Keep in mind heavy weapons don't, and while use mines and just flying above them is useful, they can just send the fodder demons to clear it.
You mean dont fly?
- The idea was to use bombs filled with chemical weapons, holy stuff if we can figure out how, and drop it on some of them from above.
With heavy, i meant using chemicals that wont fly high enough to get our own fying people. The heavy part was meant for the actual payload.
-And minefields wont work on strong demons,that is correct.
As will rifles. And probably grenades and smaller tanks.
But the army has many lesser demons. And they need to be banished somehow.
And if they sacrifice them to the minefields, they dont sacrifice them as meatshields for our heavy hitters.
Or as terrorunits where we have to decide between hitting elites ans safing civilians.
The minefields wont help against the enemys heavy hitters, but thats not what they are for.
I think we need seperate strategys to deal with seperate parts of the enemy.
-spellcasters(shackles, specialised cultivators,snipers)
-heavys (artillery,cultivators,heavy tanks, elite personnel with heavy weapons)
-flyers(ligth flyer units,anti-air,cultivators)
-superelites(us, a formation of thirdsteps,an elaborate trap, divine intervention)
-grunts (artillery,soldiers,minefield,chemical bombs, just any gun)
Like that. There is no one solution fitts all
Edit:yes,fire. Hmmmmm...
-War(provokative unit to lead to traps(knight challenge,spellcaster taunt))
-Plague(fire,acid, doctors, sterilizing equipment)
-excess(a large boring unit, using exactly the same weapon in exactly the same way, helmets that obscure the exact features of your enemy, chemicals that enduce sleepiness and calm, playing very loud, very repititive and boring music)
-tzeentch(a unit using a very simple plan with no allowance for changes,earplugs, (divine plan?))
->divine plan is based ln the idea that predicting gods is more costly then predicting mortals.
Basically, the troops fighting tzeenschs demons will randomly get oreders from us, our daugther and okertaku. We dont speak about this beforehand, we dont plan beforehand, we just react and plan on the spot. So if tzeenchs strategist wants to predict our troops , they have to predict all three of us.
Doable, but(hopefully) more expensive then predicting a mortal general.