@Velorien @OliWhail @eaglejarl Important questions: do clones get the same amount of actions as normal ninjas? How does clone initiative work? What happens when large area effects such as syrup trap are stacked, creating an obstacle to large to avoid but with skill rolls otherwise too low to hit? Would an enemy ninja be granted a dodge if syrup traps were placed to surround them rather than to hit them?
Same as anyone else.
From a mechanical perspective, we might provide circumstance bonuses but we wouldn't make it a 100% win. Consider that, e.g., small terrain variances will create 'shadowed' areas where the ST doesn't hit unless you're careful, and a skilled enemy could hopscotch across those areas.
Most likely we would stash the number rolled for the ST and the enemy would roll against that when they tried to cross the zone.
Can Noburi use water whip with water in his line of sight or manifest water with chakra within his line of sight but outside of the Air Dome? If so we could try and clean the air of poison using the water, or manipulate latches to open doors to allow for airflow to reduce the presence of poison in the area. Do we have a solid enough connection to the ground to make use of MEW to fortify our position/destroy the foundations of the building to let in clean air. We are going to be observed while doing anything so putting up MEW would work to our advantage by blocking the prepared line of sight of the people attacking us.
Noburi cannot manifest Water Whip outside the dome, but good idea. He needs to be touching the water in order to create the Whip construct from real water, and if he's creating a chakra construct then it always creates itself from his hand outwards.
WW lacks the precision to manipulate latches.
Yes, you could create MEW outside the dome. You would be creating it on top of a wooden floor so it would be a chakra construct, but you can definitely do it. You are not touching the earth itself so you cannot create the MEW under the floorboards.
Lets try and solve the problem killing us right now and figure out the who and whys later. What do we know about buildings made for Chakra monster attacks, and can we pinpoint where the poison is coming from in case we need to deal with a seal or some other delivery method. What can Noburi sign to us about how we are being poisoned and what options we have to counter it. Should we have our lungs flushed out with activated charcoal & water? Would the fact that the antidote was administered via liquid help Noburi pinpoint they type of poison so that he can treat himself and then Hazou?
You don't know much about architecture or home construction of any kind.
You have no idea where the poison is coming from, but it's apparently a gas so it will be spread throughout the room.
Noburi doesn't need to sign, the two of you can talk perfectly well.
The effects of the poison are not getting worse and the Usumatsu's Glorious Life-Saving Purifier will clear it out from the area under the dome. Noburi suspects that if the poison doesn't kill you in the next couple of minutes then you'll probably be fine.
He has no idea what the antidote was or what the poison is.
Oh, before I forget,
@eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail, did Hazou and Noburi get an extra Thousand Yard Stare level from seeing our team leader ruthlessly killed in front of us?
Nope, sorry. After having your arm drenched in blood and brains to the shoulder by punching through someone's head, and dealing with insane biosealmistresses nearly killing your sweetheart in particularly gruesome ways, and having to participate in a massacre of helpless civilians...well, you're sad about Minami's death but it isn't going to make your Top Five Worst Moments list.
But if Hazou is at Medium Distance from Bosatsu and Ken, and Bosatsu and Ken are both at Close Distance to each other, Hazou moving to Close Distance with Ken wouldn't mean he's also moving to Close Distance with Bosatsu.
At least that's how I'm interpreting the rules.
As currently written, that is correct. It probably shouldn't be that way, though. If you're at melee range with Charlie and I close distance with you then I should also be closing with Charlie. I'll talk to the others about it. Thanks for pointing this out.
I just thought of something.
When we get back, we should research Featherfall Seals (seals that prevent you from taking fall-damage while you wear them). They're a super-useful safety feature for skywalkers.
How hard does Hazou the character think they would be to research? (Edit: Just ballpark, I won't hold you to it.)
Difficult to the point of not knowing where to start. Making seals that require judgement is very hard -- "is there something crossing through this invisible chakra beam" is straightforward to design (which is not the same as easy) but "am I within X distance of the ground and moving towards it and moving fast enough that I would get hurt if I hit and not doing so intentionally for some reason" is extremely complicated. If you check the idea with Kagome he will throw his hands in the air, implore the kami for an explanation of what he ever did to them to have such a student inflicted upon him, lecture you for an hour on the implications of seventeenth-dimensional tensor deconvolution as applied to differential diffraction matrices (a lecture of which you understand some of the words and none of the sentences) before making you write "I will not ever ever ever ever ever do something that requires making seals make decisions because that's bonkers and seals are evil and just want to eat your face if you give them any leeway at all which is why I will never ever ever try to make seals that make decisions, I pinky swear" ten thousand times.