There's a problem in assuming that sadness negate happiness, and vice versa and that it's better to kill a person who have more sad moment than happy moment, which somehow lead to the morally absurd theory that genocide is somehow good.
There's a problem in assuming that sadness negate happiness, and vice versa and that it's better to kill a person who have more sad moment than happy moment, which somehow lead to the morally absurd theory that genocide is somehow good.
Indeed. Among other reasons why killing people is bad, you cannot know what someone's lifetime happiness score will be until they die, so there's no way of knowing that they aren't going to recover from their current misery and end up with a positive Ti.
So there is a moral theory that goes.
Making a child born that ends up more happiness then sadness is not a morally good action, but morally neutral.
While making a child born that ends up more sadness then happiness is a morally bad action.
And there are many more beings in the future then the present
The conclusion of this ideology would be to genocide or sterilize all present sentient beings, to prevent the suffering of future beings.
In real life this isn't relevant because to achieve 100% success rate is hard. And if you miss a few % you have caused net suffering to current beings, without preventing future beings from being born.

But in ninja world the existence of eldritch beings makes this seem a possibility (also looking at dragon seal which could eat all the paths). Would true Uplift be to genocide/sterilize all sentients?

If we can advance society such that the chances that a newborn will end up sad is minuscule that can avoid the genocide. Sure it's still a bad thing since there's a chance they end up sad. but if you make the chance small enough it's only equivalently as bad as say a white lie. A trouble is if u include not only the chance they end up sad, but also there children and their descendents end up sad. even a very small chance will blow up. however, eldritch beings again might be able to make the chances actually miniscule enough.
also in ninja world there isn't population growth, but a population diminishing. so if the pop will go extinct eventually anyway, may have no need to hasten the process
I think if anyone ever really truly believed this instead of just saying it to be edgy, they'd wait until they were net happier than sad and immediately kill themselves.
Killing someone is an irreversible action. I strongly suggest that you figure out a better grounding for your premises before you start killing, or even advocating for killing. Until you have that grounding, your theory is invalid. (I also believe it to be unsound as I think the premises are false, both that's a separate issue.)
I assume the definition of valid you are using is. If the premise is right then the conclusions are right.
If so, then whether the premises have grounding is unrelated to whether the theory is valid. As you said, that is related to whether it is unsounded.

I think if anyone ever really truly believed this instead of just saying it to be edgy, they'd wait until they were net happier than sad and immediately kill themselves.
I don't see the connection with what you said and what you quoted
I assume the definition of valid you are using is. If the premise is right then the conclusions are right.
If so, then whether the premises have grounding is unrelated to whether the theory is valid. As you said, that is related to whether it is unsounded.
An argument is valid when it's expressed in proper syllogistic form, meaning a series of premises and a conclusion structured such that if the premises are true then the conclusion must be true. The requirement that the conclusion clearly follow from the premises is not strictly required but it's hard to have a valid argument where the connection between premises and conclusion is not clear.

An argument is sound if it is valid and all of its premises are true.

Your argument was structured like this:

Premise 1: Making a child born that ends up more happiness then sadness is not a morally good action, but morally neutral.

Premise 2: [M]aking a child born that ends up more sadness then happiness is a morally bad action.

Premise 3: [T]here are many more beings in the future then the present.

Conclusion: [We should] genocide or sterilize all present sentient beings, to prevent the suffering of future beings.

The argument is invalid because the conclusion does not clearly and necessarily follow from the premises. The argument is also unsound because all three premises are false as written.

(You're right that I misspoke when I said you needed grounding in order to make your argument valid. It is invalid but the fact that it's ungrounded is not why.)
(discussion on human utility)
(discussion on human utility)
I think the main mistake here is the assumption that happiness is what we should optimize for at all, as opposed to human flourishing. If it were so, the correct solution would be to tile the universe over with hedonium. Hedonium can't be unhappy, too, there'd be no reason not to go for it.

