+5 XP if someone figures out a life cycle for these fish that is plausible according to real science + MfD-onscreen statements, and it makes sense to the QMs. They spawn eggs once per year and the fry are cannibalistic of both eggs and each other. Partial award if we use part of your idea but make changes.
"The koi are doing fine. The junior piscitist turned out to be capable of managing things. If the fish are used for chakra then it will be at least six months before they can breed. They typically breed some time between May and July, meaning that Lord Noburi may draw on them for the next six weeks or so but should refrain after that point. After they have spawned it is safe to tap the adults for another six months, or longer if we don't need them to breed. The spawn take approximately a year to reach sexual maturity, at which point we can either breed them or tap them for chakra. One of the fish sickened and died at the change in environment, so we only have eleven. No more are forthcoming, as we are expected to breed our stock up to forty on our own.
  • A school of koi is defined as 1 or more koi each of which is within about 10m of the school's centroid. Each koi in a school…
    • ...has a max of N CP, where N is the number of koi in the school
    • ...requires about M kg of food per day, where M is the maximum number of CP that koi had that day. This is intended only as a guideline; the QMs aren't going to track it precisely.
  • The koi have a raiton attack (which may or may not be the same as an electricity attack). It is AOE spherical and targets Physique. Fish in larger schools have stronger attacks. Koi are immune to this attack.
  • Koi will usually issue a warning zap whenever a non-koi approaches, although they generally don't put much oomph into it unless they are hungry, angry, or frightened.
  • They take 8-10 hours to fully regenerate their chakra.
  • Moving into a school raises their maximum CP, not their current CP.
  • When koi move apart after spending chakra or being drained of it, they can end up dead. It's unclear the exact mechanism, but presumably it has something to do with their maximum CP dropping (and therefore their current CP dropping) while the effect of the spend/drain is still applied and they end up drained below 0 CP.
    • Yes, they are dumb enough to kill themselves like that
  • Koi will happily eat themselves to death, so feedings must be spaced out over the course of the day in order to give them time to digest.
  • As a very rough rule of thumb, a koi pond should be 5,000 liters (1,250 gallons) per fish. There's 1,000 L per cubic meter. Depth doesn't help much as they generally stay at the surface and rarely dive more than a meter. (These are for chakra koi in MfD; don't use this as real-life data.)
The Wakahisa give:
  • [...]
  • 25 koi fish.
  • Wakahisa aquaculture experts to come to the Gōketsu estate and direct the process of setting up an appropriate koi pond. All expenses will be borne by the Gōketsu.
  • An ongoing Wakahisa aquaculturist presence (2-3 experts, plus a couple of bodyguards and some civilian staff. These people will be rotated periodically) in dedicated housing at the Gōketsu estate. These experts will be responsible for all care and feeding of the fish.
    • [...]
    • All fish-related expertise will be kept concealed and remain the intellectual property of the Wakahisa clan except for the minimum necessary to allow the Gōketsu to make safe use of the fish. The experts will be allowed to take reasonable precautions to ensure this, so long as it does not endanger any Gōketsu.

"Ordinarily, breeding season would already be upon us, but I have been delaying it while we were on the road by restricting the amount of food I give them, and also through use of some additives in their water. We can only do that for another week at the very most and then the fish must be allowed to breed or they will sicken.

"Once their season begins, the fish will mate repeatedly, but they will not be fertile unless conditions are correct—the amount of available space, an assured food supply, proper temperature and water flavorings, and various other factors that are secret to my arts. Assuming a productive match, each female will spawn up to a thousand eggs, of which perhaps half will actually bear fruit. The firstborn young will emerge ravenous and will preferentially eat the other eggs unless they are immediately transferred to a separate nursery. Even under optimal conditions, most of the young will die within a few days or a week. Any fishling that makes it for a month will probably make it to adulthood."

"And therefore we should expect...?"

"Oh! Yes, sorry sir. Under the care of a master piscitist it would be reasonable to expect perhaps twenty fishlings from each pair to make it to one month. If they live that long then the amount of care required drops tremendously and they will generally make it to adulthood unless something goes greatly wrong."
"Let me clarify the question," Hazō said quickly, eager to head off the string of caveats and equivocations that he saw looming. "I want to hear a specific number of months after birth that you would feel comfortable draining chakra from a koi for your own use assuming that you wanted to do so in a sustainable way that would not hurt the fish."

