Distant Stars. (a WH40K/Xianxia civ Quest).

Can this be used to increase the efficiency of gathering divine qi slightly? Or does selling most of what we don't get have him handle the conversion much more efficiently?
No, for it to even reach the number of people it would need to matter, the efficiency would drop to <0.0001% and you'll get absolutely nothing (not to maintain the efficiency drop for divine Qi itself).

Can this be used to boost cultivation?
Yes and no, there are some things that can use the extra power but the connecting to the formation makes actually cultivation more difficult and expensive, enough so you derive no rea benefit form it.

Can it be used to share lifespan?
Sure but the efficiency penalty would see it drop to 10% (IE share 10 life span get 1).

How fast do gods communicate?
Depends, not fast enough for what you have in mind. Also sharing an insight with the avatar would share it just with the avatar and not with Kuvara as a whole.

Can this be used to make higher grade black flames?

This is why I asked partly about keku insights, those modify the population and leave people modified even if the insight stop, so what if another person have the insight, does he apply the bonus to the entire population?
The modification is already made, using the same potential and same way to raise something won't do anything.

Think of it like changing dna sample A for sample B, if you've already changed them getting another insight that would change A to B won't do anything because you already got B.

Similarly, I asked about dao fragment insights and the heart demon of self because those don't seem like stuff that needs constant maintenance, what happens if our life pillar is disabled, do we lose dao information?
The Dao insights might give people a boost on getting one but it won't impose it. the heart deacon won't have anything to anchor it and would just be subsumed by the self.
Is there a risk of it empowering our heart fire that consume divine qi in the process?
The Dao insights might give people a boost on getting one but it won't impose it. the heart deacon won't have anything to anchor it and would just be subsumed by the self.
So it should probably be made a default that we share our life insight and Haku share her yin insight with all third steps (and maybe the strongest two steps is that possible), could be a nice boost, and who knows, maybe it will tip the scale enough to give some people dao they otherwise wouldn't get.
Depends, not fast enough for what you have in mind. Also sharing an insight with the avatar would share it just with the avatar and not with Kuvara as a whole.
There gone my idea to use the malleability of time in the warp to make the insight fade away more slowly.
Sure but the efficiency penalty would see it drop to 10% (IE share 10 life span get 1).
I am kind of tempted to go the demonic cultivation way, awaken our population (as we get closer to the apocalypse) and have every person donate ten years to our proper cultivators, even if further refinement and studying of blood qi wouldn't make it more efficient, it could easily build up, I imagine studying demonic methods will make replicating our insight to a lesser extent possible.
Is there a risk of it empowering our heart fire that consume divine qi in the process?
Any such increase would be temporary at worst.

So it should probably be made a default that we share our life insight and Haku share her yin insight with all third steps (and maybe the strongest two steps is that possible), could be a nice boost, and who knows, maybe it will tip the scale enough to give some people dao they otherwise wouldn't get.
Dao is a personal thing, I would caution against trying to standardize it by insight imposition, it doesn't hurt you because its your insight and your pillar but it might cripple the understanding and Dao of others.
Any such increase would be temporary at worst.
So we should probably do it, so nice, this got us a bonus to divination too.
Dao is a personal thing, I would caution against trying to standardize it by insight imposition, it doesn't hurt you because its your insight and your pillar but it might cripple the understanding and Dao of others.
Really? Oh, kind of hoped it would just make them more knowledgeable about certain subjects.

What if they follow similar path, say we do it to someone who already has life pillar and is studying life.
There would be a lot less dangers.
So we should probably just offer it them, people can make their choice, entirely possible some people will do stuff like it because it is better to live with difficulties than die and they need that final push to get a dao shard before the end.
You share the insight for a second at most, its greatest use is sharing a sure hit attack or a sure hit dodge, or some other effect which use is temporary and fast.
let's see what some useful insights we have for such a short timeframe.

