Really tho, It shouldn't be too hard to have them sit down and talk it out like normal people now that everyone has had time to cool off. If Akane is truly serious about breaking up I will... uhh....... Something Something relationship advice in Kagome?
The thing is, if you ask Akane they've already broken up. Akane told it to Hazou and Hazou accepted what she said and even agreed to move on and be friends! Talking to Akane about this, at best, makes her realize how utterly clueless Hazou's been about her, and at worst causes Hazou to go into total breakdown-denial in front of her and cause irreparable damage to the rest of our connection with Akane and general reputation.

Much better to get the news from Hana or Mari or someone, where we can just lock ourselves in our room, resent them a little for saying those things, realize they were right, and then apologize for being mad at them.
It's an acronym: This Hilarious Happening Has Banished Boredom, Bringing Bliss By Beautiful Phrasing Performed Per Personal Preference, Thereby Thoroughly Triggering Typical Teasing Tendencies.

Strangely, it doesn't get much use.

I figured it was something like that (well, not precisely that) but recent experience has shown that clear communication is important, lest EJ shows up on my doorsteps with a bunch of roses all because we thought we knew what the other meant. And really, at that point it would be too embarrassing to admit to that so we'd have to get married and then the updates would slow down because I'd make him work hard to justify my luxurious life style and you would quit the quest due to burn-out and Oli would feel abandoned and decide to rejoin his friends in the sea, never to be seen again.

Really, it's a good thing we nipped this in the bud before it came to that.
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@OliWhail @eaglejarl @Velorien

Two things:

1) Some sort of nefarious ghost has changed "Unspent" Pangolin XP to "Unspect" Pangolin XP in the character sheet! Ahhh!
2) I believe Hazou, Keiko and Noburi have enough Pangolin XP to get Physique 21. Since this is literally the only thing we can spend Pangolin XP on, would it not make sense to Auto-level this as the skill tree mechanics allow?
To be fair, part of the issue with this Aspect in particular is that it's Hazou's Trouble - the Aspect most likely to get him in said trouble, and deliberately slanted towards the problematic side of things. Basically everyone has some feature of their lives that causes them problems some time or another, and thus everyone must have a Trouble Aspect; most Aspects don't need to be quite so double-edged/negative (look at Promising Sealing Student, for example). So, it needs to be replaced with something that'll actively cause him problems now and then.

Of those I've seen suggested, something like Hero Complex seems to fit how he's been characterized best while still providing hooks for him to cause himself trouble with - I have the impression that the people who aren't happy with the current situation would prefer him to be causing himself trouble on ethical grounds, as opposed to now where it feels more like a competence issue? Make it feel more like he's making poor life choices to get himself in hot water, rather than just screwing up?

But if you look at other characters, you don't see that they universally have some kind of social/emotional issue that makes it dangerous to put them in social situations. I have no issue with Hazou having a Trouble, my issue is with how severe it is.

Akane's Trouble is that sometimes people find her cheerfulness annoying. Noburi's Trouble is that he's too fond of attention. I don't know what Ino/Choji/Naruto/Hinata/Sakura's Troubles are, but whatever they are don't seem to be so horrible.

The point of a Trouble is to get FP when it becomes relevant. I think we should take a Trouble that's relevant less often and in less damaging ways, and just deal with the reduced FP gain.
Player seal & jutsu ideas
A collation of all the sealing and jutsu ideas in the last 50 pages for our, @Velorien, @eaglejarl and @OliWhail's convenience. No attempt was made to filter out jokes.
Makes an attached clock or sundial run backwards.

When activated, slowly smudges out any writing in a 10cm radius.

Turns invisible. Unfortunately, doesn't affect anything but the seal itself.

Gives any viewers the distinct impression they are on the verge of an epiphany, if only they studied the seal a little longer.

Seems to work exactly like any other seal, but doesn't appear to actually do anything.

Alright. Let's see. They would need to be things that are useful at low levels (nothing that rolls jutsu level vs Athletics to attack, for example) or that Hazou could research. They would need to be things that aid direct combat. And most of all, they would need to be things that it makes sense for Leaf to have (eg. its existence wouldn't change the outcome of the battle of the gods or something).

That in mind, here are some thoughts.
  • Doton: Earth Board Technique Moves a rigid patch of ground, carrying whatever is on that patch around the battlefield. Can aid in the user's movement, interfere with enemy movement, or transport inanimate objects such as seals. Spend a supplementary action and some chakra, get either:
    • + jutsu/3 to own Athletics this round.
    • - jutsu/3 to a single enemy's Athletics this round.
    • An inanimate object that can fit on 1m square moves with Athletics equal to jutsu level.
  • Suiton: Humidity Wall Technique Does exactly the same as Wind Wall by manipulating water vapour in the air. The RW malus is only 1*Effect instead of 2*Effect under normal conditions, but becomes 2*Effect when used in mist.
  • Adrenaline Blast Technique A medical jutsu that does exactly what it sounds like. The user gets (jutsu AB) tokens per cast, which can be used to get a free tag on a physical skill. Requires MedNin 10 to learn.

You know what would be terrifying for Kei?

Shuriken Shadow Clone Technique.

Doton: Trampoline Technique
The user turns the ground beneath their feet springy, allowing for enormous leaps into the air.
  • Gain a free tag on Athletics rolls while jutsu is active. Maximum of jutsu AB tags may be used per round, multiple tags may be used on the same roll.

I hate to be a drag, but you should probably format them similarly to the jutsu already presented on the rules doc; it'd make it easier for the QMs to integrate into it.

On which note: @eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail is there any preferred format for seals?

Gust of Wind Seal

This seal generates a non-propulsive (it does not act on the seal itself, though residual wind from its effects may cause it to float away if unsecured) cone of wind (approximately 60°) sufficient to knock an attack off course. Other than not acting on the seal, the wind functions as one might expect. The effect originates from the center of the seal, and the seal itself is relatively-unaffected by folding, functioning so long as the center portion is flat.

(Yes, this is very explicitly me creating a seal that Jiraiya probably shared with Konan.)

If something is placed over it while it's active, it functions partially, creating wild fluctuations in the air around the object to no combat-effect, but not causing a sealing failure.

