Renegade Chapter Master Quest Redux (WH40k Quest)

Storm Avengers Space Marine Chapter

Storm Avengers

Founding Chapter: Ultramarines
Founding: M32/Fourth Founding
Chapter Master: Torvald Thunderson
Homeworld: Midgardia (Current), Ragnarok (Former)
Fortress-Monastery: Aula Fortis (Current), Aula Occisi (Former)
Speciality: Combined Arms, Naval Warfare & Boarding Actions.
Colours: Red and white with a golden trim.
Symbol: Crossed golden lightning bolts behind a red lambda 'A'.
Battlecry: "We are the Avenging Storm!"
Why would it harm relations with the other Forge Worlds? If we were just giving it away I'd see your point, but we're using it as a bargaining chip so as to obtain a quite valuable peace, one that will significantly reduce the number of foes we face. Did I miss a WoG somewhere?
Not WoG, (i thought it was when i posted that, but i cant find it), but just think about how it looks, we are appeasing thor rather then rewarding our allies. its not going to ring well with the rest of the forge world, if not the entire sector.
Not WoG, (i thought it was when i posted that, but i cant find it), but just think about how it looks, we are appeasing thor rather then rewarding our allies. its not going to ring well with the rest of the forge world, if not the entire sector.
I think you're overestimating the backlash we'd receive by doing this. We retrieved this sucker entirely on our own, as such we can pretty much do with it what we like. Now, if the taking of the Titan was a joint operation with our allies then it'd be a rather different story, but our allies have no claim on this God-Machine.

Now, is it possible that we could take a small hit to our relations because the other Forges get a bit disappointed that we gave the Titan to Thor? Sure, but I definitely think the rewards are worth it. The Titan being given to Thor is a far better carrot than giving it to Odin, especially since we don't actually know how good the relations are between the two Forge Worlds. Heck, our unwillingness to give it to them could be seen as us not thinking they're worthy of receiving it.
Odin needs help...especially with its defenses!
Then we should send troops and/or the Titan there, not use the bolstering of said defenses as a half-baked bargaining chip with Thor. Seriously, Thor doesn't really benefit from Odin getting the Titan. Sure, it's a bit more ideologically palatable location for it, but calling upon them to follow their ideology in order to convince them to violate it by allowing Sif to continue worshipping the God-Emperor doesn't really work.
I think you're overestimating the backlash we'd receive by doing this. We retrieved this sucker entirely on our own, as such we can pretty much do with it what we like. Now, if the taking of the Titan was a joint operation with our allies then it'd be a rather different story, but our allies have no claim on this God-Machine.
Frankly, I want to keep it and expand Minvir's Titans into a full Legio using it as a base, and pulverize Thor's defenses like we are going to do with Baldur and Freya, but I'll settle for forcing them to bow to our will as long as we aren't rewarding them for it.
Frankly, I want to keep it and expand Minvir's Titans into a full Legio using it as a base, and pulverize Thor's defenses like we are going to do with Baldur and Freya, but I'll settle for forcing them to bow to our will as long as we aren't rewarding them for it.
I think making a full Legio is outside our capabilities. Not without stealing them from someone else, which has its own laundry list of problems. As for forcing Thor to bend, they have some serious leverage. Between the civil war, the Daughters, and whatever other threats that are going to show up, we can't afford for this war to drag on for too long. As is we're already being forced to hope Odin can fend for itself until we can cool down the other raging infernos.

Because of this, we will need to offer concessions if we want peace to work. We're literally asking Forge World Thor to break their oaths and stand by while a bunch of unrepentant Hereteks (which Sif most definitely are, seeing as how they worship Him on Terra) become hegemons of the local Mechanicus. As such, I don't think offering an Emperor-class Titan is unreasonable.
I think making a full Legio is outside our capabilities. Not without stealing them from someone else, which has its own laundry list of problems. As for forcing Thor to bend, they have some serious leverage. Between the civil war, the Daughters, and whatever other threats that are going to show up, we can't afford for this war to drag on for too long. As is we're already being forced to hope Odin can fend for itself until we can cool down the other raging infernos.
You haven't been paying attention or you'd see that we already sent a company and the 1st Chapter Fleet to Odin after crushing the forces that attacked Sif. Right here.
As to Thor, they broke their oaths to us when they tried to steal the ships they were tasked with repairing. I trust them less than I trust the Hell Forge, Baldur, or Freya right now, and definitely do not trust them with something like the Emperor Titan. They've done nothing to merit such a reward, and much to prove they do not deserve it.

And I'm not sure why you are assuming we need to offer concessions right now, aside from letting them stand down with no more death. We are the ones who won the battles and are pressing our advantage, they are the ones who got knocked down and driven back home by our forces. They are the ones who should be very concerned about their survival. Please remember we have half of the Carmine Talons chapter here to back us up against the Forge Worlds specifically.
Did I miss a WoG somewhere?
this here
What message does it send to our allies if we give a treacherous forge world a boon like an Imperator?
Not WoG per se but that Oshha put an insightful on it, something he rarely ever does so giving it To thor would just sour our relations with the rest, not by much since we still saved them multiple times, but no reason to do it if we don't have to.

but calling upon them to follow their ideology in order to convince them to violate it by allowing Sif to continue worshipping the God-Emperor doesn't really work.
and that's where you are slightly wrong, to the Admech an Emperor titan is a holy walking cathedral of the Ommnisiah, it is holy ground, so if we gave it to Sif it would be blasphemy of the highest order for sif the "heretics" that they are to get it instead of an orthodox Forge world like Odin. That's probably one of our better arguments for them to just drop this war, that and how we are right now pummeling their friends into submission. Also giving it to thor without a change of leadership would be just bad, already after the war THor will be unhappy about what happened and will have a grudge, if we also give them the titan then we would just see the titan used whenever they want to start round 2.
Question @Oshha it's been a decade and a half since the development of the psyker academy on thur how's it been going and how's Thurs government and population taking the influx of ships filled with psykers and how are they taking it hopefully good cause In the future the planet role is gonna be big cause they are the main source of sanctioned psykers in the asgardia moving forward since the imperium left.

