Distant Stars. (a WH40K/Xianxia civ Quest).

[X] Plan spend most
-[X] First spend 3 per change on boosting the pills(39)
-[X] Provide meals to all second and higher step cultivators that want one
-[X] Store what is left
Provide meals to all second and higher step cultivators that want one
Why, this is a waste?

Plan seems pretty wasteful, considering we can just not overspend and keep the herbs for when we actually need them, spiritual herbs can be used to help people heal or regenerate qi faster in the war, and we didn't even completely fill out our storage.
Its a marginal bonus but we have 2nd steps: 60 and we get 100 meals per herb so providing them all with the meals only cost a single herb.
One herb I can understand (although I would want a clarification from Uri that a single herb will give all of them that bonus, rather than the assumption they eat how much they want), but three charges per pill? We are much better off using a single charge and slowly expanding our stock with the leftovers.

I also clarified in my plan that we boost only as much as we can (with that single herb) without harming the quality of our cultivators, which I am not clear on the numbers, and don't know if three charges would impact.
how much ap would it be to develop such a technique? Is Okerteru willing or capable of helping with it? Would it require something like divine qi information? Exotic advancement or is it just direct help in this one thing like using his help to forge ninth grade materials.
Something that can be carried on for years at a time? it's likely beyond you for now, get a few more time related techniques and understanding and we'll talk.

If you want a technique that slows time around you for a few minutes by 10X, 4 divine Qi, 100 lifespan and 8 AP.

Also, is Kuvara permanently (as long as she has an avatar) limited to twenty damage a turn, or would more attention or chaos gods bring that up?
She is limited to 2 damage per clash, more clashes (ie more effort invested by the gods) mean more maximum damage.

And about the power of blood, are there any follow-up actions to it, we can take ahead to refine it? If we already take it in a turn?
There are but you need to take it first.

You can't plan for the things you don't know exist.

Another idea I had for research from the talk about forcing our dao on others limiting them is to do something similar to quickly teach talentless soldiers who we awaken, is it possible? Would such a thing take a research action? My idea is basically something like, boost a very large amount of first steps with techniques, dao knowledge, maybe even cultivation ability within hrat realm and so on, but cripple their long term advancement, a way to quickly power up our population, if we don't care about the future advancement of said people.
I'll add it to the desperate action pile.

We still use a space suit though, really a shame, I am sure Kuvara doesn't need any.
How much you actually need it is up to debate but it's the kind of thing that's better safe than sorry.

Does Shitaku think such a plan is possible Uri?
In a more limited manner yes, he doubts he can awaken millions of keku with enough time to get them to the point of ascension and with the attention of the four firmly on the planet they would probably notice it pretty fast.

Its a marginal bonus but we have 2nd steps: 60 and we get 100 meals per herb so providing them all with the meals only cost a single herb.
The second steps would use different meals, the body refining one dos absolutely nothing to them.

And those kinds of meals would cost more, 1 herb per second step.
In a more limited manner yes, he doubts he can awaken millions of keku with enough time to get them to the point of ascension and with the attention of the four firmly on the planet they would probably notice it pretty fast.
I am guessing we are going to awaken everyone we can anyway, would a ninth grade cloaking device be enough to hide that build up?

If we do force our dao on the population in an attempt to make up for shortcomings in their own talent, how long does Shitaku expect advancing a millions of keku to the threshold will take.
I am guessing we are going to awaken everyone we can anyway, would a ninth grade cloaking device be enough to hide that build up?
Maybe? In any case it won't hold for long. Honestly at that point use it for a tribulation aid and get a few more third steps.

There is very little reason to hide the fact your awakening thousands, the benefit is very minor.

If we do force our dao on the population in an attempt to make up for shortcomings in their own talent, how long does Shitaku expect advancing a millions of keku to the threshold will take.
A long time, your current disciples make it in about 30~ years of dedicated cultivation, with extra bonus that speed things up.

You don't see it happening without pills and a shit load of them.
Than the plan to make the entire species ascend below the gods' nose is shot.

Shame, but getting millions of second steps was already a fantasy.

