I think pretending like we never doubted Keiko will just piss her off.
Oh, my apologies. I misread that part as poor wording, when you were being specific. I agree with the sentiment, thanks for clarifying.

Re voting for the plan - maybe? I ought to be sleeping now, but I'll check in several hours later. If I like the plan I'll vote for it.

Re Yuno as a diplomat? I... have my doubts.
Depending on how the next update turns out, I think we should wait to tell Jiraiya until the village consents to opening diplomatic relations with Leaf. Yuno would make a horrible diplomatic liaison, but I do want to get her some social experiences outside of her village if we can swing it.
Re Yuno as a diplomat? I... have my doubts.
That's honestly part of the point. Tie her being diplomat to the marriage (somehow, can ask the team's thoughts on that?), and the Kannagi will undoubtedly decide against the marriage.

e: If we pulled that off, we'd win either way.
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I dread to think what kind of payment he was expecting from Keiko for his chakra in the first place.

Also, the English language badly needs synonyms for "summon". Have you seen those rules?
Summon (v): Apport, evoke, invoke, conjure, call, manifest, materialize
Summon (n): Ally, seventh-path entity, Outsider, (summon)ed being
Alright, so this has been circling my brain since the update. Some things don't feel quite right about it yet, but I think I have a theory behind the true history/purpose of this village.

I think that it is partially a plot by the Tapir Clan to make sure that no Summoner can ever form a contract with the Pangolins.

First of all, the fact that Tapirs are heavily utilized and pretty culturally significant here is, to say the least, extremely suspicious given that the Tapir Summons Clan are the sworn enemies of the Pangolins. That cannot possibly be a coincidence. It is possible they originally domesticated them just to enslave and punish the enemies that Akio likely knew about and then their usefulness and power became important and they started to be more revered, but I doubt it. Something like that would be heavily tied to their religious devotion to Akio, and it wouldn't have just shifted that far.

Now, let's look at the Elders, and their clans' duties.

"Azai Rindō is in charge of breeding and training the tapirs," Yoshida went on as if nothing had happened. "He is a determined isolationist who thinks our village is the only bastion of civilisation in a benighted world. He's never lost family for lack of medic-nin.

"Aida Rin serves as our religious leader, and thinks you six are a direct threat to our faith. She's not wrong, but compared to ignoring the outside world the way we've been doing, you're definitely the lesser evil.

"Takahashi Saburō, whose son you've met, is our ninjutsu master. He is passionate about his art, and I will sway him in time, as long as you do your damnedest not to look like a threat, such as by breaking the shoulders of children.

"Inoue Rika" – Inoue-sensei did not react – "is the lorekeeper. It is a revered position, with implications I wouldn't expect you to understand. She has the most influence on the council, and is the loudest voice against you.

"Finally, we have Azai Shūsuke. He is Rindō's cousin, and a complete waste of space. He will vote whichever way Rindō votes, and doesn't have a thought of his own otherwise."

So, we have two Azai's here, Rindo and his cousin Shusuke. They are in control of everything related to the tapirs, and Shusuke initially appeared to everyone, even the rest of the Council, that he was a total airhead who always voted with his cousin. But then...

Azai Rindō was the only one focused not on Kei but on the crowd behind him, watching for their reaction.

And as Kei's gaze swept over Azai Shūsuke, he returned it with eyes that weren't vacant at all, and gave her a beatific smile.

First off, Rindo isn't even looking at the prophesied Heir to Akio. He is more concerned with the precise reaction of the villagers and probably the other council members. Shusuke, on the other hand, seemed to show that he was much more intelligent than he pretended, and gave her a "beatific smile" which google says means "blissfully happy". When I read that, my first thought was that this guy hides behind a fake smile, is a secret mastermind, he knows a lot more than he lets on, and he's just really dangerous to us right now. That line really did scare me, and if the Azai's are a secret splinter group, taking orders from the Tapir clan, explicitly working to make sure that no one touches the Pangolin Contract, then we are in huge trouble. Especially considering we were just assaulted with a veritable army of tapirs that had to have come from them. We probably cannot survive another attack like the one last night.

