Distant Stars. (a WH40K/Xianxia civ Quest).

Maybe that's what we should use the drop of blood for? To create some kind of artifact to protect/hide Nascent Souls in the Warp?
Already asked about Kuvara, it wouldn't work for her, don't know if the answer will be different about Shitaku, either way, we got like four grade nine materials if we used it like that, we probably want emergency one if Kuvara is ever killed to make an avatar from (Kuvara will quickly die without one), but that still leave three.
okey, I've updated the third step sheet and kekita sheet, added a lot of insights overall.

I still need to add one of your new third steps and Terkahu but Terkahu is like 4 pillars and 12-15 insights by this point so I'm leaving him for later.
okey, I've updated the third step sheet and kekita sheet, added a lot of insights overall.

I still need to add one of your new third steps and Terkahu but Terkahu is like 4 pillars and 12-15 insights by this point so I'm leaving him for later.
Noted that earth insight got a strange connection to one of the wind snip, so I wanted to clarify that by earth I meant as the opposition of heaven, aka, the physical world, rather than literal earth, mentioned it a few times when talking about my plans for her pillars, as part of the yin theme.

The insight still seems to fit both in practice, but wanted to clarify because of the blurb.
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"In dream he comes, in dream he hunts in dream he dares strike at your father, let him know he is not beyond your claws, let him know your fury" as you sleep you may strike at those who dare encroach your dreams and those of your relatives, hurting them for every inch they dare attempt lay claim.
Oh, thanks Kekita, she took care of the problem for us, which is pretty nice, I am guessing this is divine insight, otherwise I am not sure what he strikes will do to slannash.
"The ocean is vast beyond compare and its depths contain power unknown, become like it and transform the sea of your soul into an ocean" your soul is strengthened for all the good and bad that comes with it.
Does it require constant maintenance, or is it insight that having briefly could be beneficial like keku insights?
"To heal the doctor must be healed, one cannot work if they are dead after all" grant slight true regeneration (true regeneration is something that acts on all aspects, your instant healing insight is true healing for example) may be pushed to minor with Qi.
That's also pretty cool.
Divine "you have learnt of divinity, of the great power of the emperor and the essence his daughter, you learned of their power and the enemies that come to kill you all and have decided to utilize life to reach closer to those above, if only for mere moments." Gives access to the Divine blood ascension formation.
Nice that we got it, that avatar is pretty powerful but temporary super champion.
"When one spirit is aligned with one's action nothing can impede their path, let your spirit soar unburdened by the wight of mortality" grants major resistance to fear effects, grant minor resistance to all other kinds of emotion effects
Basically perfect for the apocalypse, we really need to work up a counter to demons' fear presence.
Oh, thanks Kekita, she took care of the problem for us, which is pretty nice, I am guessing this is divine insight, otherwise I am not sure what he strikes will do to slannash.
"Took care" is a little strong, she made it more costly but honestly, it's like an ant trying to fell a dragon, it'll annoy him and it might distract him a bit but it isn't going to stop him.

Does it require constant maintenance, or is it insight that having briefly could be beneficial like keku insights?
It's the scaffolding of the new soul, without it it will collapse back into what it was before (in a very painful manner).

Nice that we got it, that avatar is pretty powerful but temporary super champion.
I already designed it and it fit the theme so I figured I'll just give it instead of something else.
I already designed it and it fit the theme so I figured I'll just give it instead of something else.
What happens if it is made of third steps, does it get all of their insights' does damage to it not translate to it's members or does? Is it more efficient to use second steps and such to form it (with the third step in the middle to start it if course)?
What happens if it is made of third steps, does it get all of their insights' does damage to it not translate to it's members or does? Is it more efficient to use second steps and such to form it (with the third step in the middle to start it if course)?
The life force a single campion would add is pretty miniscule in compression to a thousand people, its likely not going to get their all of their insights, likely anything that isn't touching on blood and flesh would be by default not available and then things would be on a per insight basis.

At least some damage is shared between it and those who form it but its not 1 to 1.

The formation cares only for lifeforce and flesh it has no distinction on who it comes from.
Rituals. New
Okey, I should never try to predict when I'll finish something, never seem to do so at time.

Anyway, small status update, at this point only the notable results and empire actions are left we'll see when I get around to finish them.

In the meantime, let talk rituals.

They are less of a thing with Xinxia (although they crop up from time to time) so this is more leaning to the WH side of the cross.

Rituals are powerful, costly, time consuming and dangerous they can be long lasting or extremely short of duration.

Somone asked about a time ritual pillar in one of the insights previews and the insight was about creating eight external pillars of your foundation and speeding up time threefold within their border.

Mostly you aren't going to be dealing with rituals on a turn basis, most of the rituals you have access to are more of a low scale and until type things rather than empire effecting.

