Distant Stars. (a WH40K/Xianxia civ Quest).

The reason it takes so much power to achieve is that you're expending you core enough to allow a greater portion of your soul to inhibit it (and as such form the connections).
which implies that, ignoring the core insight powers themselves, the more core insights the larger the core, and presumably the larger the core the stronger the nascent soul that will be born of it will be, at least to start with.

So... yeah, I'd aim for max core insights. probably 9, if the trend keeps.

Harmony and stability might have an effect on the tribulation too. and of course once the core is destroyed, it would make no sense for us to be able to go back and work on it.

It's not like the body, dantian and pillars, who all still exist.

The best I can think of is that, in theory, we could build a second core from scratch, potentially to have it become a second Nascent Soul... but that might just not work. I could see the Nascent Soul sort of "blocking" that possibility, as building a core would mean deeply understanding and accepting something to a level comparable to your first Core Creed, so to speak.

Progression through nascent soul, is about breaking your former understanding and the remnants of your core and pillars and deriving a greater understanding through this process.

Needless to say, gaining insights after nascent soul is impossible as you will no longer have the necessary constructs to support them.

But you get-

Yeah, no, I think that's enough, I got started talking about insights and pillars and ended up at nascent soul.

I think its best not to get ahead of ourselves, it's still a long time before you're even contemplating pushing to that stage.

More reasons to get as many insights and core insights as possible.

We might even lose the former powers, but that's I imagine because we give up our old understanding for BETTER understanding.

In other words, we might lose insights and core insights and gain something explicitly better.

Probably something more free-form to use, and that doesn't have to worry about chaos build-up as much? I could see a larger core (and thus a larger nascent soul) giving us basically a larger mana/qi pool in Nascent Soul.

and yeah, while improving body and dantian is likely to still be viable (though possibly not that useful?) core definitely won't be...

Does the formation of the Nascent Soul also destroy the pillars? and on a side note, do the meridians help with the tribulation at all? By helping us draw more power from our "normal" soul and the Warp, I could see it having an effect on the process.
Does the formation of the Nascent Soul also destroy the pillars?
Yes, they are part of the core.

do the meridians help with the tribulation at all? By helping us draw more power from our "normal" soul and the Warp, I could see it having an effect on the process.
The meridians don't help or hinder the tribulation, its assumed you're going at max reserves anyway and there is a limit to how much Qi you can spend at once which is mostly below you maximum so any effect (if any) is marginal.

Of course, having more reserves would be helpful for dealing with the demon going after your head.
Yes, they are part of the core.

The meridians don't help or hinder the tribulation, its assumed you're going at max reserves anyway and there is a limit to how much Qi you can spend at once which is mostly below you maximum so any effect (if any) is marginal.

Of course, having more reserves would be helpful for dealing with the demon going after your head.
well, another reason to go max core, max dantian, max body, max meridians before the tribulation.

Maybe we'll even find out some other side-paths before then. We know the Extraordinary Meridians are just too expensive to really consider pre-nascent soul.

Are other cultivators allowed to help against the demon if we keep them close-ish (but not close enough to be hit by the lightning)?
well, another reason to go max core, max dantian, max body, max meridians before the tribulation.

Maybe we'll even find out some other side-paths before then. We know the Extraordinary Meridians are just too expensive to really consider pre-nascent soul.

Are other cultivators allowed to help against the demon if we keep them close-ish (but not close enough to be hit by the lightning)?
Don't forget tribulations scale to advancement, the stronger we get in the main path, the stronger the demon is, if it follows the same logic as prior tribulations.
Don't forget tribulations scale to advancement, the stronger we get in the main path, the stronger the demon is, if it follows the same logic as prior tribulations.
on the other hand... maybe next time we can have Kuvara and Kekita ready to help us? the last demon we fought was completely unexpected, this one wouldn't be.

and if I understand it right technically the demon is not part of the tribulation, it's basicaly an attempt to kill us AFTER the tribulation, when we're at our weakest.
on the other hand... maybe next time we can have Kuvara and Kekita ready to help us? the last demon we fought was completely unexpected, this one wouldn't be.

and if I understand it right technically the demon is not part of the tribulation, it's basicaly an attempt to kill us AFTER the tribulation, when we're at our weakest.
Not really sure, last demon did seem like part of the tribulation, the energy being used to bring him into reality.