Against ranged weapons and some jutsu, this seal provides a malus of -AB (either user's sealing or opponent's Athletics, depending on whether y'all want it to be dependent on the sealmaster's talent or for the Gust of Wind's power to be static). If circumstances dictate, it may provide other bonuses (for instance, it could provide a half aspect bonus if used on someone else to push them

It may be used off-turn if a supplemental action is explicitly prepared for its use.

Some random seal ideas with little thought for viability or exploitability:

Earth Pillar Seal: when activated, extrudes a 50cm thick pillar of chakra construct stone at a respectable speed.

Electrocution Seal: sends an electric current into whatever they are attached to for some period of time. Touching the object is harmful but not lethal.

Whirlwind Seal: rotates all air within 10m of the seal clockwise around the seal at high speeds.

Rolling Seal: When placed on a round-ish object, makes it roll forwards at high speeds.

Glue Seal: When placed between two objects while active, makes it impossible to pull the two apart.

Sun Seal: Emits a bright light, but only when it's day.

Footstep Seal: When placed on ground, applies periodic force indistinguishable from human footsteps.

Repulsion Seals: When both are active, they repel each other when they get too close.

Suicide Seal: Will kill the user if they are not from the Goketsu clan. They are indistinguishable from other seals.

@Velorien @OliWhail @eaglejarl

Silhouette Seal

This seal was created by an enterprising Nara in pursuit of a seal that would produce proper shadows for use with their clan techniques. Though it didn't work for that, the Nara recognized the potential of this seal, and with a touch more refinement, produced this.

The Silhouette Seal produces a vaguely-human-shaped shadow caricature. Any interaction with the shadow itself disperses the illusion, as does a sufficiently strong gust of wind. It may be used to give the impression of there being someone there in combination with props, or behind a curtain or paper wall, similar to the Clone technique but without requiring the user's focus.

It lasts thirty minutes, at which point if one is listening closely one can hear a faint keening before both it and its seal vanishes with no trace. This effect has never been successfully replicated in another seal.

Double Explosion Seal: It explodes in the same way as a normal explosive seal, but the seal itself is shielded from the blast, allowing it to explode again a few seconds later. Mechanically, it is used like a regular explosive seal but also gives the user next round a tag against an enemy within the same zone as the seal.

*Note, this expands outwards into triple or quadruple explosion seal if you really want to stretch it, potentially letting you set up a zone for free tags the entire fight. Perfect as a Kagome pet project.

Three Seal Paralytic

A three-element seal mostly used in T&I to keep prisoners secure. All three elements are placed on the same plane. A (single) person within is unable to move. The seal keys in on a ninja-sized (greater than approximately 20 chakra) chakra signature to perform its effect.

There are no rumors about a variant of this seal that serves as a trap, combining the effects of Lesser Barrier Formation and Three Seal Paralytic.

The basis for this seal was Five Seal Barrier.

So then it's accurate? :p

Greater Barrier Formation

A four-element tripwire seal with effects similar to Lesser Barrier Formation, although instead of triggering on a seal crossing the line, it triggers upon a seal crossing the plane that the four seals make. The seals must be placed to create a square or rectangle between them. The seals, unlike Lesser barrier Formation, do not need to be facing each other (and, indeed, cannot be). It may trigger up to four seals

Greatest Barrier Formation

An eight-element tripwire seal with effect similar to Greater Barrier Formation, but instead of triggering based on movement along a plane, it triggers based on movement within the three-dimensional confines the seals create. It may trigger up to eight seals.

Spurious Barrier Formation

A sixteen-element tripwire seal with effects somehow unlike that of the Greatest, Greater, or Lesser Barrier Formations. Sixteen seals are placed spatially and temporally at the points that would nominally define a regular tesseract, using the Sugimoto metric. It is of dubious use, only barely managing to be classified as a "seal" rather than a "sealing failure." Instead of triggering based on movement, it is unknown what event triggers the seal. This system may trigger up to sixteen seals, and effectively acts as a random timer.

Proposed seal: anything, anything at all which might in any way interfere with stupid stinker cheating bloodline tracking magic.

Immediate Recovery Technique
A lesser version of Dr Yakushi's magnum opus, the Yin Healing Wound Destruction Technique, this is a medical jutsu that blunts attacks by somewhat repairing the damage as it occurs. MedNin 10 required to learn.
  • The user has Armour 1 (stackable with other armour effects) while the jutsu is active.

Jutsu ideas:

Earth Fist:
  • You punch or kick the ground, and nearby an arm of rock erupts out of the ground/stone wall, with the same force as the punch.
  • Mechanically, this would allow for a ranged taijutsu roll. You roll MIN(Taijutsu,Jutsu*2)
  • There must be a path of rock or dirt that you know between you and the target.
    • You don't need line of sight. This works really well with living roots + HLAM.
Earth Armor:
  • You surround yourself with dirt and rocks, creating a suit of armor. Movement becomes nearly impossible, but you can shrug off hits that would have pulped you before.
  • -Jutsu level to physical skills while active. You can redirect physical stress to the armor equal to twice the aspect bonus of the jutsu, before the jutsu breaks.
    • Note this means it is net negative to use this armor in a straight up fight.
Suspended Dust
  • You stomp on the ground, raising a cloud of dust obscuring vision, which you then hold in place, making it hard to move or shoot through.
  • Radius of $ASPECT BONUS zones. Gives a penalty equal to its aspect bonus to all athletics rolls to get through the affected zones, and all ranged attacks shooting through affected zones.

Jutsu Centering Seal

A high level seal only a few steps below Skywalkers in security level. When activated, the next technique that the person who did so uses is centered on the seal. This includes certain suicide techniques, and is the only method to actually teach them or use them effectively.

This seal, generally speaking, does not leave the deepest levels of T&I, though particularly strong and trusted sealmasters are granted leave to use it outside.

Medical Status Seal

When placed flush against an adult human male/female's body (different seals for each), it outputs green for "Okay", yellow for "Check condition" and red for "Treat now". This seal is intended for triage with unskilled persons and is not a substitute for medical professionals. It is also the kind of seal that a society who had never encountered medical jutsu might come up with to make up for their lack.