"Um...well... An adult koi—that is, a one-year-old—can have chakra drained from it every day without suffering any damage. Unfortunately, having their chakra levels fluctuate too much will delay or eliminate the fish's breeding cycle for the year, so we typically divide the fish by purpose—one set of pools for the breeders and one for the suppliers."
Wakahisa bent and dipped his hand into the flowing stream that cut through the north end of the Gōketsu estate. "This water is far too cold, sir. To be comfortable, koi want a temperature approximately that of a cool summer day. It needs to be slightly warmer for them to breed, so there will need to be a graduated series of pools." He shook his head in disbelief. "Lady Sadaharu truly never arrived?"

One moment, please...


How Often Do Koi Fish Lay Eggs? Reproduction, Breeding, & Care

How often do koi fish lay eggs? The answer along with details regarding koi fish reproduction and fry care is reviewed in this guide.

All the fluff in the story so far seems pretty reasonable. The main difference, I think is:

Real life koi:
  • Spawn in hundreds of thousands or more
  • Take 3-4 years to reach sexual maturity
Chakra koi:
  • Spawn in thousands at once
  • Take 1 year to reach maturity for chakra drain (though not necessarily sexual maturity?)
Anyway, here's some concrete proposals for how things are going to make things easier:
  • The fish arrived at the end of July. Despite what the piscist said, the spawning failed and we didn't get any new koi while we were setting up the pond.
    • Due to the stress of moving, or due to the piscist being a junior.
    • Either way, we have only 11 healthy fish.
  • Come June, the koi will spawn thousands of eggs.
    • The main limiter here is cannibalism.
    • Surplus food and the presence of the piscist means that keeping the few dozen fry we need alive is easy.
    • The fry have been transferred to one or more smaller water areas.
      • With twenty fishlings per pair making it to a month, and probably 18 of that making it to adulthood, we should expect that we will fill our pond in a single generation.
  • There will be over 40 fry, but the piscist will cull the numbers down.
    • They probably have some intuition for how many fry die ordinarily, and will calibrate it so that the final number of fish that can supply chakra equals 40.
    • If they instead immediately cull the numbers down to 40 after the first month, with a reasonable 10% attrition on the young ones, we should still expect to end up at 37.
  • The actual number of fish we will actually have available is less than 40. Concretely, we will have 32 koi producing chakra, 4 reserved for breeding, 2 immature and 2 dead to be replaced in the next year. (total guesses)
    • Some fish die or fall ill. Generally, we will want to reserve at least two fish for half the year for breeding, if only to produce one or two extra koi per year to cover the yearly attrition loss.
    • A breeding pair should probably be kept in a separate pond at all times in order to not keep all our eggs in one basket. Maybe even two.
    • That also means that there may be a couple koi growing up. If these young koi don't count against our 40 cap, we should be fine.
    • Eventually, older koi need to be culled to keep a diverse age range in the pack, so that there are always koi at an appropriate age for spawning. In general, there will always be some number of koi that are immature.
    • 32 is a good stable number, accounting for immature koi, dead koi, or breeding pairs.
    • In general, we should expect to be able to draw 3000-3500 CP per day from the pond.
  • With almost all the total koi we need accounted for, not all the fish need to be reserved for spawning. Once they spawn, 7 out of 11 koi can be repurposed to chakra production full-time, while the 4 remaining (two breeding pairs) will be removed in 6 months.
  • So in terms of when we have chakra available:
    • Now - June:
      • 0 koi tappable
      • No chakra from pond.
    • June - December:
      • 11 koi tappable
      • 320 CP per day
    • December - next June:
      • 7 koi tappable
      • 130 CP per day
    • All future June - December:
      • 36-40 koi tappable
      • ~3400-4200 CP per day
    • All future December - June:
      • 32-36 koi tappable
      • ~2700-3400 CP per day
Lastly, how much CP per day are we buying?

One moment, please...


How Often Do Koi Fish Lay Eggs? Reproduction, Breeding, & Care

How often do koi fish lay eggs? The answer along with details regarding koi fish reproduction and fry care is reviewed in this guide.

