I have edited the dones.
Rough draft of plan
Am amicable to edits (I don't... really care so much about the Akane thing. At least I dont think its a priority.)

We real plan nao

Word Count: 309
[X] Action Plan: Get the Ball Rolling.

After dinner:
  • Ask Noburi for advice on dealing with girls, and other complex social situations.
    • Explain the problem with Akane, and how it was solved.
    • It's nice how a simple assurance that "they'll always be friends" fixed it.
Next day:
  • Meet Ebisu. Train, get some jutsu.
Next evening: Talk to Jiraiya.
  • Trade Idea: Caravan Scroll Proposal.
    • Ninja convoys equipped with large amounts of storage scrolls would be able to transport trade goods overland, very quickly and in large amounts.
      • Do they exist already?
      • Their capacity could be increased further if our clan developed larger storage seals.
    • Possible uses:
      • Improving relations with Merchant Council (if we provide them first opportunities on trades or outfit them with larger storage seals).
      • Mitigating/solving trade issues Jiraiya mentioned yesterday.
  • Anything we personally could do about clan heads' votes?
    • Tsunade can take up the mantle of the Senju clan head and leverage support for Jiraiya's reign.
      • In exchange, you could commit some resources on areas she prefers (medical, research...). It's potentially a great short-term gain in exchange for a long-term inconvenience.
      • Can Hazou melt her heart with his painful sincerity? Can Noburi inspire her?
    • Sasuke:
      • Is he the Uchiha Clan Head?
      • Any way we can secure his vote? Play off the Hyuga/Uchiha rivalry?
  • Unrelated:
    • Ask Jiraiya (master of the romantic arts!) for advice on Akane.
      • Approach as done with Noburi (see above).
    • Suggest going to the Great Library on the 7th path sometime in the future
      • Does he know about it/has he been there?
  • Hazou spends any free time refilling seal loadouts as per this list.
  • Hazou, Kagome, and Jiraiya do more Casino Seal research.
  • Propose creative training [For QMs: Ami-style].
  • (OPSEC-sensitive) Ask Noburi if he would be willing to refill Jiraiya's chakra to maximize his SC usage.
  • Try to get a copy of Akatsuki's manifesto that Kagome mentioned he read.
I could have sworn there was a scene where Keiko sees Tenten vanish a weapon and replace it. She explains that changing weapons out is a weapons specialist's weakpoint.
It's possible that that was merely sleight of hand.


In canon the Kages DO have economic advisors!

Sarutobi has a crystal ball :p
As I understand it, he had it for the first episode and then it was never seen again. Ditto the Telescope Jutsu.


I can throw in "Ask Jiraiya about the 7th path Library" and do basically what you suggested. I can also request that we get a copy of Leaf's bingo book in the near future (as Jiraiya's kids, we are obviously high priority targets and may need intel on such threats).

Sound good?
You've had a bingo book for ages. Jiraiya gave you one when you gave him the sky towers and @OliWhail got torn from the hivemind.
I come bearing gifts of tables and fluff.

@eaglejarl @OliWhail @Velorien

Hopefully the following is useful in some way, shape or form.

Vacuum Blade
Type Maneuver Strain
Element Wind  
Effect 1-Aspect +10,+30,...
Duration Half a minute +30
Range -1 +20
Casting Speed Supplemental +20
AoE Default  
Advantage Tunable Effect +20
Advantage Creates multi-taggable aspect (2 times) +30
Strain 120+(10, 30, 60[...])  
Chakra Cost 24 +(2, 6, 12[...])  
The user coats a kunai (or similar bladed weapon) with Wind chakra. For the duration, the kunai gains the Aspect "Wind Chakra Enhanced" and the user gains EFFECT free tags on this Aspect while the jutsu is active. A maximum of 2 tags can be used on any one roll.

AN: One of Danzou's many wind jutsu. Way more limited use variant of PH, except its applied to a single weapon for a duration of 1/2 of a minute. There is no cap on EFFECT. It would be a shame if the user lost the weapon after throwing it. Well...

Twirling in the Breeze
Type Maneuver Strain
Element Wind  
Effect 1 +10
Duration Instant  
Range 2 +60
Casting Speed Supplemental +20
AoE Default  
Disadvantage Clear + Straight Path to Target -10
Strain 80  
Chakra Cost 16  
Prereq: There is a weapon with the aspect "Wind Chakra Enhanced" within 2 zones of the user, and this Aspect was created through a jutsu effect of theirs.

The weapon with this aspect rockets back into the users hand at great speed on a current of wind. They may use it for any remaining actions this round or for future rounds, unless thrown again.