Also, bigger soul may influence the ascension to make a certain core level a requirement, so you can shove your whole soul inside.

Aside from us having a lot of room to advance in our level (like, one of the insights break the cap on skills, which is massive in the long term, assuming we don't transition to god rules at some point) and probably wanting high core condension, after we ascended, we are also going to be part of the war in the warp, and I am wary of putting ourselves on the line of fire, because keeping both ourselves and kuvara safe sounds harder than the benefit of having us he there to help her will be.

The gods would likely also all come together to murder us if it happened, so doing it after all preparations are ready is ready is going to be critical.
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Not really sure, last demon did seem like part of the tribulation, the energy being used to bring him into reality.
yeah, but what I mean is that if you interfer with the lightning you make things worse.

that if you interfere with the demons you wouldn't, as the energy to bring him to reality has already been expended.

Aside from us having a lot of room to advance in our level (like, one of the insights break the cap on skills, which is massive in the long term, assuming we don't transition to god rules at some point) and probably wanting high core condension, after we ascended, we are also going to be part of the war in the warp, and I am wary of putting ourselves on the line of fire, because keeping both ourselves and kuvara safe sounds harder than the benefit of having us he there to help her will be.

The gods would likely also all come together to murder us if it happened, so doing it after all preparations are ready is ready is going to be critical.
Generally speaking we have many good reasons to delay Nascent Souls. And luckily we have plenty of ways to progress in the meantime.

  1. 9 core insights.
  2. re-unlock and get more pillar insights, some of which give other ways of advancement (like the skill cap removal).
  3. expand the dantian (2nd step) for more qi capacity
  4. reach heaven body (1st step)
  5. the 12 ordinary meridians.
  6. learn more about how to use divine qi, and keep it in reserve for charge-boosted techniques to deal with the demon (also more re-rez and insta-healing options).
  7. Formations. we might be able to channel the power of multiple cultivators against the demon.
  8. we can prepare pills, traps or runic arrays to use against the demon.
  9. there's whatever we can get from the pyramid.
  10. Advance the Dao.

...uh, I had TWO ideas for how to help with tribulations and/or against the demon that would be summoned

1)for both: have "blanks" ready nearby? Actually @uri What do we expect would happen if Blanks interfered with a tribulation in any way? would the lightning hurt them? can they stop it or counter it?

2)for the tribulations: a "calming" feng shui pattern?
What do we expect would happen if Blanks interfered with a tribulation in any way? would the lightning hurt them? can they stop it or counter it?
Get a strong enough one and you could probably negate them.

Of course, someone that strong would stop you from triggering the tribulation in the first step as it would suppress your cultivation base and wouldn't allow you to advance.

2)for the tribulations: a "calming" feng shui pattern?
Certainly possible, likely not with your current level of lore get some more experience with Fang shui or some regents for it and you'll be able to.
I know it's probably a bad idea, but... what happens if you try to trigger a tribulation somewhere lightning shouldn't be able to reach?

Like, you know, VERY deep underground? Does lightning just come out of a portal? Does it drills through even potentially kilometres of solid rock?

We're already using lightning catchers, otherwise I would have proposed some kind of faraday cage... but then again tribulation lightning isn't really lightning...
I know it's probably a bad idea, but... what happens if you try to trigger a tribulation somewhere lightning shouldn't be able to reach?

Like, you know, VERY deep underground? Does lightning just come out of a portal? Does it drills through even potentially kilometres of solid rock?

We're already using lightning catchers, otherwise I would have proposed some kind of faraday cage... but then again tribulation lightning isn't really lightning...
I mean, we can probably get volunteers, digging such a deep hole sounds extremely expensive though.
I know it's probably a bad idea, but... what happens if you try to trigger a tribulation somewhere lightning shouldn't be able to reach?
It would just phase through it, like this isn't normal lightening here.

The only reason the pyramid would inhibit a tribulation is that the material it's made of has a small black effect.

We're already using lightning catchers, otherwise I would have proposed some kind of faraday cage... but then again tribulation lightning isn't really lightning...
The lightening catchers work more because of the idea of it and the meaning inscribed in it.