All the fluff in the story so far seems pretty reasonable. The main difference, I think is:

Real life koi:
  • Spawn in hundreds of thousands or more
  • Take 3-4 years to reach sexual maturity
Chakra koi:
  • Spawn in thousands at once
  • Take 1 year to reach maturity for chakra drain (though not necessarily sexual maturity?)
Anyway, here's some concrete proposals for how things are going to make things easier:
  • The fish arrived at the end of July. Despite what the piscist said, the spawning failed and we didn't get any new koi while we were setting up the pond.
    • Due to the stress of moving, or due to the piscist being a junior.
    • Either way, we have only 11 healthy fish.
  • Come June, the koi will spawn thousands of eggs.
    • The main limiter here is cannibalism.
    • Surplus food and the presence of the piscist means that keeping the few dozen fry we need alive is easy.
    • The fry have been transferred to one or more smaller water areas.
      • With twenty fishlings per pair making it to a month, and probably 18 of that making it to adulthood, we should expect that we will fill our pond in a single generation.
  • There will be over 40 fry, but the piscist will cull the numbers down.
    • They probably have some intuition for how many fry die ordinarily, and will calibrate it so that the final number of fish that can supply chakra equals 40.
    • If they instead immediately cull the numbers down to 40 after the first month, with a reasonable 10% attrition on the young ones, we should still expect to end up at 37.
  • The actual number of fish we will actually have available is less than 40. Concretely, we will have 32 koi producing chakra, 4 reserved for breeding, 2 immature and 2 dead to be replaced in the next year. (total guesses)
    • Some fish die or fall ill. Generally, we will want to reserve at least two fish for half the year for breeding, if only to produce one or two extra koi per year to cover the yearly attrition loss.
    • A breeding pair should probably be kept in a separate pond at all times in order to not keep all our eggs in one basket. Maybe even two.
    • That also means that there may be a couple koi growing up. If these young koi don't count against our 40 cap, we should be fine.
    • Eventually, older koi need to be culled to keep a diverse age range in the pack, so that there are always koi at an appropriate age for spawning. In general, there will always be some number of koi that are immature.
    • 32 is a good stable number, accounting for immature koi, dead koi, or breeding pairs.
    • In general, we should expect to be able to draw 3000-3500 CP per day from the pond.
  • With almost all the total koi we need accounted for, not all the fish need to be reserved for spawning. Once they spawn, 7 out of 11 koi can be repurposed to chakra production full-time, while the 4 remaining (two breeding pairs) will be removed in 6 months.
  • So in terms of when we have chakra available:
    • Now - June:
      • 0 koi tappable
      • No chakra from pond.
    • June - December:
      • 11 koi tappable
      • 320 CP per day
    • December - next June:
      • 7 koi tappable
      • 130 CP per day
    • All future June - December:
      • 36-40 koi tappable
      • ~3400-4200 CP per day
    • All future December - June:
      • 32-36 koi tappable
      • ~2700-3400 CP per day
Lastly, how much CP per day are we buying?
According to the picinist, these Koi live pretty much forever so we don't need to keep breeding pairs once we hit capacity.
According to the picinist, these Koi live pretty much forever so we don't need to keep breeding pairs once we hit capacity.
We should not keep all our eggs in one basket, nor all our koi in one pond, and also some number of koi will die every year to natural causes and will need to be replaced. Reserving two breeding pairs is probably overkill tbh, but whatever? We can sort out whether we have 3200 or 3450 chakra when we get there.
We should not keep all our eggs in one basket, nor all our koi in one pond, and also some number of koi will die every year to natural causes and will need to be replaced. Reserving two breeding pairs is probably overkill tbh, but whatever? We can sort out whether we have 3200 or 3450 chakra when we get there.
"Oh! Yes, sorry sir. Under the care of a master piscitist it would be reasonable to expect perhaps twenty fishlings from each pair to make it to one month. If they live that long then the amount of care required drops tremendously and they will generally make it to adulthood unless something goes greatly wrong."

"How long do they live?"