So yeah, get the fuck away from the Azai's. Takahashi's unknown payment to them for their votes now makes me nervous.
We should consider taking shelter with Takahashi or Yoshida until our team is healed up sufficiently to leave in that case, @ChronOblivion

e: The more I think about it, the more I just want to take like, a one month long break from this village. Take 3 days to recover sufficiently that a single hit won't off Mari and make it clear to our allies in the village that we will/may be coming back, make our excuses to the Kannagi regarding our leaving, and get out. We can do research, training, and familiarize ourselves with the pangolin.
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Jashin this got long, I'm so sorry :cry:
(Still probably too long, my eternal apologies to our magnanimous and glorious QMs @eaglejarl )
Ideas stolen liberally from @Muer'ci , @1234qwerty, @Traiden, @Twofold, @MadScientist
Thanks @Cariyaga for the idea about bloodline limits in general being fubar

Criticisms and corrections welcome!

[X] Action Plan: We're on a Mission From God
We need to try and make the best of the upheaval happening in the VHitMo right now, whether that means leveraging it for political benefit if possible, or just getting our people out intact if not.

We should try to get all the discussion done ASAP, including with Takahashi if possilble, and then actually start implementing whichever plan we have selected. We need to act fast to make the most of the chaos + new authority. It's 7am now - we should see if we can get started actually performing a solid plan by the end of the day, whether that's heading out of the village with an honor guard under henge (probably the shortest timescale that's reasonably secure) or having Inoue + Aida punished and fortifying our base to heal up in full.
  • Hazou and Akane set up as thorough defenses as they can in the time during Keiko's trial - trapping the corridor, setting up and marking a proto-killzone, etc. Nobby is on medic duty for himself and Mari in case we need to move.
  • During the interim of the trial, the four party members present in the cave discuss:
    • Leaving as soon as feasible vs waiting for recovery
      • If we leave immediately, our injuries + the absurd mobility and probable tracking abilities of the villagers means we need to leave with their blessing. Some possibilities, which may need to be coordinated with Takahashi:
        • APPARENTLY EVERYONE heard Pandaa's announcement. Will they just let us go?
        • Set up some public theatrics: a speech by Kei which Inoue should help draft, highlighting her success, the support that our party gave, and our great commission from the holy animals. This stunt could potentially be pulled on the way back from meeting with Takahashi, or on our departure if people are being obstructive
        • Check how viable an honor guard away from the village would be (staffed by non-antagonist clans)
  • Waiting for recovery means we have to make sure we don't get attacked again in our weakened state, and/or mitigating the impact of such an attack
    • Can we get larger guard contingent from progressive clans while we recuperate?
    • Can we get temporary access to a pangolin healer?
  • Discuss either way
    • See 'Dealing with Yuno'
    • Moving back to nearby fort to make being buried alive more difficult? May be more important if staying to recover
    • To shut down the isolationist clans, can we combine public theatrics with pushing for Inoue and Aida to be punished for their assault on our base? This is also probably more important if staying to recover, but could be useful in any situation where we want to return eventually
    • Discuss meeting Takahashi to coordinate efforts to leave
      • Ideally, we should get as much religion info to avoid totally screwing up Keiko's new position
      • If Takahashi is willing to have us eventually return, establish secure codes with him to be used at a dead-drop we can , including versions to be given up under duress in case of a coup
      • Potentially offer to put the village in contact with an official we trust from the current largest power on the mainland (OOC I can't recall whether Kei mentioned Jiraya specifically when she was interrogated - if so just say it's him).
  • When Keiko and Kagome return
    • Congratulate Keiko, especially from Inoue-sensei
    • Listen to her story, check what supplies Keiko still has, start healing her up
      • Discuss wtf is up with Azai and whether to avoid him
    • Get both of their input on the above questions
    • Choose a destination for when we leave (fort by the beach?)
    • If Keiko is willing, meet Pandaa - be very respectful to him, and deferent to Kei
      • Questions for Pandaa! The cultural chasm between us and the Hill Bilies was a constant thorn in our side, let's not allow a repeat to occur with the Pangolin Clan.
        • What was the issue with the Mori bloodline? Is this an issue with bloodlines in general?
        • Inform Pandaa about village tapirs, ask about history there and history of Ui
        • What are other faux pas to avoid? Ask Pandaa to explain this to us as if we are unintelligent, socially isolated toddlers.
        • What elements and techniques are the pangolins particularly specialized in? In particular, can we learn sensory, medical, and earth-style jutsu from them? Do they miraculously know hiding in the mist?
          • If earth is their specialty and we can depend on their tunneling capacity, we can keep using the cave with fewer security concerns re: being buried alive
        • Can the pangolins get a message to Jiraiya via the toads? Don't send anything yet, since we don't know whether we want to give up any info without more discussion, but set up an information-based dead man's hand with Pandaa so that the village's location will be revealed to the Jiraya if we get killed. This can also be used as leverage against uncooperative elders if needed.
  • Dealing with Yuno
    • Emphasize that we are definitely leaving. After all...
  • Discuss among the team, and Takahashi if we manage to talk to him, whether Kannagi is likely to break off the marriage of his own accord. Since he may not relent on getting a member of the summoner's party into his own clan, discuss...
    • Saying we need a longer courtship and begging off long enough to leave; can then just never come back, if willing to burn bridges
    • Bringing Yuno with us as some kind of official delegate from the village and/or as part of continued courtship, which tempts Kannagi with a bit of prestige and lets him get rid of his clan's cursed child
      • If we expect objections to choosing Yuno as the official delegate, prepare a response leveraging Keiko's authority. Ideally this would be cross-referenced with new info on religion from Takahashi
    • Noburi, backed up by the other team members, explains the full situation around the marriage. Reassure her that Nobby and other team members like her and want her to be happy, but cannot stay for Divine Mandate reasons, and offer to take her with us as above. She can also stay here, obvs.
      • She should be made aware that as missing nin, there will be people hunting us - it will be even harder than normal ninja life
      • If the team thinks the investment of time would be worth it, mention that she doesn't have to stay with us indefinitely: we can educate her on the state of the world and then let her make her own way
      • In the case of a bad reaction, prefer nonlethal takedowns and have most prep for departure done ahead of this meeting
    • If Kannagi tries to insist on a marriage, or on Noburi staying until courtship is done, can Pandaa+Kei step in and insinuate he's a traitor for going against the pangolins' wishes?
  • To avoid awkwardness with chaperones, either obtain a meeting with Kannagi directly or discuss the issue in the presence of minders with tact
Stay together as much as possible
Once everyone's back, keep a 2-man watch; 1-man rotating watch during meeting so we can all participate more.
If someone tries to kill us again, set phasers to kill while getting the hell out
Restock as many explosives and traps as is feasible
Consume rations from our own stores


