During the Jiraiya OPSEC experience (CH 207) , there are at least 4 things he did which we don't know, and an unspecified number of seals in addition to those which were directly mentioned.
  • Clear a spherical section of earth, centered on the user, reinforcing walls to prevent collapse (up to 30 m deep) (possibly a variant on Tunneling technique, but possibly a super-interesting seal). Simultaneously fill that void with air at standard atmospheric condition. Probably something like a 3 m diameter, or it would have been described as cramped (Air Domes shave .6 m off the effective diameter)
  • Air technique - Air Domes and anti-Byakugan were already up, so must be something that is useful OPSEC-wise even when sound won't escape and cheaty eyes can't see you - maybe something that causes random noise that sounds like whispers to emanate from a defined zone, up to one zone in size.
  • Lightning Technique - something OPSEC - maybe something to scramble electric/magnetic field emissions, if there could be some niche observation bloodline/technique that observes people at a distance by how their nervous system moves/their brain activity. Alternatively, something that emits noise in the ultraviolet emission spectrum that would render observation of low power emissions from our bodies impossible.
  • Earth Technique - something OPSEC - possibly a perimeter technique to warn if the surrounding Earth in adjacent Zones is disturbed in any way — or a defensive Bunker that raises the TN to break local Earth and prevents Tunneler-Type techniques. Can't be living roots because Air Dome.
Regardless, we should probably ask Jiraiya what he deems are possible security risks - how information can leak when we don't want it to, and if he can describe the purpose (addressed security risk) of any of the techniques/seals he used (beyond the obvious, like Air Domes and anti-Hyūga)
During the Jiraiya OPSEC experience (CH 207) , there are at least 4 things he did which we don't know, and an unspecified number of seals in addition to those which were directly mentioned.
  • Clear a spherical section of earth, centered on the user, reinforcing walls to prevent collapse (up to 30 m deep) (possibly a variant on Tunneling technique, but possibly a super-interesting seal). Simultaneously fill that void with air at standard atmospheric condition. Probably something like a 3 m diameter, or it would have been described as cramped (Air Domes shave .6 m off the effective diameter)
  • Air technique - Air Domes and anti-Byakugan were already up, so must be something that is useful OPSEC-wise even when sound won't escape and cheaty eyes can't see you - maybe something that causes random noise that sounds like whispers to emanate from a defined zone, up to one zone in size.
  • Lightning Technique - something OPSEC - maybe something to scramble electric/magnetic field emissions, if there could be some niche observation bloodline/technique that observes people at a distance by how their nervous system moves/their brain activity. Alternatively, something that emits noise in the ultraviolet emission spectrum that would render observation of low power emissions from our bodies impossible.
  • Earth Technique - something OPSEC - possibly a perimeter technique to warn if the surrounding Earth in adjacent Zones is disturbed in any way — or a defensive Bunker that raises the TN to break local Earth and prevents Tunneler-Type techniques. Can't be living roots because Air Dome.
Regardless, we should probably ask Jiraiya what he deems are possible security risks - how information can leak when we don't want it to, and if he can describe the purpose (addressed security risk) of any of the techniques/seals he used (beyond the obvious, like Air Domes and anti-Hyūga)
This is a brilliant idea, and we should certainly try to ask him for the Earth and Wind jutsu if he feels like he can give this away.

OTOH, I am not sure whether or not such jutsu really exist.

(Paging @eaglejarl , let us know if you want stuff like this suggested too ;))
I check in and see an update, and a plan to deal with the Akane situation that should be in the next update! Joy!

[X] Action Plan: Getting a Clue
[X] Action Plan: A Contest of Eternal Clues

lol, get "boom, squish'd"

Seal idea:

Gravity Seal

When activated, everything within X distance is affected by Y amounts of gravity towards/away from the seal for Z duration.