To cast a ritual, you must have a caster (this can be any unit which possess Qi, champion or not) and ritual ingredients (an abstraction to all the things needed to cast a ritual), divine Qi, lifespan, sacrifices and a few other things can bypass the cost of ingredients at different ratios. Sometimes rituals also need special components so keep that in mind.

Rituals take time and this is the amount of time the unit casting them is unavailable (most rituals are timed to combat scales, like 2 hours or a day but there are rituals which take years to complete).

Rituals are dangerous, this danger is determined by the skill of the caster and the local warp, rituals are powerful because they manipulate the warp itself (like psykrs) this means there is a chance of blowing yourself up (like psykrs).

Currently you only have access to one ritual (gained from the lord lore you've bought this turn) but more will come in time.

The banishment ritual- Cost: champion rank of demon X10 ritual ingredients, its true name, a small measure of its influence or essence. Time: 3 hours. Danger: depends on difference in power between caster and demon. Effect: utilize the demon's name and symbology to violently banish it back into the warp.
The banishment ritual- Cost: champion rank of demon X10 ritual ingredients, its true name, a small measure of its influence or essence. Time: 3 hours. Danger: depends on difference in power between caster and demon. Effect: utilize the demon's name and symbology to violently banish it back into the warp.
Can this work on daemon princes primarchs, or is their name not their true name.

Still sounds incredibly dangerous because of the difference in power, but it is worth considering.
Can this work on daemon princes primarchs, or is their name not their true name.
It can, they are part demon after all.

Edit: you will need to know their actual name (their demon name, I'm ruling that they took one when they became a demon otherwise pretty much anyone would know their true name) or use more of their essence/influence for the ritual.
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It can, they are part demon after all.

Edit: you will need to know their actual name (their demon name, I'm ruling that they took one when they became a demon otherwise pretty much anyone would know their true name) or use more of their essence/influence for the ritual.
Not sure if playing the ritual game with Magnus will work (if we beat him, it probably isn't going to be in his own game), but it could work on the other one.

And they are part demon? Not full demon? Is there significant difference? Can deamon princes do stuff regular daemons can't? Or the otherwise?

View: https://youtu.be/m7HWAOLGDc4?si=vl6-pafVgtp_efJp
Saw this space Marines video from some new game, thought it would be relevant considering they are fighting thousand sons, but what truly convinced me is the pretty amazing well animated appearance of a greater demon of Tzeench, kind of cool Shitaku killed one of those, he appears at 4:35.

that looks really good.

I suppose the marines seem to move fairly slowly, so that might affect the gameplay of the game. But I like it.

The banishment ritual- Cost: champion rank of demon X10 ritual ingredients, its true name, a small measure of its influence or essence. Time: 3 hours. Danger: depends on difference in power between caster and demon. Effect: utilize the demon's name and symbology to violently banish it back into the warp.
It definitely has potential. Okertatu might share some Names, and Divination might tell us others. Then we can have our Champions (basically third steps and above) do those banishing rituals, depending on context.
that looks really good.

I suppose the marines seem to move fairly slowly, so that might affect the gameplay of the game. But I like it.
They seem way more clumsy (and their guns much slower) than I imagine they actually are, but the graphics are pretty amazing.
It definitely has potential. Okertatu might share some Names, and Divination might tell us others. Then we can have our Champions (basically third steps and above) do those banishing rituals, depending on context.
I am kind of the opinion we should either have one ritual using third step, or specialize some second steps for it, seems way too dangerous to risk valuable units like third steps, on the other hands, third steps seem to be around the weight class of greater demons, which would definitely make banishing them easier (going by heavily wounded post tribulation third step Shitaku being about an equal to a greater Daemon of Tzeench, if he didn't surprise said demon with his insight to blitz and kill him).

Not really sure divination will help us get names, it isn't like the demons are going to tell us their demon names, or that we will have a way to reliably find it in some futures.

Maybe our core insight can get us a name, but we wouldn't know until we looked, looking at demons may also give us heart demons though.
Turn 13: end. New
Finally, turn 13 is done (well there is still the war in the wrap section but still) we've started this turn in late July more than a month ago and it wasn't just empty time either.

There are likely a few mistakes here and there, if you can point them out, I'll fix them.

I hope you enjoyed; I've dropped some of this update to pass the time but I still left a few juicy things in it.
Another decade has passed and with it passing you're inching ever closer to the apocalypse.

With the help of your divination, you estimate that the apocalypse will start anywhere between 2-5 decades (turns) from now.

Your information about the coming apocalypse is minor but even so you can tell you are not ready.

You saw the legions that march toward your land, you saw there power and number.

You aren't ready.

You aren't close to ready.

You must be.

-[X] the watchful eye. (new).

On every conner, in every shop, on every lamp.

Wherever they could fit one the hunter put a camera to gain the very beast coverage of everything going on the cities.

The cost was astronomical and training the staff to go over the millions of hours of footage was deemed impossible with out the use of simple AI to flag anything suspicious.