Kind of hoped that because Shitaku ascended in like, three years, that forcing his enlightenment on others will give them enough early boost to do it before the cloaking device ran out (admittedly I expected it would hold better than implied, like a few decades).
If you want a technique that slows time around you for a few minutes by 10X, 4 divine Qi, 100 lifespan and 8 AP.
Maybe after the apocalypse, for now that way too much investment for first of serval preparation steps.

I think best idea is probably to go all in on the dao sharing plan and demonic cultivation to power level ourselves and our population, with a few technique meant to manipulate absurd amount of lifespan to hit people like Magnus equally, and maybe a final core insight meant to wipe out armies.
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If you want a technique that slows time around you for a few minutes by 10X, 4 divine Qi, 100 lifespan and 8 AP.
expensive, though probably worth it. Shame we couldn't afford that time pillar, an insight would likely be far more efficient at accomplishing the same thing.

Hopefully we can actually manage that mass awakening for lifespan purposes. We really need to go for a two-tiered system of cultivators, like most sects usually do in Xianxia, with Outer and Inner disciples.

I imagine MOST step 1 disciples would be in the Outer circle/sect, except for the very best (basically the top 1%), and on reaching the second step basically everyone would get to the inner circle (as the numbers would go down by a LOT. we have 2% to 5% four our very best, and it will likely go up a bit as we start to be able to afford for assisted tribulations with divine qi eventually, and the extra numbers should give another minor bonus. but the "second tier" cultivators are likely to get not even a tenth of those odds...)

I'll add it to the desperate action pile.
Here's an idea: we're about to re-unlock pillar insights, right? One insight was about finding people who are good at learning from us specifically. Maybe we could use that, or get an insight close to it, to find out who'd better receive our dao insights through the formation?

How much you actually need it is up to debate but it's the kind of thing that's better safe than sorry.
To be fair while Shikatu could likely test his resistance to an approximation of the void even in some kind of lab and PROBABLY be able to abort the experiment if he finds out that yes, he needs it (he definitely wouldn't die in seconds)... there's the problem of the unknown unknowns.

For example, Radiation is likely a recent discoveries, and there's no real safe way to test a cultivator's resistance to it. I suppose he could PROBABLY heal radiation damage with his healing insight and techniques too, but... is he sure? Has he ever even TRIED healing radiation sickness/damage?

uh, as a side note I just realized something: we can probably destroy radioactive waste with our black flames! That would simplify things some for Nuclear Power, wouldn't it? Collect all the waste in the world in the same place, have Shikatu pop in and burn it down. Or would there still be left radioactive ashes?

In a more limited manner yes, he doubts he can awaken millions of keku with enough time to get them to the point of ascension and with the attention of the four firmly on the planet they would probably notice it pretty fast.
How about transitioning to the two-tiers system like most xianxia sects do? Just recruit more "second-tier" students from the military. They can then pay that lifespan tax (ideally after we make it more efficient through either a better formation OR a life insight OR both)

Maybe we could make it work through a teaching institution that would basically work as the "outer school"? Just take a few second steps and elite first steps as sort of "outer elders/teachers". Maybe we can spare a Third Step from the ones we're awakening now too, not sure.

A long time, your current disciples make it in about 30~ years of dedicated cultivation, with extra bonus that speed things up.

You don't see it happening without pills and a shit load of them.

here's an idea.

awakening pills work on shit talents too, right?

Accept volunteers who are willing to pay 10 or 20 years of lifespan in exchange of an awakening pill? The physical benefits of being awakened would likely counter somewhat the lost lifespan, and then they can cultivate on their own if they really care for it and maybe try to move from outer to inner school through sheer stubborness (or somehow ending up being a xianxia MC that somehow bullshits their way into a cheat that makes them talented)

Maybe after the apocalypse, for now that way too much investment for first of serval preparation steps.

I think best idea is probably to go all in on the dao sharing plan and demonic cultivation to power level ourselves and our population, with a few technique meant to manipulate absurd amount of lifespan to hit people like Magnus equally, and maybe a final core insight meant to wipe out armies.