I'm not in the position to format this as a technique (my cat's weighing down one of my arms) or work out the minutia of chakra cost, etc., but:

Doton: Grasping Earth

Designate a zone. If anyone other than the user enters -- or starts their turn in -- that zone, they roll Awareness versus Technique Level + Craftsmanship(Trapmaking) Aspect Bonus * 1.5 if unaware of this technique's effects, or Technique Level + Craftsmanship(Trapmaking) Aspect Bonus * 1 if they are. If they fail, they are ensnared by the earth grasping at their feet. It takes a standard action to break free, but no particular effort, and while so snared they are unable to dodge, taking a -Aspect Bonus * 2 penalty to any rolls to evade damage.


I fully expect this one to be rejected, but it's worth a shot as a high power technique...

Non-Elemental Technique: Rod of Channeled Chakra

Upon using this technique, the next technique used is instead absorbed into a specially prepared rod. When the rod is snapped, the technique is then activated at that rod's location, cast in the manner it was intended to be cast when it was channeled into the rod. The rod lasts for an hour before the effect fades. The rod itself is fairly expensive (approximately ten explosive seals' worth of money). Both technqiues cost their chakra at the time they are cast originally, not at the time the rod is snapped. A user may have only a single such rod, and if removed from their person for longer than three minutes, its effects fade.

Refrigeration Seal

Does what it says on the tin. Really, there's no way we could destroy the world with a seal that reduces the temperature of an area approximately three square meters to 4 degrees celsius for ten days.

There is a Freezer seal variant that reduces it to ~-20 degrees celsius instead.

Sealing Seal

This seal disables other active seals in a 10m radius.

(Do not use near a zoo.)

Is Joke.

Draining Wave

Element None (Medical Jutsu)  
Duration Permanent (ish) +60
Casting Speed Standard  
AoE 1 Target  
Advantage Nonstandard Defending Stat +40
Advantage Choose Worst Defending Stat +40
Advantage Cheaper if successful +20
Total Strain 160  
Chakra Cost 32  
This is one of exceptionally few offensive medical ninjutsu techniques that Tsunade approves of, and was made specially for her on her twentieth birthday; she taught it to many of the battlefield medics who served under her over the years. It serves to acutely fatigue one's aggressor, granting a brief surge of energy that allows a medic to get out of a sticky situation.

This technique may only be leveled up to twice the user's level of Medical Ninjutsu -- and costs half up to Medical Ninjutsu level as usual -- and it rolls against the opponent's Resolve or Physique, whichever is lower. If successful, its chakra cost is cut in half and gives the user a free Chakra Boost. Additionally, it gives the opponent the Aspect "Fatigued", with a tag. While this aspect's effects in combat are as normal, remember that Aspects Are True: its victim will find it difficult to engage in a chase until they have recovered (thirty minutes or so of rest).

This technique may only give the opponent the Fatigued aspect once. If the opponent already has the Fatigued aspect from elsewhere, it gets an additional tag the first time this technique is used.


In story: It makes medics a less enticing target because pursuing them will leave you in poor condition to escape or pursue. I hopefully made it sufficiently medium-power for Tsunade to approve of its use, particularly in chuunin exams.

Cheap enough XP:effectiveness for most medics to learn it to a useful level, without it being mindblowingly effective in a brawl.

For Noburi in particular: Opening round technique alongside Supplemental Action Water Whip as an alternative to Hozuki's Mantle, for use in situations where slowing himself down is less than idea.]


Photophobia Seal

Once activated, this seal lasts 20 days, 3 hours, 2 minutes, and 47 seconds. When it is exposed to light of intensity greater than the light of a full moon, it causes intense, paralyzing fear in those within one meter of it (Roll Resolve versus 5) for seven and a half seconds. Those victim to it have described it as similar to their night terrors.


The following are shamelessly stolen from @MadScientist's seal tech tree

Lubricant Bomb Seal

Similar to Goo Bombs, but the reverse. The less said about this, the less chance Mari will come in for innuendo.

Relay Destruction Seal

This seal activates the seal it's attached to (similarly to LBF), then destroys both.

Pressure Activation Seal

Activates the seal beneath it when pressure is applied to it.

Super Dummy Seal

This seal requires an inordinate amount of chakra to activate. It does not actually do anything else.

Henge Seal: Despite the peculiar name and the fact that Leaf documentation suggests one of their sealmasters spent over a year working on this, this seal does nothing. Furthermore, the sealmaster who allegedly invented it does not remember ever working on anything like it. All copies of the seal and its notes have been burned and the subject is classified as an infohazard just in case.

Henge Seal: This seal acts like a predefined use of Multiple Earth Wall. It creates a wall of 30 ft vertical stones around the seal, at 50 meter's distant; ideal for secure camp against chakra beasts when stealth is not a factor.

Fire Suppressant Seal:
Upon activation, all fires within 1 meter are put out, though they may reignite. This does not stop explosions or pressure waves.


Attention Getter:
Once activated, this seal is supernaturally interesting. Everyone who can see it rolls resolve. Those who fail gain the aspect tag "Look at the shiny!", which lasts for a number of rounds equal to the aspect bonus of the seal master.

Grue seal

When used, this seal is retroactively replaced with a blank piece of paper. Well, that's the plan anyway, since nobody has ever used one.

Shadow-clone seal

When activated, this seal places 100 inert chakra-construct seal blanks over surfaces in the surroundings. These can be used to make a perimeter look scary, even if you don't have enough real seals to do it properly.


A small area around this seal is absorbs all overpressure for two rounds (up to some limit). During the third round, the energy absorbed in the first two rounds is released.

Social butterfly

An explosion seal that only explodes if active and within a specified distance from another active Social butterfly seal.

Serious suggestions may follow later.

Just brainstorming here. Trying to keep things unbroken and setting-appropriate, but I don't have a particular theme.

Pantry seal

A seal which can store and unstore multiple objects, with a significantly larger capacity than a normal storage seal. The seal fails if moved, which releases as much of its contents as there is space for; the rest is lost.