The cost was worth it, in the fist year of the operations -before all the cameras were even instilled- seven demonic cultivators were discovered, and the information extracted from them led to a dozen more.

Over all, more than one hundred demonic cultivators were found out and more then a thousand people were arrested -and subsequently executed- for dealing with them knowingly.

You've busted an entire underground ring selling keku to be eaten.

The hunters are going over every inch of evidence to determine how they could have missed that.

Kekita is investigating how the guard and local police forces didn't even catch a hint of it going on.

And hopefully you'll have their reports soon.

Unfortunately, another problem has surfaced, the large-scale monitoring has raised the issue of privacy among the general papules and something must be done too quiet them down.

Large scale monitoring of the cities established; initial discoveries are worrying to say the least. Privacy issues. vote to come

-[X] expansion and preservation of the schooling system.

It is with great pride that you read report after report on how the locals all over the empire were marshaling to safeguard their education.

Entire organization forming from the grassroots to help and teach.

To feed the fire of curiosity.

The amount of effort you invested in this seems small in compression.

Gain the extensive education trait and gain educated Populace IV. Kkeu culture swings toward curiosity and knowledge seeking.

-[X] the track of progress. (must be in the top three priorities).

More and more lines.

You don't think the work on the rail has ever stopped since its invention.

By this point the entire empire is connected.

All that's left is refurbishments and double tracking high demand lines.

+50 EEP. Medium logistics network increases to large. +150% economic growth, +10% EEP. maintenance 100 EFEP.

-[X] military refitting.

Instead of fully replacing the factories you've just created, you have decided to just build new ones and let the old ones supply second line units.

The equipment being produced isn't too far behind and you've got many troops you need to equip.

Better an outdated gun then no gun at all.

Factories of war updated: +3 artillery army worth per turn, +7 army point converted to mechanized per turn. Some tech production, some jets production (exact amount will be determined in a vote later on). Technology for army points is set to 8. +3 army points converted to mechanized at tech 7 (used for garrison first and then civilians) starts to solve the lack of equipment of civilians units) Avert many negative events.

-[X] preservation of skilled workers.

Preserving skilled workers is difficult work.

It is not a guarantee that one skilled in one set of work would be competent in another even if they resemble each other.

But you do what you can to limit the damage of jobs lost.

Workers retrained (mostly) no loss of economic power.

-[X] city expansions. (updated).

Slowly the various cities of the empire expend. Husing more and mor of your population.

Until miraculously the flow stops, not completely of course but several order of magnitude less people were leaving the country side.

Investigations for why this has happened reveled that with the fast advancement of the rail and personal driven cars, people have decided to commute to work when possible or to move to a different village form which it was possible.

Your growing cities would still need expansions to deal with natural population growth but that can remain a local matter.

Cities expand. Problem solved.

-[X] refitting and modernization. (new).

Modernization, with the rapid pace of technological progress it is all but impossible to keep pace.

Evry year things get better, considerably so in almost all aspect of life.

The cost to even try is immense, the cost not to even greater.

So, you try your best, an army of bureaucrats and engineers behind you and by decades end you have at least achieved some successes.

But the price of progress takes its toll, entire business lines go bankrupt, villages lose their purpose of existence.

You do what you can but there is little more that can be done other then teach them new skills and many are too old to wish to change.

+0.5 tech multiplayer. Gain the problem "obsolete purpose" the exact details of which will be determined in a vote before the start of next turn.

-[X] arrange mass prayers.

This decade like the last, you have arranged many mass partyers for Kuvara.

Paryer for battle, prayer of health anything and everything you could think off.

With the experience earned last time the process was smotherer and more effective.

So much so that Kuvara reported getting around the same amount of power even with the lesser investment.

Hopefully that power would be enugh.

Kuvara gains more faith, all of her actions this turn are enhanced, your share of the divine Qi lower by 0.5%, your cultivators share of the divine Qi lowers by 0.5%.

-[X] Immortal meals (see the relevant tab for costs). (new).

--[X] Body-mind energizing meal (given first to third steps than talents, if someone ascend with the cheat methods this turn to the third steps, they get the herbs, otherwise, anything we can keep goes to the most impressive second steps).

Used for extra insights rolls

--[X] Lifeforce reinforcing meal (for us).

-1 turn to injury timer.

-[X] fang shui pattern

--[X] Pattern of auspicious fortune

It is hard to fully quantify luck but events did seem to be more favorable than not this past decade.

The usefulness of that is debatable but your happy enough with the results.


[X] change alchemy production? (doesn't cost an action).

-[X] max capacity awakening pills

-[X] mercenary board (doesn't take an action) 23 tokens.

--[X] Lord of war lore- 5 divine charges.

--[X] Lore of fate lore- 10 divine charges.

--[X] Knowledge of the other lords- 2 divine charges.