We can't awaken millions, but we could probably awaken tens of thousands if we shiften to the 100x cultivator systems we considered on turn 1-2.

Thing is, ideally I'd like to keep both the elite (inner) and the rest (outer), with the chance of undiscovered talents and all who succeed at the tribulation having a path to inner school/the TRUE cultivators/agents of Shikatu.

Maybe an Institution for this could help? This would give us a way to get those immense amounts of lifespan.
. I suppose he could PROBABLY heal radiation damage with his healing insight and techniques too, but... is he sure? Has he ever even TRIED healing radiation sickness/damage?
He likely could but radiation damage is rare and there are decent mortal treatments for it.

At the end of the day, while he could probably survive without a suit it would most lily still tax his reserves even just a little.

Wearing a suit is just better.

How about transitioning to the two-tiers system like most xianxia sects do? Just recruit more "second-tier" students from the military. They can then pay that lifespan tax (ideally after we make it more efficient through either a better formation OR a life insight OR both)
That likely what's going to happen this turn, a good portion of the awakening pills will be used to form a core of cultivators in the military and they will start working on awakening all of your soldiers.

You aren't likely to get many second steps form that but the overall boost to your military is probably worth it.
We can't awaken millions, but we could probably awaken tens of thousands if we shiften to the 100x cultivator systems we considered on turn 1-2.
I am pretty sure we can awaken most of the population after a twelve years course (basically an additional core subject in class), and thanks to technology, we can probably just give everyone comprehensive Shitaku videos he made in super speed and than slowed down.

There, the vast majority of the population awakened within a turn or two.

Set some system to sift through common questions that will brought up to cultivators and here, side lessons too for common questions.

I don't remember exactly, but I think our unforgettable lessons work through video?

Edit, checked, we can awaken approximately 20% of our population after mandatory 12 years course, nit most of them, but still a really nice amount, if we can force enlightenment on mortals, maybe this can rise.
Thing is, ideally I'd like to keep both the elite (inner) and the rest (outer), with the chance of undiscovered talents and all who succeed at the tribulation having a path to inner school/the TRUE cultivators/agents of Shikatu.
My plan is kind of crippling most of our population long term prospects now by having Shitaku force his dao understanding, comprehension and techniques on them in a way we were warned about.

With probably stopping it after the apocalypse is over, but before it, it could turn otherwise useless cultivators (our population got bad talent after all), into people capable of using techniques and cultivating faster, but would probably fail in tribulation and have really really bad time if they ever got to the third step.
Maybe an Institution for this could help? This would give us a way to get those immense amounts of lifespan.
Formation instution sounds good, especially if we plan to do stuff like make city wide formations.
Accept volunteers who are willing to pay 10 or 20 years of lifespan in exchange of an awakening pill? The physical benefits of being awakened would likely counter somewhat the lost lifespan, and then they can cultivate on their own if they really care for it and maybe try to move from outer to inner school through sheer stubborness (or somehow ending up being a xianxia MC that somehow bullshits their way into a cheat that makes them talented)
Bad investment, most people can awaken without it.

Also, 10-20 years is ridiculous amount from what we were told, imagine aging 20 years, even awakening probably wouldn't make it feel like anything less than being crippled.

We need to refine the technique so the difference will be less felt, and than start small, a year per person for example, that still 22.2 million years, or 2.22 million lifespan, with our current efficiency, let alone with a formation made for this purpose, and we can take it in a tickle, so much that they wouldn't notice, a month per year, spread over a decade, and we can likely avoid any riots that would result from more drastic measures.

Slowly increase, like inflation, while using their awakening to hide the full consequences of what we take from them.
Here's an idea: we're about to re-unlock pillar insights, right? One insight was about finding people who are good at learning from us specifically. Maybe we could use that, or get an insight close to it, to find out who'd better receive our dao insights through the formation?
I don't speak about that formation, I speak about something more specialized, more link yourself to the entire city, and than make them understand, they get no powers but that understanding, and that understanding will cripple them,but it would also make them stronger now.