(Put it on top of a rock and watch the rock zoom into the stratosphere)

That last part is easily fixed by postulating that the effect breaks if the seal moves, or that the force isn't reactionless.
Fuuton: Welkin's Judgement

Element Wind  
Effect 0  
Duration 60 seconds +60
Range -2  
Casting Speed Standard (supplemental?)  
AoE Whole Zone +40
Advantage Nonstandard Defending Stat +40
Strain 140  
Chakra Cost 28  
One of the techniques traded between Leaf and Sand semi-regularly. As is the norm for techniques so traded, it is not combat-endingly powerful.

Similar to Wind Wall, it serves to protect an area; however, where Wind Wall serves as a direct impedance toward movement, Welkin's Judgement lashes out at any who enter other than the caster of this technique.

Any ranged weapons attack into the area thus affected suffer a -[Welkin's Judgement]Aspect bonus penalty. Any who personally enter the area roll Physique against Welkin's Judgement. On failing, they are given the aspect "Judged Lacking" as the technique causes intense windburn and an additional tag -- beyond that for simply getting the aspect -- to be used only by the caster of this technique for keeping away from their aggressor. Every subsequent round they remain in the technqiue's area, another (general use) tag is acquired, and if they have not failed, they must reroll.
I feel that Hazou's trouble should be

"Someone already thought of that idea."

Get a fate point every time it happens. It would make lots of people feel better when the QM's take our ideas.

"This doesn't make sense!"

For every time Hazou insists that the world doesn't make sense and it causes trouble.
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I feel that Hazou's trouble should be

"Someone already thought of that idea."

Get a fate point every time it happens. It would make lots of people feel better when the QM's take our ideas.

"This doesn't make sense!"

For every time Hazou insists that the world doesn't make sense and it causes trouble.
No, that would be the Hivemind's trouble.
  • Doton: Earth Board Technique Moves a rigid patch of ground, carrying whatever is on that patch around the battlefield. Can aid in the user's movement, interfere with enemy movement, or transport inanimate objects such as seals. Spend a supplementary action and some chakra, get either:
    • + jutsu/3 to own Athletics this round.
    • - jutsu/3 to a single enemy's Athletics this round.
    • An inanimate object that can fit on 1m square moves with Athletics equal to jutsu level.
I really like this jutsu, it's inventive, totally thematically appropriate, flexible in the right ways, and not obviously OP.

I think it's not obvious why this should give you that much +athletics; you can probably run faster than it, and it's unlikely to be helpful in micro, since all it does is move the ground around─your leg muscles should suffice for that. The -athletics to opponents makes plenty of sense, though.

It seems like you can use this to destroy buildings and other structures very easily. It really requires some kind of range limit, but that's pretty much assumed. It's not obvious how this effect works; does the "board" stay flush with the floor, for example? Can it move up walls, or below large rock structures? Can it move through any kind of rock? If it's not flush, does it move as a mass that can exert pressure? How much?

Other aspects of this modelling change, eg. whether it's silent, or how large it is. If we can use it to transport areas of (disguised) seals silently and quickly, it might be great for bombing across perimeters, or even sneak-attack situations. If it's disruptive and loud, it might still be useful to destroy sealed-up perimeters and destroy buildings or fortifications. Another thing that would be useful is being able to change the size, since a smaller patch has advantages.

If there are no weight limits, pedestals can be used to transport very large structures. It's unclear why you'd want to do this. One possibility is dropping large rocks or other heavy contraptions off cliffs, or having areas that can be blockaded in a pinch.

If this can change between ground types, it might be possible to take a patch of ground specifically prepared and swap it in. Eg. you could pour lava over an area and then race it towards an opponent. That seems worse than seals, though. Alternatively you could swap weak and strong ground to make areas which can be collapsed in on themselves on demand (eg. when doing sealing research), but this only seems to work if it goes deep.

That's the smartest I've thought of so far. Overall, hard to abuse, great idea, 10/10.
  • Suiton: Humidity Wall Technique Does exactly the same as Wind Wall by manipulating water vapour in the air. The RW malus is only 1*Effect instead of 2*Effect under normal conditions, but becomes 2*Effect when used in mist.
I'm not sure how this works. Does this create a flow of water vapour? Then I feel this should vary a lot more than that, since water vapour concentrations vary a ton. Water vapour is also less dense than air and caps out about 4.2% for prior to the dew point.