"To understand life is to understand a profonde truth of the universe" gain Dao fragment "life".
could we cheat this way to share the first fragment of Dao life, and thus making it easier to gain further fragments later on? You mentioned getting the first fragment is the hardest part.

already answered

Divine "Like war all Keku hold the future in their soul, all know lies, all know trickery, all know change and all know destiny this has been used by the lord of Fate to claim a sliver of the Keku soul and yet he is not content and with every passing day his essence infuses the soul more and more, stand against this sacrilege styme his efforts dash his scheme and face his wrath" Reduce the base portion of a Keku soul that the lord of Fate may claim greatly and make his attempts to claim an even greater portion much, much harder for eternity. Immediately suffer a tribulation of retribution.
Could we cheat with this to basically steal MORE portions of Keku souls from the Chaos Lords? Admittedly the one who did it would likely die.

Divine "Shikatu god of cultivation, you who had set the Keku on the path to divinity, align the Keku nature even more closely to your own and together ascend" Keku generate more intent for the purposes of determining generated divine Qi.
You mentioned this insight still worked on existing Keku after we lost it with the pillar, it just didn't apply to NEW Keku. Could we cheat again and basically double (or more)-stack the bonuses?

already answered
"Death, the great equalizer. In time all will know its kiss from the mightiest of gods to the lowliest of ants, it is the end and the beginning and to understand it means harnessing power unmatched. But to truly understand death one must experience it" Die and at the end of the next turn come back to life and in doing so gain the following, a Dao shard of death, the ability to resist death for a short while and the ability to impart death upon another a soul/comprehension based attack that deals instant death.
as for the life dao shard... though I suppose they might just stay dead, so better not to risk it.

1. fire.

"Burn, burn the regret, burn the pain burn it all to ash and form the ashes draw power" fire techniques gain the energy steal property.

"In your heart a fire burns, though reduced to embers by time and company forever it will burn, lit the spark and burn the world" you may stress the pillar and after doing so all of your fire techniques count as two steps higher when the effect ends, all fire techniques count as one step lower for a week.

"Kuntuku the guide, his flames serving as the beacon for all lost travelers, accept his blessing and your flames will always know their way" fire techniques gain the homing property.

"This flame you have known ever since you were a child, the ambers have been lit the day your parents died, and it burns, forevermore it burns it has been diminished it has been tampered by experience and healing yet still it burns" fire started by you is harder to diminish.

"Pass the flame given to you oh so long ago, give from yourself to others and watch them ignite" may spend Qi to boost an army point by 100% (or a battle) as flames heal and strengthen them, may be used on champions for a minor benefit.

Could we cheat and use that "moment of insight-sharing" to basically cheat our way into more easily getting those insights permanently for Shikatu, or alternatively giving Kekita (or other cultivators) ours?

Alternatively, could Kekita "teach us" her insights, and we ours to her?

"it has been more then two centuries since you've last seen your parents, their souls have long gone to the place the dead go and yet an echo remains, an echo of their hopes and dreams, of their pride towards you and of the happiness they wish you draw power from their echo but beware that more may try to worm its way int your soul" you may refresh a limited insight you posses and if you do immediately suffer a minor heart demon, warning quick successive use may generate a major heart demon instead. (basically, insights that have conditions like only once per X time can be used again).

this has some potential to be copied.

Can this be used to boost cultivation? Can it be used to share lifespan?
we can more efficiently grant other people lifespan in exchange for divine Qi I think. Unless you want to basically have cultivators trade lifespan between them? That's a bit distasteful, especially considering there's trade losses.

So it should probably be made a default that we share our life insight and Haku share her yin insight with all third steps (and maybe the strongest two steps is that possible), could be a nice boost, and who knows, maybe it will tip the scale enough to give some people dao they otherwise wouldn't get.
If it's something that takes only a second it should arguably not even consume APs.

Dao is a personal thing, I would caution against trying to standardize it by insight imposition, it doesn't hurt you because its your insight and your pillar but it might cripple the understanding and Dao of others.
Could we cheat and use that "moment of insight-sharing" to basically cheat our way into more easily getting those insights permanently for Shikatu, or alternatively giving Kekita (or other cultivators) ours?

Alternatively, could Kekita "teach us" her insights, and we ours to her?
Sure, but the same warning applies here as for Dao, likely less because your talking about the same pillar but still.
we can more efficiently grant other people lifespan in exchange for divine Qi I think. Unless you want to basically have cultivators trade lifespan between them? That's a bit distasteful, especially considering there's trade losses.
More wondering about people giving us lifespan, or using it to drain lifespan from the population after we awaken it (which I expect we would do as we get closer to the apocalypse).

