I don't know why I thought we could only do one at a time, but I think the god of Architecture and Craftsmanship would gestate faster than the god of Travel and Exploration.
Yeah, but we might have less immediate need of the first than of the second. Arriving faster isn't helpful if there's less immediate need for you to do stuff when you arrive.
Yeah, but we might have less immediate need of the first than of the second. Arriving faster isn't helpful if there's less immediate need for you to do stuff when you arrive.
Okay, I read that a few times and from what I understand, do you think the god of architecture and craftsmanship is less important than the god of travel and exploration? Did I get that right or is it the complete opposite?
So we've got gods of war and death, and could use ones for making stuff and going places.
I am voting towards god of architecture and craftsmanship but god of travel and exploration would be good too.
Could be a good/fun idea if we manage to tie the construction god to the domain of Life as well, especially with the conceptual contrast it would have with Ayotzl.

The Lizardmen would spend their life in eternal activity with zero sleep, and their death in eternal sleep with zero activity.

Did I get that right or is it the complete opposite?
You got it right.
Go for the double dip of Chamon and Aqshy. Like a big ol' Salamander with scales made of metal. That breathes fire.

Gotta get that trademark before Vulcan, the big goober.
Go for the double dip of Chamon and Aqshy. Like a big ol' Salamander with scales made of metal. That breathes fire.

Gotta get that trademark before Vulcan, the big goober.
That...would create an interesting dynamic, a combination of the logic of Chamon and the passion of Agshy, it would work great and would be very interesting, especially given Craftsmanship dabbles in passion.
Actually, Chamon would much better tie to him than Ghur.
The wind you're thinking of is Ghyran, not Ghur.

Anyhow, I don't think we directly tie our gods to any specific wind when we create them, do we?

The blessings/magic they grant to their followers depend on their portfolio, not directly on any wind.

Ayotzl grants death magic because he's a god of death, not because we tied him to Shyish. Sotek gives blessings of ferocity because he's a god of bloodshed, not because he's tied to Ghur.

In which case, a god of construction/activity and life would probably provide blessings resembling Chamon, Ghyran and maybe even Aqshy spells, but that is only by circumstance.

I think there's an exact fragment in an Informational that supports my argument, let me find it.
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Isnt Ayotzl like Morr in that it is a god of "the dead", not death?
Not according to the "State of the Realm/Assets" Informational, at least:

"Ayotzl: Formed from the peeled-apart remains of the Mind Fog of Chaos, Ayotzl is a god of death engineered by the slann to allow for the souls of the lizardmen to be preserved in the Warp. He is a peaceful god, ghosting silently through the sea of souls with his afterlife contained within his shell of fog.

Symbols: Turtles, seen either from above or from the side. Fog over swampland.
Category: Death
Variety: Rest
Domain: Fog
Methods of Worship: Vow of Silence, Vigils
Favored Foes: Chaos
Blessing Thematics: The Dead, Numbness, Ethereal
Strength of Cult: Roughly 20% saurus population, 10% skink population, 30% kroxigor population
Ties: Seed of Fog - 3/3 Aspects"
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Okay, I read that a few times and from what I understand, do you think the god of architecture and craftsmanship is less important than the god of travel and exploration? Did I get that right or is it the complete opposite?
I think that we're very good at architecture and craftsmanship, and are unlikely to be much handicapped by a lack of it. Once our ships start trying to navigate the Age of Strife-era Warp, we may well need all the divine aid we can get regarding a god of travel and exploration.

Actually, Chamon would much better tie to him than Ghur.
Well, for lizardmen, buildings are life since they're spawned out of raw magic in carefully aligned geomantic-powered spawning pools. But whether that's chamon or ghyran or ghur is more up to question. I think to some extent gods do not need a wind alignment...

Actually, Chamon would much better tie to him than Ghur.
Well, for lizardmen, buildings are life since they're spawned out of raw magic in carefully aligned geomantic-powered spawning pools. But whether that's chamon or ghyran or ghur is more up to question. I think to some extent gods do not need a wind alignment...
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Well, for lizardmen, buildings are life since they're spawned out of raw magic in carefully aligned geomantic-powered spawning pools. But whether that's chamon or ghyran or ghur is more up to question. I think to some extent gods do not need a wind alignment...

Well, for lizardmen, buildings are life since they're spawned out of raw magic in carefully aligned geomantic-powered spawning pools. But whether that's chamon or ghyran or ghur is more up to question. I think to some extent gods do not need a wind alignment
As a heads up, this part of your message repeats.
As a heads up, this part of your message repeats.

