Distant Stars. (a WH40K/Xianxia civ Quest).

I will, I also make sure to link to the army page where it is located but adding it to the actual update isn't a lot of work and even if it helps just a little its worth it.

Hmm… its likely won't be instead of, as BP is just the sum of all the attributes and is meant as an eyeball estimate for the unit effectiveness and power rather than anything concrete, but adding the attack and defense full scores (and also providing the formulas for a few functions) is a good idea.
yeah, it helps a lot having everything necessary for the fight (intel, unit count, stats) in the same post I think.

Is this better? Its for the entire turn rather than just one fight but I think it's more clean.
it seems better, still a bit unwieldy but that's because there's a lot of info I think.
Okey, with some time having passed and a few points raised, I wished to talk about the combat turn.

We'll start with the good things, first up is fortress two, you knew Matku would be there and utilized that information to concentrate forces to attempt to kill him and while the attempt failed, he got injured and used up most of his Qi for very little cost.

There was very little you could have done to prevent him from retreating, champions are hard to pin down (especially keku ones as you are incredibly swift), even if you assigned the second point of second steps cultivators and Yokoto you would have had a chance to trap and kill him there.

You could have likely done without the second steps cultivators but they stopped your first steps form even having the chance of being injured.

With hindsight using mortal units would have been better than the cultivators but hindsight is 20/20 and you had no way to know that there wouldn't be more cultivators there (plus the cultivators units are some of the few that can actually by themselves impact champions fights).

All in all, fortress 2 was likely your greatest successes this turn.

Secondly, seeing the warning about your supply lines you reinforced their protection heavily, you could have done without the mechanized but caution is almost always preferred.

And here stops the good and the mistakes start, I'll start with mine.

I should have given you some greater context on what a heavy assault meant, instead of assuming you'll know, this whole undertaking is to let you get experience with the systems and battles and assuming you'll know what I meant was a mistake on my part.

To rectify it, I'll start putting force estimates next to such warning, they won't be accurate and we'll be a range (with some chance of it being wrong) but it should convey the massage better.

Aside form that there are also a bunch of cleaning things up and better information presentation I could have done, I've taken the proposals to improve it we'll see next turn if it helps (BTW if you him improvement in mind feel free to suggest them).

Now lets get to the mistakes you've made.

Or mistake -singular- rather.

We could talk about how you assigned too many units to fortress 1 even though you could have reasonably concluded it didn't need them or how you underestimated the assault on fortress 3 (but that is honestly as much of my mistake as it was yours).

And even a few other things but I think that on the whole of it, its just the lack of utilizing reserves.

The reserves aspect of the system is important, fog of war and a lack of information's are going to be prevalent and common, you cant perfectly plan things out and assign just enough troops.

You could have easily taken 3-4 units from the fronts and put them on reserves without hurting the fighting and they would have responded to places they are needed to be in, in this case the reserves would have been sent to fortress 3 and while they likely wound have prevented its fall, it would have inflicted a lot more casualties (and might have even given you a chance to damage their artillery).

Basically, to sum it up, I think the only real mistake you've made was to not leave any units in reserve.

All in all, I would call this a productive turn and one that just proves to me that this was needed.

Thankfully by the nature of this segment we can draw the needed lessons without the sting of a real loss shadowing things.

Now, is there anyone who want to add anything else? questions, suggestions ecetera? I'm going to start on turn 2 of the exercise tomorrow and likely finish two days from now, so you have until then to post your suggestions if you want them to be included in it.
Basically, to sum it up, I think the only real mistake you've made was to not leave any units in reserve.
I absolutely did not even consider the option.

how long would units in reserve even take to reach where they need to? We have pretty fast communications (we're also likely close to introducing radio, satellite communication and so on), and the keku units (except artillery and maaaaaaybe mechanized regulars) are also really fast to move.

(EDIT: by the way Uri, you know, I'm trying to catch up on the good seeds cultivation quest. there's so much stuff there though! I kinda gave up on reading all good seeds to start with after reading the first few as they came out, and I'm now trying to catch up with the main story before going back to the "good seeds to read" to start with". I'm close to the first 100 years trial)
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how long would units in reserve even take to reach where they need to? We have pretty fast communications (we're also likely close to introducing radio, satellite communication and so on), and the keku units (except artillery and maaaaaaybe mechanized regulars) are also really fast to move.
Reserve (units in reserve can reinforce every battle in the sector in one combat turn but will get the tired condition, mechanized forces take two combat turns to reinforce but suffer no condition).
I might have needed to make that more explict though. (or at least bold it).

(EDIT: by the way Uri, you know, I'm trying to catch up on the good seeds cultivation quest. there's so much stuff there though! I kinda gave up on reading all good seeds to start with after reading the first few as they came out, and I'm now trying to catch up with the main story before going back to the "good seeds to read" to start with". I'm close to the first 100 years trial)
It's the standing recommendation (there is a standing recommendation because more than once people dropped into the discord for recommendations) to start with the main story and then go for the recommended ones, like there are 4.8M words of omake written for it, more if you count nega quest stuff.