I agree with @HyperCatnip, we need to focus on getting out with our selves (and ideally our diplomatic relations) intact rather than training. Wrt buying up summoning 3, we could do it now, but I expect it is best to wait and train Kei's diplomacy before trying to get more summons. At most grab one pact with a combat medic pangolin to help us survive our egress from the VHitMo

[X] Training Hazou: Nope
[X] Training Keiko: Nope
[X] Training Noburi: Nope
[X] Training Akane: Nope

E: Some weird formatting up there I'm not sure how to get rid of :V
E2: Compressed and clarified portions of the plan, thanks @Cariyaga and @Traiden
E3: I fail at reading comprehension, everyone heard Pandaa's announcement the first time. Removed references to repeating it.
E4: Edits to deal with Kannagi minders​
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@eaglejarl, @Velorien, @Jackercracks: is our old fortification in town still covered with seals? How strong would Kagome or Inoue rate that fortification relative to our cave, both pre-tapir and current?

If those defenses are fine, we should just hole up there.
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[X] Action Plan: We're on a Mission From God

If we could also add a personal message from our group to Jiraiya to be sent via the Summon Realm that would be perfect.
@Traiden IMO we can wait to send a detailed/personalized message sent when we're secure and can talk more about what to do. For now it seems more important just to check that we can send one, and to guarantee Jiraya learns of the village if they betray us.
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[X] Action Plan: We're on a Mission from God

@OliWhail I'm sure that @eaglejarl can forgive it this time given your newly involved status on this side of the quest, but in general we aim to minimize the size of our plans for their sake. He also gives bonus XP for smaller plans. Contingencies are the exception: neither of the QMs minds an extensive list of them because they show planning and foresight on our part without requiring their viewing an exceptionally long document for our plans.

However, I do like this plan regardless, and given it's your first time making one, it is exceptionally depthful, that aside! Great job on it!
[X] Action Plan: We're on a Mission from God

@OliWhail I'm sure that @eaglejarl can forgive it this time given your newly involved status on this side of the quest, but in general we aim to minimize the size of our plans for their sake. He also gives bonus XP for smaller plans. Contingencies are the exception: neither of the QMs minds an extensive list of them because they show planning and foresight on our part without requiring their viewing an exceptionally long document for our plans.

