Thats a fix until they're 10-17ish and have all sorts of nonsense problems that need fixing and their educations need supplementing with personal training/tutoring.

I suppose once the clan gets super duper rich thats an option, but still.
I mean, I'm going to assume the ninja missions and training help temper kids around that age. Plus this is a12th century asia-ish type culture, respect towards your elders is generally important, especially in a clan. Not to mention members like Kagome would probably love to tutor the kids. Then that generation can handle the grandkids
Does anyone think that Keiko should ask her summons about that nature of the mechanism behind the Frozen Skein before severing ties? It was implied that the boss summon had information about it's nature (since he could both detect and be offended by it).
Does anyone think that Keiko should ask her summons about that nature of the mechanism behind the Frozen Skein before severing ties? It was implied that the boss summon had information about it's nature (since he could both detect and be offended by it).
What about severing ties? You think Goketsu "My only value to my clan is my summons" Keiko is going to sever ties?
Does anyone think that Keiko should ask her summons about that nature of the mechanism behind the Frozen Skein before severing ties? It was implied that the boss summon had information about it's nature (since he could both detect and be offended by it).
I think she should ask at some point, yeah. Probably ask Pandaa first, he's less likely to get offended.
Dear GMs:
How do y'all feel about recursive fanfic, in the sense of "it's set in the MfD world, but doesn't interact directly with Team Uplift or people they know"?
Dear GMs:
How do y'all feel about recursive fanfic, in the sense of "it's set in the MfD world, but doesn't interact directly with Team Uplift or people they know"?
If you want to write it, I won't stop you. We make no comments on the likelihood of any such thing getting canonised, though. Or, if it does get canonised, on the longer-term consequences. I remind you that the Kotsuzui Bloodline Limit was generously designed by the players.
More genocide then.

If we create artifical kids we are basically the Man-emperor of Mankind.
We can get rich without relying on shipments of interdimensional blood money.

(We should renegotiate that deal though. That we aren't getting enough gems and precious metals each month to buy a small castle is a travesty. If we're going to be sell outs, at least sell out for the big $.)
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We can get rich without relying on shipments of interdimensional blood money.

(We should renegotiate that deal though. That we aren't getting enough gems and precious metals each month to buy a small castle is a travesty. If we're going to be sell outs, at least sell out for the big $.)
I dunno, we also got a slew of Pangolins at the ready for Keiko to summon and five really good techniques. I'd say that Pangolin Earth Armor counts as 'the big $', wouldn't you?

"So," Keiko said carefully, "the upfront payment will be three pounds of diamonds, the full-time availability of Pankurashun and five elite pangolin of my choice, plus the training jutsu for each member of Gōketsu and five other jutsu of our choice. After that, we agree to a monthly payment of sixty pounds of gold in exchange for ninety of the Pantokrator's Judging Eyes."
Completely irrelevant side note: We ought to draft a plan for Jiraiya on getting the Pangolins to slow their cultural destruction of conquered clans in exchange for new seals that they have requested.
Completely irrelevant side note: We ought to draft a plan for Jiraiya on getting the Pangolins to slow their cultural destruction of conquered clans in exchange for new seals that they have requested.

How would we enforce or even check up on whether they shifted from Original Genocide to Diet Genocide?

Do you think they would allow inspectors to check up on them regularly? If so, who would do the inspecting? Jiraiya himself, Keiko or maybe some Diplo-toads? How often would that happen and how does one ensure they aren't shown only the things the Pangolins want them to see?

Failing that, do we have any other reliable source to confirm whether they held up their end of the bargain? Toads would be the most obvious idea but I didn't get the impression they liked to interfere much with the other summoning clans' policies.

Not trying to just shoot your suggestion down but this is what I would imagine Jiraiya would tell us or would want us to solve first before negotiating with the Pangolins.

Lack of knowledge about how the summoning clans function is a huge blind spot for us right now and something that is in dire need of fixing before we try to solve the genocide issue in my opinion.

For example, do we have any idea how clans pick their summoners? Can they just contract a second person on their own (IIRC Jiraiya said there was a limit of one summoner but I don't remember whether that was just tradition or a restriction set by the summoning scroll itself)? Can they send out a summon/envoy without a summoner in the Human Path summoning them? The first summoner/the summoning scroll must have come from somewhere after all.