Reading all of it isn't something done lightly (and also isn't needed as most good seeds have no impact on the narrative) but the main quest stuff is really fucking good, the nascent soul battles are epic and in general the quest itself is really good.
I might have needed to make that more explict though. (or at least bold it).

it was easy to miss, yeah. We'll probably remember next time. I also forgot about evacuation, which might have been a decent idea too

It's the standing recommendation (there is a standing recommendation because more than once people dropped into the discord for recommendations) to start with the main story and then go for the recommended ones, like there are 4.8M words of omake written for it, more if you count nega quest stuff.

Reading all of it isn't something done lightly (and also isn't needed as most good seeds have no impact on the narrative) but the main quest stuff is really fucking good, the nascent soul battles are epic and in general the quest itself is really good.

yeah, I began reading everything, but then I noticed that it would just take me too long in between main updates, and also changing between 20 different cultivator's stories makes things confusing.

I'll just go with the good seed to read thing once I'm caught up. Who knows, maybe I can find it in me to join the good seeds, though I doubt I could write enough to reach the olympian keystones.

I need to go back and read the "main threadmark" collaborative omake between the main "good seeds" though. I kinda skipped it right now. and I might read some side stories even before catching up maybe... we'll see how I feel.

It's a very interesting approach to a quest, if a bit of a doorstopper by its inherent nature.
it was easy to miss, yeah. We'll probably remember next time. I also forgot about evacuation, which might have been a decent idea too
You did "evacuate" half the town.

It's a very interesting approach to a quest, if a bit of a doorstopper by its inherent nature.
It's important to note that Occi didn't expect the response he got, he thought that 2-4 people might try their hand at it but that most the word count would be in the main story.

Instead, it just picked up steam with a few prolific writer (and a lot more amateurs) picking it up and SV (and its sister sights) are social boards with many users knowing each other, especially in the quest sections as over the years you pick up familiar names.

So good writers recommended it for other good writers and the rest is history.
side note, I know Alectai from the "mysteries of the silk road" quest, which... might have actually been the first cultivator-like story I've ever read, I think. I'm not 100% sure, it's been a long time. It was about a venetian girl ending up learning (crafting-based) refinements from the "Constantinople's" schools of refinement while helping in defending it against... I think the Mongols and their conductors (beast tamer cultivators basically)

It had a very original concept of cultivation, with 4 main different paths, basically mutually exclusive.

Refinement - The Path of Ideals

getting closer to an ideal by refining your soul. Includes paths like Damascus Steel (crafting super steel), Divine Right (authority gives super-leadership powers) and a few more. The more different paths you progress in, the higher you can go in each of them.

Major Downside: "Inversion". if your faith in your ideals is broken, you can start believing the opposite of what you embodied. Good to Evil, Champion to Monster, healer to torturer.

Mostly a Roman invention.

Cultivation - The Path of Self

more or less the standard chinese thing. if Refinement is "refining" your soul, making it purer, this is making your soul bigger.

Major Downside: potential for soul cancer.

Conduction - The Path of Bonds

Grow your soul by bonding to nature, the elements, or more commonly a beast partner. The stronger the thing you connect with, the better.

Channeling - The Path of Collective

Basically become something greater by channeling something greater, like gods or basically entire communities worth of power. I think there was a note that in modern days you could in theory channel, say, Reddit. The most ancient, the most reliant on infrastructure. Major Downside/Risk: you can end up "subsumed/possessed" by those greater forces you channel.

all of the above to say I think I'll enjoy Rina Callista's story a lot.
Army exercises 1: the basics part 3.
The first day of the exercise has passed and as you settled in for the night your ruminated on its events.

Things could have gone better.

But they could also have gone worse.

But what's done is done and you must think of tomorrow.

Knowing the amount of damage, you've inflicted you suspect that any attack launched won't be large in size, as many of the units take the time to heal and recuperate.

And that may present unique opportunities.


Healing units.

The process for healing units is pretty straight forward.

A unit which doesn't participate in battle, will consume one stack of medicine and will heal one tick of damage once a turn, so long as you have medicine stacks left.

You might be asking yourself how medicine magics up new artillery pieces but for the sack of simplicity "medicine" also includes spare parts.

Additionally, there are also Qi based healing, whether a technique, insights, a pill or a fang Shui pattern.

They are mostly going to be handled on a case per case basis but a few nuggets of information you need to know.

Consumables (like pills) are spent in the start of the turn and this means that units healed with pills can fight without worrying.

Your enemies also heal in this manner (some might have special mechanics).

All of your champions (or most of them) can heal utilizing basic Qi techniques, so too can your second steps elders. The cost changes a bit between champions but generally it takes them a turn and 5% Qi per tick of health healed (multiple level may be healed in the same turn), its not the best way of healing but its available.

Your second steps elders take a stack of exhaustion for every level of health they heal.

Which brings us to the next mechanic.

