Man, it's a pity we probably can't set Kiba up with Ikeda. He'd be so in our debt, it'd be an amazing resource.
We can still make Kiba our minion.

We can also do this in the most incongruous of ways: by showing him true kindness and offering good friendship!
We can still make Kiba our minion.

We can also do this in the most incongruous of ways: by showing him true kindness and offering good friendship!

JIRAIYA: Oh dear, now I do feel silly. And here I thought you would minionise the scion of house Inuzuka some random Inuzuka kid by way of scariness and trickery.
HAZOU: Hah! Yeah, like that would have worked!
...I wonder if Ami would be willing to sacrifice herself to secure Keiko's position by seducing Hinata and humiliating the Hyuga.
JIRAIYA: Oh dear, now I do feel silly. And here I thought you would minionise the scion of house Inuzuka some random Inuzuka kid by way of scariness and trickery.
HAZOU: Hah! Yeah, like that would have worked!
Is it trickery if we really are showing him true friendship and kindness, but using trickery and deceit as our medium of convincing him that thats what we're doing?
...I wonder if Ami would be willing to sacrifice herself to secure Keiko's position by seducing Hinata and humiliating the Hyuga.
And you think she will react any better if we explicitly tell her before we go?

I admit that "Keiko will be upset by this if she found out." is certainly a reason not to do Thing. I have already weighed this and don't find it a particularly compelling reason.

If the intention overlaps with "Intentionally inform Keiko about the existence of this meeting in any way." then I cannot see how any good can come of this.

You would have less difficulty convincing me that it is a good idea to send a message back that read

"Meeting cancelled. Inuzaka ate my homework. @_@ "
Are you okay with her finding out unintentionally and it coming off as Hazou having actively hidden this, then? Driving analogies to her nightmare doesn't seem wise.

I'm not going to pretend that she isn't going to find out. She is; she's Keiko.

(God, what I wouldn't give for Akane to be here. SHE would do perfectly for talking to Ami about Keiko.)
Are you okay with her finding out unintentionally and it coming off as Hazou having actively hidden this, then? Driving analogies to her nightmare doesn't seem wise.

I'm not going to pretend that she isn't going to find out. She is; she's Keiko.

(God, what I wouldn't give for Akane to be here. SHE would do perfectly for talking to Ami about Keiko.)
We should have adopted her as one of our conditions for joining Leaf. Fuck my life, that was dumb of us.
I can tentatively agree to not poke our nose in Keiko's business without her permission. I can imagine arguments why it might be better to do so, but it's not relevant enough for me to worry over.

I consider 'poking our nose in Keiko's business' to be, in this instance, talking to Ami about her relationship with Keiko in general and their newfound separation in specific. What I do not consider poking our nose in Keiko's business is:
  • Talking with Ami at all (just saying this to cover bases)
  • Talking with Ami about the Mori.
  • Talking with Ami about the Goketsu (which may incidentally include Keiko, but not as a focus any more than Hazou or Noburi et al.)
  • Talking with Ami about Keiko if and only if we expect such a topic to directly benefit Jiraiya in some way. Keiko is not so petty as to put her own impulses over the welfare of Pax Konoha.
Furthermore, I am perfectly okay with informing Keiko of the meeting after it's over. There, we can give reassurances that we didn't stick our nose in her business without keeping her out of the loop in a way that begs for her to discover it herself and feel betrayed.

Intellectually, Keiko seems to believe there's no hope that she can regain what she lost with Ami. I think, however, that she has not emotionally given up, and as long as we do not press the issue when we tell her of the meeting she might appreciate more intel, on the off chance that she's somehow wrong against all odds.
I'm going to laugh so hard when Akatsuki invades in the next update, especially given the circumstance.
Interlude: Public Opinion Polling, Excerpts
Interlude: Public Opinion Polling, Excerpts

The privilege of viewing this document hereby restricted to those of Gold clearance and above. Reading this document without the required clearance, or the written permission of a Violet or higher personnel member, shall be considered an act of treason.

Nara Shikaku​


Decryption Protocol: Thirteen Twirling Blossoms.