AN: This is a utility jutsu meant to have some decent synergy with Vacuum Blade.

Gale Repulsion
Type Block Strain
Element Wind  
Effect Varies +10,+30,...
Duration Instant  
Range -1 +20
Casting Speed Supplemental +20
AoE Melee +20
Advantage Reflexive casting +30
Advantage Tunable Effect +20
Strain 110 +(10,30,60,...)  
Chakra Cost 22 + (2,6,12,...)  
The user emits a burst of wind chakra that pushes any targets or projectiles in melee distance EFFECT/2 zones away, for a maximum of 3 zones.

AN: Jiraiya said Keiko needed some close range defense, and I tried to answer the call.

Homing Water Spheres
Type Attack Strain
Element Water  
Effect 1-Aspect, Max 5 +10,+30,...
Duration Minute +60
Durability 2 +21
Range 2 +40
Casting Speed Standard  
AoE Selectable target(Up to Effect) +20,+40,...
Advantage Tunable Effect +20
Advantage "Variable Targeting" +20,+40,...
Disadvantage Clear + Straight Path to Target -10
Attack is triggered
by supplemental action taken
after jutsu is cast.
Strain 230+ Strain from Effect (50, 110, 180,260,350)  
Chakra Cost 56 +CP from Effect (10, 22, 36,52, 70)  
The user forms coconut sized spheres of water that stay locked (relative to the users center of mass) in an arc above the users head. After activation the user can fire a number of spheres at a number of targets with a single handseal and a minor pulse of their chakra. Contrary to the name of this technique, they dart towards their targets in a straight line at great speed.

Suggested Mechanics v1(More rolls, less OP):
User creates EFFECT Water Spheres above their head. Each sphere has a TN of 20.

For the duration of this jutsu, the user may use a supplemental action to do the following:

1)Select any number of targets, so long as this number is at most the number of Water Spheres currently remaining. These targets need not be distinct.

2)Roll HWS vs each target. This destroys a number of water spheres equal to the number of targets attacked.I.e if a distinct target is attacked twice, you lose both spheres regardless of whether the first roll succeeded. Calculate stress based on # of spheres that hit that particular target.

The jutsu ends after a minute (after which all remaining spheres burst harmlessly), by the users choice or when there are no spheres remaining.

Suggested Mechanics v2(Less rolls, more OP):
User creates EFFECT Water Spheres above their head. Each sphere has a TN of 20.

For the duration of this jutsu, the user may use a supplemental action to do the following:

1)Select any number of targets, so long as this number is at most the number of Water Spheres currently remaining. These targets need not be distinct.

2)For Distinct Targets: Roll HWS and add + 5*(# Water Spheres shot at this target -1) to the users roll.

The jutsu ends after a minute (after which all remaining spheres burst harmlessly), by the users choice or when there are no spheres remaining.

For you Dark Souls fans, this is Homing Crystal Soulmass. This jutsu isn't as super duper OP as it may seem at first glance. First, its gatekeeped by the users Aspect bonus. No spam until you put in the work, Nobby! Likewise, it takes a metric buttload of chakra to cast and it costs you a Standard action to set up. You could potentially use it to attack on your first round with both a Standard and a Supplemental. It also maxes out at Effect 5, so no bullet hell nonsense (this is definitely a necessary restriction..)

Of the mechanics proposed for this one, I would go with the first one. It seems less likely to be able to punch drastically outside the users weight class if its just a bunch of dice rolls.

Ebb and Flow
Type Sprint Strain
Element Water  
Effect 3 +60
Duration Instant  
Range -2  
Casting Speed Supplemental +20
AoE Default  
Disadvantage Clear Path to Target -5
Strain 75+(10, 30, 60,...)  
Chakra Cost 15+(2, 6, 12,...)  
User creates a small but fast moving current of water underfoot to carry them up to EFFECT zones away as a supplemental action.

AN: Its Totally Not Vacuum Step! What did you expect?


I had another few water jutsu for Noburi vaguely statted up but TBH I don't think they offer anything he doesn't have in some way.

Antlion's Quicksand
Type Attack Strain
Element Earth  
Effect 1-Aspect Bonus +10,+30,...
Duration Half Minute +30
Range 0  
Casting Speed Standard  
AoE 1 Target + their Zone +40
Advantage Impose Skill Penalty: Athletics
-Effect*3 points
Advantage Tunable Effect +20
Disadvantage Element Requirement -20
Strain 100+(10, 30, 60,...)  
Chakra Cost 20 +(2, 6, 12,...)  
Fluff: The user turns the zone surrounding the target into a pit of quicksand and pulls them in towards the center of the effect.

