Weird title

If he hears you he'll be here with the lupchanzen in no time flat!

"With Lord Hokage's permission, I was briefed by the head of ANBU on all techniques available to Leaf. It is, after all, one of my key responsibilities to have available whatever information you might need."

"How did you actually know?"

"Rock is attacking, sir! All along the western border!"
Oh. Third World War here we come
I'm precommitting my vote for the next EJ update towards anything sufficiently punchy/weighty (blah blah, standard disclaimer: don't be cruel to family, blah blah).
Top of my head, should probably get second opinions:
  1. Only create clones once within the chamber.
  2. If refills are needed, bring Noburi down at point of casting.
  3. A regular plausible morning routine for Kei to show up at the Goketsu estate. Like morning tea with family or something.
1 is already in my SOP. 2 I'll add. 3 is covered by Mari's "fun" cover stories for the base usage.

Anything else you think I should add? I think my most recent modifications covers your previous comments, too.
(This is my first ever plan. Yay!)
[X] FOOM OPSEC: There Is No Kill Like OVERKILL

Word Count: 294

As FOOM takes off, we must create a place for the Shadow Clones to train covertly, so people don't notice us making so many shadow clones.
  • Create entrance (and emergency exit) in secure areas of Gōketsu compound where clan members can be seen entering without suspicion
  • Tunnel deep underground. Twice as deep as suspected Byakugan range.
  • Set up secret sealing research facility per Kagome's specifications (use purifiers for air, dig using tunneling jutsu, etc.), have Kagome design and implement information security (have AB seals permanently active)
    • Primary purpose: cover for training facility
    • Secondary purpose: high-OPSEC/Byakugan-resistant area for meetings, storage of classified materials, seal-development, and Project Necromancy
  • Set up training facility (with hidden entrance) well below seal base
    • Specialized spaces for taijutsu, meditation, etc.
    • Design to FOOMers' specifications
    • Have emergency food/water etc.
  • Hazō implements and maintains Kagome security measures on lower section of base (but have Kagome make the seals)
  • Prioritize secrecy over size. Futureproof.
Standard Operating Procedure:
  • Any heavy SC training/refills must be done in underground facility
    • Give no reason to suspect mass SC training
    • Create mass SCs only inside facility, barring emergency
  • Treat Sealing Research Base as SECRET, but Training Facility as TOP SECRET
    • If you do not need to know about this, you do not know about this
  • Do not talk about either base unless under heavy OPSEC or in the facility itself
  • Mari, disguise base usage as something else. Have fun ;P
To Asuma
  • We are making a secret, underground seal research facility
  • We will be creating/selling/buying AB seals from Tower
  • This is a matter of clan secrets
Discuss with Mari and FOOM Clan Members before implementation.
I want to preemptively tell Asuma about the underground sealing facility for a few reasons.
  1. We're clearing the plan with Mari first, so it will only happen if Mari doesn't think it's a horrible idea.
  2. I have zero confidence in our ability to keep the Tower from learning about it in the mid to long term. Let's be real, the Tower is absolutely going to find out about this. I'd much rather let them know in advance than have them randomly discover another underground facility and freak out.
  3. Telling the cover story to the Tower does not endanger the secret to the rest of Leaf. Much like chakra detecting seals we gave the Tower earlier, we can 100% trust the Tower not to blab about our secrets that we shared for natsec. Not if we told them instead of them discovering them on their own, that is.
  4. The Tower is probably really touchy about underground bases post-Collapse. If we tell him in advance, we won't trigger any of the many underground defenses they have (almost definitely) set up post-Collapse. I can see this preventing a big scare sometime in the future.
  5. We don't have to worry about the Tower prying as long as we say it's for clan secrets. We keep the details extremely light and only say the few sentences written down.
  6. We need to stay in the good graces of the Tower and this is a good way to sucker up without actually giving away anything.
  7. It would be a really fun seen to write! (EJ says it's an 8/10, since he has to save room at the top for rez-ing Jman)
That said, I'm open to changing my mind if someone makes a good argument. I care about the general gist of my plan far more than I do this specific aspect, so I'm willing to compromise if a lot of people in the thread don't like this.
Made some slight modificiations per @huhYeahGoodPoint's and @Inferno Vulpix's suggestions.
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Ok, time politicing time is over time to inflic crictical existence faliure on our enemies, so we need imformation the battleground terrain, if they are fingthing on a montainside cause a land slide on their camps.

Does how fast we can militarize the skysliders, if we can modify a macerator to expel the comtents at high speed maybe molten scrap metal will be the best he can do in short order.

Also we need to have information the possible jounin from rock asap, sl.eone that can know us dow by being there can make thing go FUBAR realy fast om this selcenario.

And ...ugh we might need to teach naruto ghost scales.
Because 2 s ranker will be a problem, sure leaf habe 3 right now.
Talking about 3 maybe orochimaru can help with the chemical warfare side of things we probably have some poison we can use to kill human life, (the motivation is obvious, protec his stuff and bloodlime limits baragin sale)
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[X] FOOM OPSEC: There Is No Kill Like OVERKILL

On the topic of the war, I think we should focus on doing whatever we can to support. Hand over all the seals we can, make deals to get any summons we can on the front lines (since every summon popped is one less Leaf nin getting hit), and have Haru fueled up and ready for action.

