We could increase incentives for sealing research by publicly announcing that if someone else gets a combat-applicable seal approved, we'll learn it and then make 100 of them to sell to the Tower, thus giving them free money for researching it.

(we may need to make stipulations to avoid people just exploiting the promise without actually researching anything, but it's probably workable if we care to put in the effort)

We barely have the time to do things we've spent months real-time planning. At best, I could see us opening something like an Ideas-Lab concept where sealmasters convene and hash out conceptual seals and get buy in from colleagues (or external sources) for specific concepts.
With right of first refusal, the Tower has no need to set their prices above market rates. They want to pay enough that you sell them the number of seals they need, but unless market rate is really low (i.e. doesn't exist) that price isn't going to be high for no reason.

Like, maybe market rates is the wrong word? Basically it's whether or not trying to get the Tower to buy a bunch of your seals is a strategy that pays enough for the effort you put into it. If it is, you're going to act more like a military contractor. If it isn't, you're going to want to do generic shenanigans to try to avoid the restrictions on sales. The forward contracts are just the most obvious route, to me. (If you're decoupling the sales cycle with the actual transaction and delivery, then the Tower can't put as much uncertainty into the process).
We barely have the time to do things we've spent months real-time planning. At best, I could see us opening something like an Ideas-Lab concept where sealmasters convene and hash out conceptual seals and get buy in from colleagues (or external sources) for specific concepts.

I would prefer to get at least half of our to-do list done before we decide to make a Sealmaster conglomerate and declare cold war on the Merchant Council.
Is there anything preventing gifts of seals?
The fact that anything that makes the Tower think that you're trying to game the system will get you a visit from some pissed-off ANBU.

Which isn't to say that you can never do it, but it needs to be clear that it's not jumping through a loophole.

Of course, Jiraiya is Hokage, and "the Tower" refers to the Hokage and his administration, so you've got a lot more leeway than most. On the other hand, rank favoritism looks bad and pisses off the clans, and the political balance is pretty sensitive right now....
The fact that anything that makes the Tower think that you're trying to game the system will get you a visit from some pissed-off ANBU.

Which isn't to say that you can never do it, but it needs to be clear that it's not jumping through a loophole.

Of course, Jiraiya is Hokage, and "the Tower" refers to the Hokage and his administration, so you've got a lot more leeway than most. On the other hand, rank favoritism looks bad and pisses off the clans, and the political balance is pretty sensitive right now....
Right, I was just wondering if stuff like giving seals away -- legitimately no strings attached, etc. etc. -- to Clanless/Akane/etc. would have any issues.
I wonder if the refused seal give the reason they were refused? Just imagining the recipe saying "Terrible seal anyone that tries to use this has a death wish."
I read it as a hundred total (or the license would need to be more specific) - but the tower reserves the right to specify what kind of explosive (training, high-damage, Melee, 1-Zone, etc) so as to prevent just getting a glut of whatever a sealmaster deigns to contribute.

I imagine the master would be advised of their required contribution every month, or given a standard expected with potential for monthly deviation.
@OliWhail @eaglejarl @Velorien

I am happy with the license. Thank you for the time investiture! I think the 50% cut of profits due to blueprint ownership is a very nice touch.
@OliWhail Very nice work on the new license; it looks solid and completely believable.
You guys should in fact be thanking @Adept_Woodwright, @Halberdier, and @Jello_Raptor for suggesting most of the additions. In fact, I should have added their names to the info post so they could get credit - I'll do so now :)
Fuuton: Clashing Bladestorm
Element Wind  
Effect 0  
Duration Half a Minute +30
Durability N/A  
Casting Speed Supplemental +20
Range Caster (-2)  
AoE 1 target (Caster)  
Disadvantage Uses All Unsecured Weapons -5
Advantage Change Defensive Stat +30
Advantage Major Skill Bonus (Ranged Weapons) +30
Strain 105  
Chakra Cost 21  
The winds stirred around her body aggressively, and suddenly from innumerable hideaways in her garb emerged weapons: kunai, shuriken, even a common kitchen knife. They hovered in the air before her, poised to strike, as her junior approached, thinking to have the advantage in melee. He was proven wrong by fifteen stab wounds to the torso.