Using a Faraday cage wouldn't help anymore then it and they won't stack.
It would just phase through it, like this isn't normal lightening here.

The only reason the pyramid would inhibit a tribulation is that the material it's made of has a small black effect.
what about using a city-grade shield array? Is Tribulation lightning strong enough to destroy it, or would phase through that as well?
what about using a city-grade shield array? Is Tribulation lightning strong enough to destroy it, or would phase through that as well?
My first answer was to say it will just bypass it but one of your Omake reward this turn was a divine script (divine rune basically) and a divine version of the shield would be helpful.

It would introduce new risks but, on the whole, it would be a benefit.

Note, the script you gained this turn isn't this but I figured I'll mention it.
It would just phase through it, like this isn't normal lightening here.

The only reason the pyramid would inhibit a tribulation is that the material it's made of has a small black effect.
So I guess this is how it make you pass the tribulation, get to the center, trigger the defences and let the tribulation fight their way through those to get to you.
My first answer was to say it will just bypass it but one of your Omake reward this turn was a divine script (divine rune basically) and a divine version of the shield would be helpful.

It would introduce new risks but, on the whole, it would be a benefit.

Note, the script you gained this turn isn't this but I figured I'll mention it.
understood. I'm just trying to understand if there's new unconsidered ways to use our current tools. I don't really expect anything to come out of it, but I like learning more about the lore like this.

mh... this makes me think that cultivators, or at least cultivators of sufficiently high rank, basically always have a kamikaze switch on them. Can the tribulation lightning only be triggered if you're at the minimum stage required, or can you trigger it earlier (certain death, but it could work as a suicide attack)?

how much enviromental damage do the tribulations do? If we do a tribulation in a house or in a forest, does the lightning damage/destroys the trees or buildings? And how much of a difference there is between the various "ranks" of tribulation?

Mostly I'm wondering if we might reach a point at which a tribulation becomes just... too destructive to perform on our planet. In which case we might start performing them in space instead, or on the moon, or the closest planet.

...mh... and now I'm wondering if that would affect them in any way. Apparently our planet is building up its background levels of qi, so space, a moon or another planet should in theory have less qi in/on them. But would that make the tribulation weaker, or even impossible?

If it made it weaker, that could potentially be another method of helping with high rank tribulations. Though of course there's the problem of lacking oxygen and/or damaging any close spaceship. I imagine a tribulation in an environment as hostile as space or the moon would be deadly to any cultivator of the first 3 steps at least. MAYBE Shikatu as a newly born Nascent Soul might NOT need to breath, but anything under that probably does.

So I guess this is how it make you pass the tribulation, get to the center, trigger the defences and let the tribulation fight their way through those to get to you.
there's not even defenses to trigger, really. it's just the material it's made of. We already saw it can block our qi and even our mapping core insight.

Presumably if we're not deep enough the lightning just goes through the internal maze.
mh... this makes me think that cultivators, or at least cultivators of sufficiently high rank, basically always have a kamikaze switch on them. Can the tribulation lightning only be triggered if you're at the minimum stage required, or can you trigger it earlier (certain death, but it could work as a suicide attack)?
A tribulation is triggered by ascending to the next stage (or being really close to finishing this process) so you do need to be able to ascend for the tribulation to trigger.

how much enviromental damage do the tribulations do? If we do a tribulation in a house or in a forest, does the lightning damage/destroys the trees or buildings? And how much of a difference there is between the various "ranks" of tribulation?
Well that depends on the rank and type.

Ascension tribulations are the second to most destructive (the first being retribution ones).

The first tribulation would destroy a house if you stand in one and might knock over a few trees if your too close (and it has a decent chance to start a fire) to.

The second tribulation is actually not that much more destructive, what with the lighting just being a delivery method for high intensity mental attacks but the added power dos mean its more destructive than the first.

The third tribulation is, well suffice to say don't stand in the vicinity of anything you care about and try not to have mortals within fifty meters of you as they have a good chance to just die from the byproduct of killing intent and pure divine power that this tribulation consists off.

But in term of environment damage its actually pretty mild, well when you compare to normal Xianxa.
The third tribulation is, well suffice to say don't stand in the vicinity of anything you care about and try not to have mortals within fifty meters of you as they have a good chance to just die from the byproduct of killing intent and pure divine power that this tribulation consists off.