Much of your time this decade has been spent learning of the four this decade and dissimilating this information to the various organs of the empire.

You learned of their names, of their nature, their domains.

You learnt the signs of their presence, there most common blessing, there champions and agents.

And most importantly on how to banish them, to throw them back into the warp.

With your elders you have adapted this knowledge into a special banishment technique.

+Lords lore (assume you know anything common and anything the imperium at large knows), increased effectiveness in rooting out plots, a banishment technique, the ability to attempt banishment rituals.

--[X] 24 advancement point- 2 divine charges per.

(Post reduction, that's 52, we got 23 tokens, plus non Shitaku production of 32, that's potential 55, we leave three aps to our cultivators to experiment with).

-[X] close the wound (increased effectiveness if taken after or with close the breach)- you know your going to need to close tears in the world so theca your disciples how to do so on their own. (new).

You've spent many hours teaching your disciples the refined technique for closing the wounds.

For most this knowledge would be useless but knowing even a bit of the technique would only help with the formation used to close it.

All cultivators know the tear closing technique.

-[X] invest cultivators- you need more herbs, you need herbs of a greater power, the only way you will get those in a timely manner is to permanently second cultivators to grow them. (spend 1 Permanent Ap +50 G1 herbs +5 g2 herbs). (new) X2 (create institution).

Farm after farm has been sown by your disciples.

The intent of a cultivator is magnitude of order purer and more concentrated than that of a mortal.

The farms under the care of cultivator produce more spiritual herbs then not.

The investment of so many cultivators in this pursuit has already seen returns, with a special fertilizer discovered by utilizing a large number of G1 herbs to ease the growing of g2 and g3 herbs.

+2 herbology lore.

Spirit fertilizer- by utilizing a large amount of low rank herbs the growth of higher-grade ones can be eased and boosted. -25% G1 ingredients, +10% G2 ingredients. +1% G3 ingredients.

Current ingredient production per turn.

G1- 112. 50 (mortal production) + 100 (cultivator production) = 150*0.75.

G2- 11. 10 (cultivator production) *1.1.

G3- 1 every two turns.

-[X] the power of many- when fighting the demons you have tapped into something, a way to pull the power of cultivators and to be greater than the sum of its parts now that you have touched on it replacing this feat should be fairly easy so task you disciples to do so.

On an autumn eve hundreds of first steps gathered in on of the field around the capital, the third day of their toil completed with another advancement in the study of formations.

And with the day works done, you set and contemplated the finding so far.

There are two types of formations, grand formations which involve hundreds of cultivators at once and simple formations which only require a handful of cultivators to work.

Their purpose is distinct enough form one another to merit this distinction.

Grand formations harness the power of hundreds to achieve effects beyond them.

While simple formations share the control and understanding of the participants to achieve effect beyond them, consulting with Okertaku has revealed to you that simple formations are also known as choirs in the galaxy at large.

While both types of formation strive form the same purpose, they could not be more different.

You still have much left ahead of you; to grind down all the inefficiencies in the Qi connections and to fully understand the way one can connect to another.

Yet you are content with the progress you have made today.

You've unlocked formations and discovered one grand formation and one choir formation (which was boosted by your interactions with Okertaku) additionally you have refined the grand formation you accidently discovered in the last demonic incursion. Grand formations are formations that at minimum require hundreds of cultivators (or more correctly 1 full unit of cultivator) to function.

Grand formations:

The emperor's generosity formation (refined)-
this formation allows the sharing of Qi (and other resources at heavily reduced efficiency) between its participants and pulling it all together for one massive technique. Soft cap (going over reduces efficiency): 2 units. Efficiency: 60%. Effect: Slight combat boost for cultivator units, tactical and strategic option for Qi sharing.

The hurricane strength formation- the first steps posse very little Qi to utilize on external techniques and so they have focused on empowering the self. This formation pools their power to great, great but temporary power. Soft cap: 1 unit. Efficiency: 90%. Effect: massive combat strength increases for first step units for a battle, when the battle ends unit suffers the Qi drained modifier.

Choir formations:

Enlightenment of the breeze formation-
for but a moment the wilders of this formation may share a single insight between themselves. Difficulty: hard. Soft cap (the soft cap here refers to increase difficulty: 2 champions.

-[X] the power of sacrifice (no option under here takes AP)- either by way of insight or technique you have found a way to greatly empower yourself by sacrificing something. (current lifespan 670)

--[X] sacrifice life- sacrifice 10 years of life span for 1 AP (current lifespan 670). X 4

-40 lifespan +4 AP.

--[x] pillar of divinity- you have decided to draw essence of divinity into your pillar, the essence of your daughter, it will take time to ensure no danger comes to you or her. (new)

Gifted by your daughter you imbue the essence of the wind in the pillar of keku pacifying the corruption and folding it into your core.

It still doesn't feel truly yours but it doesn't seem to hurt your core.