Reproachful Roar

A seal that produces a short strong directional gust of wind along a cylinder parallel to the surface of the seal. The seal comes in two variants; one with a timer, and one with a proximity detector.

Miner's Delight

A seal that powderizes a sizable hemisphere of rock below its surface. Harmless to objects with chakra. Does not affect gasses or liquids.

One-way glass

A seal that produces a plane that is reflective from one side, and transparent on the other. The plane is not solid, and only works below a specific (but reasonably high) brightness.

Staring into the Out

A seal that absorbs all light in a 10cm radius sphere around it. It appears as a pitch black circle when observed from any angle. The seal has a fairly short time limit.

Equalizer Amplifier

A seal that performs audio equalization, suppressing and boosting certain frequencies passing through a region. Audio passing through a section of the region may also be duplicated to the entire plane, which increases range but not volume.

Toaster Seal

This seal heats up (or cools down), up to a specified limit or until it fails. The seal takes a few seconds per 100K change. This seal is intended for cooking, keeping warm, refrigeration, and other QOL effects.

Sleep, my dearest

This is a seal taken from the quest; I did not invent it. Adding it here in case you've forgotten about it.
Puts the target to sleep. Requires contact. May have terms & conditions.

Viscous air

Similar to the Air Dome, affects a hemisphere of air between two seals. The air in the whole hemispherical radius becomes roughly as viscous as water. Breathing this air is uncomfortable but seems to be safe.

Trippy seal

Within a spherical surrounding area, objects glow with an intensity proportional to their chakra density.

Water walking

Solid objects in the surrounding area become hydrophobic; this includes active seals. The density of water increases by a factor of 2.

Poor-man's Summoning Seal

A pair of seals. Small chakra animals can be teleported between the seals, up to a moderate distance. The seals have slightly higher durability than the paper they are written on. An attempt to rip-off of the real thing, mostly unsuccessfully.

A proposal for a resolved MEW
@OliWhail - I know you ere thinking about doing something about MEW - here's a thing that might help
Key- Component: Setting (Strain Cost)
Effect: 0 (0)
Duration: Several Minutes (100)
Durability: Settable, 4 to 3+AB/2 (round up) (82, 128, 183, 249, 324, …)
Range: AB/3 (round down) (30 - ad hoc, 1/2 of expected max cost of 60 for range 3 at AB 9/10)
Casting Speed: Standard (0)
AoE: Special (Utility/Defense), or Target + Melee (Offense) (20)
Adjustable Casting Time
Major Skill Bonus (30)
Permanent Effect (10)
Tunable Durability (20 - ad hoc, as tunable effect)

Total Strain = 210 + Durability =292, 338, 393, 459, 534, ...
Total CP = 59, 68, 79, 92, 107, …

Using elemental earth reduces costs by an additional 2 CP.
Taking longer will likewise reduce the CP cost.

The base technique has the same cost and effect as the current rules version.

General Text:
Create up to 28.5 m^3 of Granite, that may be distributed in contiguous panels of minimum dimension 0.9x0.9x0.3 m. The earth grows from a surface at rate of (5+MEW level) m/s. If the MEW technique is drawn from elemental earth (dirt, stone, etc) then the effect is permanent. Otherwise, the construct lasts for the proscribed duration.

Summon up to 28.5 m^3 of Granite, that may be distributed in contiguous panels of minimum dimension 0.9x0.9x0.3 m. If all walls are set at 0.3 m thick, this allows coverage of 95 m^2 with contiguous walls. This allows for an A-Frame (equilateral with floor and endcaps) of about 5.7 m per side and 5 m long (This could be approximately sufficient for the 5 member team in one casting, so may be consistent with prior observation - more castings would have been used for additional layers of security).
Generally, can put up a 2m high wall of border: 1 enclosing a zone, which blocks line of sight from ground level, or a directional border that applies border:1 across 4 contiguous zones against travel along a particular direction.

(See Defense for a scaled down version, which may be useful in some small utility applications)

Action: Standard
Target: single target in range + Melee
The user rolls (MEW level + 1/3 trapmaking) level to ensnare/squish the opponents with a vice-like trap. Opponents roll athletics to dodge the effect (active earth travel techniques, e.g. hiding like a mole, result in an automatic dodge)

The user can choose to cast a substantially scaled down technique as a reflexive supplemental action. Casting the technique in this way makes the following mechanical changes
  • reduces the duration of chakra constructs to 1 round (-90 strain)
  • summons only 2.7 m^3 of granite (-50 strain, ad hoc substantially reduced (1/10) effect)
  • Range: -1 (-30 Strain)
  • AoE: single target (-20 Strain)
  • Casting Speed: Supplemental (+20 Strain)
  • Reflexive Casting (+30 Strain)
Reducing the Strain by 140, and CP cost by 28.
Total costs therefore: 31, 40, 51, 64, 79, … (Elemental Earth reduces costs by 2)

Summon a 3x3x0.3 m wall in the chosen direction, which blocks melee attacks, ranged attacks, and most AoE effects.
The Reflexive MEW-Barrier is intended as an alternative to Substitution (when Substitution is infeasible, insufficient, or inefficient). The strain of rushing the technique severely limits the amount of Earth-Wall produced for the chakra consumed, and chakra construct Walls last significantly shorter than those produced by a normally used MEW technique.
The user gains 1/2 * MEW level towards Athletics checks to dodge
If the barrier remains in subsequent attacks/rounds, it is thereafter an aspect of the environment, and the user gains 1 free tag that can be used within this scene on a subsequent check

I reduced the duration of chakra construct walls down one rung of the ladder. Really, this could be reduced down to 1/2 to 1 minute without major loss in utility, while also reducing chakra cost per casting by 20+ CP. I left it rather high, because 1) Wanted final cost to match original, and 2) I figure the ad-hoc permanent cost of 10 strain was tied to a high chakra construct duration cost.