Capable of cultivating beyond their talent, capable of learning techniques or getting dao insights more easily, incapable of making those themselves.
Collect all the waste in the world in the same place, have Shikatu pop in and burn it down. Or would there still be left radioactive ashes?
@uri , does radioactive waste and plastics count as wealth for the sake of our burn wealth for divine qi insight?
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He likely could but radiation damage is rare and there are decent mortal treatments for it.

because we're tech level 9? From my understanding there's no real treatment for HEAVY radiation damage right now.

That likely what's going to happen this turn, a good portion of the awakening pills will be used to form a core of cultivators in the military and they will start working on awakening all of your soldiers.

You aren't likely to get many second steps form that but the overall boost to your military is probably worth it.
Definitely worth it, yeah.

First of all a cultivator soldier is likely to remain an able-bodied soldier for MUCH longer than a non-cultivator Keku. Even if the lifespan isn't lenghtened much, I imagine a 70 years cultivator of the first step, or even a 90 years old one, is likely still going to be much better than a 30 years old Keku mortal as a soldier, wouldn't he?

and with the "background" level of Qi in the air going up, they should find cultivation a bit easier than it would have been a century ago anyway. As a matter of fact, the background level of Qi will go up even with their failed tribulations, so they'll make cultivation for EVERYONE easier in time.

Maybe we can put Roth's Third Step (the one good with formations and strategy) in charge of the Military, and basically make the military the same as an "Outer" school of cultivators. Mortals in it would mostly be relegated to support roles, and promotions would include an Awakening.

Indeed offering Awakenings would be a nice incentive/perk to get more volunteers in the Army, if we're not going for universal conscription. Or maybe it's something we could offer for those who decide to stay in the military AFTER mandated service is over.

I'm just wondering how to deal with the lifespan "tax". I don't really want to go with it when our efficiency is still only at 10% (10 years per 1 years is an HORRIBLE waste, especially if we can make it much better in less than a turn).

Once we bring it higher, through insights or formations, we can do the emergency tax... and the question is "who do we target (all first steps, only the outer, all cultivators in general...)" and for how much ( 2 years, 5 years, 10 years, 20 years..? depending on efficiency and plans to use the lifespan we might not need that much right now, or we might want more. Or we might end up discovering we can't store more than, say, a 1000 years, and so we need to spread the taxation along a decade while we train to use it (and use it)).

I am pretty sure we can awaken most of the population after a twelve years course (basically an additional core subject in class), and thanks to technology, we can probably just give everyone comprehensive Shitaku videos he made in super speed and than slowed down.

There, the vast majority of the population awakened within a turn or two.

Set some system to sift through common questions that will brought up to cultivators and here, side lessons too for common questions.

I don't remember exactly, but I think our unforgettable lessons work through video?

mh... maybe.

Keep in mind teaching meditation to CHILDREN is unlikely to work well. I imagine we'd start when they're 16? maybe 12 at the very earliest?

I suppose we could have the course start in basically middle school and continue throughout college/university.

That said, I imagine that not ALL would pass it. In fact, many are likely to just... give up. You can't really force effective meditation practice on the unwilling... though the promise of superpowers at the end of the tunnel might work. It's definitely a better alternative than just normal Physical Education after all in terms of results, though probably far more boring and slower to give benefits.

Slowly increase, like inflation, while using their awakening to hide the full consequences of what we take from them.
Also with increase in health standards and technology lifespan would increase naturally, so it would still be perceived as a net improvement.

There's even that insight that gives +5 lifespan to everyone? I don't think we took it, but we could in the future.

@uri , does radioactive waste and plastics count as wealth for the sake of our burn wealth for divine qi insight?
It probably depends on Keku perception of value.

If it's waste, it has by definition no value. Or at least no meaningful value.

If we developed Nuclear Reactors capable of using the radioactive waste as more fuel, I could imagine it counting as having more value. But at that point we'd want to use it.

mh... could we "trick" the insight by shaping public opinion about radiactive waste being valuable, and thus MAKE IT valuable? It's not like, say, Pearls or precious gemstones have intrinsic value normally. We could have people believe nuclear waste is valuable EXACTLY because it's a worthy sacrifice to the Emperor...
@uri , does radioactive waste and plastics count as wealth for the sake of our burn wealth for divine qi insight?
Somewhat, it gives very little but you can gain something form it.

