Purely Curious. What would entail if Armageddon Initiative had won there?
@eaglejarl and I would have done our best to honour @MadScientist's original intent, modified by the fact that no details were provided and therefore we could pretty much write whatever we liked as long as it fit the general theme.
I sure hope that you don't consider any training plan to happen entirely within the update, since we've been saving XP for ages and it should've happened retroactively like it usually does. If we waited until after she finished training, then all that training would've still been considered to happen retroactively and nothing would've changed. I've never considered our training to interact with the story too much, especially in cases where they are busy with the Summoning Training Of Dubious XP Cost, and using any backlogged XP that she is still earning despite her Summons training shouldn't give us huge story penalties.
Actually, I assumed you were quite sensibly choosing to bank Keiko's XP for Summoning since you didn't know how much it would cost and she was already devoting her training time to it.

Training interacts with the story plenty; it's just that showing a zillion training scenes would get repetitive fast. That's why you can spend XP when you have time to train, and not at times when you don't. You should not assume retroactive training.
I figured any subpar yet detailed plan would be better than choosing to commit any number of war crimes.[...]

Can we not joke-vote anymore guys?

Couldn't have been war crimes, on account of y'all ain't at war. Crimes against humanity, I think would have been the term.

Also, I don't think they were joking.

[I note that I've been rereading The Horseshoe Nail series and, as always happens when I've been reading really good Firefly fic, it has effected my speech patterns. The above came out rather more Rimworld than my usual.]
@eaglejarl and I would have done our best to honour @MadScientist's original intent, modified by the fact that no details were provided and therefore we could pretty much write whatever we liked as long as it fit the general theme.
Actually, I assumed you were quite sensibly choosing to bank Keiko's XP for Summoning since you didn't know how much it would cost and she was already devoting her training time to it.

Training interacts with the story plenty; it's just that showing a zillion training scenes would get repetitive fast. That's why you can spend XP when you have time to train, and not at times when you don't. You should not assume retroactive training.
Augh, I need to make note to get plenty of sleep for Fridays and Tuesdays so I don't just pass out and wake up right after voting closes so I can actually express myself coherently to the other players. I knew this was a bad idea, but I just... didn't say anything. :(
[I note that I've been rereading The Horseshoe Nail series and, as always happens when I've been reading really good Firefly fic, it has effected my speech patterns. The above came out rather more Rimworld than my usual.]

Ya mean t' tell me you ain't actually from the South? Ya just put on airs and pretended t' be? I reckon ya ain't never even tasted real Southern sweet iced before.

Darn Yankees and their owl emo-ti-cons. What's the world comin' t' that a good ole country boy can't even trust another's drawl enough to judge 'em on its authenticity.

( /s)
Ya mean t' tell me you ain't actually from the South? Ya just put on airs and pretended t' be? I reckon ya ain't never even tasted real Southern sweet iced before.

Darn Yankees and their owl emo-ti-cons. What's the world comin' t' that a good ole country boy can't even trust another's drawl enough to judge 'em on its authenticity.

( /s)

Mostly I use "y'all" because it's a good word. English is a fine language, but it's dumb about second person. I never have managed to get a grip on the difference between "y'all" and "all y'all", though.
Mostly I use "y'all" because it's a good word. English is a fine language, but it's dumb about second person. I never have managed to get a grip on the difference between "y'all" and "all y'all", though.

In some states the difference boils down to the size of the group being addressed: "Y'all" refers to smaller groups whereas "All y'all" refers to larger ones. Sometimes the cut off point can be as few as three people. In other places, "All y'all" essentially means "everyone" as an address, like "Hey, you" is to a single person.

For the most part, there is no agreed upon definition since snotty English teachers consider "y'all" and its derivatives to be improper English. Consequently, every place one hears "y'all" and "all y'all" spoken frequently will have its own interpretations based on the most popular usage which can vary from generation to generation. It really boils down to what feels right and people will generally understand what one is trying to say.
Someday, someone's going to joke vote "Be Orochimaru" and it's going to win. I think I have discovered the source of all the Orochimarus in this quest.
Well if the meme of being Orochimaru is strong enough to jump quests, would that not show its strength. If such a thing happens we might just have to do a cross over with that quest and the immortality of Orochimaru(Or at least his ethics and thought patterns) will be assured.
"No Hazou, you are Orochimaru"
..and then Hazou was a NPC

- NARUTO: Repercussions of Evil, excerpt

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Purely Curious. What would entail if Armageddon Initiative had won there?
@eaglejarl and I would have done our best to honour @MadScientist's original intent, modified by the fact that no details were provided and therefore we could pretty much write whatever we liked as long as it fit the general theme.
Omake please?

Inoue stood, panting, on the edge of the immense crater. "Wow," she said. "That was a lot of explosive tags."

"Yep," Kagome said. He paused. "Pity the rest of the team died, though," he said mournfully.
You know, I just realized that we've never done a stealth mission. Sneak in to place X, steal object Y, get out.

We should do that sometime.
We could gather information with our stealth. Our XP is only a fraction of our potential when we could be out in the world gathering Intel on those directly opposed to our very existence. Knowledge applied correctly equals power. And it would be a good way of earning XP and increase our survivability in the world if we did that. And who do we know that has a very good spy Network that we could possibly attach ourselves to. Someone we could possibly call on for backup if we should need it. Never let it go.:V
Omake: Strength Training
Look, we've gotta optimize for XP gain. If that involves sitting on our asses in town while the villagers plot to poison us, so be it.
It never ceases to amuse me that military battle wizards can earn the XP points needed for their offensive magic simply by interacting with a bunch of semi-hostile religious technologically-stunted isolationists. Talking with stubborn, conniving people who want you dead helps make you stronger.

Random evil-doer: "Impossible! How did all y'all become S-rank without alerting any of the Hidden Village spy networks?!? I had informants in all of them!"

Us: "We pitted our wits against a village no one knew existed."

Random evil-doer: *gasps* "You found Uzushiogakure?!?"

Us: "Pssh, I wish. No, we found some religious fanatics guarding a summoning scroll."

Random evil-doer: "So you learned secret techniques from the summoning animals?"

Us: "Nope."

Random evil-doer: "The villagers taught you secret techniques?"

Us: "Not really, we had to convince the villagers to accept us as "worthy" before they would even willingly let us stick around."

Random evil-doer: "What does that have to do with anything?"

Us: "You ever try to convince a bunch of crazy people to give up their most prized possession and accept you as their leader without violent conquest?"

Random evil-doer: "Of course not; that's a fool's errand."

Us: "Well we did and we succeeded."

Random evil-doer: *splutters incoherently* "S-so? How did that make you this strong?"

Us: "It turns out that the most optimal path to enlightenment involves persistence, willfully ignoring strangers' discomfort at your presence, engaging in and completing near-Sisyphean tasks, research, and training. Loads of training."
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