"There are koi in the Wakahisa ponds that are older than I am, sir."
Honestly, having one pair set aside for breeding every year is already massively overkill. A single breeding pair is expected to produce twenty koi that will live to adulthood. They live for really long times (more than 40 years) so I'd be surprised if even one dies of old age a year.
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Chapter 480, Part 1: Commitment

Today was a special day for Kei. Perhaps the most special of them all, insofar as she could not remember meeting Ami, and insofar as the life-changing experience that was Team Uplift had taken place over months and years, not to be pinned down to a single grand event. They had slain a chakra alligator; they had called each other by first name; they had saved each other's lives, and celebrated each other's birthdays, and given true names to their bonds, and been entered into Leaf's register as Gōketsu together, and Kei would hold every one of those moments close in her heart—but they were not Team Uplift, only its evolution.

Kei had already had her wedding. She would, in all likelihood, never have another. She had never given her heart to Shikamaru, and never would. His effusive thanks for that fact, after her months of desperately attempting to warp herself, were burned into her memory. Yet she… loved him nonetheless, as the best friend whose intellectual intimacy was a kind of joy unknown to the literature. Even then, that wedding had been a shadow of today.

It would be shallow to consider this merely a celebration of romantic love. It was the culmination of Kei's agency. She had not chosen to fall in love with Tenten; the literature was correct, at least, when it described romantic love as a force beyond any mortal's power to predict or control. Yet every step after that, every hand hesitantly reached out, every whisper of surrender and every gift of strength, every disaster overcome in spite of everything she was, was her. More than the Frozen Skein. More than the timid, helpless creature that her past and her own weakness had made of her. Choice after choice after choice had built a relationship that had miraculously survived—dare she say it, flourished—until today could write it into law.

Just as much, it was a celebration of Tenten, more than the pillar of inner strength and clarity like which she first appeared. Tenten, whose past relationships had been with a pack of clowns who accepted her despite her limitations—with warmth, yes, and affection, but still in spite of who she was. Kei was in love with the silence, with the rich, steadily less foreign language inseparable from Tenten's every action. She was in love with Tenten's trust, with the courage and fragility of a girl betrayed not by humanity like Kei but by the world itself. She was in love with playfulness so subtle it made Kei's deadpan seem like a crude imitation, with single-minded resolve pointed at anything that mattered like a kunai seeking an enemy's heart, and with the soft blush of embarrassment even when they were alone and nothing existed but each other. Tenten, forever herself, had earned today as much as Kei.

And Snowflake… in all the world, only Kei could begin to understand what today meant to Snowflake.

They had designed the ceremony together. Like all the best things in life, the Commitment Ceremony was a modular structure, allowing for extensive customisation in every separate instance as long as key guidelines were followed and no element of Leaf-permitted kami appeasement or other consecration ritual was omitted. While the secular ceremony very deliberately made no reference to the Will of Fire or associated religious elements, standard precautions like the goldfish sacrifice and the nibbling of the rod were merely common sense for anyone affirming a lifelong bond. (Alas, once again Kei would be deprived of the shark.)

In accordance with certain suggestions made by Ami (whose absence was the one thing that rendered today less than perfect), they had completed the mandatory ritual elements in the first half of the ceremony, and now all the guests were seated on benches in the broad indoor space of the Five Flowers Hall. Overhead, the Chandeliers of Prosperity burned brightly, their dancing flames warding away the spirits of deprivation that preyed on improperly-conducted transactions. At the far end of the hall, the Lectern of Timely Wisdom was occupied by a grinning Anko, who had promised to behave, just this once, in exchange for a show to remember. At the other end, mighty double doors were closed but not barred, as that would not have served the ceremony, and the Sigil of Offering was drawn across them in beeswax to feed the hungry ghosts before they could take an interest in the love being given freely inside.

Seated on the left side, Hazō, Noburi, Akane, Kagome, Yuno, and the requested painted effigy of Ami waited. It cut into Kei to see Akane and Kagome sitting further apart than the others, as if unconsciously making room for someone who was not there. Kei and Mari had fought the night before her wedding, if crushing domination could be called a fight, and on the day, a trace of that darkness had remained in Mari's eyes. Today, she had been asked to absent herself altogether.

She was no one now, Kei reminded herself. The longing was a lie.