Keep in mind that your still burning it, so the problems of burning plastic are still there.

because we're tech level 9? From my understanding there's no real treatment for HEAVY radiation damage right now.
Yes, there are treatments for heavy radiation damage (which is extremely rare, its expensive but the cost is heavily subsidized by the empire.

We haven't really talked about the medical system in the empire but its heavily subsidized by the empire because shikatu won't have it any other way.

mh... could we "trick" the insight by shaping public opinion about radiactive waste being valuable, and thus MAKE IT valuable? It's not like, say, Pearls or precious gemstones have intrinsic value normally. We could have people believe nuclear waste is valuable EXACTLY because it's a worthy sacrifice to the Emperor...
Sure, so long as you're fine with people making jewelry out of it, there's no way to have it be perceived as valuable without having people want it for things.

But its not like you have a lot of radioactive waste, any kind of nuclear reactor is mostly still lab based.
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I'm just wondering how to deal with the lifespan "tax". I don't really want to go with it when our efficiency is still only at 10% (10 years per 1 years is an HORRIBLE waste, especially if we can make it much better in less than a turn).
We should definitely wait and take only volunteers now, and limit those to just what we need.
and the question is "who do we target (all first steps, only the outer, all cultivators in general...)
Likely the mortals, because if we studied power of blood (and I plan to) we might get methods to speed up cultivation by burning lifespan, and it would be more efficient to take it from our regular population rather than cultivators who can use it to boost themselves.
and for how much ( 2 years, 5 years, 10 years, 20 years..? depending on efficiency and plans to use the lifespan we might not need that much right now, or we might want more. Or we might end up discovering we can't store more than, say, a 1000 years, and so we need to spread the taxation along a decade while we train to use it (and use it)).
I think we can pretty much immediately ask for volunteers and use those to heal all half steps this new turn.

Next decade we can probably start on taxing our population, after using this turn to make the right formation and refine it while the emperor is studying demonic cultivation.

Who knows, maybe they can find a way to link the formations to mortals.
Keep in mind teaching meditation to CHILDREN is unlikely to work well. I imagine we'd start when they're 16? maybe 12 at the very earliest?
Uri mentioned it would be in the lower education, but I am not sure the specifics really matter.
That said, I imagine that not ALL would pass it. In fact, many are likely to just... give up. You can't really force effective meditation practice on the unwilling... though the promise of superpowers at the end of the tunnel might work. It's definitely a better alternative than just normal Physical Education after all in terms of results, though probably far more boring and slower to give benefits.
I guess this is part of why we would awaken only 20% of our population, I checked the numbers.
Keep in mind that your still burning it, so the problems of burning plastic are still there.
Can we burn it in a room while black flames cover the roof, than the smoke goes up and disappear? For that matter, can't we use the black flames for the burning?
We haven't really talked about the medical system in the empire but its heavily subsidized by the empire because shikatu won't have it any other way.
Kind of like stuff like that, that show how he improved the situation.

I will find kind of bad for planning to suck their life if it wasn't so valuable and we weren't in such bad situation.
But its not like you have a lot of radioactive waste, any kind of nuclear reactor is mostly still lab based.
If we get to tech level 10 this turn (wasn't it nine, did something happen, like okerteru throwing us a bone), we would probably skip it and go straight to fusion, people already start making it viable today.
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Sure, so long as you're fine with people making jewelry out of it, there's no way to have it be perceived as valuable without having people want it for things.
Can we pick some random stone type that is pretty and make it a very valuable jewl, while keeping artificial hold on the supply, and use it to get free divine qi? Basically make artificial economies like there are about diamonds.

If there is any big waste like nuclear one, we can always just throw it at the black flames.
No, I was just confused, you are getting 9 this turn not 10.

My bad.
Is Okerteru open to us paying him later with divine qi and getting information now? If we are just talking about information, than if we die, we did a little more damage to his enemies, and if we win, we pay back with interest.