Tiredness, exhaustion and how not sleeping will kill you.

For every combat a units participate in, they get a single stack of tired (there other ways to get them but this is the most common), a tired stack inflicts a -1 penalty on all of the units' attributes and stacks up to five instances.

Upon which all of the stacks are wiped away and are replaced with an exhaustion stack.

Exhaustion is more severe, inflicting a -10 penalty to all attributes and is maxed at -54 (5 stacks of exhaustion and 4 of tired) when reaching a -55 penalty.

You get the "spent" stack which inflicts a -50 to all of a unit attributes but its dos a lot more, it increases the damage the units receive, decreases the damage it inflicts, lowers it strategic speed and a few other things all of them bad.

So how do you get rid of those modifiers?

A unit that doesn't fight lowers tired stacks to 0 and wipes away 1 stack of exhaustion.

The spent conditions need months of RnR to remove, so try not to let your units get there.

Cultivators are a little different, they don't receive any penalty form their tired/exhaustion stacks but they still get them. when they would get the spent condition, they instead get the Qi exhaustion modifier, halving their attributes and letting them pick up new tired stacks (that now affect them).

Champions don't get tired stacks, that is not to say that they don't get tired but that as most things regarding champions, things are concluded from a narrative prospective rather than a mechanical one.

To recap here is the objectives you must achieve:

Windfor objectives (you).

survival of the depo (or its full evacuation).

Side objectives:

Survival of the town.

Survival of the fortresses.

Destruction of the enemy heavy equipment.

Capture of the enemy heavy equipment

Slaying of enemy champions.

Routing the enemy.

Destruction of enemy regiments/army group.

And more.

Demfor (demon force) objectives.

Main: destruction of the deppo and the supply therein.

Side: destroying, killing and pretty much raising havoc.

And here are the currant forces available (for more detailed information click here):


3 points of garrison. 1x tired. BP:42 A: 37 D: 37.

1 points of regulars. 1x tired. BP:119 A: 62 D:62.

1 points of regulars. BP:125 A:85 D:85.

1 point of mechanized. 1x tired. BP: 189 A:127 D:127

2 points of civilians. BP:10 A:20 D: 20.

1 point of second steps cultivators. 1x tired. BP: A: D:

1 point of first step cultivators. 1x tired. BP: A: D:

Yokoto- 80% qi remining. (well she's injured it just doesn't matter for her)


1 point of garrison- light damage. (4 health ticks remining). 1x tired. BP: 42 A: 37 D: 37

1 point of garrison- medium damage (3 health ticks remining). 1x tired. BP: 42 A: 28 D:28

1 artillery point- heavy damage (2 health ticks remining). 1x tired.

1 point of mechanized- heavy damage (2 health ticks remining). 1x tired. BP: 189 A: 97 D: 97

Inorku- light damage (4 health tick remining), 70% Qi left.


1 point of artillery/ heavy equipment.

1 point of second steps.

Terkahu- 80% Qi remaining.


4 point of garrison- heavy damage (2 life ticks/boxes remining).

1 point of garrison- light damage (4 life ticks remining).

6 units of garrison- medium damage (3 life ticks remining).

1 point of garrison- decimated (1 life tick remining).

1 point of regulars with light damage (4 life ticks remining).

1 point of regulars- decimated (1 health ticks remining).

1 point of mechanized- decimated (1 health ticks remining).

1 point of first step cultivators- light damage (4 health ticks remining).

1 point of seconds steps- heavy damage (2life ticks remining)

Half step- 40% Qi remining, lightly wounded (4 health ticks remining).

Maktu- light damage (4 health ticks remining) 45% Qi left.

Unaccounted for

1~ points of garrison

1~ points of mechanized regulars.

1 support points of second steps.

Fortress 1 (T3).

Fortress 2 (T4) 93% integrity.

Supply depo (1000 points of supply).

Town (50 points of supply equivalent to fully evacuate it).

Available supply.
Food, ammunition, fuel, healing- infinite.

Artillery ammunition- 4 points.

Known information: fortress 3 has fallen, demfor now only needs one more fortress to fall to threaten the supply dippo but their forces were severally damaged during the assault, which might buy you some needed time, scouts report light enemy presence at fortress three and you may lunch an assault to reclaim it but such a course of action will be bloody.

Future information (for divination): 1) fortress 1 will face a minor incursion. 2) the town won't be attacked 3) the half-step champion (who still needs to get a name) will be recuperating this turn.

You may distribute your forces to the following locations:

Fortress 1.

Fortress 2.

Supply depo.


Supply protection.

Expeditionary force (will attempt riads on enemy supply, might do more if enough units are assigned).

Assault force (will attempt to retake fortress 3 units will be moved to reserve if too little are assigned).

Evacuation (each units assigned provides 2 extra evacuation points to spend every "war" turn, mechanized forces provide 6).

Reserve (units in reserve can reinforce every battle in the sector in one combat turn but will get the tired condition, mechanized forces take two combat turns to reinforce but suffer no condition).