I added 3-level scaling mechanics:
  1. At higher levels, can choose to use more chakra to make the walls more durable (4 at AB 1-2, 5 at AB 3-4, … 8 at AB 9-10) (originally, walls were meant to grow stronger with level)
  2. At higher levels, can project the technique at range (basically an extra zone range at 20, 50, 80) (originally, level allowed use of the technique at greater distance)
  3. At higher levels, provides a larger bonus in attack and defense (user is faster and more skilled, and the technique travels more quickly)
I added a kind of bimodal function for the reflexive barrier: Can use ~30 CP rather than ~60 CP to get a supplemental, reflexive but relatively small wall in the local zone to e.g. block attacks. Might want to change it to personal so people cant use it to defend for other people.

Actually, I think I'd find it easier to believe if the technique was actually 2 separate techniques:
Offensive/Utility MEW - which we have at level 1.
Defensive, Reflexive, Supplemental, and Restricted MEW - which we have at like level 6.
Alternatively, enforce that both techniques must be kept at the same level (effectively making it a double-cost technique)

Re: Seal ideas:

Peruvian Instant Darkness Seal

When activated, instantly and continuously removes all light from within X zones (probably weighted on the lower end) for Y duration (also, probably weighted on the lower end). This gives the effect of an area of complete darkness, even in full daylight.

Depending on how Byakugan works, maybe it sees everything in the zone like normal (if Byakugan grants night vision?), maybe it only sees chakra flow within the area.

(Also, people seem to be voting, but I'm not sifting through ten pages in a single days discussion to find EJ's confirmation that we can vote.)

lol, get "boom, squish'd"

Seal idea:

Gravity Seal

When activated, everything within X distance is affected by Y amounts of gravity towards/away from the seal for Z duration.

(Put it on top of a rock and watch the rock zoom into the stratosphere)
Fuuton: Welkin's Judgement

Element Wind  
Duration 60 seconds +60
Range -2  
Casting Speed Standard (supplemental?)  
AoE Whole Zone +40
Advantage Nonstandard Defending Stat +40
Strain 140  
Chakra Cost 28  
One of the techniques traded between Leaf and Sand semi-regularly. As is the norm for techniques so traded, it is not combat-endingly powerful.

Similar to Wind Wall, it serves to protect an area; however, where Wind Wall serves as a direct impedance toward movement, Welkin's Judgement lashes out at any who enter other than the caster of this technique.

Any ranged weapons attack into the area thus affected suffer a -[Welkin's Judgement]Aspect bonus penalty. Any who personally enter the area roll Physique against Welkin's Judgement. On failing, they are given the aspect "Judged Lacking" as the technique causes intense windburn and an additional tag -- beyond that for simply getting the aspect -- to be used only by the caster of this technique for keeping away from their aggressor. Every subsequent round they remain in the technqiue's area, another (general use) tag is acquired, and if they have not failed, they must reroll.
During the Jiraiya OPSEC experience (CH 207) , there are at least 4 things he did which we don't know, and an unspecified number of seals in addition to those which were directly mentioned.
  • Clear a spherical section of earth, centered on the user, reinforcing walls to prevent collapse (up to 30 m deep) (possibly a variant on Tunneling technique, but possibly a super-interesting seal). Simultaneously fill that void with air at standard atmospheric condition. Probably something like a 3 m diameter, or it would have been described as cramped (Air Domes shave .6 m off the effective diameter)
  • Air technique - Air Domes and anti-Byakugan were already up, so must be something that is useful OPSEC-wise even when sound won't escape and cheaty eyes can't see you - maybe something that causes random noise that sounds like whispers to emanate from a defined zone, up to one zone in size.
  • Lightning Technique - something OPSEC - maybe something to scramble electric/magnetic field emissions, if there could be some niche observation bloodline/technique that observes people at a distance by how their nervous system moves/their brain activity. Alternatively, something that emits noise in the ultraviolet emission spectrum that would render observation of low power emissions from our bodies impossible.
  • Earth Technique - something OPSEC - possibly a perimeter technique to warn if the surrounding Earth in adjacent Zones is disturbed in any way — or a defensive Bunker that raises the TN to break local Earth and prevents Tunneler-Type techniques. Can't be living roots because Air Dome.
Regardless, we should probably ask Jiraiya what he deems are possible security risks - how information can leak when we don't want it to, and if he can describe the purpose (addressed security risk) of any of the techniques/seals he used (beyond the obvious, like Air Domes and anti-Hyūga)
Kawarimi Seal - This seal when activated switches places with another seal that the user targets. Afterwards it crumbles into dust. The seal it switches size with has to be activated and of similar size.

Do: Use it on a Barrier Seal, or something that provides utility like the Glorious Life Saver Seal.
Don't: Switch with an explosive seal.

I come bearing gifts of tables and fluff.

@eaglejarl @OliWhail @Velorien

Hopefully the following is useful in some way, shape or form.

Vacuum Blade
Type Maneuver Strain
Element Wind  
Effect 1-Aspect +10,+30,...
Duration Half a minute +30
Range -1 +20
Casting Speed Supplemental +20
AoE Default  
Advantage Tunable Effect +20
Advantage Creates multi-taggable aspect (2 times) +30
Strain 120+(10, 30, 60[...])  
Chakra Cost 24 +(2, 6, 12[...])  
The user coats a kunai (or similar bladed weapon) with Wind chakra. For the duration, the kunai gains the Aspect "Wind Chakra Enhanced" and the user gains EFFECT free tags on this Aspect while the jutsu is active. A maximum of 2 tags can be used on any one roll.

AN: One of Danzou's many wind jutsu. Way more limited use variant of PH, except its applied to a single weapon for a duration of 1/2 of a minute. There is no cap on EFFECT. It would be a shame if the user lost the weapon after throwing it. Well...

Twirling in the Breeze
Type Maneuver Strain
Element Wind  
Effect 1 +10
Duration Instant  
Range 2 +60
Casting Speed Supplemental +20
AoE Default  
Disadvantage Clear + Straight Path to Target -10
Strain 80  
Chakra Cost 16  
Prereq: There is a weapon with the aspect "Wind Chakra Enhanced" within 2 zones of the user, and this Aspect was created through a jutsu effect of theirs.

The weapon with this aspect rockets back into the users hand at great speed on a current of wind. They may use it for any remaining actions this round or for future rounds, unless thrown again.