You've imbued your keku pillar with the essence of divinity, with the essence of wind and slotted it into your core, this has a few implications, for one it has pushed Kuvara closer to claiming the keku domain, it also functions as a dao shard for its insights (empowering them) the biggest effect is that it allows you to utilize divine Keku insights as material for core insights.

--[X] the first of twelve (0/2)- in your studies of the soul you have stumbled around twelve points where the body and soul interconnect with enough Qi and time you can widen and fully open the connecting. The effect can only be positive although as of yet eluding your sight. (new) (6 Divine qi) (Unlock first two meridians).

Power flows throughout your soul, divinity given form is used to pry open the gateways between your soul and body.

And when they are finally opened your breath like you have never before.

Each breath deeper and richer in Qi then before.

You have unlocked your first two meridians, the twelve meridians give the three following bonuses in order Qi capacity increase, Qi regeneration increase and a 5% cultivation discount. Each of the bonuses is given 4 times over the entire 12 meridians.

There may be other benefits to opening the meridians you don't know about yet.

--[X] The from of Qi- in some of your endless musing you have theorized of a way to change the Qi in ones dantian into another matter state, form liquid to gas or solid if successful this will revolutionize the second step as your cultivators could increase their power in ways that don't just conform to advancing higher.

You always wondered and contemplated on the nature of Qi. With new information reveled throughout the ages you're understanding has shifted.

Qi is thought given form; raw warp energy distilled down into a drop of refined energy.

This drop takes the form of liquid and flows throughout your body.

But why must it be just liquid?

You have long theorized of ways to turn liquid Qi into different phase states and you've finally found a way.

The trick is not in changing the Qi itself but the way you refine the initial warp energy.

You have found two new states Qi may be transform into.

A solid form, slow, hard to control and dense in power. And a gas form, fast, easy to control but thin in power.

Thos new states of Qi do not offer power just a way to trade it around.

Yet in your research you have a found a new lead.

A way to transform the Qi in your core into a supercritical state, gaining all the benefit of a gaseous form with none of the downsides, in fact it seems to take the benefits of Gas Qi and empower them.

All you need to achieve this state is time and a way to trigger the transformation.

Working with the third step you've entrusted alchemy to you have found it in a pill and may proceed if you wish.

Unlock gas and solid form of Qi, each form brings unique advantages and draw back to Qi use. Unlock the cultivation project "achieve supercritical" to transform you Qi into a supercritical form which possess enhanced advantages of the gas form with none of the draw backs.

Qi transforming pill
- cost per charge: 500 EFEP. 3 charge of G1 herbs,1 charge of G2 herbs. craft per charge: 50 capacity. effect: start the transformation process to super critical Qi. Toxicity: 5.

--[X] To close a breach- your method of closing a breach is primitive and unrefined, it is costly and slow, this is unacceptable you must refine it so you might stand a chance at closing one of the tears and while you're at it you'll also contemplate other ways to close or shrink the tears in the world. (new).

Refining a technique is a time-consuming work, especially when you don't have a way to actually practice its effect, still a thousand or so hours going over its flow chart and removing unnecessary channels and changing them to more appropriate ones. Has at least seen the cost of the technique reduced.

It's still not something that anyone below the third step should be casting alone -or with anything but a grand formation- but at least you can channel it more than an hour now.

The actual effectiveness of the technique would be tasted during the apocalypse itself with little that can be done to truly taste it before then.

Contemplating other ways of closing the breaches has resulted with some leads.

The first -and most obvious- is your healing insight. You have described the tears as wounds in the world before and you smacked yourself of not thinking to try to heal it with your insight before.

Some testing has shown you were correct and that you could heal the world -you've burnt down a forest and then healed it, restoring it- the actual cost to utilize the insight for this purpose would only be found when you stand in form of one such tear.

You doubt you'll manage to close all the tears such but even one can be more then worthwhile.

The second way is Kuvara, her avatar allows her to channel her power in the physical realm and Okertaku has taught her how to utilize it to close the tears. This dos requires her avatar to be present at the breach and concentrate on this act but it is swifter than a qi technique and only require kuvara avatar instead of thousands of cultivators.

Another potential lead is a fang shui pattern which would draw the energy which the breaches release and turn it into healing them instead.

At this point the above is nothing but a lead, the pattern would need to be developed and even if it works (and it might not) it would be a slow if a wide method to deal with the breaches.

You have also theorized that you can craft a beacon which will close a breach instantly from one of the high-grade materials you can convert the drop of blood to.

Unfortunately, this beacon would need to remain in place to keep the breach closed and as such would both need protecting and would only be sufficient for one breach.

You have refined your Breach closing technique, making it cheaper to cast. Additionally, you have found 4 different way you may close a breach, 2 are within your ability currently and 2 are just leads that must be further developed.