Can this be used to dehumidify an area? Mostly asking so I get an idea of how this whole thing works? But if so, it could be useful to keep Skywalkers dry, I guess.

In high-humidity areas this might allow for flight when stacked. Certainly this makes the idea much easier. Generally this means you need to make them fixed-location, but by that point it just seems a little... weird?

I'd need more clear mechanics to break this more.
  • Adrenaline Blast Technique A medical jutsu that does exactly what it sounds like. The user gets (jutsu AB) tokens per cast, which can be used to get a free tag on a physical skill. Requires MedNin 10 to learn.
I don't know the mechanics super-well, but this seems reasonable and not very broken to me. I'm a failure of a munchkin, it's true.
You know what would be terrifying for Kei?

Shuriken Shadow Clone Technique.
Honestly this seems very reasonable to me. Strong, sure, but reasonable. Chakra-construct objects are not new, and storage seals already let us duplicate a lot of the functionality of this; the jutsu just makes it cleaner and more consistent.

Another option would be to make them illusory, but that seems like premature nerfing.

The exploitability would be around if having chakra-construct shuriken presents something more exploitable than just having that many stock shuriken. I don't think it does... I really am a failure of a munchkin, aren't I? Obviously you want to restrict this to making shuriken that have a prespecified form (too freeform otherwise).
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I'm not Ino, but I would be less willing to get romantically involved with Hazou if I knew he was oblivious enough to not realize Akane'd broken up with him, not more.
Doton: Trampoline Technique
The user turns the ground beneath their feet springy, allowing for enormous leaps into the air.
  • Gain a free tag on Athletics rolls while jutsu is active. Maximum of jutsu AB tags may be used per round, multiple tags may be used on the same roll.
Not to be a jerk, but we can already do this with MEW-hoppinggrumble grumble though the QMs prevented using MEW in the sky grumble grumble what sense does that make?​, and MEW-hopping seems to make more mechanical sense than a trampoline. I'm not sure why we'd want this in practice. Because it's cheaper?

Springy ground on its own doesn't seem super powerful in a more abstract sense... I mean I really just don't see the point overall.
Gust of Wind Seal

This seal generates a non-propulsive (it does not act on the seal itself, though residual wind from its effects may cause it to float away if unsecured) cone of wind (approximately 60°) sufficient to knock an attack off course. Other than not acting on the seal, the wind functions as one might expect. The effect originates from the center of the seal, and the seal itself is relatively-unaffected by folding, functioning so long as the center portion is flat.

(Yes, this is very explicitly me creating a seal that Jiraiya probably shared with Konan.)

If something is placed over it while it's active, it functions partially, creating wild fluctuations in the air around the object to no combat-effect, but not causing a sealing failure.

Against ranged weapons and some jutsu, this seal provides a malus of -AB (either user's sealing or opponent's Athletics, depending on whether y'all want it to be dependent on the sealmaster's talent or for the Gust of Wind's power to be static). If circumstances dictate, it may provide other bonuses (for instance, it could provide a half aspect bonus if used on someone else to push them

It may be used off-turn if a supplemental action is explicitly prepared for its use.
How long is this active? If it's for a significant amount of time... flight!

It's important to know whether this stacks. If it does, that's almost certainly abusable.

Using this for self-propulsion, such as in combat, seems like it would work as well. It seems like certain scenarios would really benefit, such as when moving between zones or in the air sans Skywalkers (where generally you're unable to reposition). If it can stack this is doubly abusable.

Note that "knock an attack off-course" is actually a very strong gust when you're talking about streamlined kunai moving at extremely high speeds. This should be even more powerful against larger bodies like your opponents. Having a belt of these facing outwards would make it very hard for anyone to approach you whilst active.
Earth Pillar Seal: when activated, extrudes a 50cm thick pillar of chakra construct stone at a respectable speed.
MEW-in-a-box seems very useful. Throwing a multitude of these at someone should basically ruin them if it hits (likely by leaving them attached to a multi-ton rock, or splatted by one).