However, I do like this plan regardless, and given it's your first time making one, it is exceptionally depthful, that aside! Great job on it!

I know, and I was sincere about the apology at the top :(

I may go through again later and aim to compress things down, but the situation our poor PCs are in is... not simple :>
Voting is open for another ~13 hours.

CounterBot by eaglejarl, version 1.4

Plan name: Training Keiko: Accio Pangolin w/o assistance

Voters: @1234qwerty, @Citrus, @Dictator4Hire, @faflec, @MadScientist, @Muer'ci, @Traiden
Num votes: 7

Plan name: Plan All the Plans
Voters: @Cariyaga, @faflec, @Muer'ci, @Twofold
Num votes: 4

Plan name: Training Hazou: Dozen Seals
Voters: @1234qwerty, @faflec, @MadScientist, @Muer'ci
Num votes: 4

Plan name: Ripping Off The Plaster
Voters: @HyperCatnip, @Killer_Whale, @MadScientist
Num votes: 3

Plan name: Training Akane: Foot Out of Mouth
Voters: @1234qwerty, @MadScientist, @Muer'ci
Num votes: 3

Plan name: Training Akane: Nope
Voters: @HyperCatnip, @OliWhail, @Twofold
Num votes: 3

Plan name: Training Hazou: Nope
Voters: @HyperCatnip, @OliWhail, @Twofold
Num votes: 3

Plan name: Training Keiko: Nope
Voters: @HyperCatnip, @OliWhail, @Twofold
Num votes: 3

Plan name: Training Noburi: Nope
Voters: @HyperCatnip, @OliWhail, @Twofold
Num votes: 3

Plan name: We're on a Mission From God
Voters: @Cariyaga, @OliWhail, @Traiden
Num votes: 3

Plan name: Training Noburi: Chakra Flood
Voters: @faflec, @MadScientist
Num votes: 2

Plan name: Training Noburi: Whip It Up
Voters: @1234qwerty, @Muer'ci
Num votes: 2

Plan name: Reseach Hazou: PMYF (if we have relocated to our fortress away from Hidden Mountain)
Voters: @MadScientist
Num votes: 1

Plan name: Research Hazou: Hedgehog Scroll
Voters: @HoratioVonBecker
Num votes: 1

Plan name: Training Hazou: Down to Earth
Voters: @Muer'ci
Num votes: 1

Number of voters: 13
[X] Action Plan: We're on a Mission from God

[X] Plan: Marching Out
This is basically @OliWhail 's distilled plan except we leave right away. The more time we stick around, the more time the villagers have to get over their shock and start plotting.

As we have been "commanded" to leave this place by the village's sacred animal, we really shouldn't delay in our departure. As soon our team is together:
  • Have Nobby give Keiko some medic healing while we invite Keiko to tell her story of what happened.
    • Everyone congratulate Keiko, she's done good.
  • Discuss the rest of the plan with the team.
  • Summon Pandā to meet the team. (In the cave so the villagers don't overhear details of our conversation)
  • Explain the situation to Pandā, explain that we need his help leaving as soon as possible.
    • The village keeps tapirs, the summons sworn enemies.
    • The village kept the scroll, but are so incompetent that they couldn't use it for 200 years.
    • We need his creed to get out of here, as we don't think they will let us leave otherwise.
  • After this conversion, those of us who are injured henge into healthy forms, we all walk out of the cave and state to our guards that the Pangolins have commanded that we leave very soon.
    • If people press us on where we are going and what we are doing. State that we are going retrieve some secret lost artifact that the Pangolin intel has recently turned up or something.
      • The team can combine their knowledge of the village with Pandā's knowledge of the Pangolin's beforehand to come up with something plausible.
  • If people try to stop us, say we have time for one quick party before we go.
    • People are welcome to give Pandā (and the Pangolins in general) gifts, in an effort to win our/their favor.
    • Make sure that the food is buffet style/unseal up to half of our rations as a donation to the party in an effort to make sure we don't get poisoned.
  • Have Pandā announce that we have been discussing Yuno, she sounds like a fine warrior and she has permission to accompany us if she so desires.
    • Actually prime him with a quick description of her and her skills, just in case they start asking about her.
    • We aren't waiting for her here though, she is a ninja, catching up should be no problem.
      • If people object to us leaving, state that we can come back and marry later, but we have to obey the Pangolins command to leave now.
  • It's very important that we leave right away, the Pangolins have been waiting for so long after all. Then start heading out like it's the perfectly natural thing to do, after all:

  • Travel at standard henged-injured ninja speeds, roughly in the direction of the nearest ocean. (I think we are only an hour or two away??)
  • Make a crude wooden raft and paddle in sight of the shore for a few km. Maybe use Nobby's waterwhip as a motor engine? Alternatively, Keiko can try to buy a boat from the summon realm, and then carry it for a few seconds using boosted ninja strength while she is unsummoned back.
  • Find somewhere inconspicuous, and fort up and continue healing.
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Comments on plans and etc:

Retrap the corridor leading to cave proper with fresh tags,

The traps are already there, so you don't need to worry about this.

The village keeps Pangolins, the summons sworn enemies.

I think you mean tapirs.

E: Some weird formatting up there I'm not sure how to get rid of :V

Click the 'Use BBCode Editor' button at top right. It looks like a recycling symbol, and it's to the left of the 'go full screen' button. In there you can sort out where you've ended up with an extra [list][/list] tag; delete it and you're good.

General comment: I see that I'm going to be writing a "and then the party sat and talked to each other" update. Joy. :/

It's definitely time to have Jiraiya appear acting very excited and order you to go assault the capital of Tea immediately because he's just discovered that a giant pile of maguffinite is being transhipped and it's vital that you capture it at all costs.
Jashin this got long, I'm so sorry :cry:
(Still probably too long, my eternal apologies to our magnanimous and glorious QMs @eaglejarl )
Ideas stolen liberally from @Muer'ci , @1234qwerty, @Traiden, @Twofold, @MadScientist
Thanks @Cariyaga for the idea about bloodline limits in general being fubar

Criticisms and corrections welcome!

[X] Action Plan: We're on a Mission From God
We need to try and make the best of the upheaval happening in the VHitMo right now, whether that means leveraging it for political benefit if possible, or just getting our people out intact if not.

We should try to get all the discussion done ASAP, including with Takahashi if possilble, and then actually start implementing whichever plan we have selected. We need to act fast to make the most of the chaos + new authority. It's 7am now - we should see if we can get started actually performing a solid plan by the end of the day, whether that's heading out of the village with an honor guard under henge (probably the shortest timescale that's reasonably secure) or having Inoue + Aida punished and fortifying our base to heal up in full.
  • Hazou and Akane set up as thorough defenses as they can in the time during Keiko's trial - trapping the corridor, setting up and marking a proto-killzone, etc. Nobby is on medic duty for himself and Mari in case we need to move.
  • During the interim of the trial, the four party members present in the cave discuss:
    • Leaving as soon as feasible vs waiting for recovery
      • If we leave immediately, our injuries + the absurd mobility and probable tracking abilities of the villagers means we need to leave with their blessing. Some possibilities, which may need to be coordinated with Takahashi:
        • The elders heard Pandaa's announcement. Will they just let us go?
        • Make sure non-elders know we have been commanded to go out into the wider world. Set up some public theatrics and have Pandaa repeat his announcement, accompanied by a speech by Kei which Inoue should help draft, highlighting her success, the support that our party gave, and our great commission from the holy animals. This stunt could potentially be pulled on the way back from meeting with Takahashi.
        • Check how viable an honor guard away from the village would be (staffed by non-antagonist clans)
  • Waiting for recovery means we have to make sure we don't get attacked again in our weakened state, and/or mitigating the impact of such an attack
    • Can we get larger guard contingent from progressive clans while we recuperate?
    • Can we get temporary access to a pangolin healer?
  • Discuss either way
    • See 'Dealing with Yuno'
    • Moving back to nearby fort to make being buried alive more difficult? May be more important if staying to recover
    • To shut down the isolationist clans, can we combine public theatrics with pushing for Inoue and Aida to be punished for their assault on our base? This is also probably more important if staying to recover, but could be useful in any situation where we want to return eventually
    • Discuss meeting Takahashi to coordinate efforts to leave
      • Ideally, we should get as much religion info to avoid totally screwing up Keiko's new position
      • If Takahashi is willing to have us eventually return, establish secure codes with him to be used at a dead-drop we can , including versions to be given up under duress in case of a coup
      • Potentially offer to put the village in contact with an official we trust from the current largest power on the mainland (OOC I can't recall whether Kei mentioned Jiraya specifically when she was interrogated - if so just say it's him).
  • When Keiko and Kagome return
    • Congratulate Keiko, especially from Inoue-sensei
    • Listen to her story, check what supplies Keiko still has, start healing her up
      • Discuss wtf is up with Azai and whether to avoid him
    • Get both of their input on the above questions
    • Choose a destination for when we leave (fort by the beach?)
    • If Keiko is willing, meet Pandaa - be very respectful to him, and deferent to Kei
      • Questions for Pandaa! The cultural chasm between us and the Hill Bilies was a constant thorn in our side, let's not allow a repeat to occur with the Pangolin Clan.
        • What was the issue with the Mori bloodline? Is this an issue with bloodlines in general?
        • Inform Pandaa about village tapirs, ask about history there and history of Ui
        • What are other faux pas to avoid? Ask Pandaa to explain this to us as if we are unintelligent, socially isolated toddlers.
        • What elements and techniques are the pangolins particularly specialized in? In particular, can we learn sensory, medical, and earth-style jutsu from them? Do they miraculously know hiding in the mist?
          • If earth is their specialty and we can depend on their tunneling capacity, we can keep using the cave with fewer security concerns re: being buried alive
        • Are Pandaa/Kei willing to participate in the publicity stunt discussed earlier? If not a big one, at least show off in front of those guarding us?
        • Can the pangolins get a message to Jiraiya via the toads? Don't send anything yet, since we don't know whether we want to give up any info without more discussion, but set up an information-based dead man's hand with Pandaa so that the village's location will be revealed to the Jiraya if we get killed. This can also be used as leverage against uncooperative elders if needed.
  • Dealing with Yuno
    • Emphasize that we are definitely leaving. After all...