--[X] The tide P.2- in your vision you saw many types of beast's, small and big, deformed and consisting of perfect form. Attempt to more correctly ascertain what it is that you'll be fighting.

Divining the future has always been a difficult task.

Doing so when your sight is contested is even harder but with time and effort succeed you will.

With every dive into the river of time you return with but a single lead, a single nugget of information, a single moment in time of a future yet to be.

And with enough pieces a picture is constructed.

A picture of demons great and terrible, whose power corrupted the minds of mortals and strength could shatter the greatest of tanks.

Even cultivators might have problems battling them.

The only consultation you have is that their numbers are limited.

Yet in their shadow you find something even more concerning.

A legion of armored clad warriors, their weapons powerful enough to pierce through cultivator toughness and their experience and prowess enough to fell even experienced cultivators.

Three banners you see flapping in the wind, new dark blue and brass, one of azure, yellow and gold and one of black silver and gold.

And at their head two powerful entities hidden from your sight, off which you find nought but a name.

Perturabo and Magnus the Red.

You have found out that 40 points of greater demons would participate in the apocalypse, they are divided equally between the four gods and average 500 BP (I'm still working on the new combat system so for now I'm using the old one statistics to help describe things).

Further you have found that three legions would take part as well, they would be led by Perturabo and Magnus the Red (not that you have any idea who those guys are IC).

--[X] half steps- over the last decade you've mended the pillars of your half steps, now you must find a way for them to infuse a pillar with a concept so they might fully stand in the third step. (new).

in your time at the third step -and with many new third steps arising- you have realized what a pillar just is exactly.

Qi, enlightenment and soul.

Qi provides the structure, soul the power and purity and enlightenment the direction.

When a second step cultivator attempts to rise to the third, he first raises a pillar and imbue a concept within it, he is then struck by tribulation.

Should he succeed, he will utilize the divinity in the reaming lightning and his soul power to complete the forging of the pillar, purifying concept and Qi both to the highest degrees and step fly into the third step.

Should he fail but not so far as to have his pillar completely collapse, the pillar forging will be complete and without the purification of the soul it would not be able to hold a concept leaving him one foot into the third step yet not fully there.

You have theorized different ways to remedy this.

The first is power, enough energy can force a concept to stick in a pillar, divine Qi is the most obvious candidate but you suppose a specialized pill may substitute for it with little problem, should you posses' other high density power sources they may also be an option yet no matter what you will use this option will always be costly.

The second is Dao, a good enough understanding of the conapt the half steps would attempt to imbue would allow understanding to support the pillar in place of the soul but the enlightenment requires would be harsh, at least a shard, if not a star.

The third and most likely to work is a tempering tribulation, the power in it can be utilized to purify the pillar and strengthen it, the downsides are obvious of course, the chance of injury and death are lower in a tempering tribulation but only lower, not gone. One would also need several such tribulations to imbue a conapt in a pillar. Of course, at that point It might just be better to dissolve the pillar and try again.

The fourth is soul surgery, I skilled enough soul surgeon could over time cut away small section of the subject soul, not enough to damage it but enough to matter, and break way small sections of the pillar and refill them with purified matter, of course one small mistake and you've either crippled their soul or completely destroyed their pillar and you're not sure you can actually manage this successfully.

The fifth and final way, is to utilize the essence of divinity to imbue the pillar with its meaning, this means using Kuvara essence like you've done with your own pillar but instead of only partly infusing the pillar you're total converting it. this would be the end of the cultivation journey of the subject, yet their infused pillar would allow them to gain insights and the essence of divinity infused in them would allow them to act as pseudo avatars for Kuvara or Okertaku if he would agree to give you some of his essence.

Several theorized ways to make a half step into a full third step. (I say theorized because you haven't tasted any of them and there is a chance they wont work -if a small one- and a greater chance that you're not fully accurate on all the details).


--[X] 24 advancement point- 2 divine charges per.

More knowledge, more help form Okertaku.

Your society has advanced rapidly and you clearly see it hurting.

But even so, the Keku will is too strong to fall.

The secrets of the sword start to unravel and space opens to development.

If only you could survive the future looks bright.

Tech level advances to 8 (2/27 to 9) the third secret of the sword is discovered. Cheap Reusable landing gear advancement (major)- lowers cost of all space projects.

Cultivator reports.

This past decade six hundred and twenty cultivators have been awakened, three hundred and twenty five form pills.

The worst of the bunch have been seconded to the military to start awakening soldiers whose talent is deficient to enter the sect in truth.

This decade two hundred and sixty four first steps have braved the tribulation of them eleven have broken through.

Utilizing volunteers, 4 new third steps have arisen. To your surprise one of the volunteers has managed to survive the tribulation.

And its wounds.

And many other wounds beside when you got to tasting things.

You have no idea what you stumbled upon but you're intrigued.

A net gain of 355 new first steps.

