Yesterday I experimented with four NoDoz and two Adrafinil. It was an experience.
Take your caffeine pills with L theanine! I have anecdotally had some good success with this, after heading Vechts suggestion of 200mg per morning. Much less jittery anxiety, its great.
It doesn't matter if we win.

@eaglejarl Calling to your attention the idea of challenging Anko to a public spar for impugning the Goketsu clan's honor :p
Forgive me if I attempt to cut this off before it gets any steam.

We should at the very least, try to imagine all possible ways this could blow up in our faces, and do so with considerable time and effort, before seriously suggesting this.
Hm. New here so dunno if this is viable/advisable, but @MMKII (pinging you as the current main plan curator I can see, though others' input is also welcome) might it be worth including an explicit "reject Open Mouth, Insert Foot compels" clause in the section on talking with Ino? I don't know if it'll end up being relevant but I feel like the middle of damage control is basically the last time we want Hazou finding a way to make things worse.
Forgive me if I attempt to cut this off before it gets any steam.

We should at the very least, try to imagine all possible ways this could blow up in our faces, and do so with considerable time and effort, before seriously suggesting this.
Nope, too late, full steam ahead. Time for an engagement with Mitarashi.
Hm. New here so dunno if this is viable/advisable, but @MMKII (pinging you as the current main plan curator I can see, though others' input is also welcome) might it be worth including an explicit "reject Open Mouth, Insert Foot compels" clause in the section on talking with Ino? I don't know if it'll end up being relevant but I feel like the middle of damage control is basically the last time we want Hazou finding a way to make things worse.

Quite right.

I am not yet at the point of "DENY ALL THE COMPELS!" But... I'll edit in sufficient precautions there later.

Nope, too late, full steam ahead. Time for an engagement with Mitarashi.
The Hinozou shippers send their regards.

Noburi can have Anko. He's definitely S rank by now.


@eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail

Noburi is likely off doing some Dangerous and Interesting stuff (or at least, more than we are at the moment) on his secret mission.

Does he get a corresponding amount of Dangerous and Interesting XP?

Are you getting likes for non-chapter comments? Otherwise might just be doing reader mode :p

But it's kinda fun to go back to early thread sometimes and see how people were thinking. Things have changed a bunch.

Alternately, if it is non-chapter comments too, someone might be going through QM posts but skipping the rest of discussion, just in case there's some sort of rulings or secrets they could learn that never made it into the threadmarks.

Still an impressive pace though.
If it's the person I noticed, it's neither of these, because I've had one or two of my super old posts reacted to recently, as well. Just normal discussion posts, too.
Lunch with Ino
  • Apologize for the Orgy Misunderstanding
    • We have no idea how people came to this idea

So, I'd like to again suggest that we go the humor route with this, maybe use Noburi as a reference point (as in, "What would Noburi do?")
It displays confidence and the will to reclaim the narrative.

EDIT: I also hope that we eventually do figure out what triggered it. Because that's something we'll be able to hold over Keiko until the sun is devoured by Sak'aska'hotep, That Which Twists the Sky, Father of all Void Krakens.
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So, I'd like to again suggest that we go the humor route with this, maybe use Noburi as a reference point (as in, "What would Noburi do?")
It displays confidence and the will to reclaim the narrative.

EDIT: I also hope that we eventually do figure out what triggered it. Because that's something we'll be able to hold over Keiko until the sun is devoured by Sak'aska'hotep, That Which Twists the Sky, Father of all Void Krakens.
I do agree.