    • Discuss among the team, and Takahashi if we manage to talk to him, whether Kannagi is likely to break off the marriage of his own accord. Since he may not relent on getting a member of the summoner's party into his own clan, discuss...
      • Saying we need a longer courtship and begging off long enough to leave; can then just never come back, if willing to burn bridges
      • Bringing Yuno with us as some kind of official delegate from the village and/or as part of continued courtship, which tempts Kannagi with a bit of prestige and lets him get rid of his clan's cursed child
        • If we expect objections to choosing Yuno as the official delegate, prepare a response leveraging Keiko's authority. Ideally this would be cross-referenced with new info on religion from Takahashi
      • Noburi, backed up by the other team members, explains the full situation around the marriage. Reassure her that Nobby and other team members like her and want her to be happy, but cannot stay for Divine Mandate reasons, and offer to take her with us as above. She can also stay here, obvs.
        • She should be made aware that as missing nin, there will be people hunting us - it will be even harder than normal ninja life
        • If the team thinks the investment of time would be worth it, mention that she doesn't have to stay with us indefinitely: we can educate her on the state of the world and then let her make her own way
        • In the case of a bad reaction, prefer nonlethal takedowns and have most prep for departure done ahead of this meeting
      • If Kannagi tries to insist on a marriage, or on Noburi staying until courtship is done, can Pandaa+Kei step in and insinuate he's a traitor for going against the pangolins' wishes?
Stay together as much as possible
Once everyone's back, keep a 2-man watch; 1-man rotating watch during meeting so we can all participate more.
If someone tries to kill us again, set phasers to kill while getting the hell out
Restock as many explosives and traps as is feasible
Consume rations from our own stores


I agree with @HyperCatnip, we need to focus on getting out with our selves (and ideally our diplomatic relations) intact rather than training. Wrt buying up summoning 3, we could do it now, but I expect it is best to wait and train Kei's diplomacy before trying to get more summons. At most grab one pact with a combat medic pangolin to help us survive our egress from the VHitMo

[X] Training Hazou: Nope
[X] Training Keiko: Nope
[X] Training Noburi: Nope
[X] Training Akane: Nope

E: Some weird formatting up there I'm not sure how to get rid of :V
E2: Compressed and clarified portions of the plan, thanks @Cariyaga and @Traiden

Updated plan. Mostly just making it a tad bit shorter and clearer.

The village keeps Pangolins, the summons sworn enemies.