Currently we are basically draining two divine qi for every ten years, we didn't actually pay for those divine qi yet, but with the speed we are spending our lifespan, it is only a matter of time.

This means that feasibily, we can completely remove our lifepan needs, 2541 first steps currently, most ascend within two or three decades, and of those, something like 95% die, this means that merely by taking ten years from a person (most of which they wouldn't use), we can get 2541 lifespan, those will refresh themselves around every three decades, more if we took more lifespan from those we don't expect to survive tribulation.

Our burn life for power boost, our burn life for death energy boost, and probably more if we develop techniques that capitalize on those insights, that's a complete removal of all our lifespan needs.

And that's without refinement or specific study.

Once we study demonic cultivation, the changes will be even greater, if people can get a bad copy of our insight, with current population of 222 million people, if in only half could awaken and half of them learn this, this is 5550000 lifespan to share amongst our cultivators, without a single person dying, with just our current population.

That exactly the kind of boost we need to seriously improve our odds, that kind of power could change everything, especially for the new third steps.
as for the life dao shard... though I suppose they might just stay dead, so better not to risk it.
Probably stay dead, meaning we probably also can't share the attack, it wouldn't really be that relevant without dao shard of death to back the comprehension roll though.
Sure, but the same warning applies here as for Dao, likely less because your talking about the same pillar but still.
What about doing it not through imposition, if she will spend an action trying to teach us, and we spend an action learning as opposed to meditating normally (once we unlock pillars), would it be more efficient than doing so ourselves? Would our water insight work?
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Currently we are basically draining two divine qi for every ten years, we didn't actually pay for those divine qi yet, but with the speed we are spending our lifespan, it is only a matter of time.
True, though to be fair our divine qi per turn is only going up, which means the later we pay the better off we are as it's a lower % of what we have per turn (and of course we presumably have reaped the rewards of using it for other things in the meantime).

...Of course something else to consider is that during the Apocalypse we WILL have losses. That will lead to fewer Keku, which means fewer people to pray.

On the other hand we get proof we were right about the Apocalypse, and the Emperor will be fighting right with everyone else. So that will likely inspire more faith in the people we save, giving us more zealots that give more divine qi in general.

I wonder if we'll get more or less divine charges AFTER the Apocalypse, assuming we survive.

This means that feasibily, we can completely remove our lifepan needs, 2541 first steps currently, most ascend within two or three decades, and of those, something like 95% die, this means that merely by taking ten years from a person (most of which they wouldn't use), we can get 2541 lifespan, those will refresh themselves around every three decades, more if we took more lifespan from those we don't expect to survive tribulation.

Our burn life for power boost, our burn life for death energy boost, and probably more if we develop techniques that capitalize on those insights, that's a complete removal of all our lifespan needs.

And that's without refinement or specific study.

shame we can't convert lifespan into divine charges, or that would definitely help a LOT.

We probably don't even need to make this mandatory, and if we do we can indeed only have it done with cultivators right about to undergo tribulation.

Right now we're basically consuming 40 years of lifespan per turn to get the extra 4 APs. Being able to stop worrying about the lifespan for this means we can effectively "tax" our cultivators to save us 8 PERSONAL Divine Charges per turn. Right now that's basically half of the charges we get per turn (18-3 = 15), and would be enough to pay for plenty of divine insights, to accumulate rez-charges, to power up various divine insights during the Apocalypse when needed, and it's basically enough to pay for an extra core insight in two turns if we want to go for that (which we might IF the Apocalypse doesn't start on the very first turn it can).

oh, and of course we can also use the raw lifespan for a combat boost, which we could probably really REALLY use against enemy champions, IN PARTICULAR THE CHAOS PRIMARCHS. If we can spend Divine Qi and Lifespan like water, then I could see Shikatu being able to kill hundreds of Chaos Marines AND/OR a Primarch on his own. Especially if we can get more relevant combat insights first, which I think we're trying to do next turn.


This decade one hundred and seventy two first steps have braved the tribulation of them only five have broken through.

172 first steps tried, 5 succeeded (unknown amount of broken. @uri can you give me an estimate on how many there are? ).

IF they gave us 10 years each, that's 172 years for us.