If it's not clear where I am going with this: I want to know whether the Pangolins could accept our deal, then send out a non-Keiko affiliated summon into the Human Path to have a human sealmaster reverse engineer our seals so they are not bound by our rules? Would they even try this if they could? Chances are they don't care about what happens in the Human Path so our seals spreading would only concern them in so far that other, hostile summoners would get their hands on them and bring them back into the Seventh Path on the side of their summons.

But considering that they don't seem to care one bit about pissing off potential enemy summoners of Keiko with their war how much do they even care about that?
I dunno, we also got a slew of Pangolins at the ready for Keiko to summon and five really good techniques. I'd say that Pangolin Earth Armor counts as 'the big $', wouldn't you?
While true, it doesn't really change how lopsided this deal is.

We get

  • Money (a prince's ransom but perhaps not a king's ransom)
  • Pangolins (limited usefulness due to summoning mechanics, costs, and that this prinarily strengthens Keiko)
  • Jutsu (good for use in clan, best part of the deal).
They get

  • Enough seals to enable them to effortlessly steamroll Anyone they feel like conquering
Given that they seem beyond thrilled with this so far, and that most precious metals and gems are likely "shiny rocks and shinier rocks" to them, I don't think this is a super big ask.

Like if we're going to be shipping weapons over there to aid in planar conquest we should at least bargain for enough dosh so that Hazou's monthly allowance supports such activities as "Going up to a small castle and buying it, as well as the mountain underneath it." and "Buy out Kakuzu." :p
Can they send out a summon/envoy without a summoner in the Human Path summoning them?
Presumably not. They spent several hundred years sitting around without a summoner, so presumably if they could have just gone and grabbed a new summoner they would have.
Also, they probably can't reverse engineer any seals because they have no sealmasters. Seals were heresy until just a little bit ago.

and that most precious metals and gems are likely "shiny rocks and shinier rocks" to them, I don't think this is a super big ask.
Do we know this for sure? I was under the impression they used them for currency.
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Interlude: Seeds of War
Interlude: Seeds of War

Neji was very glad he was a Hyūga, in general because it would be madness to feel otherwise, but in the specific because he would still have the Byakugan to fall back on after his latest punishment left him blind. It was early morning, and Neji was once again in the poorly-lit depths of the clan archives, sorting through the clan's tax records and ensuring that each document was in line not merely with the current Hokage's Office legislation—that would have been too simple—but with the legislation of the year in which they had been made. Neji had never appreciated how frequently and extensively the Hokage's bureaucracy revised a set of laws which essentially boiled down to "here is how much money you pay us".

Meanwhile, the majority of the scrolls were older than he was, could not be taken out of the archives (whether because they contained sensitive information or because they would crumble to dust if moved, Neji wasn't sure), and were written in tiny scribbly characters that meant a single spread could take half a day to decipher. It would have been far less cruel to make him dig latrines, which was probably why Lord Hiashi had ordered it, at least until he came home with an even more refined punishment that likewise placed Neji out of focus. It would not do to remind his clansmen that Lord Hiashi's hand-picked Chūnin Exam representative was capable of such catastrophic folly.

Not that it had been his folly. Somehow the fact had been missed in this entire mess that the Gōketsu had proposed the plan, the Gōketsu had brought them to the verge of implementation, and then the Gōketsu had pulled out, leaving them to take the fall. He'd tried to explain, but Lord Hiashi had dismissed it as an excuse with a wave of his hand, which in a way was fair. A true Hyūga did not spend time blaming others for his downfall. He rose again to seek bloody revenge. At least, once he was done with his paperwork.

There was the problem of how to seek revenge. The weird one was the most culpable, but also the one whose gloating manner was so confusing that Neji didn't want to smite him until he knew more. The impertinent one he found himself wanting to save for later. And as for the terrifying one… he wasn't going near her with a ten-foot pole.

"Hello, Cousin Neji!" a young girl's voice called out from behind him, interrupting his ruminations.