Also How's the situation of rogue psykers since the establishment of the school and the wider asgardia opinion of the school for psykers.
Question @Oshha it's been a decade and a half since the development of the psyker academy on thur how's it been going and how's Thurs government and population taking the influx of ships filled with psykers and how are they taking it hopefully good cause In the future the planet role is gonna be big cause they are the main source of sanctioned psykers in the asgardia moving forward since the imperium left.
The academy is going steady and right now, it is mostly building up a supply of teachers to expand the number of pysker that can be taught because you started off with a single digit number of instructors. Because of that, only a minor fraction of the sector's psykers are being brought in as despite the size of the campus, there are limited number of teachers which also limits the number of possible students.

As for what the locals of Thur think, plenty of them aren't happy with it, but the campus is located away from the main colony and nobody wants to start an argument with the space marines so the campus is just ignored for the most part and nothing goes beyond complaining and token gestures.
Also How's the situation of rogue psykers since the establishment of the school and the wider asgardia opinion of the school for psykers.
About the same give or take. On the one hand, the campus doesn't nearly take as many psykers as the Black Ships did, but unlike the Black Ships, they have a regular intake of psykers rather than coming about every century. As for the rest of the Asgardia Sector, those that don't believe the witches should all be killed are either indifferent, unaware or acknowledge the necessity of having to do something about the pysker populace in the absence of the Imperium.
While we have to many things going at the moment, next turn I would like to use a Major Favor with Odin to send some Tech Marines to study the Murder-class Cruisers weapons. While it would cost quite a bit it would allow the best of both worlds. Odin would be able to produce Murder-class cruisers and we would have improved Plasma tech for our ships.

Ideally I would like to upgrade all our Strike Cruisers with Plasma Macrocannons like our Vanguard Cruisers have. This will massively improve their Cruiser vs Cruiser ability while not changing their ability to carry and deliver Space Marines.
Make 30 more Test Slaves
I would replace this with handing out Archaeotech Power Weapons to all captains, sargents and veterans(in that order, till they run out instead of keeping them in the armory).
If we can also hand out Artificer Armour, Archaeotech heavy weapons and Archaeotech specialist weapons to all captains and the most senior veterans in the same action that would great.
While we have to many things going at the moment, next turn I would like to use a Major Favor with Odin to send some Tech Marines to study the Murder-class Cruisers weapons. While it would cost quite a bit it would allow the best of both worlds. Odin would be able to produce Murder-class cruisers and we would have improved Plasma tech for our ships.
Sorry but I think that was re stolen by the prodigal brethren and hasn't been retrieved but I think there's still heimdall we could raid for more murder classes.
The Emperor-class Battleship that the Storm Avengers claimed from Megadakka and then gifted to Battlefleet Asgardia. A pair of battlecruisers and a trio of cruisers. Over dozen escort-weight vessels, including five Gladius-class Frigates meant for the Storm Avengers. In total, the Prodigal Brethren left the battle of Odin with a mighty haul of just over twenty warships of varying types.
Yeah you're right I think which is great long term for our arms if we can take its tech and add to ours for the betterment of sector and the chapter. So research away.
Actually, just to make sure, are the Plasma Macrocannons a straight upgrade to the normal Macrocannons on Strike Cruisers or are they more of a side grade @Oshha?
Make 30 more Test Slaves
I would replace this with handing out Archaeotech Power Weapons to all captains, sargents and veterans(in that order, till they run out instead of keeping them in the armory).
If we can also hand out Artificer Armour, Archaeotech heavy weapons and Archaeotech specialist weapons to all captains and the most senior veterans in the same action that would great.
Our captains already have access to the good shit, but I'm not going to open the armory to the rest of the chapter. The Archaeotech and Artificer Armor we have right now are irreplaceable and cannot afford to just hand out this stuff b/c that's just asking for us to lose this stuff to attrition.
Actually, just to make sure, are the Plasma Macrocannons a straight upgrade to the normal Macrocannons on Strike Cruisers or are they more of a side grade @Oshha?
It varies. In terms of raw capability, it is a straight upgrade because plasma macros are basically regular macros, but with longer range. In practice, sometimes the upgrade to plasma macros results in an effective loss of firepower (Dominator-class & Tyrant-class) or it can just be the straight upgrade (Tyrant-class again or AdMech cruisers).

For the purposes of this quest, it will be a straight upgrade to you if you are receiving AdMech refits. If your relationship with a forge world is Liked or higher, you may upgrade your Strike Cruisers or Vanguard Cruisers with Short-Plasma Macrocannons for one Minor Favour. If you have a Liked or higher relationship with Odin or Thor, you may refit your Battle Barges with Short-Plasma Macrocannons for one Major Favour.
Got it. Hmmm, hey @BigBadBob7070, could you add to production upgrading the 2 damage Strike Cruisers with Short-Plasma Macrocannons? It should be done at the same time the repairs are finished. Its the perfect opportunity to upgrade them while not taking them out of action for a turn.
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