[X] Accept the offer (The quest, as it is, will conclude after this turn. There will be a series of votes to choose the planet, sector, etc of your starting point in the next arc. Any hanging plot threads will remain unresolved, and come to a conclusion independent of lizardmen interference. You are guaranteed a limited duration of time where the Eldar Dominion will ignore your existence in the next arc. The quest will continue in a new thread.)
[X] Decline the offer (In the following turn, Isendral will ask you to donate a currently unknown, but significant portion of slannpower in order to unravel the insanity enchantment around the stone before whoever wove it comes looking. You will have a limited amount of time to prepare for their arrival, and the chance of being caught in the crossfire between Dominion Eldar is moderate. You will be allowed to remain on Mochantia, and see the situation through, come what may.)
[X] Decline the offer (In the following turn, Isendral will ask you to donate a currently unknown, but significant portion of slannpower in order to unravel the insanity enchantment around the stone before whoever wove it comes looking. You will have a limited amount of time to prepare for their arrival, and the chance of being caught in the crossfire between Dominion Eldar is moderate. You will be allowed to remain on Mochantia, and see the situation through, come what may.)

Good luck on the move, and remember to lift with your legs! I've pulled my back moving, and that can ruin your whole week.
I'm rather curious how a Rangdan/Tyranid power interaction would go. Though since the ork hivemind seems to disagree with them, the tyranid overmind would probably eat them alive.
[X] Decline the offer (In the following turn, Isendral will ask you to donate a currently unknown, but significant portion of slannpower in order to unravel the insanity enchantment around the stone before whoever wove it comes looking. You will have a limited amount of time to prepare for their arrival, and the chance of being caught in the crossfire between Dominion Eldar is moderate. You will be allowed to remain on Mochantia, and see the situation through, come what may.)
[x] Accept the offer (The quest, as it is, will conclude after this turn. There will be a series of votes to choose the planet, sector, etc of your starting point in the next arc. Any hanging plot threads will remain unresolved, and come to a conclusion independent of lizardmen interference. You are guaranteed a limited duration of time where the Eldar Dominion will ignore your existence in the next arc.)
[X] Decline the offer (In the following turn, Isendral will ask you to donate a currently unknown, but significant portion of slannpower in order to unravel the insanity enchantment around the stone before whoever wove it comes looking. You will have a limited amount of time to prepare for their arrival, and the chance of being caught in the crossfire between Dominion Eldar is moderate. You will be allowed to remain on Mochantia, and see the situation through, come what may.)
[X] Decline the offer (In the following turn, Isendral will ask you to donate a currently unknown, but significant portion of slannpower in order to unravel the insanity enchantment around the stone before whoever wove it comes looking. You will have a limited amount of time to prepare for their arrival, and the chance of being caught in the crossfire between Dominion Eldar is moderate. You will be allowed to remain on Mochantia, and see the situation through, come what may.)
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Xantalos on Sep 1, 2023 at 6:25 PM, finished with 191 posts and 136 votes.
With the end of this pesky war shall hopefully come a new era of Lizardmen development as resources are dedicated entirely to building and learning rather than extermination.
And so it came to pass that the Sublime Communion did reach a conclusion. The Firstborn of the Old Ones would stand with their younger kin, both against the Primordial Annihilator, and against their erstwhile kin, the Uax. How this strange arrangement will play out is uncertain, as is the Communion's future. However, one thing is certain; should the Firstborn win this struggle against the impossible, an age-old promise shall finally be honored: no longer shall creation be strangled by the laughter of Thirsting Gods...

...only their screams.
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I do wonder if we'll end up seeing some species that might be dead on the 'main' timeline myself sure a lot of nasty ones survived up until recently t but I can only imagine how many their were that didn't even make it to the great crusade.