AN: This is a utility jutsu meant to have some decent synergy with Vacuum Blade.

Gale Repulsion
Type Block Strain
Element Wind  
Effect Varies +10,+30,...
Duration Instant  
Range -1 +20
Casting Speed Supplemental +20
AoE Melee +20
Advantage Reflexive casting +30
Advantage Tunable Effect +20
Strain 110 +(10,30,60,...)  
Chakra Cost 22 + (2,6,12,...)  
The user emits a burst of wind chakra that pushes any targets or projectiles in melee distance EFFECT/2 zones away, for a maximum of 3 zones.

AN: Jiraiya said Keiko needed some close range defense, and I tried to answer the call.

Homing Water Spheres
Type Attack Strain
Element Water  
Effect 1-Aspect, Max 5 +10,+30,...
Duration Minute +60
Durability 2 +21
Range 2 +40
Casting Speed Standard  
AoE Selectable target(Up to Effect) +20,+40,...
Advantage Tunable Effect +20
Advantage "Variable Targeting" +20,+40,...
Disadvantage Clear + Straight Path to Target -10
Attack is triggered
by supplemental action taken
after jutsu is cast.
Strain 230+ Strain from Effect (50, 110, 180,260,350)  
Chakra Cost 56 +CP from Effect (10, 22, 36,52, 70)  
The user forms coconut sized spheres of water that stay locked (relative to the users center of mass) in an arc above the users head. After activation the user can fire a number of spheres at a number of targets with a single handseal and a minor pulse of their chakra. Contrary to the name of this technique, they dart towards their targets in a straight line at great speed.

Suggested Mechanics v1(More rolls, less OP):
User creates EFFECT Water Spheres above their head. Each sphere has a TN of 20.

For the duration of this jutsu, the user may use a supplemental action to do the following:

1)Select any number of targets, so long as this number is at most the number of Water Spheres currently remaining. These targets need not be distinct.

2)Roll HWS vs each target. This destroys a number of water spheres equal to the number of targets attacked.I.e if a distinct target is attacked twice, you lose both spheres regardless of whether the first roll succeeded. Calculate stress based on # of spheres that hit that particular target.

The jutsu ends after a minute (after which all remaining spheres burst harmlessly), by the users choice or when there are no spheres remaining.

Suggested Mechanics v2(Less rolls, more OP):
User creates EFFECT Water Spheres above their head. Each sphere has a TN of 20.

For the duration of this jutsu, the user may use a supplemental action to do the following:

1)Select any number of targets, so long as this number is at most the number of Water Spheres currently remaining. These targets need not be distinct.

2)For Distinct Targets: Roll HWS and add + 5*(# Water Spheres shot at this target -1) to the users roll.

The jutsu ends after a minute (after which all remaining spheres burst harmlessly), by the users choice or when there are no spheres remaining.

For you Dark Souls fans, this is Homing Crystal Soulmass. This jutsu isn't as super duper OP as it may seem at first glance. First, its gatekeeped by the users Aspect bonus. No spam until you put in the work, Nobby! Likewise, it takes a metric buttload of chakra to cast and it costs you a Standard action to set up. You could potentially use it to attack on your first round with both a Standard and a Supplemental. It also maxes out at Effect 5, so no bullet hell nonsense (this is definitely a necessary restriction..)

Of the mechanics proposed for this one, I would go with the first one. It seems less likely to be able to punch drastically outside the users weight class if its just a bunch of dice rolls.

Ebb and Flow
Type Sprint Strain
Element Water  
Effect 3 +60
Duration Instant  
Range -2  
Casting Speed Supplemental +20
AoE Default  
Disadvantage Clear Path to Target -5
Strain 75+(10, 30, 60,...)  
Chakra Cost 15+(2, 6, 12,...)  
User creates a small but fast moving current of water underfoot to carry them up to EFFECT zones away as a supplemental action.

AN: Its Totally Not Vacuum Step! What did you expect?


I had another few water jutsu for Noburi vaguely statted up but TBH I don't think they offer anything he doesn't have in some way.

Antlion's Quicksand
Type Attack Strain
Element Earth  
Effect 1-Aspect Bonus +10,+30,...
Duration Half Minute +30
Casting Speed Standard  
AoE 1 Target + their Zone +40
Advantage Impose Skill Penalty: Athletics
-Effect*3 points
Advantage Tunable Effect +20
Disadvantage Element Requirement -20
Strain 100+(10, 30, 60,...)  
Chakra Cost 20 +(2, 6, 12,...)  
Fluff: The user turns the zone surrounding the target into a pit of quicksand and pulls them in towards the center of the effect.

The target and everyone in melee range roll Alertness. If they fail they are caught in the quicksand.

The entire zone surrounding them gains the Aspect "Shifting Sands" and the user gets a free tag on it. This gives the zone of effect Border 1 with any surrounding zones.

Anyone caught in the trap receives a penalty of -3*EFFECT to Athletics rolls to escape the pit.

Special: HLaM renders one immune to the effects of this jutsu as long as it is active. Likewise, this can be cast from underground as long as the user can perceive the target (LR) in which case the target's Alertness is heavily penalized for the initial Alertness roll. (Suggested: -2 * (Their Alertness Aspect Bonus).

AN: I ran out of coffee. Was it obvious? Totally Not Syrup Trap might be at least marginally useful to us. I have acquired coffee, this is now slightly tweaked. Its slightly different than "Earth version of syrup trap" now.

Edit: I corrected some AIR-rithmetic (hohoho) mistakes.

I have once again realized that Twirling in the Breeze is completely useless: It's a shitty Pangolins Reach. Ugh.

Except: Pangolins Reach is more multipurpose but it takes a Standard Action. This is more focused and takes a Supplemental! We are saved :D
Fuuton: Clashing Bladestorm
Element Wind  
Duration Half a Minute +30
Durability N/A  
Casting Speed Supplemental +20
Range Caster (-2)  
AoE 1 target (Caster)  
Disadvantage Uses All Unsecured Weapons -5
Advantage Change Defensive Stat +30
Advantage Major Skill Bonus (Ranged Weapons) +30
Strain 105  
Chakra Cost 21  
The winds stirred around her body aggressively, and suddenly from innumerable hideaways in her garb emerged weapons: kunai, shuriken, even a common kitchen knife. They hovered in the air before her, poised to strike, as her junior approached, thinking to have the advantage in melee. He was proven wrong by fifteen stab wounds to the torso.