Well, Simon Jester appears to incorporate parts of that RUDY machine spirit used by Spacely Space Sprockets Inc. in Orbit City.
Maybe this is a bug from improper integration of components. Or some software incompatibility, who knows.
This Dark Age of Technology tech is pretty temperamental. Get a tech priest in here. They might be able to tell us more.
So here's an idea:

Using a geomantic ritual to create Floating islands on Norther and perhaps souther sea. For later addition to geo-web
Expanding the web is not a priority here. more like proof of the concept.
If we want to Create an Astromantic web, likely added to The Spire we would need a flying islands acting as sort of low orbit space stations in enough number to properly stick. And while using planetoids and other space junk, we could at least consider using parts of the planet itself...

What ya'll think?
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So here's an idea:

Using a geomantic ritual to create Floating islands on Norther and perhaps souther sea. For later addition to geo-web
Expanding the web is not a priority here. more like proof of the concept.
If we want to Create an Astromantic web, likely added to The Spire we would need a flying islands acting as soer of low orbit space stations in enough nnumber to properly stick. And while using planetoids and other space junk, we could at least consider using parts of the planet itself...

What ya'll think?
Not gonna lie, sounds like flying islands of Pandora:

Which...I actually like it but I imagine it would involve a lot of Azyr.

edit: damnit...at least it works but not in the way I wanted.
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Which...I actually like it but I imagine it would involve a lot of Azyr.
Well the idea it to 'tether' them to the sky/magnetoshpere of the planet. in this using pieces of said planet would , esspecially old meteorites would help with sympathetic bond. They would not be 'floating' as much as 'in there' drawing and powering astromantic web which they would be part of, by using its self-correcting feature.
Was thinking of it as extenshion of the Spire or perhaps a better connector to the asto part of geo-web.
would like to know some diffrent perspective, here.
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Well the idea it to 'tether' them to the sky/magnetoshpere of the planet. in this using pieces of said planet would , esspecially old meteorites would help with sympathetic bond. They would not be 'floating' as much as 'in there' drwaing and powering astromantic web which they would be part of, by using its self-correcting feature.
Was thinking of it as extenshion of the Spire or perhaps a better connector to the asto part of geo-web.
would like to know some diffrent perspective, here.
Sounds cool, at least. That might be enough to let Xantalos allow it, really, but would likely benefit from the Worldshaping analysis project.

Which we can't afford.
Well, Simon Jester appears to incorporate parts of that RUDY machine spirit used by Spacely Space Sprockets Inc. in Orbit City.
Maybe this is a bug from improper integration of components. Or some software incompatibility, who knows.
This Dark Age of Technology tech is pretty temperamental. Get a tech priest in here. They might be able to tell us more.
I feel seen. :)
Ork: "Ain't ya gonna come up with one, ya git?"

Saurus: "My overlords have examined your metaphysical genome down to its uttermost motes. They concluded that yo mama so disappointed at yo debased and inadequate grasp of truly galaxy-shaking warfare, she packed her bags and left the universe, leaving only a note asking why yo can't be proper krork."

Ork: "..."
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Ork: "Ain't ya gonna come up with one, ya git?"

Saurus: "My overlords have examined your metaphysical genome down to its uttermost motes. Their conclusion concluded that yo mama so disappointed at yo debased and inadequate grasp of truly galaxy-shaking warfare, she packed her bags and left the universe, leaving only a note asking why yo can't be proper krork."

Ork: "..."
A burn so serious the orks devolved again from shame, becoming the Rks
As a random question has the map been updated with the scores of new cities we buiult the last turn?

Also, ooh yeah, love this quest. I'm on my like third reread. Lizardmen for the win!

Also also I reread the opening chapters and oh boy was the Deliverance intro AWESOME!!!!!

Also also also (hehe) I really do love the idea of using the Winds of Magic in a Warhammer 40k setting. So much potential!
As a random question has the map been updated with the scores of new cities we buiult the last turn?

Also, ooh yeah, love this quest. I'm on my like third reread. Lizardmen for the win!

Also also I reread the opening chapters and oh boy was the Deliverance intro AWESOME!!!!!

Also also also (hehe) I really do love the idea of using the Winds of Magic in a Warhammer 40k setting. So much potential!

No, the map has not yet been updated. That would normally happen in the turn update, but it seems it wasn't part of it this time.