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Point of order: Aside from the rest of the Kurosawa.

The vast majority of them don't want to be sealmasters and they hate the idea of everyone making them sealmasters, even though this is like the greatest contribution they could be making to the village, aside from diplomancing everyone with their picture perfect smiles.


Even if they were to suddenly become sealmasters and make invisible seals, it doesn't matter because our seals would still be invisible anyway.
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Nah, it'd be a bit unbelievable that suddenly all of Leaf's ninja suddenly are able to use Earth Release. Also wouldn't look like it due to how the movement works in the air with skywalkers.

...oh, I know. Leaf has had a breakthrough in chakra control training that let them crack chakra adhesion to air. (watch some bullshit jonin somewhere actually crack this)
Onoki can grant the ability to his allies. So that's easily explained.

Also, making a joke, not meant to be taken seriously.
If the EN has any kind of myth of an item that allows flight (similar to Hermes's sandals, but preferably not footwear to further confuse the issue), equip everyone with mockup of what that would look like. And then try just not quite hard enough to obscure it to make it look like something else.
The vast majority of them don't want to be sealmasters and they hate the idea of everyone making them sealmasters, even though this is like the greatest contribution they could be making to the village, aside from diplomancing everyone with their picture perfect smiles.

It's to bad we never got to use the iron nerve for diplomacy. Also Akane (or ino) will really appreciate what Hazou will be able to do when he's older
So, not sure if this question has come up, but since we're considering Heating Seals how hot are we intending to get them? If we make them too hot they could burn the paper they are on and instantly stop working.
So, not sure if this question has come up, but since we're considering Heating Seals how hot are we intending to get them? If we make them too hot they could burn the paper they are on and instantly stop working.
I think we could transition them onto stone tablets to keep that from happening?

What temperature does ink degrade/vaporize?
I think we could transition them onto stone tablets to keep that from happening?

What temperature does ink degrade/vaporize?

Paper burns at 451 F. Hot air balloon is half of that. Tablet wouldn't solve the problem if the ink substance on it degrade.

We could solve this by simply only heating the air centimeters away and insulating it with a layer of material.
I think we could transition them onto stone tablets to keep that from happening?

What temperature does ink degrade/vaporize?

Looking it up, the autoignition temperature for paper is somewhere between 218–246 °C, so we could actually generate a fair bit of heat without coming close to that, including getting to the point to boil water.

The ink on the other hand is another matter.
New in blue:

[X] Action Plan: Help From A Friend

  1. Survive.
  2. Ensure the cooperation of the pangolin engineer.
  3. Make improvements.

Try not to spend longer than a month on this plan, unless we would finish everything in it by running over slightly.
  • Hazou researches Cooling Seals (to make ice for the engineer) and Heating Seals (to make airships easier when we get around to them). If Noburi decides on a present, then that takes priority. Hazou also experiments with invisible ink seals.
  • Kagome upgrades the Skywalker Seal, improving duration and reliability. He tries to figure out a cartridge system for them (wooden inserts on our shoes for quick replacement, and possibly coating the seals in wax to waterproof them against clouds).
  • Kei and the engineer try to create designs and prototypes for a skybase that solves the logistical and technical issues involved. Kei also spends time looking into recruiting a diplomat, for the purposes of helping us with leaf. Just being able to consult experienced negotiators other than Mari would be immensely helpful, even if it is later concluded that having them at the table fighting our corner is infeasible (and if we can get them to the table, so much the better).
  • Noburi has fun being a mad scientist. He does whatever research he likes (he knows better than Hazou does here, after all). Hazou asks him to tell us if he discovers anything cool.
  • Mari does Mari stuff.
Looking it up, the autoignition temperature for paper is somewhere between 218–246 °C, so we could actually generate a fair bit of heat without coming close to that, including getting to the point to boil water.

The ink on the other hand is another matter.

My googling did not find any information on the autoignition of ink either.
Omake: Mist Researches Skywalker Seals
Just call it a jutsu.