Decide how you spread your forces:

[] Plan.
-[] fortress 1 X units.
-[] evacuation, y units.
-[] town Z units.
-[] ectara.

You must also decide what your champions will do:

-[] Yokoto.
--[] hunt down enemy champion at X (location).
--[] support the defense/battle at X (location)
--[] bog down enemy champion at X*
--[] bog down army groups at X*
--[] Rest. (Recover Qi and heal)

*Yokoto special/highly effective actions

-[] Inorku (previously unnamed half step)
--[] hunt down enemy champion at X (location).
--[] support the defense/battle at X (location).
--[] rest (recover Qi and heal).

Further you need to decide upon how your forces will fight in the fortresses.

-[] lightly bleed enemy forces and then retreat form the fortress- highest ratio of loses/kills, minimal damage to the fortresses, you will lose the fortresses relatively quickly (as you aren't trying to hold them).

-[] fight until it's no longer viable to get a good K/L ratio and retreat- a good ratio of K/L, medium damage to fortress, can hold for some time.

-[] no retreat- decent to Okey K/L ratio, high damage to fortresses, will hold so long as units aren't overrun.

And lastly, you need to decide what you're evacuating (If you are), you posses 50 points worth of evacuation form civilian infrastructure/car/trucks and any army assigned to evacuation will add their points.

[] no evacuation
-[] evacuate.
--[] evacuate X from y.

A little late but I'm finished, I do hope I haven't made any mistake but its late so who knows.

We wont be having a moratorium this time around (as I'm going to sleep in half an hour) but you should still discuses things, if you have any questions level them here and I'll answer in the morning.
You might be asking yourself how medicine magics up new artillery pieces but for the sack of simplicity "medicine" also includes spare parts.
Surprisingly I was NOT wondering that.

I suppose it would also include reinforcements to replace dead soldiers.

A unit that doesn't fight lowers tired stacks to 0 and wipes away 1 stack of exhaustion.
which implies that the "best" moment to rest, if we're not too worried about the maluses, is at 1 exhaustion 4 tired, so after 9 turns of combat.

...9... coincidence? I think not!

Cultivators are a little different, they don't receive any penalty form their tired/exhaustion stacks but they still get them. when they would get the spent condition, they instead get the Qi exhaustion modifier, halving their attributes and letting them pick up new tired stacks (that now affect them).
so, still ideally let them rest on that 9th day or earlier, but worst case we CAN let them fight for longer.


1 point of garrison- light damage. (4 health ticks remining). 1x tired. BP: 42 A: 37 D: 37

1 point of garrison- medium damage (3 health ticks remining). 1x tired. BP: 42 A: 28 D:28

1 artillery point- heavy damage (2 health ticks remining). 1x tired.

1 point of mechanized- heavy damage (2 health ticks remining). 1x tired. BP: 189 A: 97 D: 97

Inorku- light damage (4 health tick remining), 70% Qi left.
I suppose we could leave some of those in reserve? they get to rest and heal, and in an emergency we can still send them where needed.

on the other end, we shouldn't allow the MANY wounded enemy units to recover.

Known information: fortress 3 has fallen, demfor now only needs one more fortress to fall to threaten the supply dippo but their forces were severally damaged during the assault, which might buy you some needed time, scouts report light enemy presence at fortress three and you may lunch an assault to reclaim it but such a course of action will be bloody.
I'd probably give up on fortress 3, honestly.

Future information (for divination): 1) fortress 1 will face a minor incursion. 2) the town won't be attacked 3) the half-step champion (who still needs to get a name) will be recuperating this turn.

Ok, so we can probably not worry about the town, and leave only low defenses on fortress 1.

We should probably try to attack and not allow the enemy to rest, while also leaving a reasonable number of troops on fortress 2.

--[] bog down enemy champion at X*
--[] bog down army groups at X*
would this be like sending Yokoto at fortress 3 to keep troops there busy without seriously trying to retake it?

-[] no retreat- decent to Okey K/L ratio, high damage to fortresses, will hold so long as units aren't overrun.
we HAVE to take this now that we have only two fortresses left.

ok, so, preliminary thoughts.

Assuming we don't need to worry about how the troops were assigned last turn (or do we need to? As in, if troops were on fortress 2 does it take mechanically-relevant time to move them to fortress 1 or in reserve? @uri ).

You may distribute your forces to the following locations:

Fortress 1.

Fortress 2.

Supply depo.


Supply protection.

Expeditionary force (will attempt riads on enemy supply, might do more if enough units are assigned).

Assault force (will attempt to retake fortress 3 units will be moved to reserve if too little are assigned).

Evacuation (each units assigned provides 2 extra evacuation points to spend every "war" turn, mechanized forces provide 6).

Reserve (units in reserve can reinforce every battle in the sector in one combat turn but will get the tired condition, mechanized forces take two combat turns to reinforce but suffer no condition).