Trivial. Unimportant. Irrelevant. Tenten, radiant before her, deserved all of Kei's attention and more. The cherry-red cheongsam, evocative of their first date but with gold tracery that spoke of greater confidence, was a perfect counter-match for Kei's own frost-blue dress (of course there were snowflake designs; why had the tailor even asked?). Close-fitting in all the right areas and flowing smoothly elsewhere, it made Tenten enough of a distraction that a less sanguine person might have struggled to care about anything else. Snowflake, meanwhile, had chosen white, with more lace than could possibly be healthy for one person, and an elaborate blue ribbon that matched Kei's own theme (in Isan, it evoked the image of a flower opening on its first spring, but to Kei the arrangement looked unmistakeably like a pair of kitty ears).

"Let's get ready to rumble, girls and girls!" Anko exclaimed from her position leaning alarmingly far over the lectern, deviating from the script violently but within tolerable limits (much like her outfit, a royal purple only a clan ninja could afford, with enough breast and leg on display that Tenten had needed a minute to recover).

"Innn the left cornerrr, it's the Dauntless, the Icy Maiden, Lady Nara Kei who just legally changed her name, buggered if I know why—an experience these three girls sadly won't get to share unless they take my advice and diversify—and who holds half of Leaf in her iron grip when she's not holding lover after lover!"

Kei could feel herself turn crimson. Why had Ami, whose sworn duty it had been to restrain or at least redirect Anko, had to disappear at the last moment? Or, she shuddered to think, did the effigy with the ^_^ mask imply that this was all just as planned?

"Lady Nara Kei, what do you have to say to your beloveds and to the fine men and women who froze their asses off to get here on time and are now expecting to be warmed up with some hot, hot love?"

Kei forced herself to relax. Deep breaths. It was only Anko. The humiliation was temporary. The bonds to be affirmed here were permanent. The revenge, when it came, would be delicious.

"Tenten," Kei began, allowing everything else to fade out of existence as insignificant. "I have always been an outsider. To the Mori, with my inability to socialise like a normal person. To humanity, as a bearer of the Frozen Skein which walls me off from thinking how others think. To Leaf, as a stranger from a strange land. I have been fortunate beyond words to find, despite my alienness, love and acceptance from those who are now the Gōketsu.

"You gave me more. To you, I was not Kei the former Mori, to be loved despite my many foibles. I was not family forged in the fires of battle, where in a counterfactual world anybody could have taken my place and been similarly blessed. I was simply me, and that was enough for you to make me special.

"You chose me, freely, without concern for anything but me. You did not change how you treated me when I went from being a dubious missing-nin to briefly being Leaf's princess, or even when I became another's wife. You never asked about my circumstances, except out of concern or in an effort to understand me better. You were patient when I spoke too much, which is always, when I was unable to perceive or understand your feelings, when I was unable to give you what any other could, or when I failed to balance my commitments and give you the attention you deserved.

"You taught me things I was incapable of learning without you. You taught me that silence was also communication. You taught me that intuition and insight possessed equal power to intellectual analysis, if cultivated, and that each was capable of what seemed like miracles to the other. You taught me a language of emotion that I have only just begun to speak. And, of course, you taught me passion. I never knew someone like me was capable of loving people as much as I love you.

"Tenten, I offer you my love as the aegis of the Advocate. Accept it, and it will be a shield against the darkness of the world. I swear that as your Advocate, I will protect you with all the power and authority at my command. As Nara, I will offer wisdom to guide your steps. As Gōketsu, I will obliterate the barriers that stand between you and happiness. As the Pangolin Summoner, I will make war upon your foes. As KEI, I will nourish you and your potential. If everything I have and everything I am is still not enough, then I shall take more and become more until I am the Advocate you deserve."

Tenten watched her silently. In the still depths of her amber eyes, there was only focus and control, and Kei knew that this was because, even deeper, there lay a storm that would consume both of them if given half a chance.

Kei savoured the confusion of all present as they watched her turn to Snowflake. Anko, who would have asked untimely questions, had been bribed extensively to keep her mouth shut and her mind on the job, if only for a few minutes.

"Snowflake, you are an impossible blessing and an impossible gift. Closer than a lover and closer than a sister, all the dictionaries I have swallowed do not contain a word to describe the bond you and I share. Every exchange between us, whether affectionate or aggressive, is special to me, and nothing excites me more than to see who you will become. I am honoured that my self is the seed from which you grow.