Let's say there's also 5 broken to go with the 5 that succeeded. If we wanted to give them back the lifespan, it costs us 2 divine charges per 10 years. They're only 10 survivors, so... 20 divine charges.

nope, can't somehow make it net positive by repaying only the survivors.

...Unless... what if we gave our words we'd give back the lifespan Only to the survivors of the Apocalypse?

We're expecting a LOT of people to dying. In that case we'd have to "refund" lifespan only to a small number of survivors, likely making it net positive for us. And in any case it would be a problem only for the future.

There's also another possibility, actually: People usually are less unhappy if they get a choice, even if the choice is obvious and in their favour I think.

What if we spinned the lifespan tax as the cost for Kuvara/Okertatu's tribulation assistance? Okertatu wanted 1 divine charge (FROM THE EMPIRE, NOT PERSONAL) for 10 first steps. Kuvara might need even less than that.

If each of them pays us 10 or even 20 lifespan before undergoing the tribulation, it means we're basically payed 10 or 20 lifespan per divine charge invested in their tribulation.

We can basically have them pay for the tribulation assistance, basically, and while they use an empire-resource (divine charges from the empire), we get lifespan directly usable by Shikatu for both conversion into APs and for temporary combat boosts.

That said, BEFORE we go for this, we should try and go for life insights and see if we can come up with a more efficient exchange rate through one of them. We can already use divine charges to extend someone's lifespan, an insight to trade lifespan directly with fewer losses should be viable. Or even one to convert lifespan into divine charges, maybe, though that one's more iffy.
AND/OR a Primarch on his own
Just to be clear, I suspect we would need some method to stop Magnus from clearing away all life on the planet with a wave of his hand, or mind controlling everyone (except maybe second steps) immediately, or just stopping time and leaving us alone as everyone else become defenseless, and so on.

His brothers might not be his equals in versatility, but primarchs can fight each other equally.

Going by raw power of his shields, it was mentioned alpha plus psyker can just rest under orbital bombardment for more than an hour, just with psychic shields, we are talking about weapons of mess destruction, and that probably doesn't count odd abilities, like phasing.

Before the sixth step, I wouldn't remotely get close to a primarch without at least a thousand cultivators backing us, and probably some counter to them, like the feng shui formation against psykers.
Let's say there's also 5 broken to go with the 5 that succeeded. If we wanted to give them back the lifespan, it costs us 2 divine charges per 10 years. They're only 10 survivors, so... 20 divine charges.

nope, can't somehow make it net positive by repaying only the survivors.
Than just don't give them anything? This is tax.

We are preparing a barely touching the space age race to wither enough chaos forces to make a galaxy spanning empire bulk, expanding any of our resources without a very good reason is foolish, because we will make much better use of them than anyone else.

As far as I am concerned, the only reason to not take twenty years immediately from all first steps is that we could approach more efficient form of conversions, and that it is so much lifespan that it would be wasted on us without us having a way to spend it, it could be burned by our cultivators to speed up their own cultivation later, or after the subject is researched better, we might be able to use it to speed up our core condension, meaning we can keep the divine qi.
There's also another possibility, actually: People usually are less unhappy if they get a choice, even if the choice is obvious and in their favour I think.
People are less unhappy when they don't pay taxes.

This I don't think is a matter of volunteering, ten years really isn't much for cultivators (most die of tribulation), and it could change everything.
That said, BEFORE we go for this, we should try and go for life insights and see if we can come up with a more efficient exchange rate through one of them. We can already use divine charges to extend someone's lifespan, an insight to trade lifespan directly with fewer losses should be viable. Or even one to convert lifespan into divine charges, maybe, though that one's more iffy.
The best paths for exploring it I think, is refining this formation directly (probably possible through cultivators action), and looking into the power of blood.

And after that, making techniques that use the power.

Our own lifespan burn and life granting would grow more efficient, as we now have a life shard of pleasure.

I think next turn or the turn after it may be the time to start awakening our population, giving us time to refine the technology to get this giant pyramid scheme going.

We might also want to start researching a formation to take into account the entire population, imagine a city of hundreds of thousands supporting a team of specialized second steps or first steps.
I don't think we can actually do mass awakenings, even if we then don't have them cultivate at all.

Not to those levels. I suppose we could shift to the mass classes of turn 1, where we can go 100x for a loss in quality and chances of tribulation success?