Town we're told is safe, so we can mostly ignore it.

fortress 1 only needs light defense. Maybe just some garrison units?

fortress 2 probably a bit more than that.

We could put Yokoto on fortress 3 to keep units stuck there, and send an expeditionary force of preferably cultivators (fastest units) to raid.

And a fair bit of what needs to heal on reserve duty.
...9... coincidence? I think not!
but it is.

Assuming we don't need to worry about how the troops were assigned last turn (or do we need to? As in, if troops were on fortress 2 does it take mechanically-relevant time to move them to fortress 1 or in reserve? @uri ).
You do not, when we get to the actual apocalypse there will be some limitations but here the distances are close enough that reshuffling things doesn't take much time wise.

would this be like sending Yokoto at fortress 3 to keep troops there busy without seriously trying to retake it?
It could be. But it can also be what she did in the actual battle, which is to sperate units for the field.

we HAVE to take this now that we have only two fortresses left.
Well you don't have to, losing another fortress would be bad but you would still have the depo battle.
You might be asking yourself how medicine magics up new artillery pieces but for the sack of simplicity "medicine" also includes spare parts.
I love to pretend kekus are all actually mecha birds the entire time and it was just mentioned now.
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Should I take the fact that there are no plans as everyone just being busy? Or are things not understandable well enough and I should provide some example plans?
Should I take the fact that there are no plans as everyone just being busy? Or are things not understandable well enough and I should provide some example plans?
I am pretty busy, but I would probably send a plan before the day ends.

Example plans would still be appreciated though.
Example plans would still be appreciated though.
Sure, I probably should have provided some anyway.

[] Plan assault the fortress.
-[] fortress 1
--[] 1 point of garrison.
--[] 1 point of garrison light damage.
--[] fight until it's no longer viable to get a good K/L ratio and retreat- a good ratio of K/L, medium damage to fortress, can hold for some time.
-[] fortress 2.
--[] 2 points of garrison.
--[] 1 support point of second steps.
--[] fight until it's no longer viable to get a good K/L ratio and retreat- a good ratio of K/L, medium damage to fortress, can hold for some time.
-[] Supply depo.
--[] 1 point of garrison medium damage.
--[] 1 point of mechanized heavy damage.
-[] town.
--[] 2 points of civilians.
--[] 1 point of artillery, heavy damage.
-[] Supply protection.
--[] 1 point of regulars (tired).
-[] Assault force
--[] 1 point of mechanized.
--[] 1 point of first step cultivators.
--[] 1 support point of second steps.
--[] yokoto- support the battle.
-[] reserve
--[] Inorku- responds to champion sightings.

This plan is about retaking fortress 3, with the forces assigned its likely the forces will be retaken (unless the enemy decides to send a lot of reserves) it dos leave the other fortress somewhat exposed but with your knowledge its fine to under garrison them (important note that I think I forgot, your choices impact the future and may change the information you've got, for example there is no attack on the town but if you leave it open and the enemy finds out they might chose to attack the town).

[] Plan raid. (same thing just moved stuff form the assault force to raid and reserve).
-[] fortress 1
--[] 1 point of garrison.
--[] 1 point of garrison light damage.
--[] no retreat- decent to Okey K/L ratio, high damage to fortresses, will hold so long as units aren't overrun.

-[] fortress 2.
--[] 2 points of garrison.
--[] 1 support point of second steps.
--[] no retreat- decent to Okey K/L ratio, high damage to fortresses, will hold so long as units aren't overrun.
-[] Supply depo.
--[] 1 point of garrison medium damage.
--[] 1 point of mechanized heavy damage.
-[] town.
--[] 2 points of civilians.
--[] 1 point of artillery, heavy damage.
-[] Supply protection.
--[] 1 point of regulars (tired).
-[] Expeditionary force.
--[] 1 point of first step cultivators.
--[] 1 support point of second steps.
--[] yokoto- support the battle.
-[] reserve
--[] Inorku- responds to champion sightings.
--[] 1 point of mechanized.

instead of retaking fortress 3, this plan is about raiding into enemy line and trying to capitalize on the large number of injured enemy units, to destroy (or at least stope from healing) as many of them as could be possible. Only cultivators are used as any other unit will slow them down and mobility is the most important part of raiding.

[] Plan defense.
-[] fortress 1
--[] 1 point of garrison.
--[] 1 point of regulars (tired).
--[] 1 support point of second steps.
--[] fight until it's no longer viable to get a good K/L ratio and retreat- a good ratio of K/L, medium damage to fortress, can hold for some time.
-[] fortress 2.
--[] 1 point of first step cultivators.
--[] 2 points of garrison.
--[] yokoto- support the battle.
--[] fight until it's no longer viable to get a good K/L ratio and retreat- a good ratio of K/L, medium damage to fortress, can hold for some time.
-[] Supply depo.
--[] 1 point of garrison, medium damage.
--[] 1 point of mechanized, heavy damage.
-[] town.
--[] 2 points of civilians.
--[] 1 point of artillery, heavy damage.
--[] 1 point of garrison light damage.
-[] Supply protection.
--[] 1 support point of second steps.
-[] reserve
--[] Inorku- responds to champion sightings.
--[] 1 point of mechanized.