"Snowflake, I offer you my love as the aegis of the Advocate. Accept it, and it will be a key to set you free. I swear that as your Advocate, I will protect you with all the power and authority at my command. I will safeguard your agency, and cast down those who would deny it. I will offer you a place of safety in this world—not oblivion, but home. I will cut open a path to whatever future you seek, if that is your wish. I will witness your humanity, and allow none to reject it."

The promise had been composed this morning, to avoid Snowflake knowing it in advance, and that of course meant it would be ill-considered and rife with imperfection. Nevertheless, there were some things only Kei could say.

Was it time yet? No, too soon. Kei was no Ami when it came to mental timers, but even the shadow of the divine would be enough today. Yes, everything should come together nicely, assuming her buffers had been sufficiently well-judged.

"Well," Anko drawled, "that sure was a thing. But let's skip casually over the WTF and move to the rrrright cornerrr, where we find Lady Non-Lethal, the Princess of Penetration, the dread weaponmistress Tenten herself. Will she break her vow of silence for us, or is she saving it all for her not-wedding night?"

Yes, Kei decided as her ears caught fire, her revenge would be thorough and excruciating in its detail. Perhaps she could ask Hazō to design some custom seals. Or, alternatively, she might eschew elaborate schemes and just inform Yuno that Anko had spent more than two seconds gazing at Noburi. The luxury of choice was so fascinating that she nearly missed it when Tenten began to speak.

It was a rare pleasure to hear Tenten say more than a sentence at a time outside practice hours. Today, her voice was even, soft, and precise, though she paused at the end of every sentence as if to lock the next one in before anxiety or second-guessing could delete it. Kei understood that Shiori had helped her rehearse.

"I am an outsider." Tenten paused briefly. "I am also an outsider. I had to learn my humanity, and I wasn't good at it. I am still not. I don't know how to say the things people want to hear. I tried hard to express myself, and when I couldn't satisfy them, I gave up. You never gave up, even when it hurt. I love that part of you.

"You are a genius. You must have seen straight away how flawed I was. How I was someone who could only stand and watch while you drew castles in the air with your words. I thought you would shrug and move on, and it would end there like it always did.

"You stayed. You saw that behind my inability, there was a person. You believed in me. That would have been enough of a miracle. But then you fell in love. I did not know what there was to fall in love with. But I needed you. I couldn't live without you. I had to give up on giving up. I had to be a person who could be with people.

"I am learning. Slowly. Who I can be. Maybe who I always could have been. Everywhere I turn, there is darkness, because before I did not know there could be light.

"You are my light, Kei. I have a future because of you. Not as a ninja. As Tenten. I can grow up because of you.

"Everything I am is yours. If you will be my Advocate, accept me as your Companion. I will be with you on your journey. No matter where. No matter when. I will be your strength when you are weak. I will be your peace when you are suffering. I will be your hope when you are empty. One day, I will be your light as you are mine."

Kei found, to her surprise and consternation, that the Five Flowers Hall had grown blurred. She could hardly eliminate this many witnesses to her tears. Then again, of those close enough to see, Tenten and Snowflake would understand, and Anko was already on her kill list. Now if she could only do something about this piercing bittersweet feeling in her chest…

Snowflake stepped forward slightly, limiting the lines of sight to Kei.

"Innnn the middle cornerrr..." Anko began.

"No, wait." She frowned, looking down at her wrist. "How does that even...? Maybe if you... no, if it's an irregular...

"Ah, screw it. Snowflake, do your thing."

Snowflake addressed the guests.

"For those of you whom I have not already met, my name is Snowflake. I am not a Nara social experiment or Kei playing pretend. I am what happens when a ninjutsu and a Bloodline Limit that were never meant to cross paths collide and cancel each other out. Despite the metaphysical connections, I am my own being, with my own memories and my own personality… and I stand here, as part of this ceremony, of my own free will."

She turned to Kei.

"I am not yet what I need to be, Kei. We are still so close that I cannot meaningfully offer to step closer. I… I love you, but it is not the love of an adult, born of agency and maturity. It is the default. It is the nameless bond we share, happy but non-consensual."