Tapirs :p
E: :ninja: 'd
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General comment: I see that I'm going to be writing a "and then the party sat and talked to each other" update. Joy. :/

It's definitely time to have Jiraiya appear acting very excited and order you to go assault the capital of Tea immediately because he's just discovered that a giant pile of maguffinite is being transhipped and it's vital that you capture it at all costs.
Hahah, sorry. If it makes you feel any better, you can consider that we're doing this because we care about our teammate's opinions, not solely what is optimal. Soon enough we'll be out of this political black hole, don't worry! :D
I do genuinely apologize for including so much talking in my plan, @eaglejarl. I did move that paragraph telling the PCs to shut up and get on to the action to the top of the plan, if that helps :cry:
Updated plan. Mostly just making it a tad bit shorter and clearer.


Tapirs :p
E: :ninja: 'd
Notes in no particular order: We have a fortress near the beach that we can hole up in rather than making a raft or whatever. Given the chance, I'd rather wait in the village at least 3 days so that Inoue is sufficiently healed that a stiff breeze wouldn't kill her.
I'm not the one with a raft in my plan, talk to @Sigil :whistle:

My vote would also be to recover at least minimally - we'll see what ends up being most feasible I guess?
Omake: "Move it Along," said the QMs
Sunday's update, delivered Friday night:

"Keiko, you're back!" said everyone as their missing teammate walked into the cave, Kagome trailing behind her.

"Yes," Keiko said.

"Nobody missed me, I see," Kagome grumbled.

"We love you, Kagome!" Akane said, tacklehugging him. The paranoid sealmaster seemed surprised but not displeased.

"So, Keiko, you got the summons! Congratulations!" Hazou said.

"Thank you," Keiko said.

"Will you introduce us to your summon?" Noburi asked.

"Sure," Keiko said. She bit her thumb until it bled and slammed it on the ground. "Pandaa! I choose you!"

Poof! "Hi everyone!" Pandaa said. "I'm so excited to meet so many humans!"

"Hi, Pandaa," everyone said. "So nice to meet you too! Would you like to join us for dinner and tell us all about the Summon Realm?"

"Sure!" Pandaa said. "Do you have ants? Or maybe termites?"

"Um...no," Noburi said. "Sorry. I made miso soup."

"Oh," Pandaa said, looking disappointed. "That's fine too, I guess."

Noburi handed him a bowl. The pangolin experimented to find the best way to consume it and discovered that scooping it up on the back of his tongue worked, more or less. "So," Noburi said. "Tell us about the Summon Realm."

"No," Pandaa said. "I can't do that, I'm afraid. My inner voice is telling me that doing so would be way too much effort. Something about 'worldbuilding is tiring' or somesuch. I have no choice but to obey that voice."

"Rats!" said everyone.

"Can you help us leave the village?" Hazou asked.

"I already ordered you to in front of literally the entire village," Pandaa said. "What's the problem?"

"Oh," said everyone. "I guess there's not a problem. Okay, we'll leave right after breakfast."

Breakfast was delicious. Then everyone henged into a healthy form and went outside to find a large fraction of the village lingering around, Yuno among them.

"Yuno, may I speak to you?" Noburi said. "Privately?"

"Absolutely!" Yuno said, going aside with him.

"Yuno, I'm sorry to say this, but our marriage was never intended to be real," Noburi said. "It was a political ploy on the part of your father."

Yuno's face crumpled. "Oh," she said in a tiny voice.

"I really do like you," Noburi hurred to say. "I don't feel ready for marriage but...would you like to come with us? We're leaving in a few minutes. You could come too. Leave this village that hates you behind and see the world outside."

Yuno blinked. "Oh my," she said. "Ummm...."

Twenty minutes later, the group all henged back into healthy forms and ran the several hours back to their original fort on the coast, where they unhenged and Inoue-sensei went to lie down so that she could heal.

Three weeks went by. The weather was beautiful. Nothing bad happened. Everyone was fully healed. Kagome and Hazou had been busy little bees with the seal-making and the party was now up to a nice reasonable total of five thousand implosion or explosive seals, and a few dozen seals of Force Wall and Five Seal Barrier. They were out of paper or they would have made more. The fort was reinforced enough that Kagome was able to sleep at night and the rest of the party was really sick of having to walk through a thousand traps every time they needed to pee.

At the end of those three weeks it was a lovely day. Everyone was very happy, completely healed, and itching to do something interesting.

You have earned 0 XP.

What now? Voting ends Wednesday June 29 at 12pm London time.

Your vote must include not only what you do next, but also the answer to the question 'Did Yuno come with us?' Note that your answer may be overridden after the GMs confer on whether we are willing to add yet another character to the group.
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