This plan is focusing on conserving your forces, letting the injured heal and placing enough units in the fortresses that anything other then a heavy assault would be thrown back with minimal casualties, it does give the enemy the incitive but the advantage of being on the defensive can't be overstated.
[X] Plan raid

This I think is the best, last battle greatest boon was the damage if many of their units, we want to slaughter those while we can, waiting benefit them, so we should capitalise on her relatively fine cultivators to inflict as much permanent damage as we can.
[X] Plan raid

this is more or less what I wanted.

as I mentioned before, I wanted a plan light on defenses, with some reserves to move where needed, while going forward and killing the MANY wounded units.

I'm not fully convinced at the artillery in the city, but It's no big deal.
Okey, no real point in dragging things out. I do have three exams this week so don't expect anything for the next 7-8 days.

Hopefully we could return to some sort of schedule after.
Army exercises 1: the basics end.
In order, fortress one is attacked by the following units 1 point of mechanized, 1 point of garrison and 1 point of garrison with light damage, they aren't assaulting the fortress but are attempting to degrade its integrity.

They don't have much a heavy equipment or anything that would be useful for it (they still have some) so they do it at reduced effectiveness.

The difference in total scores is enough (210vs110) they degrade the integrity by 10% (to 90%) and no side suffer any damage (well any relevant damage to be tracked they still get a few survival roll penalties for any other injury roll).

This maneuver counts as a full battle and so any reserves sent here are available to any additional battles.

1 point of mechanized was sent to fortress one from the reserves.

This puts the forces arrayed here as.


1 point of mechanized.

2 points of garrison

1 support point of second steps

and demfor:

1 point of mechanized

1 point of garrison.

And one point of garrison with light damage.

The enemy commander chooses to retreat in the face of reinforcements and friendly forces decide to be cautious in their pursuit, only inflecting light damage on (rolls) the full health garrison unit.

And here ends the fight.


1 point of mechanized.

2 points of garrison

1 support point of second steps

Fortress 1 at 90% integrity.

and demfor:

1 point of mechanized

2 points of garrison with light damage.

In the long history of Keku warfare fortresses were heavilly disfavored, for many reasons, any half decent force could just bypass any large and static fortification and all but the greatest of defensive positions provided less of a benefit then the natural mobility of the keku.

Technology has changed this balance, with better and better bulwarks offsetting the problems form the low mobility and the inclusion of heavier equipment into the order of battle that could not be carried in flight.

And of course, an enemy which is know to not be able to fly.

But while necessity and advancement has allowed fortresses to become relevant outside the extremely small inch they had before it has also improved the ability of the attacker to crack them open.

The high-altitude dive maneuver (and its low altitude variant) has been adopted in ancient times to break settlements and the few fortresses that were erected.

The maneuver was simplicity itself to preform, merely pick up a small stone and rise high into the air before diving towered the fortress, releasing the stone while still high up in the air that no enemy projectile might reach you (or relying on the high speed gained from a long dive to pass before they can aim at you, in the case of a low altitude dive).

Sure, more than half of the projectiles missed their target and it was a tiring maneuver but literally everyone could do it and all it required was a rock.

The speed imparted by the dive made the projectiles absolutely deadly and powerful enough to crack stone.

This was in ancient times, in modernity it was not rocks which were thrown (although a force could do so) but specialized ball bearings made exclusively for this function.

Made from steel and designed to be more aerodynamic and with a few variants with different shapes for different specialized purposes) they are faster and stronger and all the more deadly for it.

Not to mention that some variants possessed explosives in them.

And it was why the three second steps assigned to fortress one, were attempting to deflect as many of the ball bearings -with small bursts of wind- as they could.

Their effort was respectable but even they could not deflect hundreds of projectiles and some got through.

Thankfully by the time reinforcements arrived and the enemy force retreated little damage was actually achieved.

The enemy has assigned 1 support point of second steps (with heavy damage buts that's hidden form you, obviously in a real fight I wouldn't point out that it was hidden), 1 point of regulars with light damage, 3 points garrison with medium damage and the artillery.

And they have decided to settle in for a siege.

This means that the units inside now have 8 turns (FL*2) of supply left before they can't fight and must either sally out or attempt to retreat.

Assigning further forces can attempt to break the siege.

As the attacking side possess artillery, they will bombard the fortress and do (artillery Tech level -FL) *10% damage every turn (to a minimum of 5%).

And that's it on this front.

Fortress two had a few hours of quit before the sound of shells flying through the air shattered the quiet morning.

Ensuring all of his units were fully protected by the fortress the defending commander settled in to a siege.

You have sent the following out to raid

1 point of first step cultivators.
1 support point of second steps.
yokoto- support the battle.

A raid is an advanced form of skirmishing that attempt to find a concentration of enemies and attack them.