Snowflake took a very slow, deep breath.

"I accept you as my Advocate, and offer you my Companionship. I will always understand you like no other. I will always be your ally, no matter what comes. One day, when our paths have diverged enough, I will be able to love you as a real person."

Kei wiped her eyes with her sleeve as she took in the words. It was undignified, and drew people's attention to her feelings, but the time had come for clarity. There would be no second chance.

"Does anybody challenge this transaction?" Anko demanded in a roar that seemed like it made the entire building shake. Kei mentally awarded her a couple of points, bringing the total to -998.


The heavy double doors flew open.

"I do!"


Continued tomorrow.
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Chapter 480, Part 1: Commitment
ooooh part one, interesting
the life-changing experience that was Team Uplift had taken place over months and years, not to be pinned down to a single grand event. They had slain a chakra alligator; they had called each other by first name; they had saved each other's lives, and celebrated each other's birthdays, and given true names to their bonds, and been entered into Leaf's register as Gōketsu together, and Kei would hold every one of those moments close in her heart—but they were not Team Uplift, only its evolution.
Nice to have a list of what events Kei views as her favorites.
She had never given her heart to Shikamaru, and never would. His effusive thanks for that fact, after her months of desperately attempting to warp herself, were burned into her memory. Yet she… loved him nonetheless, as the best friend whose intellectual intimacy was a kind of joy unknown to the literature.
What does she mean by "his effusive thanks for that fact?"
Also, that next line. Yikes. Never feel the need to change who you are, Kei.
And Snowflake… in all the world, only Kei could begin to understand what today meant to Snowflake.
I didn't think about that.
Kei and Mari had fought the night before her wedding, if crushing domination could be called a fight, and on the day, a trace of that darkness had remained in Mari's eyes. Today, she had been asked to absent herself altogether.

She was no one now, Kei reminded herself. The longing was a lie.
What is Kei reffering to when she says "crushing domination?" How did she view that exchange? Also, nice to know that Kei has to tell herself not to long.
"Let's get ready to rumble, girls and girls!" Anko exclaimed from her position leaning alarmingly far over the lectern, deviating from the script violently but within tolerable limits (much like her outfit, a royal purple only a clan ninja could afford, with enough breast and leg on display that Tenten had needed a minute to recover).
Well, you couldn't get further from the Hagomoro if you tried. Preacher Anko, indeed.
"Well," Anko drawled, "that sure was a thing. But let's skip casually over the WTF and move to the rrrright cornerrr, where we find Lady Non-Lethal, the Princess of Penetration, the dread weaponmistress Tenten herself. Will she break her vow of silence for us, or is she saving it all for her not-wedding night?"
Kei just straight up was extremely emotionally vulnerable and open in front of a lot of people.
I am not a Nara social experiment or Kei playing pretend. I am what happens when a ninjutsu and a Bloodline Limit that were never meant to cross paths collide and cancel each other out.
Oi. Watch your OPSEC on the shadow clone jutsu!

The heavy double doors flew open.

"I do!"
I suspect that Ami is here. That would explain her sudden absence. She just wants to make a dramatic entrance.
We don't have a specific list. Are you looking for names, or is it okay to go with something like "She got a bunch of big burly guys who are good at construction stuff"?
To confirm, Kei has (in addition to Paneru, a military engineer with experience building bunkers) a bunch of Pangolin summons who are good at construction? Pangolins, who spend a signficant amount of time in tunnels and underground.
To confirm, Kei has (in addition to Paneru, a military engineer with experience building bunkers) a bunch of Pangolin summons who are good at construction? Pangolins, who spend a signficant amount of time in tunnels and underground.
That's rather speciesist of you. As a human, do you not spend time in houses?

(Also, some pangolins are arboreal.)
That's rather speciesist of you. As a human, do you not spend time in houses?

(Also, some pangolins are arboreal.)
Are any of these pangolins arboreal? Alternatively, do we have reason to believe that we don't already have a work force that is extremely adept at building tunnels and underground facilites? One that, mind you, would be trivially easy to sneak into our compound.
I suspect that Ami is here. That would explain her sudden absence. She just wants to make a dramatic entrance.
"Does anybody challenge this transaction?" Anko demanded in a roar that seemed like it made the entire building shake. Kei mentally awarded her a couple of points, bringing the total to -998.