It is just that time limit us a lot here, and we were basically paying almost everything we have for a few tusn straight, so I wonder if we built enough trust to make a deal like that.
Can we pick some random stone type that is pretty and make it a very valuable jewl, while keeping artificial hold on the supply, and use it to get free divine qi? Basically make artificial economies like there are about diamonds.
It wont really effect much, not for the effort you'll need to put in.

Is Okerteru open to us paying him later with divine qi and getting information now? If we are just talking about information, than if we die, we did a little more damage to his enemies, and if we win, we pay back with interest.

It is just that time limit us a lot here, and we were basically paying almost everything we have for a few tusn straight, so I wonder if we built enough trust to make a deal like that.
This is already a thing; you're going to get a proposal from him before turn 14 goes out.
Sure, so long as you're fine with people making jewelry out of it, there's no way to have it be perceived as valuable without having people want it for things.

But its not like you have a lot of radioactive waste, any kind of nuclear reactor is mostly still lab based.
admittedly we might just skip to fusion reactors, and those should leave no radiactive waste.

Or only keep a limited number of fission reactor mostly used to get the enriched uranium or plutonium needed for Nuclear Bombs.

...though even there, maybe we can come up with something better than doesn't require them?

all in all it's under the level of abstraction we focus on I imagine.

This is already a thing; you're going to get a proposal from him before turn 14 goes out.
oh, so he's going to give us a loan?

Bank of Okertatu. The Bank of Choice for God-Emperors!
Or only keep a limited number of fission reactor mostly used to get the enriched uranium or plutonium needed for Nuclear Bombs.
We should watch the first nuclear testing, maybe we will get a dao fragment of fire (sun), or destruction out of it.

As in watch it live, with our major regeneration, we can go from half dead to fine in half an hour, so we will probably recover within seconds, if it even blind us.
oh, so he's going to give us a loan?

Bank of Okertatu. The Bank of Choice for God-Emperors!
As far as I am concerned, if we could, we would probably buy max divine qi knowledge, max soul surgery lessons, tech level ten and a whole bunch of exotic advancements, from spaceships to more.

Maybe a few places of power too, if only for the dao fragment.

I will probably be fine even if we need to pay double later on.
We should watch the first nuclear testing, maybe we will get a dao fragment of fire (sun), or destruction out of it.

As in watch it live, with our major regeneration, we can go from half dead to fine in half an hour, so we will probably recover within seconds, if it even blind us.

IF we can ensure we survive it's actually a somewhat valid idea. And showing off a surviving Emperor in the middle of a crater would likely boost faith too.

Problem is... are we SURE we can survive a nuke in the face?

I suppose we can build up to it? Verify how resistant we are to lesser explosions first? Math out a safe distance (that would still be far closer to point zero than for any other living being on the planet)
IF we can ensure we survive it's actually a somewhat valid idea. And showing off a surviving Emperor in the middle of a crater would likely boost faith too.
I didn't actually meant to get hit by a nuke, I think we very much can't survive unless we used a revival, a vehicle carried missile could have killed us as third step, I doubt we jumped up that much.

I meant just watching it.
I didn't actually meant to get hit by a nuke, I think we very much can't survive unless we used a revival, a vehicle carried missile could have killed us as third step, I doubt we jumped up that much.

I meant just watching it.
...though... now that you mention it... MAYBE the experience would be worth a revival? 4 divine qi is enough to survive, presumably, and such an experience would likely give us dao shards of death, fire (nuclear fire?), and potentially more.

That said, it's still 4 divine qi that don't go to more useful things...
...though... now that you mention it... MAYBE the experience would be worth a revival? 4 divine qi is enough to survive, presumably, and such an experience would likely give us dao shards of death, fire (nuclear fire?), and potentially more.

That said, it's still 4 divine qi that don't go to more useful things...
I can definitely see us getting a dao fragment, dao shard though? I am very iffy on us getting that one, and without that certainty, we almost definitely got better uses for that qi.
I confused shard with fragment. that said, I'd expect multiple fragments of various types.

I agree we most likely have better uses for the Divine Qi though. that's 8 divine insights after all (well, not really. we're limited by APs and normal insights for those, really.)