This technique brings into the wind's grasp all of the user's unsecured weapons. A weapon is defined as unsecured if it not held in the hands (This technique may be cast while holding a single small weapon in either hand, but not both), has an edge, and can be freely acccessed. "Secured" weapons are those that take at least an additional Supplemental action to get to.

Tapping into the user's talent with weapons, ranged or otherwise, Clashing Bladestorm defends the user against physical attacks with a cloud of autonomous wind-driven weaponry pulled from their body. While the user has sufficient control of them to touch them, it takes an addiitonal Standard or Supplemental action to direct their use (sufficiently to, for instance, allow nonlethal combat).

It allows the user to roll Ranged or Melee Weapons, adding the technique's Aspect Bonus to the roll, (whichever is higher) as defense against anyone attacking the user in close range instead of Athletics, allowing them to focus their efforts on other techniques, or retaliating. The cloud of weaponry also serves as defense, similarly, against Ranged and Melee Weapons. As such, it allows use of Ranged Weapons while in melee.

e: Note: I was considering making it a reactive-supplementary technique, like Substiution. If so I'd probably price it at ~8-10 chakra higher.
Water Release: Waterslide
Type Sprint Strain
Element Water  
Effect 3 +60 Strain; move up to 3 Zones
Duration An instant  
Range -2 (caster)  
Casting Speed Supplemental +20
AOE 1 target (caster)  
Disadvantage Clear Path to Target -5
Total Strain   85
Casting Cost 17 CP  
The user generates a slick field of water beneath their feet that moves as they move, allowing them to move rapidly to a target location. The user must have a clear path to the location, and their feet cannot leave the ground for an extended period without breaking the jutsu (e.g., to jump).

tl;dr it's a slightly more expensive version of Vacuum Step that doesn't require a straight path to the target destination.
Wind Release: Breakthrough
Type Attack Strain
Element Wind  
Effect 1 to [Aspect Bonus] +(10, 30, 60...)
Duration Seconds +10
Durability N/A  
Range 0 (Zone)  
Casting Speed Supplemental +20
AOE Zone +40
Advantage Reflexive Casting +30
Total Strain   100 + (10, 30, 60...)
Casting Cost 20 + (2, 6, 20) CP  
The user generates a gust of wind radiating outwards around them. Roll vs. enemy Athletics for everyone in the user's Zone. Anyone who fails takes damage and is knocked away from the user [Effect] Zones. If the enemy cannot move back (e.g., if there is a wall in the way) they take additional Shifts of damage equal to the number of additional Zones they needed to move back.

Additionally, for the remainder of the round, a Border of [Effect] is placed in the Zone for all people trying to move towards the user.

Yeah...this may be a bit broken. I dunno.
So I had some thoughts on Naruto recently, considering how convenient it'd've been for him to be a summoner. Of course, they'd be prepared where he left them from...

But that got me to thinking of what he and Keiko have in common: Wind element.

So I present to you in vagueries:

Fuuton: Instant Awareness Technique

Created by Jiraiya himself while experimenting with fighting styles, this technique provides instant awareness of the user's surroundings in X radius. It takes too long to cast to use in combat (~5 rounds), but in exchange it overcomes the disorientation Summoning, Desummoning, and substitution provides (it may be cast largely in one place before swapping), as well as providing a large bonus to Alertness -- and correspondingly, Initiative.

It would be possible to significantly reduce the bonuses provided and lower the cast time, but this would take Technique Hacking.
Local Dimensional Anchor Seal

Reduces the probability of dangerous sealing failures in a 100m radius by 90%.

Warning: May the gods help you if you fail the infusion of this seal. Well, if they remember you at all...

Things that would probably help: figure out how to break these, standard usages, combos, give more clarification to ideas you like, etc.
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But if you look at other characters, you don't see that they universally have some kind of social/emotional issue that makes it dangerous to put them in social situations. I have no issue with Hazou having a Trouble, my issue is with how severe it is.

Akane's Trouble is that sometimes people find her cheerfulness annoying. Noburi's Trouble is that he's too fond of attention.
If it helps, Akane's Trouble has ruined any possibility of a friendship with Keiko, and Noburi's Trouble nearly got the team disqualified from the Third Event (when he insisted on continuing to mess with a trap that was beyond his capabilities instead of abandoning it in favour of protecting the client). Conversely, the positive side of Hazō's Trouble is the reason why there exists a Team Uplift rather than just a Team Inoue.

There is a case to be made that we ought to be compelling other people's Troubles more rather than Hazō's less, but of course they get less screen time anyway.

@OliWhail @eaglejarl @Velorien

Two things:

1) Some sort of nefarious ghost has changed "Unspent" Pangolin XP to "Unspect" Pangolin XP in the character sheet! Ahhh!
2) I believe Hazou, Keiko and Noburi have enough Pangolin XP to get Physique 21. Since this is literally the only thing we can spend Pangolin XP on, would it not make sense to Auto-level this as the skill tree mechanics allow?
1) Weird. It's not like we ever have cause to edit those cells.
2) Makes sense in principle, insofar as the technique is meant to be an ongoing form of training. But I have no idea how to automate it, and you don't want it to rely on the QMs remembering to check (Pangolin XP is already automated, so that won't help).

A collation of all the sealing and jutsu ideas in the last 50 pages for our, @Velorien, @eaglejarl and @OliWhail's convenience. No attempt was made to filter out jokes.
Thanks so much. This is exactly the kind of thing we need.
Romantic Comedy is dead and they beating it dead body to the point it become paste so that it can be used as fertilizer...only for the plants it used on to be infested with bugs and disease and throw into a furnace
An average box office : budget ratio of 3:1 would disagree with you.

It WAS a normal relationship until Akane decided to break up.
Which, to be fair, is also pretty normal for a pair of teenagers. Not saying it's always the girl who chooses to break up, but how many teenagers do you know who make it more than a year, especially in their first relationship?