Or... Maybe we could do an institution and effectively create two tiers of cultivators, the mass-taught ones and the "elite" ones taught one on one.

If we're doing mass awakenings we should probably do them for the soldiers. They're already going to fight, and even the small extra physical boost from step 1 stage 1 would help them a bit.
What about doing it not through imposition, if she will spend an action trying to teach us, and we spend an action learning as opposed to meditating normally (once we unlock pillars), would it be more efficient than doing so ourselves? Would our water insight work?
Then you'll likely get something very close with a personal spin on it, same effect different insight and there would be no danger for it.

The water insight won't activate if you try to learn a specific insight.

172 first steps tried, 5 succeeded (unknown amount of broken. @uri can you give me an estimate on how many there are? ).
For the sake of ease of calculations, we'll say that the broken number is equal to the amount of successes.

That said, BEFORE we go for this, we should try and go for life insights and see if we can come up with a more efficient exchange rate through one of them. We can already use divine charges to extend someone's lifespan, an insight to trade lifespan directly with fewer losses should be viable. Or even one to convert lifespan into divine charges, maybe, though that one's more iffy
Or get a life sharing formation, this formation is about sharing Qi, it can do other things but at heavy penalty. You could even try to refine this formation again (although you'll need more formation lore to attempt it).

You have better low hanging fruits that aren't insights.

And while I'm talking about it RE:lifespan.

Keep in mind that life span isn't just an empty word, its literally the life force of your body loosing even a bit of it is never not painful and can have other effects, you mostly avoided by utilizing an insight as the medium of sacrifice.

Take 10 life span form someone (especially before the second step) and they will rapidly age by 10 years (less pronounced in cultivators but still there) and will likely weaken for some time.

More research can overcome those drawbacks and your sect is loyal enough that you'll likely get more than enough volunteers but just keep it in mind before you've decided to institute a lifespan tax.
Or... Maybe we could do an institution and effectively create two tiers of cultivators, the mass-taught ones and the "elite" ones taught one on one.
Probably, the awakened are probably going to have classes about what they shouldn't do with cultivation, namely try to face tribulation if they don't pass certain tests.

It would be mostly to improve their odds of surviving and let them contribute to formations, and possibly to wither the life tax if we implant it eventually.
More research can overcome those drawbacks and your sect is loyal enough that you'll likely get more than enough volunteers but just keep it in mind before you've decided to institute a lifespan tax.
Probably want that research, I think we can heavily encourage it to those who are going to face tribulation and use volunteers for now (to cultivators it would be less relevant drawbacks than mortals), but asking it from mortals should probably be put on a hold for while until those problems can be mitigated, and we actually have something to do with millions of lifespan.

For now, doing it would likely lead to rebellion and people being more open to go to chaos.

Speaking of it, since people face tribulation at the end of the turn, were there any volunteers before they did?
Then you'll likely get something very close with a personal spin on it, same effect different insight and there would be no danger for it.

The water insight won't activate if you try to learn a specific insight.
Probably nit worth it than.
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Before the sixth step, I wouldn't remotely get close to a primarch without at least a thousand cultivators backing us, and probably some counter to them, like the feng shui formation against psykers.
mh... if I remember right we were once told that to be able to fight equally against the emperor we'd need something like a 7th step Shikatu, or 6th if we're willing to burn a lot of prepared resources and power accumulated for decades or centuries.

You'd know best how dangerous they are, I don't really know the chaos primarch's power levels and abilities. We likely can't compare in terms of raw powers, so we likely want more insights as we cheat with those instead.

Or get a life sharing formation, this formation is about sharing Qi, it can do other things but at heavy penalty. You could even try to refine this formation again (although you'll need more formation lore to attempt it).

You have better low hanging fruits that aren't insights.
Very well, life sharing insight would definitely help a lot.

If we could get even a 50% efficiency, that means we can just get like 2 lifespan (1 effective) per cultivator, and suddenly we no longer have to worry about the 40 lifespan per 4 AP ever, and we have leftover for combat and healing.

We'd then want to get more insights or techniques making use of lifespan.

More research can overcome those drawbacks and your sect is loyal enough that you'll likely get more than enough volunteers but just keep it in mind before you've decided to institute a lifespan tax.
If at all possible I'd rather keep it to volunteers, or even reward the sacrifice through other means. I dislike the idea of actually forcing people to give us their lifespan.