A net gain of 11 new second steps.
+ 4 third steps.

Found ???

Much of Vakatu time this decade has been spent preparing for the tribulation (which he successfully passed.

Still he has managed to make several advancements.

Refining two pill recipes, the awakening pill and basic body refining pill.

Vakatu has stepped into the second step and refined two recipes.

The awakening pill (refined)-
cost per charge: 10 EFEP. Craft per charge: 15 capacity. effect: each charge spent in a turn awakens 20 new first step cultivators(note that overuse may lower quality of cultivators produced). Toxicity: 1.

Basic body refining pill (refined)- cost per charge: 30 EFEP. Craft per charge: 70 capacity. effect: upon consumption of a charge 20 first steps become ready to face ascension. Toxicity: 2

Three new pillars have Haku raised and still she had time to work with the runic institution to refine the divine runes just discovered.

Haku has cultivated her fifth pillar, she and the runic institution have refined the divine wind flowing rune (yes, the dice did land on the exact new rune you've got).

Divine flowing wind (refined)- this huge array allows entire army units to teleport to everywhere the wind touches for a small Divine Qi cost. Subsequent refinement of the runes has lowered the cost of activating them and increased the amount they could transport.

In contrast to last decade, this time around Okokuto cultivation has gone incredibly smoothly so much so that he hasn't even noticed stepping into the treasure body stage.

Unfortunately, such good luck did not carry over to his formation work, only managing to find a pattern which seems to inhibit cultivation.

Oh, he's sure he'll find a use for it.

Okokuto reached refined body. Gain the havens shackles pattern.

Faction reports.

The five sects:
the five sects continue their steady work, raising more second step elders and training more first steps, they begun to more heavily drill their members for war as the apocalypse draws ever closer.

The nobles: the nobles were quite this decade especially after the demonic bust, thankfully (for them) following investigations have cleared them of demonic corruption.

The army: you have seconded the worst of your new batch of cultivator into the army to start awakening those wo fight but aren't suited to push for advancement. current estimations are that assuming the army doesn't expand beyond its current scope it would take an upward of a thousand years to awaken everyone even going for worse but quicker ways, this is less a matter of ability and more a matter that you don't have enough teachers for this.
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Large scale monitoring of the cities established; initial discoveries are worrying to say the least. Privacy issues. vote to come
Can Kuvara learn to hear prayers, and than look for any prayer of rescue from demonic cultivators.
Unlock gas and solid form of Qi, each form brings unique advantages and draw back to Qi use. Unlock the cultivation project "achieve supercritical" to transform you Qi into a supercritical form which possess enhanced advantages of the gas form with none of the draw backs.
That's really nice, we need to get one such pill for ourselves and for as many champions as we can.

Second steps will sadly have to deal with just having the basic forms, but who knows, maybe they will develop more advanced forms later, likewise, super critical form of qi may just be the first step long term in an entire branch of qi science, but it seems like a very nice.

The problem is the cost, 500.

We can afford it, but it may be a Shitaku only thing, by comparison, it is much less than before, but before we also weren't building up extra quickly.
You've unlocked formations and discovered one grand formation and one choir formation (which was boosted by your interactions with Okertaku) additionally you have refined the grand formation you accidently discovered in the last demonic incursion. Grand formations are formations that at minimum require hundreds of cultivators (or more correctly 1 full unit of cultivator) to function.
Is there a limit to how many formations can one keep active, can we for example take multiple insights fr multiple different cultivators at once? Like make our attack hard to predict and capable of hitting the unhittable?

Can we be part of grand formations at the same time?
You have found out that 40 points of greater demons would participate in the apocalypse
How many greater demons are those, approximately?
The awakening pill (refined)- cost per charge: 10 EFEP. Craft per charge: 15 capacity. effect: each charge spent in a turn awakens 20 new first step cultivators(note that overuse may lower quality of cultivators produced). Toxicity: 1.
Good pick Vakatu, it is nice to see he played attention on our focus on cultivation now, that and body refining pill are probably the currently most useful ones.

Maybe I will write on omake about him later to refine the supercritical qi pill, but I also kind of waited for the states of qi research to have an idea before writing Haku exploring her new moonlight insight, I will see what I feel like when I do write something.
Divine flowing wind (refined)- this huge array allows entire army units to teleport to everywhere the wind touches for a small Divine Qi cost. Subsequent refinement of the runes has lowered the cost of activating them and increased the amount they could transport.
An efficient way of transporting resources and troops without the emperor is nice.
this is less a matter of ability and more a matter that you don't have enough teachers for this.
Can we just do online courses? With common questions being answered at additional courses?
Can we bring him to Okerteru, maybe he will know what's up, I suspect we just found a high level psyker, or a perpetual.
Is there a limit to how many formations can one keep active, can we for example take multiple insights fr multiple different cultivators at once? Like make our attack hard to predict and capable of hitting the unhittable?
Yes, one. you can only be a part of a single formation at a time.