Another failure report.

Zabuza seethed as he approached, flinging Kubikiribōchō forward and only narrowly missing a hapless chuunin on guard duty who failed to clear out of his way in time.

He steeled himself before entering the Mizukage's tent, and took a moment to wrest his blade free from the post it had half-embedded itself into.

They said a gaze from the Mizukage could kill. Zabuza didn't want to find out. As he entered, he dropped to one knee, avoiding eye contact.

"Lord Fourth, we have failed again to reproduce the jutsu today. I must object to these continued tests. This is clearly a ploy--"

Yagura spoke no words, made no indication of movement, and yet the air broiled with a rage palpable enough to silence the Demon of the Hidden Mist into submission. The flapping of the tent in the wind was the only sound heard, and even that seemed to give way to his singular will.

"You will continue, Momochi. We will not be made fools of by the likes of Leaf."

"...As you will, Mizukage." Zabuza would not dare his wrath again. Even for this.


Shikō wasn't sure what all the fuss was about. Everyone knew how to deal with Captain Zabuza: shut up and do exactly as he says. And with this pay? There wasn't any order he would question.

As he rounded the corner to report for duty, he caught a glimpse of the Captain and a squad of ANBU, all wearing a frilly pink tutus, bunny ears, and--was that a unicorn horn?--amid choruses of "Pretty Pony no Jutsu!" accompanied by unflattering "hand signs."

He almost caught himself before smirking. Almost. He never registered the sensation of a foot and a half of steel cleaving his skull in twain.

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[X] Action Plan:Setting up for Leaf

Like this plan overall. A few tweaks:

Emergency Project: Cooling Seal
  • If Keiko insisted, or two weeks has passed, and that the team found a use for the engineer. Pause project to start work on making ice.

I thought we had seven weeks' worth of ice?

Talk to Paneru (military engineer) tomorrow; figure out what she has to offer and/or relevant information.

Should specifically mention keeping skywalkers secret from her, if we're aiming to do so. Could claim we want balloons to more quickly reach sky-platforms (and help pangolins get down).

Would Pangolins reject skywalkers out of hand because flying is associated with the Condor? Or would Keiko get squashed?

Not a big deal, but their objections were related to a) flying, because the Pantokrator made them to rule over the ground and b) seals, because the Pantokrator prohibited Sealing on the Seventh Path.

"The Pantokrator made the Pangolin Clan to rule over the ground," Panteon mused, "and to cast ourselves into the heavens might be considered heretical. After all, is it not taught that the freedom to fly has made the condors forget the concepts of loyalty and duty? And to manufacture seals would violate the Pantokrator's ancient prohibition on sealcrafting on the Seventh Path…"

Given that they went for skytowers anyway, and that skywalkers are way more useful, it might be better to discuss this from a standpoint of "how much could we get from them for it, given their supposed religious objections?" With an aside of "is there any chance they'll become really upset and view the use of seals to fly as heresy?" to cover the tail-risk.
[X] Action Plan: Setting Up for Leaf