The target and everyone in melee range roll Alertness. If they fail they are caught in the quicksand.

The entire zone surrounding them gains the Aspect "Shifting Sands" and the user gets a free tag on it. This gives the zone of effect Border 1 with any surrounding zones.

Anyone caught in the trap receives a penalty of -3*EFFECT to Athletics rolls to escape the pit.

Special: HLaM renders one immune to the effects of this jutsu as long as it is active. Likewise, this can be cast from underground as long as the user can perceive the target (LR) in which case the target's Alertness is heavily penalized for the initial Alertness roll. (Suggested: -2 * (Their Alertness Aspect Bonus).

AN: I ran out of coffee. Was it obvious? Totally Not Syrup Trap might be at least marginally useful to us. I have acquired coffee, this is now slightly tweaked. Its slightly different than "Earth version of syrup trap" now.

Edit: I corrected some AIR-rithmetic (hohoho) mistakes.

I have once again realized that Twirling in the Breeze is completely useless: It's a shitty Pangolins Reach. Ugh.

Except: Pangolins Reach is more multipurpose but it takes a Standard Action. This is more focused and takes a Supplemental! We are saved :D
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Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Velorien on Sep 19, 2018 at 7:25 AM, finished with 473 posts and 18 votes.
At this point it seems pretty decided, but I need to get into the habit of actually voting at least :p

[X] Action Plan: Get the Ball Rolling
Got that squared away.

Joke's on you. On that glorious, frabjous day, all votes for Armageddon will be counted -- serious and joke alike. Our machinations will culminate in grand and spectacular fashion to rend asunder the remaining protections of this world, and from the dark void, the True God will rise from his ephemeral slumber! In his wake, all will know suffering as never before! All will know his Name, and despair!
Joke's on you. On that glorious, frabjous day, all votes for Armageddon will be counted -- serious and joke alike. Our machinations will culminate in grand and spectacular fashion to rend asunder the remaining protections of this world, and from the dark void, the True God will rise from his ephemeral slumber! In his wake, all will know suffering as never before! All will know his Name, and despair!
Yeah, Velorien's writing the update.

What of it?
Quoting the movable forcewall proposal for arguments against why it should be pursued before returning to Mist -- my own below. Assuming competent seal masters haven't found a way to make them, forcewall seal alignment difficulty must fall somewhere between 'possible to do in ~1 minute in most field conditions' and 'too precise for deformation from practical weight, 3m long, rigid wood/metal poles', or there's something we haven't considered. There's some leeway in the practical weight department and Hazou has whatever 21st century we can confer to him, but there're also magnets! Or magnet seals, as they may be.

The problem with aligning forcewall seals without a pole by clamping them to the forcewall itself after formation is uneven forces resulting in a perpetual acceleration in some direction. This is solved with clamps that exert equal force, aka magnets/sticky seals. It's reasonable for forcewall knowing sealmasters to not have had access to magnets strong enough not to slip, but maybe that's something that the hokage could reasonably requisition? There's also the route of 'extra rigidity inducing seals'.
  • Extremely dangerous if it spreads to enemies, allowing unmanned, high speed, high durability projectiles to be launched from a distance.
  • No testing done so many of our assumptions may be wrong.
    • One example, forcewall strength may be inversely related to speed, neatly quashes many use cases without ruling out what we've seen.
  • Despite their description, I find it likely force walls are weaker than 5SB in terms of durability. Primary reason, when Kagome brought both seals up he mentioned nothing he'd encountered was strong enough to overcome 5SB, contrasting forcewalls by omission.

I included a novelty analysis with very generous values, I think, and even that gives only 60-ish sealmaster that can infuse the force wall. Not decide to experiment with it mind you, just infuse it. Which is, in retrospect, a gross overestimate since I accounted for how many sealmasters would bother going above explosive tags, but not for how many villages know force wall seal in the first place. Seals aren't supposed to be easy to duplicate, and force wall is a good seal so people would be careful not to leak it, so it seem like you can justify another 20% multiplier at least here. That means you have, perhaps, all of 12 people in the world that are capable of infusing the force wall at all. At the point where your pool of people is smaller than an undergraduate class, efficient market hypothesis doesn't really apply, so it's less about "why didn't any competent sealmaster do this yet" and more about "why didn't Bob do this? Why didn't Kagome do this? Why didn't Jane do this? etc", and at that point I find it entirely plausible that nobody just came up with the idea.
Industrial uses for technologies aren't super obvious to someone who wasn't born in modern times, tbh.