Human flourishing, on the other hand, is a much more complicated thing, and while it's not orthogonal to happiness, it's not as correlated with it as you might expect. To take a close example, wasn't there a whole thing about how Keiko's happiness score is usually below zero; that she as a person is defined by being miserable most of the time? And yet it still seems as though her continued existence is a good thing, even if she's sometimes an annoying interloper determined to undo good work.

And, inasmuch as it is possible to reason about ill-defined concepts, it also seems that there are more opportunities for human flourishing the more people there are.
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I think the main mistake here is the assumption that happiness is what we should optimize for at all, as opposed to human flourishing.
I'm not very familiar with the nuances of the term. But I wonder whether could just replace happiness with human flourishing in all the previous posts. Yes the specific thing that's being talked about would change, but would the impact to the overall argument change?
Alternatively, could replace happiness with something more obvious like. Would the beings wish they hadn't been born at time of death.

The argument is also unsound because all three premises are false as written.
For premise 1 and 2, are you confident they are false if you modify them with the corrections implied/stated in the conversation?
For premise 3 I'm not sure what you mean. Whether the "as written" is referring to a grammar mistake. Or if you mean the spirit of the premise is also wrong due to say the historical population trends in the elemental nations.
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For premise 1 and 2, are you confident they are false if you modify them with the corrections implied/stated in the conversation?
For premise 3 I'm not sure what you mean. Whether the "as written" is referring to a grammar mistake. Or if you mean the spirit of the premise is also wrong due to say the historical population trends in the elemental nations.
Yes, no, and yes, respectively. Specifically because it's not possible to predict with certainty that there will be more people in the future then there are now.
The biggest hang-up on my end (not the only one, but the one that I think really lies at the heart of all of this) is: why would you consider happiness/Ti​/human flourishing to be morally neutral? I know you've said that it's just a you-believe-it-or-you-don't instinct, but I just can't help but see it as nonsensical to conflate the average with the aggregate. That's just not how numbers work!

My best guess at this point is that it's derived from that defect of human cognition where we can't imagine large numbers after a point, and the one where we sort of abstract far-away people and things into statistics. Put those together and you might look out on the world and see all the people living lives of a given average happiness, and not feel 7 billion times as much appreciative of it as you would of one person being that happy. My best guess is that this instinct is when you look at that effect and decide it's not a defect but actually the bedrock of morality.

I dunno, maybe I'm way off base but that's the best spin I could put on something that seems so incorrect to me. But here's a neat heuristic that might be worth paying attention to: if you went out on the streets of the various countries of the world and asked a ton of people if they agreed with this idea and the imperative to painlessly exterminate humanity that derives from it, what percentage of them would say 'What? No, of course not! That's horrible!' or some variation thereof? It's not perfect evidence, of course, but any theory of morality has to either directly involve human preferences or explicitly reject their relevance, and if 99% of humanity viscerally opposes this idea it'll be a really hard sell to say that, no really, it's what they ought to want.
I precommit to vote for any plans this cycle (or if voting is closed, the following one) that are either made by or voted for by someone that participates in literally any form of conversational thread (as far as I can tell by reading the thread itself) that is closer to being on topic (with respect to the current goings-on of the story), productive (in a good faith sense), or interesting (use your best judgement of what I would consider to fit here going off of whatever mental model you have) than whatever this particular digression is going on about, after this post, until the chapter drops.

Ping me on here or in Discord.
So, how do you think we'll be able to get Snowflake and the rest of our existentially-weird family to be permanent, and not reliant solely upon the shadow clone jutsu?

Personally, I think that a seal that draws in ambient chakra and gives it to the person using it (a la chakdar on the chest) might be a step in the right direction. It'd help keep the reoccurring cost of the jutsu from getting in the way, and makes it more viable for Keiko to have them out.
So, how do you think we'll be able to get Snowflake and the rest of our existentially-weird family to be permanent, and not reliant solely upon the shadow clone jutsu?
Thats an interesting question.