"Lady Hanabi?" Neji turned around. "You shouldn't be down here—you'll choke on the dust!"

Lady Hanabi ignored his admonition as she was wont to do.

"Will you help me practice?"

"Practice what?" Neji asked suspiciously. Lady Hanabi might be the future second-in-command of the Hyūga Clan, but she was also a nine-year-old girl with a tendency for mischief and a natural talent for leaving no evidence. This time, he would not be deceived.

Lady Hanabi drew herself up. Her eyes flashed. "Practice mortal terror from being in my very presence!"

Neji raised an eyebrow pointedly. "Has Lady Hinata been recommending children's fiction to you again?"

"Oh, no!" Hanabi said brightly. "Gōketsu Keiko has taken me on as her apprentice!"

Neji tore the open scroll he was holding in half.

"She thinks I have the potential!" Hanabi exclaimed. "But she's not here right now, and I need people to practice on so I can impress her when she comes back. Will you help?"

Neji felt dizzy. That… that abomination was corrupting his innocent young cousin. She was planning to turn Lady Hanabi into a copy of herself. This could not be tolerated. He would go straight to Lord Hiashi and—

But no. Lord Hiashi would already know, by virtue of being Lord Hiashi, and would also not appreciate Neji in any way interacting with Lady Hanabi or any other human being right now. Neji would have to… he would have to overcome his discomfort and force himself to confront the beast a second time. Even if Lord Hiashi knew, if by some unimaginable twist of fate he condoned it, no one who had not faced Gōketsu Keiko's fury head-on would be able to appreciate the depths of depravity into which she was capable of plunging poor Lady Hanabi.

"Oh, but promise not to tell Father!" Hanabi said quickly so as to make things worse.

"He can't forbid it if he doesn't know," she added in the tones of someone confiding a great secret.

Fantastic. He had to choose whether to betray a young girl who trusted him and incidentally would hold the power of life and death over him someday or to lie by omission to a man who could not be fooled and who had no more mercy left for him. This, too, was Gōketsu's fault.

But then Neji looked down at the remains of the scroll in his hand. At the teetering stack of others at his side still waiting to be processed.

"Tell him what?" Neji asked. "Surely Lord Hiashi does not expect me to believe every fanciful claim made by a child at play? No offence, Lady Hanabi."

Lady Hanabi nodded seriously. "So you'll help me, then?"

Help her be further brainwashed by that monstrosity? Help her lose her innocence in favour of malevolence and bloodlust? Help her forsake the dignity and self-respect that defined their clan?

But wait. A thought occurred to Neji that might not have come at all if his cruel and usual punishment hadn't left him so sleep-deprived. This was it. This was his means of revenge without direct confrontation. Everyone knew that the apprentice was ultimately destined to take the master's place. If Neji could secure her loyalty, and empower Lady Hanabi with the sophisticated wiles of the Hyūga that triumphed over the Gōketsu's base trickery… if she could surpass and defeat that abomination at her own game…

Neji rose from his seat. "What you must understand before anything else, Lady Hanabi, is that you are not merely a shinobi-in-training. You are no mere commoner seeking to rise above their station despite crippling natural inferiority. You are no foreigner desperately claiming parity with true Leaf ninja. You are no Motoyoshi or Inuzuka hoping to ride to glory on their superiors' coattails." His voice rose. "You are the direct heir of a thousand-year legacy of power, wisdom and lore. You are the Pride of the Hyūga, the third most noble person in Leaf, and thus in all the world."

Lady Hanabi listened silently, eyes wide.

"Now, speak to me the way Lord Hiashi speaks to a civilian who has failed him but cannot be killed because he belongs to someone else."

Lady Hanabi took a deep breath.

"You pathetic worm! I granted you the honour of assisting a main family Hyūga, and this blind stab at guidance is all that you have to offer? Kneel and give praise to the Will of Fire that I do not simply destroy you now and hope that you are more useful to me in your next life!"

"She's right," Neji breathed after a second. "You are a natural."

Lady Hanabi bowed like a performer on a stage.

"Has he ever… actually said that?"

"No," Lady Hanabi grinned, "but you can tell he thinks it every day."