Can Kuvara learn to hear prayers, and than look for any prayer of rescue from demonic cultivators.
She's working on it but specific prayers are hard to hear, doubly so when they are short and brief.

How many greater demons are those, approximately?
A thousand per point, approximately, so like 40,000.

And before you start panicking greater daemons aren't WH40k greater daemons, I have a different categorizing system (well its only a single difference but still) I didn't send like 40,000 bloodthirsters to kill you.

In this quest greater daemons are just more advanced and powerful forms of lesser daemons, as the actual greater daemons were moved to the champion category.

Can we just do online courses? With common questions being answered at additional courses?
Its less a problem of knowledge and more that you need someone who can see an manipulate Qi to help you through the process and even doing the bare minimum still takes time.

Can we bring him to Okerteru, maybe he will know what's up, I suspect we just found a high level psyker, or a perpetual.
Sure, your second gauss is pretty much correct, it's a little different then pure canon but along the same lines.
In this quest greater daemons are just more advanced and powerful forms of lesser daemons, as the actual greater daemons were moved to the champion category.
So like daemonettes?
Its less a problem of knowledge and more that you need someone who can see an manipulate Qi to help you through the process and even doing the bare minimum still takes time.
So we can't awaken 20% of the population with twelve years courses? The number is more theoretical of if we had the teachers to do it?
Sure, your second gauss is pretty much correct, it's a little different then pure canon but along the same lines.
Pretty cool, does he want to be cultivator? Kind of curious if ignoring any risks and wounds to the body can let you cultivate faster.

I remember that one shirt fanfic that had Percy reincarnate to against the gods, and his curse basically acted as a training boost, he managed to cultivate faster than he reasonably could because he didn't need to worry about stuff like blowing up, even as everyone else slowed down to learn to control their energies properly, that also kind of gave him terrifying presence, because everyone subconsciously expects him to blow up.

If he is still moving after that tribulation, he probably has true regeneration, and this might let him shake off stuff like wounds to the dantian from being expanded too fast and such.
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It still doesn't feel truly yours but it doesn't seem to hurt your core.
I am guessing that's the downside that stops us from doing it to more pillars, probably best to stop at just a keku pillar, even if Kuvara can potentially empower flight too, and maybe sky.
Looking at list of things to scan next turn with our insight.

Tribulation (we finally heal).
The flames of desire.
Heart flames of divine consumption.
This perpetual.
The power of blood.

And the final one is probably going to be either divine meal if we get the special one, or the insights research if we get that one, if we had leftovers, probably look at formations to refine them, or look at any new actions our previous scanned unlocked, and there is of course, our second insight if we start perfecting the body.

Actually, we can probably skip of Heart flames of divine consumption for now, we are unlikely to be able to lower their cost anyway, I suspect we might be able to increase it, to replicate the insight that strengthen it to some extent, or learn to sacrifice enemies to it mid battle, but it isn't really that urgent.

I wonder how pissed would the chaos gods be if we successfully replicated the perpetual's power and became immortal, I doubt we can do it, definitely not in the short time we have (I suspect a power like that is more nascent soul at minimum), and they would probably still be able to kill us if they tried hard enough, but it's kind of funny to imagine their rage if their invasion literally couldn't kill us, and the most they could do is kill everyone around Shitaku.
Three new pillars have Haku raised and still she had time to work with the runic institution to refine the divine runes just discovered.
Thinking about it, Haku's speed is kind of on par with Shitaku this turn, even faster (well, nit really because qi runes helped her, but still), keeping in mind she got an additional yin insight (so four aps), developed the wind rune, found out about one of the secrets of the sword, and she helped refine the rune.

That's probably like six aps.

Of course, this was mostly thanks to a lot of omakes and her having an insight to speed up pillars up to the fifth, but in character, this possibly make her our second most talented cultivator after Shitaku (of course, that skill would lower significantly if she stopped getting omakes, but still).

If we get the divine teacher insight next turn, we should give her some lessons in an attempt to teach her our death shard insight, another person capable of permanently killing demons is nice.
Several theorized ways to make a half step into a full third step. (I say theorized because you haven't tasted any of them and there is a chance they wont work -if a small one- and a greater chance that you're not fully accurate on all the details).
Can we tell them of their options.

Also tell them that we might be able to heal them soon thanks to the life sharing formations, but that's would cost resources in divine qi, so it is up to them if any want to abandon the path of cultivation to go on the Kuvara path and potentially become a daemon prince later (if any don't wish to face tribulation again), or pick up cultivation again.
You have refined your Breach closing technique, making it cheaper to cast. Additionally, you have found 4 different way you may close a breach, 2 are within your ability currently and 2 are just leads that must be further developed.
Healing insight really pulling it's weight recently.

It was too expensive to use so far, but that insight is probably one of our strongest ones.
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