As a theoretical best case, it would be great to get the Keiko Collective their own meatsacks or their own pile of cognitive resources where they can hang out independently of each other if one of them chooses.

Ideally we hack the Frozen Skein or kill Jashin or something and use the newly freed deific metaphysical mass as chakra compute to aid in accomplishing this epic task.

tl;dr "Do the evil plot from canon Naruto since it was unironically a great idea modulo everyone being kinda derpy" :p
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So, how do you think we'll be able to get Snowflake and the rest of our existentially-weird family to be permanent, and not reliant solely upon the shadow clone jutsu?

Personally, I think that a seal that draws in ambient chakra and gives it to the person using it (a la chakdar on the chest) might be a step in the right direction. It'd help keep the reoccurring cost of the jutsu from getting in the way, and makes it more viable for Keiko to have them out.

Ideally we hack the Frozen Skein or kill Jashin or something and use the newly freed deific metaphysical mass as chakra compute to aid in accomplishing this epic task.

Basically this. We're not talking necromancy level, but "make Snowflake permanent" is still an absurdly high difficulty level.
I precommit to vote for any plans this cycle (or if voting is closed, the following one) that are either made by or voted for by someone that participates in literally any form of conversational thread (as far as I can tell by reading the thread itself) that is closer to being on topic
So, how about that local sports team? Did you see the event last night where the player took the action that caused the number to increment?

[X] Hey, EJ, write whatever you want
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[X] Hey, EJ, write whatever you want
Yep, that works.

So, how about that local sports team? Did you see the event last night where the player took the action that caused the number to increment?
The South City Red Teams vs the North City Blue Teams? I thought it was a pretty good sportsball game.

I was sort of impressed at the mutual incrementation strategies implemented. Though, that one particular movement of the handeggorb by the Designated Mover that got through the opposing player from the Red Teams was pretty efficacious.

(insert passing quip alluding to the geographically-based incompetency of the Red Teams).

What? What-what did you say? I'm sorry, I don't --

Those words... is it possible to use them in a sentence like that?
So I think our immediate first goal once we are mostly back at full health is to grab the spider summoning scroll. Let's grab Haru and Kagome and have an adventure that will have us all grow closet
Speaking of on topic: Your sleep schedule, EJ.
Cari are you one to talk about this?
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So I think our immediate first goal once we are mostly back at full health is to grab the spider summoning scroll. Let's grab Haru and Kagome and have an adventure that will have us all grow closet
Asuma already committed resources to this for our sake so I'd rather focus energy on a second scroll until we know he's given up on it. My proposal is that we send a diplomatic medical expedition to Sand to develop/buy workable prosthetics via puppet tech, meanwhile nabbing the Otter Scroll
Asuma already committed resources to this for our sake so I'd rather focus energy on a second scroll until we know he's given up on it. My proposal is that we send a diplomatic medical expedition to Sand to develop/buy workable prosthetics via puppet tech, meanwhile nabbing the Otter Scroll
Either is fine in my opinion but def grabbing more scrolls should be a priority. Since more scrolls means more people who can help in the DRAGON War
Ooooh important question what scroll do we want to get for Ino? I'm pretty sure that's a good welcome to the polycule gift.
So I think our immediate first goal once we are mostly back at full health is to grab the spider summoning scroll. Let's grab Haru and Kagome and have an adventure that will have us all grow closet

Cari are you one to talk about this?

Asuma already sent a team of ninja to fìnd it, iirc.

"Fine. I'll put a team together and they'll leave in the morning. If you have recommendations, have them on my desk by midnight."

"Yes, sir."

Firesoul shook his head. "I used to watch Soulshaper(heart-keening/world-crumbled) do this job and he made it look so easy. Decades of peace talks, molding policy, keeping everything stable. Now I'm sending a group of Nightkillers into a foreign nation to steal a major strategic asset that we hope is there."

Ooooh important question what scroll do we want to get for Ino? I'm pretty sure that's a good welcome to the polycule gift.

If Akane doesn't murder us for that(And she won't because she is Akane), Ino will.