It has three stages, a skirmish and if successful a scouting roll to see what you find and then a battle if its within your forces capabilities to defeat.

The skirmish is absolutely your win (this amount of force will disintegrate whatever it is that comes against it) and you've destroyed 1 point of a garrison unit (which had medium damage previously)

The scouting roll is bypassed by Yokoto spending 10% Qi to find a good target (IE: make a maximum scouting roll).

She finds the following:

4 points of garrison with heavy damage.

1 point of garrison- decimated.

1 point of regulars- decimated.

1 point of mechanized- decimated.

Suffice to say that this is a bloodbath, the question is if this takes more than a single round.

A first step unit with second step support has an attack score of 450 all of the enemy units together have a defense sore of 143, with a champion on your side that is (rolls survivability for enemy units) not enough to kill them all.

All of the decimated units were destroyed and only 2 points of garrison remain and they are both decimated.

But that is enough for their reinforcements (which have been lying in wait) to arrive.

Demfor has the following units for the second battle.

2 points of second steps,

1 point of first steps (light damage).

2 units of garrison with medium damage

2 units of garrison which are decimated.

Half step.



Against windfor unit composition of:

1 point of first step cultivators.
1 support point of second steps.

Combat 2:

Round 1:

Yokoto orders an ordered retreat, it will take 5 rounds of combat to reach friendly lines but the forces under her suffer no plenty, as this force is fully composed of cultivators, they will lose demfor mortal units at the start of round 2.

Inorku moves to assist and will arrive on the start of round 3 he spends 10% Qi (60% left) to arrive on the start of turn 2 instead.

Wind for cultivators with second steps will attack demfor first step cultivators with second step support 1.

And will be attacked by them and all mortal units in turn.

Maktu, Terkahu, the half step and 1 support point of second steps will attempt to trap and capture Yokoto.


Yokoto is at a great disadvantage here, outnumbered and the enemy has made preparing for her, she spends 60% of her Qi (20% left) to avoid capture, while Maktu, Terkahu and the half step all spend 10% Qi (35%, 60% and 30% left respectively) further the second steps and half step suffer light wounds (the half step now with medium wounds).

You first steps have an attack score of 450 and a defense score of 420 against a combined total of 510 for attack and 480 for defense, this results for light wounds for both first step cultivator units (demfor cultivators now with medium wounds).

Round 2.

Demfor mortal units are no longer in the battle.

Inorku arrives and will try to suppress Terkahu

Maktu, Terkahu, the half step and 1 support point of second steps will attempt to trap and capture Yokoto and she will try not to be captured.

Windfor first step cultivators will attack and be attacked by demfor first step cultivators with both being supported by second steps.


Terkahu will spend 10% Qi (50% left) to reduce the damage he gets from ignoring Inorku suppression attempts and will take light damage instead of medium, inorku spend 10% Qi (60% left)

Yokoto spends the last of her Qi to attempt to not be captured (0% left) but the odds are so against her she dos get captured (captured means that they found a way to hold her down) but she didn't go down without a fight, inflicting medium wound on the half step and second stems (both at heavy wounds now) and light damage to Maktu. the half step, maktu and Terkahu spend 15% qi (down to 15%, 20% and 35% respectively).

Wind for first step cultivators have an attack score of 450 and a defense score of 420, the same is true for the demfor cultivators but they are moderately wounded and receive a 25% penalty for their scores o they have a 338 attack score and 315 for a defense score, windfor receive light wounds (now up to medium) while demfor first step cultivators receive medium damage (now up to decimated) and the second steps supporting them get light wounds.

Round 3.

Yokoto will attempt to break out and the half step will be sitting on her so she can't succeed.

Inorku will attempt to free Yokoto.

Maktu and Terkahu will attempt to suppress him so he can't do that.

Windfor first step cultivators will attempt to finish of dem for first step cultivators.

The second steps unit 3 (the second one of the demfor) will be helping demfor first step cultivators.


Inorku spends 40% of his Qi to ignore the suppression almost completely, only receiving light wounds (now medium wounded) and succeeding in freeing Yokoto. Maktu and Terkahu spend 10% Qi (10%, 25% respectively).

Yokoto ,now free, pummels the half step, killing him (just to keep track until now, in this combat, Yokoto would have suffered 24 total health levels of damage but she just doesn't care).

Widnfor first step cultivators are wounded so their scores would be 338 and 315 for attack and defense. Demfor first step cultivators are even more damaged but they get another second step support point (a wounded one) stacking more support points on the same units lowers their effectiveness and their attack score is 164 while their defense sore is 134.

Suffice to say, demfor cultivators are destroyed, and both second steps support point receive light damage (one with medium damage and one decimated).

At this point demfor just give up the match the following battle will just be a slug fest they will lose and they don't have enough units to make assaulting the remining fortresses a viable tactic.

And the exercise ends in windfor favor.

The raid into enemy territory has gone well initially.

Speed is the birth right of the keku and the power of cultivation allowed the raiders to overrun any resistance in their way.