That said, IF we can't get enough from volunteers... well, it's just as if we can't get enough soldiers through volunteers. APOCALYPSE justifies nearly anything done for the sake of survival. But we shouldn't take more than we have to, or at least not more than we can actually use to everyone's benefit.

There's no point in storing 10.000 years of lifespan in Shikatu unless we can use them effectively.

Probably, the awakened are probably going to have classes about what they shouldn't do with cultivation, namely try to face tribulation if they don't pass certain tests.

It would be mostly to improve their odds of surviving and let them contribute to formations, and possibly to wither the life tax if we implant it eventually.
and hey, especially talented cultivators from the "second tier" ones can then be promoted to the ACTUAL best cultivators... or maybe they can be recruited by the Sects.

We kinda get an Inner Sect, Outer Sect setup this way (with the 5 sects being in a sort of intermediate level, and the Nobles being outside the system I suppose)
With this, I am given an idea for replacing the third step, a warrior like korsuko could be pretty powerful individual champion, but formations carry the potential to be a massive strategic tool, well beyond what any individual third step can do, even if one would be nice, so a

Name- Rekuku

Age- 170

Background: a cultivator researcher, he was there when a demon entered reality, he was there when formations were first discovered, for years he tried to research what he could himself, but in spite of being second step, couldn't get the fund for his project, to reward his dedication, the emperor gave him this opportunity.

Pillers: the one they star with and the one they would gain as they advance.

1- formations
2- general/military leader
3- connections
4- feng shui and formations
5- bureaucracy

He dreamed of great webs of connection, tying the Keku together, the power of an entire species wielded to fight against extinction when using life consuming formations (ie formations that consume lifespan to function) reduce the risks/improve efficiency,

Basic idea is to make an administrator of our formations and military leader, someone to push formations to their max potential, Synapse is the same concept behind the Synapse creatures of the hive mind, way to extend connections, with the end goal being tying the entire Keku race to we can wield it's power.

The idea behind feng shui and formations is to make formations on such large scale that they count as feng shui, with so many people as part of the formation, and bureaucracy to fit the theme.

@uri, can you tell me if it works, and isn't limited by knowledge I don't know because the update didn't arrive yet (like formations not having the potential to scale that big if you aren't a Tyranid).
mh... if I remember right we were once told that to be able to fight equally against the emperor we'd need something like a 7th step Shikatu, or 6th if we're willing to burn a lot of prepared resources and power accumulated for decades or centuries.
Ninth step, the sixth/seven step thing was if we were willing to burn centuries of resources.
You'd know best how dangerous they are, I don't really know the chaos primarch's power levels and abilities. We likely can't compare in terms of raw powers, so we likely want more insights as we cheat with those instead.
My current best idea is tying as many Keku as we can together with the Shitkau at their head in a massive formation, and than hitting him as hard as we could while weakening him with feng shui.

Maktu's insight shared for an instant to hit the unhittable and hurt the unhurtable, our core insight to find the way to do so, and a single year from every adult keku with a special technique meant to copy the anti warp creatures effect of Maktu, possibly fused with death insight to make it stick as much as possible, building on our lifespan burn from both the life and death insights, and possibly a ninth grade weapon.
There's no point in storing 10.000 years of lifespan in Shikatu unless we can use them effectively.
That kind of wasteful really, I agree.
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There's no point in storing 10.000 years of lifespan in Shikatu unless we can use them effectively.
It would influence me to give you options to spend it on things.

Also keep in mind that at a certain point you might just plain not be able to wild all the energy.

Actually the biggest use I can think of is imbuing a few hundred thousand years' worth of life span into the world to restore it and it life after exterminatus or something.

Not applicable. If you want something with connections, connections for one would be a decent one, community could be another, purpose a third and a few more beside.

He dreamed of great webs of connection, tying the Keku together, the power of an entire species wielded to fight against extinction you may enter a formation and make it better in some way, more efficient and more powerful, you may do so even if the formation is limited to only two people and benefit from it.
This is trying to do too much, formations insights area lot more specific then then just an omni applicable boost.

Things like increasing the number of people who can participate when you're leading a formation.

Or giving more when you're a part of one.