1. Research and development.
2. Get the Pangolins on board.
3. Figure out what our goals should be in the negotiation.

  • Hazō and Kagome-sensei do Research
    • Have Hazō learn skywalker seals from Kagome-sensei ASAP.
    • Talk to the team about how much improvement they should do on the Skywalker Tech.
      • Keep in mind:
        • Spending too long on the skywalker project preclude other opportunities to develop new seals or sealtech.
        • On the other hand, skywalker is the innovation that outweigh any others that Hazō and Kagome-sensei made in the past year. No other inventions come remotely close. So it might make sense to polish the hell out of it rather than work on new projects.
        • Consider all applications of skywalkers by Leaf: Military engineering, strategic movement, raids, etc.
        • Skywalker technology may not need much improvement if other aerial technologies becomes available.
          • Airships could easily replace skywalkers for long range strategic movement, but takes a long time to develop.
          • Gliders are clearly already possible.
          • The idea that Leaf sealmasters could continue where we left off WRT skywalker research so we don't need to spend all our time on it.
      • Discuss with the team about which projects they should pursue for Skywalker.
        • How long the duration of skywalker seals should last? 30 minutes? 1 hour? 2 hours? As long as possible?
        • How convenient it should be? Is it really necessary to have a cartridge/slot system if skywalker duration starts to get long enough.
        • Should Kagome-sensei and Hazō go overkill on safety research?
      • Finalize technical spec for Skywalker Research.
    • Do Skywalker Research. Pick from list of ideas. See Spoiler for more details.
    • Skywalker Research Ideas.
      • Make it last longer.
        • This also make it safer to use, as we don't want to switch in the middle of an operation or fighting a chakra monster.
        • Increase duration by using a better design.
        • Trade air dome size for duration.
        • Trade air dome durability for duration.
        • Trade air dome thickness for duration.
        • These configurations should undergo combat and safety tests.
      • Make it safer.
        • Figure out a method of water proofing the seal. Maybe wrap it in leather bag and tie it to the cartridge/shoe?
        • Consider a purifier or tunneler's friend variant to get rid of moisture.
        • Last resort is to figure out a new substance for smoothed stone medium to draw seals on.
      • Make it more convenient.
      • Why? We don't want to be caught with our pants down while switching shoes.
      • Develop a slot/cartridge system of some kind for easy switching.
        • Hazō sucks at crafting, so this is more of Kagome-sensei's thing.
        • Maybe interleaved wedges to hold the cartridge in place, like interleaved telephone books.
        • Have a pulley handle so that the user can pull the cartridge out.
        • Should withstand combat testing.
      • Shrink the seal design to fit within the slot system. The smaller the better.
    • Prototype hot air balloon.
      • Start by constructing a sky lantern and get a feel about how they work.
      • Try constructing a fabric version and get it to fly. Could try different materials such as canvas, cotton, silks, paper, etc.
      • Use Tunneler's Friend to store hot air from a fire rather than using a fire directly.
        • Do not keep the seal near the campfire as that invites DISASTER.
        • Instead, build a sideway tunnel using MEW for hot hot air to follow.
        • If Tunneler's Friend doesn't work as well as hoped against a fire in the balloon, develop heating seal.
      • Scale prototype up gradually. See how much mass they can uplift.
      • There is no need to develop a full blown airship. That's a long term project that could be done at Leaf. Instead, the prototype's job is to impress Jiraiya and Leaf with possibilities and ideas.
      • Possible use for a military engineer:
        • Construct a large hidden underground laboratory with plenty of ventilation shafts.
        • Build a windmill device for a wind tunnel.
        • Test hot air balloon in wind tunnel.
        • Do not reveal skywalker to the pangolin unless cleared by Mari-sensei and Keiko.
        • Use the excuse of constructing the balloon to carry people/pangolins up to a sky tower.
    • Emergency Project: Cooling Seal
      • If Keiko insisted, or three and a half weeks has passed, and that the team found a use for the engineer. Pause projects to start work on making ice.
      • We have seven weeks of ice. With three and a half of ice, we have plenty of time to complete the cooling seal project.
  • Mari-sensei and Keiko do Pangolin Diplomacy
    • Talk to Panchipaama, the Naraka Roller head. Need to see if she's cool with us, or is still pissed. Figure out concessions.
    • Talk to Paneru (military engineer) tomorrow; figure out what she has to offer and/or relevant information.
    • What can we get from the Pangolin for skywalker considering their supposed religious objection?
      • Any chance of them becoming really upset with the use of seals to fly as hersey?
      • Once issues and concerns are cleared with the team, sound out the idea of flying to Pandaa.
  • Noburi do Research
    • Hazō and Kagome-sensei will consider Noburi's ideas when he broach the subject.
    • Continue his research into chakra water.
    • Consider cataloguing and dissecting all animals and plants on the island.

Spoilered everything. Clarify pangolin and skywalker again. Clarify details about how much effort to put into the skywalker project.
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