The heavy double doors flew open.

"I don't!"
Today was a special day for Kei. Perhaps the most special of them all, insofar as she could not remember meeting Ami, and insofar as the life-changing experience that was Team Uplift had taken place over months and years, not to be pinned down to a single grand event. They had slain a chakra alligator; they had called each other by first name; they had saved each other's lives, and celebrated each other's birthdays, and given true names to their bonds, and been entered into Leaf's register as Gōketsu together, and Kei would hold every one of those moments close in her heart—but they were not Team Uplift, only its evolution.
That is quite the impact, i intellectually knew but is nice to hear her say it
Kei had already had her wedding. She would, in all likelihood, never have another. She had never given her heart to Shikamaru, and never would. His effusive thanks for that fact, after her months of desperately attempting to warp herself, were burned into her memory. Yet she… loved him nonetheless, as the best friend whose intellectual intimacy was a kind of joy unknown to the literature.
This too, Shikamaru may go out of his way to be a poor romantic partner, but he is a damn good friend.
the literature was correct, at least, when it described romantic love as a force beyond any mortal's power to predict or control.
Unless you are Gouketsu "let's pull the spreadsheet, figure out what love is and then tick boxes until you feel it" Hazou
if crushing domination could be called a fight
the words Social spect jonin don't seem to cross her head.
Innn the left cornerrr, it's the Dauntless, the Icy Maiden, Lady Nara Kei
cue titatron
and who holds half of Leaf in her iron grip when she's not holding lover after lover!"
both of those are extremely concerning for how true they are.
WTF and move to the rrrright cornerrr
the Princess of Penetration
i was getting tired of her breaking disrupting the flow of fluff

Innnn the middle cornerrr...
but this genuinely made me chuckle
If this is a Hagomoro i am heavily advocating for putting them out of their misery and damn the consequences.
I doubt this is Ami or Mari, but the cliffhangers always get my paranoia to skyrocket
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I said how you deal with hidan not if it was a good idea.
But of curse i let the little text below my name speak for itself.
You know how everyone (me included) have been saying that we should FOOM on the Seventh Path? Well it turns out there's a few things we overlooked with that idea. For one, we forgot that our summoning clans exist. It would be really hard to hide mass shadow clone training from them, pretty much impossible over the long run. We'd be trying to hide something from the Boss inside their territory. Something that we would be doing literally every single day. FOOMing on the Seventh Path, in addition to cutting us off from Noburi and requring us to regularly spend at least three hours there, would come with major OPSEC risks.

It gets worse. We aren't even allowed to let our summons find out anything about Shadow Clone.
"There's a thing I could try," he said slowly. "It involves a highly classified secret of my village and I could get into a lot of trouble if I revealed it to anyone, including you guys. Would you be willing to back off a bit? It won't take long and I'm sure that Cangue and Canaut can keep you all safe for the few minutes that I'll need."
That pretty much sinks the whole thing. It might honestly be harder to hide our activies on the Seventh Path than it would be in the Human Path, given that we have to deal with a summon boss and we can't set up secure locations to practice. OPSEC breeches on the Seventh Path are a still major problems, especially since we made all of the Summoning Clans in Leaf interconnected.

As for using Kei's summons to help create the tunnels and underground facilites....
"Yes, I got that," Hazou said. "Thank you. Anyway, Arikada may not take the chance but it's better to offer it. While she's doing that, we should stash our own stuff that we want to keep secret from Leaf. Keiko, you said that the pangolins would keep things for us?"

She nodded. "Yes, although they will inspect them. In particular, although they didn't explicitly say so I would expect that any seals we send them will be duplicated."
Kei's summons will pass anything interesting they observe up the chain of command. This....complicates things. I'd rather not have anyone know about our meeting room (let alone our training facility). We might be best off using them for excavation and making sure the tunnels and chambers are stable and then having Akane be the one to set up the interior of each room. This would still tell them that we're building something secret beneath our compound, but that might be worth it depending on how hard it would be to tunnel without them and how much we can covertly learn about avoiding cave-ins.

Thoughts? I'm not entirely sure which way the cost-benefit swings.
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