[summary: @Usernames , your recent behavior was unwelcome]
I tend to agree with @Velorien . Didn't your mother ever teach you that bit about "If you can't say something nice then at least say your piece in a calm and respectful way because otherwise people are going to tell you that you're a giant tool and ignore you instead of discussing your (in this case, utterly invalid) point in a productive way"?

If a character can have a personality trait without it being an aspect, and personality traits aren't necessarily double-edged swords in the way that aspects necessarily are, then we should just drop the aspect and deal with the loss of FP and loss of ability to invoke on sincerity, and have Hazou work on growing past the unempathetic part of the aspect without losing the sincerity.
His Trouble isn't going to disappear. I get that you are unhappy about it, but we're not going to change his characterization on a dime. We *might* be willing to change the Aspect of his Trouble, but he's going to continue eating his feet occasionally. This is normal for very smart and energetic teenage boys.

Simulationism overrules manufactured conflict such as what happened in event 5 round two.
What manufactured conflict are you referencing?


The point of a Trouble is to get FP when it becomes relevant. I think we should take a Trouble that's relevant less often and in less damaging ways, and
I would contend that it's really more about defining what the biggest source of challenge is for a character and less about generating game-mechanical advantage.

A collation of all the sealing and jutsu ideas in the last 50 pages for our, @Velorien, @eaglejarl and @OliWhail's convenience. No attempt was made to filter out jokes.

[A million seal ideas]

Things that would probably help: figure out how to break these, standard usages, combos, give more clarification to ideas you like, etc.
Thank you so much. I was going to ask if someone would be willing to do this.

+1 XP for making the QMs lives easier and general awesomeness.
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2) Makes sense in principle, insofar as the technique is meant to be an ongoing form of training. But I have no idea how to automate it, and you don't want it to rely on the QMs remembering to check (Pangolin XP is already automated, so that won't help).
Make a cell which checks LevelPhysiqueXP ≤ PangolinXP, and use it to conditionally format a large cell that says "PANGOLIN XP CAN BE SPENT".
2) Makes sense in principle, insofar as the technique is meant to be an ongoing form of training. But I have no idea how to automate it, and you don't want it to rely on the QMs remembering to check (Pangolin XP is already automated, so that won't help).
Google sheets seems to use javascript for functions. Better coders than I exist in this thread but it doesn't seem like a vastly complicated thing at first glance (just updating a bunch of values according to an inequality). This isn't super important anyway, not like we get enough Pangolin XP for this to be more than an "every 2-3 months" thing.

Make a cell which checks LevelPhysiqueXP ≤ PangolinXP, and use it to conditionally format a large cell that says "PANGOLIN XP CAN BE SPENT".
Yeah that
If it helps, Akane's Trouble has ruined any possibility of a friendship with Keiko, and Noburi's Trouble nearly got the team disqualified from the Third Event (when he insisted on continuing to mess with a trap that was beyond his capabilities instead of abandoning it in favour of protecting the client). Conversely, the positive side of Hazō's Trouble is the reason why there exists a Team Uplift rather than just a Team Inoue.

There is a case to be made that we ought to be compelling other people's Troubles more rather than Hazō's less, but of course they get less screen time anyway.

Fine. If you look at real people they don't universally have horrible crippling social/emotional problems (some definitely do, and even ignoring standard social incompetence, mental health problems that might impact such are more common than people think, but you do find plenty of people who are caring and socially adept and not emotionally unhealthy -- I'm lucky enough to know several such people personally). I understand that it's an artefact of the rules system, but it gets on my nerves. And again, I dispute that Hazou cannot be sincere without also being emotionally/socially incompetent.

He needs a Trouble, but it doesn't need to be something as bad as what he has at the moment. He could just have "Haru has a Grudge Against Me", and under FATE rules that would be perfectly valid.
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I changed the formula to point to "unspent Pangolin XP" rather than "total Pangolin Jutsu XP gained", but otherwise it's been implemented. +1 XP to you, good individual, for making our lives easier with optimisation.

Edit: Also everyone has trained 1 level of Physique as per the original point.
Fine. If you look at real people they don't universally have horrible crippling social/emotional problems (some definitely do, and even ignoring standard social incompetence, mental health problems that might impact such are more common than people think, but you do find plenty of people who are caring and socially adept and not emotionally unhealthy -- I'm lucky enough to know several such people personally). I understand that it's an artefact of the rules system, but it gets on my nerves. And again, I dispute that Hazou cannot be sincere without also being emotionally/socially incompetent.

He needs a Trouble, but it doesn't need to be something as bad as what he has at the moment. He could just have "Haru has a Grudge Against Me", and under FATE rules that would be perfectly valid.

You reference "horribly crippling" and "emotionally unhealthy" and "emotionally/socially incompetent" but Hazou's Trouble is none of those things. Usually it seems to manifest itself as saying uncomfortable truths, and while these truths often irritate people or make them uncomfortable in the short run, in the long run they rarely think worse of him for it.
You reference "horribly crippling" and "emotionally unhealthy" and "emotionally/socially incompetent" but Hazou's Trouble is none of those things. Usually it seems to manifest itself as saying uncomfortable truths, and while these truths often irritate people or make them uncomfortable in the short run, in the long run they rarely think worse of him for it.

This being the same Hazou who "naturally" hadn't notived that Neji now flees at the sight of Kei?
I'm just talking his Trouble Aspect. If you have a beef with other aspects of his characterization, take it up with the GMs and/or how many ranks we've chosen to put in Empathy. Has nothing to do with "Open Mouth Insert Foot".

This was in the context of QMs implying that Hazou would have to lose his sincerity if he gained the ability to stop eating his foot, with the further implication that any person who is sincere also has a flipside to that trait that causes them crippling social/emotional issues.
As an aside, I find that the concept of "rocket tag ninja deathworld" doesn't feel like it has much room for sincerity by my internal measure.

How do you feel about the plans currently competing with yours?

Im actually partial to Getting a Clue, yours, and then (lethal) Yes. I find these give us options that "Continue the plan" does not.