Neji sighed. He still had such a long way to go as a Hyūga.

But he'd confirmed the important part. No matter how powerful his uplifted mudcrawler of an opponent might be, she shared with most of mankind the critical flaw of not being a Hyūga. She could not teach Lady Hanabi how to use her natural superiority as a noble, against which all of Gōketsu's petty tricks would be as nothing. With the full glory of the Hyūga in one hand and Gōketsu's unholy powers in the other, the student would surpass the master, and Neji would be there at her side to guide her ascension.

Then, once the upstart was properly crushed, with Lady Hanabi at the height of her power and trusting him as her mentor...

"Come back during my lunch break, Lady Hanabi," he said with a satisfied smile. "It seems you and I have much to discuss."
While true, it doesn't really change how lopsided this deal is.

We get

  • Money (a prince's ransom but perhaps not a king's ransom)
  • Pangolins (limited usefulness due to summoning mechanics, costs, and that this prinarily strengthens Keiko)
  • Jutsu (good for use in clan, best part of the deal).
They get

  • Enough seals to enable them to effortlessly steamroll Anyone they feel like conquering
Given that they seem beyond thrilled with this so far, and that most precious metals and gems are likely "shiny rocks and shinier rocks" to them, I don't think this is a super big ask.

Like if we're going to be shipping weapons over there to aid in planar conquest we should at least bargain for enough dosh so that Hazou's monthly allowance supports such activities as "Going up to a small castle and buying it, as well as the mountain underneath it." and "Buy out Kakuzu." :p

I think that whether or not we should try to renegotiate is sufficiently wrapped up in politics (both human and seventh paths, and the power dynamic we have with the pangolins which we don't fully understand the nuances of) that we basically have to consult Jiraiya before taking any action on this one. :/
Fantastic! We just have to trick Neji into digging himself just a little bit deeper every so often and he'll be ours forever!


Tentative plan to defeat Akatsuki:

  • Pein - Threaten with MAD; we have more WMDs than he does and don't have to rely on bijuus.
    • Also, depending on how shounen-y we are feeling, reuniting him with Jiraiya and adopting him into our clan could work.
    • If more expedient, research resurrection and bring back Yahiku to talk him out of being evil.
  • Konan - Neutralize her Paper no Jutsu with Hazou's Terrible Crayon Arts no Jutsu.
  • Sasori - Throw storage seals at him; since puppets are not alive:Citation Needed: we can just seal him into a scroll.
  • Hidan - Ask Shikamaru to deal with it, pay with as many hours as needed.
  • Kakuzu - Buy loyalty with Pangolin blood money.
  • Orochimaru - Probably not in Akatsuki in MfD canon but if so, he is practically family.
    • Seal every single dead body we find and hand it to him as a bribe if needed.
  • Deidara - Already in love with Kagome so turning him will be easy.
  • Itachi - Bond over being traitors and leaving our respective Villages, then poke him in the eyes with chopsticks.
  • Kisame - Ask Zabuza-senpai for help.
  • Tobi - Is a good boy and will join us if we just ask.
Fantastic! We just have to trick Neji into digging himself just a little bit deeper every so often and he'll be ours forever!
Actually, scratch that.

Ideally: Corrupt Hanabi, and our hold over Neji will be that he knew and couldn't stop it.
Then, once the upstart was properly crushed, with Lady Hanabi at the height of her power and trusting him as her mentor...

"Come back during my lunch break, Lady Hanabi," he said with a satisfied smile. "It seems you and I have much to discuss."
Our mortal enemy annoying pest found a mi... no wait he's a minion... found a boss!

But really- glad he's okay. Bored out of his wits and with a tattered reputation, but alive and with a friend (most important friend he can get, too)
There was the problem of how to seek revenge. The weird one was the most culpable, but also the one whose gloating manner was so confusing that Neji didn't want to smite him until he knew more. The impertinent one he found himself wanting to save for later. And as for the terrifying one… he wasn't going near her with a ten-foot pole.
Hazo- get to know him (before judging his crimes)
Noburi- start preparing his sagemas gift (revenge is best served cold, after all)
Keiko- avoid at all costs (ALL COSTS).