"Ur'f n cuvynaqrere. Ur qbrfa'g unir gur tenivgnf bs gur Cebsrffbe." -- "Ner lbh xvqqvat? Ur'f gur zbfg cbjreshy avawn va gur jbeyq. Gur jubyr cynlobl guvat vf pyrneyl n pbire fgbel gb trg crbcyr gb haqrerfgvzngr uvz. Fbzr bs zl uhfonaq'f ohfvarff pbagnpgf qrny jvgu fuvabov, gurl fjrne hc naq qbja gur jubyr ybg ner penml." -- "Csg. Pbire fgbel? Ur'f tbg zr pbaivaprq gura. V unq gb gnxr bar bs gubfr genfu obbxf bs uvf njnl sbez zl qnhtugre. V'q unir ohearq vg, ohg vg ghearq bhg fur'q obeebjrq vg sebz n sevraq jub fur zrg guebhtu ure zhfvp ghgbe."
Xvzhen Jnxnan, Anxnwvzn Zvh, naq Lnznfuvgn Xlb, guerr ubhfrjvirf ng n jrrxyl irtrgnoyr naq pensgf znexrg, Abegu-Rnfgrea Genqrfzna qvfgevpg.


"V'q tvir uvz n guhzof-hc fb sne. Ur pnzr onpx sebz gung ovt snapl zrrgvat naq zr'a zl thlf tbg n zrffntr nobhg uvz pbaivapvat gur sbyxf va Jvaq gb fgbc tanjvat bhe nffrf ba ohyx vzcbeg srrf sbe jbbq. Znrqn whfg unq n xvq, naq V xabj vg'f orra n uhtr eryvrs gb uvz gb or noyr gb chg sbbq ba gur gnoyr naq fgneg fnivat n yvggyr ba gbc."
Puhat Xbunxh, yhzore perj urnqzna (abg n sbervtare; bevtvanyyl sebz n gbja arne gur Rnegu obeqre, snzvyl erybpngrq gb gur pvgl nf n puvyq qhr gb cbbe snezvat pbaqvgvbaf)


"V qba'g xabj jung gb guvax. Ur'f chfuvat sbe guvatf gb zbir snfg, naq V xvaq bs nqzver gung, ohg vg'f nyfb chggvat n ybg bs cerffher ba gur enax-naq-svyr. V'z fher Ybeq Ubxntr xabjf uvf ohfvarff, ohg uvf ivfvba vfa'g gbgnyyl pyrne sebz urer ba gur tebhaq - ybgf bs bofreingvba naq vagry tngurevat zvffvbaf, ohg nyfb ybgf bs gurfr 'gvyy-naq-svyyf', vg'f uneq gb svther bhg ubj gurl yvar hc jvgu uvf cevbevgvrf. V qhaab, znlor gung whfg pbzrf anghenyyl sebz qrpnqrf bs orvat rfcrpvnyyl ravtzngvp. Nu, vs lbh'yy rkphfr zr, V frr fbzrbar'f whfg pbzr gb ercbeg."
Zbev Gnlhxv (ab eryngvba), qrfx-trava, zvffvba qvfcngpu qrfx, Ubxntr Gbjre


Shxhv Ubfuv, orsber orvat vasbezrq jub Ybeq Ubxntr Wvenvln vf ol [vasbeznag erqnpgrq]
"Jryy, V'z fher V qba'g xabj n qnea guvat nobhg nyy gung. Ur gur bar jub frag bhg gur obl jub pnzr ol ynfg zbagu gb fuber hc gur tenva fgberubhfr, lbh fnl? Znxrf uvz bxnl nf sne nf V'z pbaprearq, gubhtu 'pbhefr V qba'g cerfhzr gb whqtr sbyxf jung V unira'g gnyxrq gb."
Shxhv Ubfuv, zbzragf yngre


"Ubarfgyl? Ernyyl, gehyl ubarfgyl? Ur pna shpx bss. Ur'f tenaqfgnaqvat onfrq ba uvf crefbany fgeratgu, fgehggvat nebhaq naq oernxvat cebcevrgl yvxr ur'f qbar sbe yvgrenyyl uvf jubyr yvsr, orpnhfr ur pna trg njnl jvgu vg naq jnagf rirelbar gb xabj vg. Nqbcgvat Zvfg genv- qba'g ybbx ng zr yvxr gung, or obgu xabj jung'f tbvat ba. Nqbcgvat Zvfg genvgbef naq gura fgebat-nezvat uvf jnl vagb gur Ung vfa'g nal jnl gb xrrc guvatf fgnoyr, naq jr nofbyhgryl unir gb xrrc guvatf fgnoyr."
Avawn sbepr zrzore, ba pbaqvgvba bs nabalzvgl. Pbagnpg cbvag Ntrag 43925.