Finding the enemy wounded has been easy, too easy in hindsight, and the cultivators under Yokoto fell upon them like the wrath of god.

In mere minutes of battle thousands of keku have fallen and not a single solider under yokto was injured.

That is when things started to go wrong, hidden in the foliage were the cultivators of the enemy, headed by their three champions.

Makin a snap decision Yokoto order the retreat and singled Inorku to reinforce them.

And then the battle became a running one, flying low through the foliage to not allow any powerful dives to pick them off the forces under Yokoto gave as good as they got.

Yokoto herself spent her Qi like water to stay a stay ahead of the many Qi infused branches attempting to grapple her, she knew Tekarhu, he had to have spent hours infusing all of the branches he utilized but it gave his a distinct advantage.

Outnumbered three to one, Yokoto would have been swiftly taken down if she cared for mortal injuries but as it was, she managed to stay a step ahead.

Inokru arrived with fire and wind, attempting to pry Tekarhu of her with blast of elemental poweress but Tekarhu paid him no mind – for which he prayed a price- but as the last drop of Qi left Yokoto dantian she could fell herself getting slower and saw the branches she so easily evaded before close around her.

Inokru dived through wooden platforms and raking claws and prayed the branches of her and Yokto returned the favor by pommeling the half step which attempted to keep her contained.

The sounds of cheers arose form the first steps under her commend and glancing in their direction it she saw they had won against their opponents.

Tekarhu -which ahs also seen this- seemed to have come to a decision and raised a small white flag.

Yokoto felt a small smile adorn her face.

A smile which was wiped out by thinking of all the clean up she had to do.

And with this the exercise ends, here are the force compoestions as of the end of this exercise.


3 points of garrison. 1x tired. BP:42 A: 37 D: 37.

1 points of regulars. 1x tired. BP:119 A: 62 D:62.

1 points of regulars. BP:125 A:85 D:85.

1 point of mechanized. 1x tired. BP: 189 A:127 D:127

2 points of civilians. BP:10 A:20 D: 20.

1 point of second steps cultivators. 1x tired. BP: A: D:

Yokoto- 0% qi remining. (well she's injured it just doesn't matter for her)


1 point of first step cultivators. Medium damage. 1x tired. BP: A: D:
1 point of garrison- light damage. (4 health ticks remining). 1x tired. BP: 42 A: 37 D: 37

1 point of garrison- medium damage (3 health ticks remining). 1x tired. BP: 42 A: 28 D:28

1 artillery point- heavy damage (2 health ticks remining). 1x tired.

1 point of mechanized- heavy damage (2 health ticks remining). 1x tired. BP: 189 A: 97 D: 97

Inorku- medium damage (3 health tick remining), 20% Qi left.


4 points of garrison.

1 point of regulars

1 points of mechanized regulars

1 point of artillery/ heavy equipment.


4 point of garrison- heavy damage (2 life ticks/boxes remining).

1 point of garrison- light damage (4 life ticks remining).

2 units of garrison- medium damage (3 life ticks remining).

2 point of garrison- decimated (1 life tick remining).

2 point of regulars with light damage (4 life ticks remining).
1 point of seconds steps- heavy damage (2life ticks remining)

1 point of second steps- medium damage. (3 health ticks remaining).

1 point of seconds steps- decimated damage (1 life ticks remining)

Maktu- medium damage (3 health ticks remining) 15% Qi left.

Terkahu- light damage (4 life ticks remining). 25% Qi remaining.


6 points of garrison.

1 point of regulars.

1 point of mechanized regulars.

1 point of first step cultivators.

And the half step champion.

All in all, I will say that you did well, most of your high value units are whole (if incredibly tired) you lost a single fortress but the depo didn't get under threat and you most killed more enemy units then your got killed (and that ratio would have likely gotten better if we continued).

Honestly B+ is the grade I would give this.

Which brings us to two points.

The first is your bonus.

Looking at this battle, the most appropriate I can think of is that your fortresses will now be more resistant to being destroyed by champions (owing form this experience having your engineers take such things into account).

It's a minor bonus but it can be very impactful.

Wich brings me to the second point.

This exercise has reveled to me that this system isn't understood well enough and is more clunky than I would wish for and as such I'm thinking of replacing it for something more narrative in nature.

And I would like your opinion.

[] change it, it's too complicated.

[] don't change it, we can work with it.

Note, this isn't actually a vote just a way for me to gauge the thread opinion.

And to heed it off, any conversion I will make to the system won't be to your detriment so don't take that into account when voicing your opinion.

Now our regularly scheduled turn posting will likely have to wait a week or two until I finished all my exams but this has been fast and easy enough to push out.
[] change it, it's too complicated.

While I can work with it, looking at every single unit (especially if we start get significantly more and have more fronts) or doing the math of attack and defense scores are not something that really interest me beyond having vague information about the capabilities of our units.

I will probably make my decisions narratively either way.

Like other I prefer mostly going by vibes.