind of arrangement these Xenos want.
-[X] Assign 3 more Tech-Marines to research the possibility of replicating the design of the Nova-class Frigate for us to be able to produce them in the future.
-[X] Make 30 more Test Slaves
-[X] Home Guard: 4th Company
-[X] The Asgardia Civil War : 8th and 10th company
-[X] Daughters of Celeste : 2nd and 7th company
-[X] Patrolling: 3rd company
-[X] Production
—[X] Repair Ardent Storm (1 Major Favor)
—-[X] Refit with Short-Plasma Macrocannons (1 Major Favor)
—[X] Repair 2 Strike Cruisers at Sif (2 Major Favors)
—-[X] Refit with Short-Plasma Macrocannons (2 Minor Favors)
—[X] 2 Adamantine Mantles (10 PP)
—[X] 1 Stormtalon (6 PP)
—[X] 24 Tarantula Turrets (6 of each) (8 PP)
-[X] Subsector Development
—[X] Call in a HB favour from Odin for 100 RP
—[X] Call in 2 major favours from sif for 40 RP
—[X] Industrial Complex (10 RP) in each planet that can build one so 8 in total =80 RP
—[X] Cruiser Dockyard (Midgardia) Costs 75/75 RP
—[X] Errant Armour Manufactorum 9/100 RP
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> This conflict is wasting resources that could we used to destroy actual threats to the sector.
Not really a fan of this argument, since it can be legitimately argued that (a) it was our choice to intervene in this mess, and (b) said mess could have been resolved by now (albeit not in Sif's favor) if we hadn't intervened.
>We have recently recovered an Emperor-Class Titan. Keep up with your aggressions then Sif will have the honor of being its caretaker. Agree to back down, then the more venerable Odin will have the honor.
Why not just give the Titan to Thor? That seems less convoluted and more likely to work.
Because that will harm relations with the forge worlds we are currently allied with.
Why would it harm relations with the other Forge Worlds? If we were just giving it away I'd see your point, but we're using it as a bargaining chip so as to obtain a quite valuable peace, one that will significantly reduce the number of foes we face. Did I miss a WoG somewhere?