We should load up all the PMYF seals we have with interesting loadouts so that ranged combat specialists have something other than boom to fall back on. Ideas:
  • Boulders. Momentum should transfer, and getting hit with a big rock instead of a knife hurts that much more.
  • Nets. For a debuff option.
  • Burning oil. Might be redundant with Youthenizers, but might be a way to light a zone on fire for a while, for longer term area denial.
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Sufice to say that while a good clifhanger we dont know enough about rock atack to realy make a wokable plan
I'm thinking we chain sealing failures all around their entire nation and try to push it into the Out.
Dope know we won't have to be discreet about getting the spider scroll and it will make Asuma super happy

Attacking some base in the north migth be a great idea or not matter for the actual war.

And it's actually a lot easier than that.

Depending on how the war actually goes we can just damand things from them. The great thing about winning a war with overhealming success means we can demand whatever we want. (I am being optimistic here because we are pretty good at large scale destruction):

"Hey whats in the base?"
"Just some sealing reseach, here"
"I don't believe you, gib scroll"

But if Rock is attacking fully knowing that we have Skywalkers, Tsunade, Orochimaru, Naruto, multiple summoners and a Nobby then they are probably very prepared. (Or very very desperate, but I doubt they would attack Leaf then).

Perhaps they have allied with Cloud.

Sure, could be other countries as well. Maybe they promised Sand a lot of things.

Or maybe Mist is backstabbing us.

And maybe Kumokogo was playing us all along and this was a Rock plot from the beginning.

As for planning, I would add sending Hazou either to Mist, Sand, Isan or some combat group (with Kagome if he doesn't go full combat). Because we have superior cummunication abilities to anyone.
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Reminder that this is the character who has all the necessary tools to be an absolute god at close and middle combat ranges but for some reason still hasn't mastered the skill of "how not to blow your own fingers off".

I've been flatly ignored for literal years. This is the absolute worst possible moment to start asking me for help.
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Also there had been another round of the nightmare highlights. The Sunset Racer exploding, a cascade of viscera and blood raining down around him, along with a dozen severed heads that stared at him. The world as it existed under Zabuza's aura: Demons tearing the skin and flesh from his body. The world as it existed under Orochimaru's aura: His body neatly separated, each part in its own neatly-labeled jar. The world as it existed b3h!nd ht3 |>a!|\|7 th.7 w4s th* w**ld loo|<ng @ the Gre*at S**L.

I'm beginning to realize why I find this story so sympathetic.

Okay, I'm still waking up and haven't even finished reading, much less processing the update, but since I was explicitly asked for assistance and I not one to turn down a plea for help, here's the deal. Narratives follow patterns. Comedy and tragedy. Yeah yeah yeah the real world doesn't always follow those rules, but the entire reason narratives exist as is a thing is that humans need structural assistance to make sense of the universe because they're ultimately just smart monkeys with brains optimized for figuring out which trees have fruit on them and there is no escaping that fact.

Here is what is going to happen. Akane and possibly Yuno are about to die and there is absolutely no chance that anybody can change that. It was foreshadowed. My attitude toward the subject has been been made previously clear, but the fact remains that it is going to emotionally wreck the MC during a critical moment of vulnerability while also smacking his next-most trusted relationship right as he has been alienated from everybody else he has ever trusted. There is literally a chance that he might ask a twenty ton giant spider for a hug.

What is coming up is going to absolutely suck and there is absolutely no chance of avoiding it. That's what crisis points are. That's what narratives exist to build up to. Sorry, but sometimes the uncaring universe sucks and there is just nothing you can do about it.
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Also, I have been very clear on my position on the whole "elect Lail to do our jobs for us" thing in the past. With power comes duty and responsibility and I already have plenty of that on my plate thank you very much. I don't want the gig. Adding "hypothetically" isn't going to fool the dice gods anymore than it does me. I'm literally the only one who routinely shows up here without casting votes and there are reasons.
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Well, good thing we just loaded everyone out with Seals and equipment... I have some thoughts I'll collect into a general post later.
To what extent would Kagome be comfortable doing general sealing work and sealing research in an underground facility built to his exact specifications and design? Is there anything he'd be perfectly fine doing? Is there anything that he feels wouldn't be safe no matter how he designs the facility?
Are you trying to deprive the QMs of getting to write Kagome running around shrieking for twenty minutes claiming that Hazou has been possessed by lupchanzen for suggesting such a thing as an underground seal research facility?
Rock attack: details
Additional information

At the start of the update, you can expect to receive the following news:

- Twelve chūnin and a jōnin had been lost to patrols over the last two weeks
- Messengers have just started coming in saying that Rock is taking out Leaf observation posts all along the border
- Estimates say 20-30 more ninja have been lost today, half of them chūnin, three of them Hyūga
Still not much to go on. Not even sure what strategic decisions or directions we can possibly take.

E: For all our impacts on the setting, it really feel like we don't have much tools to change the outcome of the war or protect family members.
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