"V nqzvg fbzr pbaprea ertneqvat gur rkgrag gb juvpu ur unf znavchyngrq gur cebprff bs fryrpgvat n yrnqre sbe gur ivyyntr. Gubhtu bs pbhefr V nyfb nqzvg bs fbzr… cersrerapr sbe zl bja xvafzra. Gnxr gung nf lbh jvyy."
Ulhhtn Puvuveb, nsgre frireny qevaxf ng gur Juvgr Nfu Naq Fgbar naq n ybat fvyrapr


"Orggre uvz guna zr."
Ynql Frawh Gfhanqr


"Qvq ur fcrpvsvpnyyl beqre lbh gb fcrnx gb zr? Ab? Gura yrnir zr or. V jvyy abg unir uvz oynzvat zr vs lbh unccra gb snvy gb fheivir n qvfphffvba."
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I'm going to laugh so hard when Akatsuki invades in the next update, especially given the circumstance.
QMs: What do you mean next update?
"Ur'f n cuvynaqrere. Ur qbrfa'g unir gur tenivgnf bs gur Cebsrffbe." -- "Ner lbh xvqqvat? Ur'f gur zbfg cbjreshy avawn va gur jbeyq. Gur jubyr cynlobl guvat vf pyrneyl n pbire fgbel gb trg crbcyr gb haqrerfgvzngr uvz. Fbzr bs zl uhfonaq'f ohfvarff pbagnpgf qrny jvgu fuvabov, gurl fjrne hc naq qbja gur jubyr ybg ner penml." -- "Csg. Pbire fgbel? Ur'f tbg zr pbaivaprq gura. V unq gb gnxr bar bs gubfr genfu obbxf bs uvf njnl sbez zl qnhtugre. V'q unir ohearq vg vs vg, ohg vg ghearq bhg fur'q obeebjrq vg sebz n sevraq jub fur zrg guebhtu ure zhfvp ghgbe."
Xvzhen Jnxnan, Anxnwvzn Zvh, naq Lnznfuvgn Xlb, guerr ubhfrjvirf ng n jrrxyl irtrgnoyr naq pensgf znexrg, Abegu-Rnfgrea Genqrfzna qvfgevpg.
Shikaku, your highly classified message has some typos!
How are we gonna know that Akatsuki invades Leaf?

We'll know because they're synchronizing their invasions of all the major villages. With brainwashed jinchuuriki on their side they have enough S-rankers to overwhelm whatever defenses each village still has with enough left over to keep the Kages in Mist busy.

By the end of it, the invasion of Mist will be repulsed (not without Jiraiya tragically having to take Naruto's life) but the distraction and delay involved will mean that by the time any of them check back on their own villages Akatsuki will have had time to get everything they wanted and level the rest to ashes.
I'm going to laugh so hard when Akatsuki invades in the next update, especially given the circumstance.

Why would you say that? Now @eaglejarl will wait a day or two before dropping his update just to watch us squirm and succumb to paranoia.

Then after seeing the Freebie of Player Suffering you just gave EJ, @Velorien will feel jealous and in a competitive mood. So he will try to top that in his update by just having Ami invite herself into our room while we talk to Keiko about all of our OPSEC sensitive secrets (yes, all of them and all at once).

If we are lucky @OliWhail gets the update after that one and at least buries our corpse close to Akane's because he is still trying to fight Evil 1vs2.
Also, wait a minute:
Shxhv Ubfuv, orsber orvat vasbezrq jub Ybeq Ubxntr Wvenvln vf ol [vasbeznag erqnpgrq]
"Jryy, V'z fher V qba'g xabj n qnea guvat nobhg nyy gung. Ur gur bar jub frag bhg gur obl jub pnzr ol ynfg zbagu gb fuber hc gur tenva fgberubhfr, lbh fnl? Znxrf uvz bxnl nf sne nf V'z pbaprearq, gubhtu 'pbhefr V qba'g cerfhzr gb whqtr sbyxf jung V unira'g gnyxrq gb."
Shxhv Ubfuv, zbzragf yngre
"Good morning," the tall man said. His voice was a rich baritone with the tones of a trained orator; he stood straight and proud despite showing none of the signs of ninja training. "I am Fukui Taiki, the head of this village. How may I help you?"
So, it sounds like when we get back, we need to spread the word that the reason Jiraiya's encouraging people to do Till 'n' FIlls is because it's a midpoint between D ranks and C ranks and therefore an excellent way for genin to get accustomed to doing more dangerous missions.
If we are lucky @OliWhail gets the update after that one and at least buries our corpse close to Akane's because he is still trying to fight Evil 1vs2.

I take it back. Oli is now in the running for most evil QM after I had to copy and paste all of that on mobile. (ノಠ∩ಠ)ノ彡(\o°o)\

Also, last case file is clearly Haru on a good day.
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