And a lot of the insights would be allowing you to lead special formations. (an insight per formation).
This is trying to do too much, formations insights area lot more specific then then just an omni applicable boost.

Things like increasing the number of people who can participate when you're leading a formation.

Or giving more when you're a part of one.

And a lot of the insights would be allowing you to lead special formations. (an insight per formation).
Would an insight to limit the consequences of sharing life be possible to pick ahead? Even if we don't have proper life sharing formation yet but qi sharing, that it would work only on formation when we share life?

Or would we be able to skip straight to getting special life sharing formation with this one (maybe after a turn in which he develops it as an action?).
Not applicable. If you want something with connections, connections for one would be a decent one, community could be another, purpose a third and a few more beside
I will pick connections than.
Name- Rekuku

Age- 170

Background: a cultivator researcher, he was there when a demon entered reality, he was there when formations were first discovered, for years he tried to research what he could himself, but in spite of being second step, couldn't get the fund for his project, to reward his dedication, the emperor gave him this opportunity.

Pillers: the one they star with and the one they would gain as they advance.

1- formations
2- general/military leader
3- connections
4- feng shui and formations
5- bureaucracy

He dreamed of great webs of connection, tying the Keku together, the power of an entire species wielded to fight against extinction you may enter a formation and make it better in some way, more efficient and more powerful, you may do so even if the formation is limited to only two people and benefit from it.

Basic idea is to make an administrator of our formations and military leader, someone to push formations to their max potential, Synapse is the same concept behind the Synapse creatures of the hive mind, way to extend connections, with the end goal being tying the entire Keku race to we can wield it's power.
so not only an administrator and champion, but also a FIELD commander.

It would influence me to give you options to spend it on things.

Also keep in mind that at a certain point you might just plain not be able to wild all the energy.

Actually the biggest use I can think of is imbuing a few hundred thousand years' worth of life span into the world to restore it and it life after exterminatus or something.
That's an interesting Idea. Definitely something worth considering for AFTER, or even potentially during depending on how long the conflict lasts and if it would help.

But could we instead extract lifespan from animals? Either through "demonic" cultivations, or some kind of array? Extracting lifespan from livestock before killing them for their meat would be extremely efficient.
But could we instead extract lifespan from animals? Either through "demonic" cultivations, or some kind of array? Extracting lifespan from livestock before killing them for their meat would be extremely efficient.
Perhaps, you'll need to find another method for it and it'll likely siphon some of the nutrient in their meat.
@uri, For my idea for different insight, is that one viable (no blurb yet).

You can lead a special life sharing formation, this formation is more efficient than it would otherwise be and reduce the downsides of having lifespan removed (pain, appearing to age, weakness and so on).
@uri, For my idea for different insight, is that one viable (no blurb yet).
No, special formations are more unique and specialized then a basic sharing formation. Its hard to describe but I'll give you an example.

Divine blood ascension formation- utilizing the connection of life and formations this insight gathers the flesh and blood of its members to combine into a divine avatar of blood and flesh. Cost: all participants pay at least 50 lifespan and suffer light wounds; the cost may increase. Effect: combine all participants of the formation into one giant titan mecha of flesh and blood, presice power and strength of this construct depends on the level of wounds and lifespan sacrificed for it but starts off at low IV and peaks at high VI.
No, special formations are more unique and specialized then a basic sharing formation. Its hard to describe but I'll give you an example.

Divine blood ascension formation- utilizing the connection of life and formations this insight gathers the flesh and blood of its members to combine into a divine avatar of blood and flesh. Cost: all participants pay at least 50 lifespan and suffer light wounds; the cost may increase. Effect: combine all participants of the formation into one giant titan mecha of flesh and blood, presice power and strength of this construct depends on the level of wounds and lifespan sacrificed for it but starts off at low IV and peaks at high VI.
While cool idea, and probably interesting for future formations, I am still more interested in life sharing.

So I wouldn't get a special formation for now, would that be good (remove the special formation and increased efficiency).

When using a formation to share life, reduce the downsides of having lifespan removed (pain, appearing to age, weakness and so on).
When using a formation to share life, reduce the downsides of having lifespan removed (pain, appearing to age, weakness and so on).
Something like, when using life consuming formations (ie formations that consume lifespan to function) reduce the risks/improve efficiency, would be more appropriate but it would only work for technique designed to share life/use it.