This seems useful for the non-Hazō members who are constantly jelly of his best technique, even though that's not particularly an exploit.

MEW-hopping is back, baby! ...Though it's much more expensive this way. Still, if we have 100 of these it should last the tournament. Jiraiya might not like us flying around the sky though XD.



Assuming typical MEW rules apply I think that's basically it? Wait, no!

Put a stack of 100 of these together between iron plates. Have them each connected to a separate trigger of some kind.

Then trigger them all.

And watch the ultra-piston-bullet-attack-monstrosity-thing gib the universe.

....we're not going to get this, are we?
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How long is this active? If it's for a significant amount of time... flight!

It's important to know whether this stacks. If it does, that's almost certainly abusable.

Using this for self-propulsion, such as in combat, seems like it would work as well. It seems like certain scenarios would really benefit, such as when moving between zones or in the air sans Skywalkers (where generally you're unable to reposition). If it can stack this is doubly abusable.

Note that "knock an attack off-course" is actually a very strong gust when you're talking about streamlined kunai moving at extremely high speeds. This should be even more powerful against larger bodies like your opponents. Having a belt of these facing outwards would make it very hard for anyone to approach you whilst active.
It's an instantaneous blast, by default. It's basically a wind-variant of Kagome's explosive-propulsion seals which I refuse to believe he hasn't made yet.
It's an instantaneous blast, by default. It's basically a wind-variant of Kagome's explosive-propulsion seals which I refuse to believe he hasn't made yet.
Ah, OK. I'd suggest making it a sideways rather than outward blast, which should require much less force to knock projectiles off-target, so you can lower the power, which makes it less abusable outside its intended purpose.
MEW-in-a-box seems very useful. Throwing a multitude of these at someone should basically ruin them if it hits (likely by leaving them attached to a multi-ton rock, or splatted by one).

This seems useful for the non-Hazō members who are constantly jelly of his best technique, even though that's not particularly an exploit.

MEW-hopping is back, baby! ...Though it's much more expensive this way. Still, if we have 100 of these it should last the tournament. Jiraiya might not like us flying around the sky though XD.



Assuming typical MEW rules apply I think that's basically it? Wait, no!

Put a stack of 100 of these together between iron plates. Have them each connected to a separate trigger of some kind.

Then trigger them all.

And watch the ultra-piston-bullet-attack-monstrosity-thing gib the universe.

....we're not going to get this, are we?
Easy solution there: the pillar extrudes out either a) 10 meters, or b) until it hits something unyielding, where 'unyielding' is a property the seal intuitively recognizes and allows it to splat or launch humans but not break walls, even when stacked.

Also, when we think about how you could use this seal or that technique for something like MEW hopping to get some athletics boost or whatnot, I think it might be useful to make it into a combo jutsu/seal + stunt. In this case, having the seal would let you use the stunt, but the stunt would need to be separately purchased as you spend time learning how to use the seals to their best effect. It would bring the idea of 'do this fancy thing for a stat boost' out of the realm of 'vague boost of some kind' and into 'a mechanic where you can use a resource to gain a specified bonus'
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Ah, OK. I'd suggest making it a sideways rather than outward blast, which should require much less force to knock projectiles off-target, so you can lower the power, which makes it less abusable outside its intended purpose.
Knocking them off target isn't really necessary; the whole "self-propulsion" bit is a part of how they function. All that's necessary is to slow down the projectiles slightly and leave the user where they aren't.

Though, point that it could also be used to boost one's own athletics. Maybe half an aspect bonus, round up?
Also, when we think about how you could use this seal or that technique for something like MEW hopping to get some athletics boost or whatnot, I think it might be useful to make it into a combo jutsu/seal + stunt. In this case, having the seal would let you use the stunt, but the stunt would need to be separately purchased as you spend time learning how to use the seals to their best effect.
I do like the idea of paying for a small stunt -- maybe 10 XP or something, a few days of work to figure out how to use something like that.
I thought a bit more about Hazou's Foot in Mouth Aspect. I think I agree with @Velorien that it isn't really any less fair than analogous Aspects of other characters. It's not even the most socially debilitating, Keiko's are easily much worse by several orders of magnitude.