This technique brings into the wind's grasp all of the user's unsecured weapons. A weapon is defined as unsecured if it not held in the hands (This technique may be cast while holding a single small weapon in either hand, but not both), has an edge, and can be freely acccessed. "Secured" weapons are those that take at least an additional Supplemental action to get to.

Tapping into the user's talent with weapons, ranged or otherwise, Clashing Bladestorm defends the user against physical attacks with a cloud of autonomous wind-driven weaponry pulled from their body. While the user has sufficient control of them to touch them, it takes an addiitonal Standard or Supplemental action to direct their use (sufficiently to, for instance, allow nonlethal combat).

It allows the user to roll Ranged or Melee Weapons, adding the technique's Aspect Bonus to the roll, (whichever is higher) as defense against anyone attacking the user in close range instead of Athletics, allowing them to focus their efforts on other techniques, or retaliating. The cloud of weaponry also serves as defense, similarly, against Ranged and Melee Weapons. As such, it allows use of Ranged Weapons while in melee.

e: Note: I was considering making it a reactive-supplementary technique, like Substiution. If so I'd probably price it at ~8-10 chakra higher.
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Who is manufacturing skywalkers for leaf?
Presumably Kagome, Hazou (via Kagome), and any sufficiently skilled sealmaster qualified for top-secret info like this, since the first thing Jiraiya would do once he got the notes copied was give one to every such sealmaster and tell them just how important these seals are for the future of Leaf.
Right, I was just wondering if stuff like giving seals away -- legitimately no strings attached, etc. etc. -- to Clanless/Akane/etc. would have any issues.
Probably not. If it's clearly a gift and you're not doing it too often and there's no quid pro quo then it's probably fine...especially if you happen to be the Hokage's kids.

There's a balance between "Skywalkers are too important a secret" and "we need more Skywalkers" that Jiraiya needs to balance.

But, if there's one non-gouketsu sealmaster read in on Skywalkers then there's a good reason for the tower to set a fair price for the Skywalkers.

If similar rules apply to classified seals, we might be getting a reasonable fee for the ones we donated.


There's a balance between "Skywalkers are too important a secret" and "we need more Skywalkers" that Jiraiya needs to balance.

But, if there's one non-gouketsu sealmaster read in on Skywalkers then there's a good reason for the tower to set a fair price for the Skywalkers.

If similar rules apply to classified seals, we might be getting a reasonable fee for the ones we donated.


Let's not try to bleed the state dry of money?
Let's not try to bleed the state dry of money?

It would be really bad, politically, if Jiraiya overpriced the Skywalkers.

He's much safer clearly underpricing it, but not by a ton, and just ordering other sealmasters to make it. He should also probably waive the 50% inventor's fee for the other sealmasters.

All that done, he can probably get away with paying us the set price for the ones we actually made.

Fine, we don't get to tax the other sealmasters, but we can churn Skywalkers out and get paid for them.

It's not like the tower is going to be stingy, since they want/need a skywalker stockpile.

Edit: To be clear this is one option that let's J say:
  • Look at how clever my clan is!
  • Look at how patriotic we are, giving up our monetary incentive for the good of Leaf.
  • Look at how generous we are, making this revolutionary seal available for less and not taking a cut of the costs.
  • Look, it's absurdly obvious we aren't exploiting my position as Hokage for money. Yes, we're not doing things for free, but we are making a point to ask for less than we would offer to anyone else for the same thing.
All at the same time, while letting us get paid a decent amount for something we have a lot of comparative advantage for.
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Let's not try to bleed the state dry of money?
Somehow I think if they're paying money for Skywalkers it's because they think the revolutionary warfare paradigm shift seals are worth the economic investment. Yes, let's try to bleed the state dry of money, because if we do then Leaf has enough Skywalkers to use them against literally everybody.
Probably not. If it's clearly a gift and you're not doing it too often and there's no quid pro quo then it's probably fine...especially if you happen to be the Hokage's kids.
So then there possibly would be a problem if we, for example, made a habit of giving every clanless genin in Konoha two explosive seals a month?