But in term of environment damage its actually pretty mild, well when you compare to normal Xianxa.

Yeah, it's actually fairly mild.

I imagine we just go in the middle of nowhere for it, and as long as there isn't dry wood around we're mostly safe. A desert maybe, of the sand, rock or possibly even ice kind.

Of course we have no idea how this scales up. Each time we're trying for a new step we need to be overly cautious. Nascent Soul is often treated as the first major step up from my understanding, where there's such a qualitative difference compared to the previous rank that meaningful conflict is not often possible (see Konoha Sect quest, the good seed quest, and I plenty more stories).

Of course Shikatu is such bullshit (9 pillars, potential for maxing our all 4 steps AND Meridians AND having plenty of divine qi to his disposal) that HE could probably be an exception, but that's more unique than rare.
Tribulations are mild on the environment because the purpose of them is to kill the one who triggered them not waste a bunch of energy fucking up the environment.

So the destructivity of them is more of a side effect.

And while the four have effectively unlimited power, wilding it (especially locally) is far more limited.
Okertaku QnA. New
Okey, seeing how I'm bored but can't sit down to write right now (or for the next several days) I figured instead of letting the thread sit ideal we'll do an ask Okertaku section.

You've known him long enough -and shikatu is good enough- to get information from him (even some he might not want to share).

Basically, ask a question and okertaku will answer (we'll fluff it as being one of your conversations throughout the decades).

You can ask pretty much anything from the state of the galaxy, his perception of a character, his opinion on local cuisine to pretty much everything.

Assume he already told you the basics, so you know the imperium exists and know of the major factions in the galaxy.

If only in general terms.

He won't tell you everything (namely what his actual plan is) and he doesn't know everything so keep that in mind.

I think limiting it to three questions per person would be enough to stop me from being swamped (I'm looking at you Pittauro).

Hopefully this will a fun little world building session, you don't have to rush with your questions as I'm going to keep this open until I start writing the turn end and I'll only really begin writing that a week from now (at least).

As a reminder, you know that Okertaku is an old if fiarlly minor god who possess the following three domains, Order, Hierarchy and Stagnation.

You know he had a minor presence on your world (which is how he found you) and that he's generally aligned against the four.

And I think that's it.

So, ask away.
-Actual question

Is there a way to get our hands on some tech from other civilisations? Nothing too advanced, just something to speed along our military-technology.

( i mean small things. A new way to aim a gun faster. A way to easier manufacture ammunition. A better armor design. Not getting laserrifles or baneblades. Or, better said: can we spend some favour to get a one-time military research boost?)

Are there any races in the sector they think we could interact peacefully with?

(Did we teach him cultivation? Cant remember. If yes, i would be interest on its effects on psykers and nulls.)

( do you guys think a rogue trader would be too risky so soon? Cause they would sell to us. But they would also try to sell us.Dont want to spend a question without the input of others.)
Did we teach him cultivation? Cant remember. If yes, i would be interest on its effects on psykers and nulls.)
We know nulls can't cultivate, psykers lose their powers.

Gods can't cultivate.
do you guys think a rogue trader would be too risky so soon? Cause they would sell to us. But they would also try to sell us.Dont want to spend a question without the input of others.)
Rogue traders are probably a bad idea when we are so weak.
( do we know what dictates talent as a cultivator? Could we ask him to gather some down-on-their-luck xeno who show the talent?)

Edit:( also, a way to de-psyker people is useful.)
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Is there a way to get our hands on some tech from other civilisations? Nothing too advanced, just something to speed along our military-technology.
Where do you think Okertaku is getting all of those manuals you buy from him?

Are there any races in the sector they think we could interact peacefully with?
"Hmm… severel actually, from what I found your sector has seven races inhabiting it (aside from yours) and most of them don't possess any inherent characteristics which would bar peaceful interaction, admittedly a few of them are… rough around the ages but I posses a presence on the homewards of six of them and can make introductions for a small fee"

"Just don't expect them for the next century or two, as only two of the races in this sector have achieved space flight and only one has any kind of FTL and they are on the other side of the sector, even if I put my hand on the scales, it would take them several decades to get here at the least"

( do we know what dictates talent as a cultivator?
Talant is determined by soul rank IE: psyker level.