Still, I can't help but feel unsatisfied with it. I think the reason for that is that it doesn't feel like a good way of expressing Hazou's character. To bring up an example used by @Velorien, when Akane is unable to befriend Keiko due to the latter being put off by her optimism, that feels like an inevitable consequence of who Akane and Keiko are as people; it's not really anyone's fault or failure. Akane can't change her own disposition, because it's too tied up in her self-image and the philosophy she adopted in order to escape her own self-esteem issues. If, for example, we were playing as Akane, voted to go cheer Keiko up, and gotten the inevitable result, I think it would've been much easier to accept than Hazou's failure this update.

For Hazou, the Foot in Mouth thing isn't really an important part of his character. Sure, it led to some spectacular negative outcomes, and you can argue that it's a consequence of his sincerity and earnestness, but ultimately it's not much more than simple carelessness. When this Aspect is invoked, it feels more like "Hazou made a mistake" rather than "This is just who Hazou is". It doesn't create interesting drama or character interactions, save by actually screwing things up. This update, for instance, we had an opportunity to get closer to Keiko and help her process her moral dilemma. Instead, we failed. It would be one thing if this failure led to some kind of substantial development, but it probably won't. Everyone knows Hazou means well, he just fucks up occasionally, and life goes on.

I do think the Saviour Syndrome Aspect proposed by @Cariyaga would work better as an expression of the way Hazou thinks about the world. Another option is directly leaning into Hazou's apparent tendency to treat other people as tools with an Aspect - invoke when Hazou creates an effective plan by optimizing the use of his allies' skills, gain FP when this treatment damages his relationships with people. Could even name it Use of Weapons. In any case, I think I've come around to the idea of making an effort to change the current Aspect to a different one, somehow.
Another option is directly leaning into Hazou's apparent tendency to treat other people as tools with an Aspect - invoke when Hazou creates an effective plan by optimizing the use of his allies' skills, gain FP when this treatment damages his relationships with people.
This makes me think that instead of elevating a wholly new (if in-character) concept into Hazou's Trouble, we might be better served by, when and if we excise Open Mouth, Insert Foot, shifting a pre-existing aspect into his Trouble and having it take a more malign bent to fit the station, and then take the new concept and fill the old slot with it. That might be more natural than just swapping out such an important Aspect with one we didn't even make into an Aspect in the first place.

For instance, we could elevate 'Lists and Plans' to his Trouble, call it 'A Calculating Gaze' or something, and describe how it means Hazou's good at planning and organizing but as a consequence he tends to treat other people in terms of their usefulness a lot of the time, despite his attempts to connect with them.
Knocking them off target isn't really necessary; the whole "self-propulsion" bit is a part of how they function. All that's necessary is to slow down the projectiles slightly and leave the user where they aren't.
The point I'm trying to make is that kunai are designed to handle fast airflow from the front; the surface area is small and they're tapered appropriately. Wind from the side confers a lot more force to them.
Though, point that it could also be used to boost one's own athletics. Maybe half an aspect bonus, round up?
Seems fair to me.
This makes me think that instead of elevating a wholly new (if in-character) concept into Hazou's Trouble, we might be better served by, when and if we excise Open Mouth, Insert Foot, shifting a pre-existing aspect into his Trouble and having it take a more malign bent to fit the station, and then take the new concept and fill the old slot with it. That might be more natural than just swapping out such an important Aspect with one we didn't even make into an Aspect in the first place.

For instance, we could elevate 'Lists and Plans' to his Trouble, call it 'A Calculating Gaze' or something, and describe how it means Hazou's good at planning and organizing but as a consequence he tends to treat other people in terms of their usefulness a lot of the time, despite his attempts to connect with them.

It also fits well with how his social problems have been described as being based in having problems when improvising or caught off-guard.