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I'll note that firelog Macerators burn quickly and won't give much time for giving light, and our explosives are forced based so don't produce light either.
It'll still be a bit of light, and you don't need a lot of light to use Genjutsu. Just look at how Mari took out Yami and Joutarou in the middle of a darkened inn room.
We're still doing this escort and document turn in nonsense? That takes time and puts us in possible ambush paths. Just destroy the documents of other groups. It prevents either side from getting positive points, and we can keep the pain train rolling.
Imma let you and @MMKII discuss this. Will come back later.
Also: ohshit. Would Firelog Macerators be enough to start another forest fire?

A forest fire isn't going to start unless the conditions for one are right; i.e. - significant amounts of dead, dry foliage. I don't really know what the climate is like at this time in Mist, but going by the fact that they have swamps, it's probably pretty damp.

I wouldn't worry about this.
Also: ohshit. Would Firelog Macerators be enough to start another forest fire?
A forest fire isn't going to start unless the conditions for one are right; i.e. - significant amounts of dead, dry foliage. I don't really know what the climate is like at this time in Mist, but going by the fact that they have swamps, it's probably pretty damp.

I wouldn't worry about this.

Do we know whether or not those conditions are present?
A forest fire isn't going to start unless the conditions for one are right; i.e. - significant amounts of dead, dry foliage. I don't really know what the climate is like at this time in Mist, but going by the fact that they have swamps, it's probably pretty damp.

I wouldn't worry about this.
Its November, likely not?

I mean, it should be pretty humid and wet. Its called Mist,for fuck's sake.

@Enjou I think that taking those -75 points from the Blue Teams will be important considering we cannot really cost them points next round, at least without significant effort.
Guys, I haven't read the plan yet, but I'm assuming we're using it by lobbing it above a building. There won't even be enough heat radiating away from it at distance to start a normal fire, much less a forest fire.

@Enjou I think that taking those -75 points from the Blue Teams will be important considering we cannot really cost them points next round, at least without significant effort.

Honestly I expect anyone who has taken Moderate Consequences in Round 1 to just drop out of the next round. And I think keeping the pain train rolling is far, far more important than trying to min-max here. We need to take out as many people as possible. Time matters here, because Pangolins have upkeep. Spending time escorting people to the proctor HQ is a delay, time for other people to get their own missions complete, time for people to run away, etc.

Plus taking their word halves is likely to cost them a lot of points anyways. EDIT - I'd expect word half loss to be around -200 points, given DQ consequences in other events.
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Honestly I expect anyone who has taken Moderate Consequences in Round 1 to just drop out of the next round. And I think keeping the pain train rolling is far, far more important than trying to min-max here. We need to take out as many people as possible. Time matters here, because Pangolins have upkeep. Spending time escorting people to the proctor HQ is a delay, time for other people to get their own missions complete, time for people to run away, etc.

Plus taking their word halves is likely to cost them a lot of points anyways.
Right, I agree with you Re: Pain Train.

We can spend the last hour of the event dragging some nobody Red from their cell and forcing him to return the documents to proctor HQ. Even if we have to carry him there. Do this for the 3 other Red Teams.

At this point, either everyone is in a cell or we failed miserably in every aspect of this plan, so I don't see the risk here.
If we got half of the competition by moderate consequences disqualifying them next round, we'll be down to 36, and our chance of making it is naively 44% instead.
Honestly, just don't risk it. They aren't needed. Plus eventually there will be sunlight.

I thought the order was:
Our immediate opponent
Deliver our docs
pain train red
Pain train blue
Find other docs
Waken one red per group to deliver
Re-jail red

Everything still works if we let up to two red be non-celled/injured, even with them submitting their docs, but that limits us to doing stuff in the last hour, and complexity is bad.
@eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail I know nobody else is voting for my plan, but would any of you mind taking a bit of your time looking at my plan and telling me how you're interpreting it?

Sure. It's mostly pretty clear and I think it's obvious how it should be interpreted, but I have one question:

Taking into account the feedback that's been given so far, here's Be Kakashi again. Best guess, the plan's around 380 words.

[X] Action Plan: Be Kakashi


Maximize point differential between our squad and everybody else by knockout and word-half seizure.

  • Convincing squadmates:
    • This strategy will get every single one of us into the tournament while also largely avoiding serious harm; overwhelming force is nice like that.
    • That said, cooperation is a favor to us, no matter how much it might also benefit you.
    • On the other hand, we cannot afford sudden but inevitable betrayals on our best chance at getting this whole squad to the tournament.
  • Word-halves
    • We'll publicly announce our squad has them during the break.
      • Too hard to hide we took them.
    • Will trade for full-strength explosive tags; they deserve something for their efforts.
    • Will not protect them if they refuse trade.
  • Designate friendlies
    • Will not knockout, intimidate, and steal word-halfs from friendlies, but will otherwise destroy their score and drain chakra as needed. Will require description.
      • Designate ISC.
      • If Doigama does not suggest Wolf compatriot, press.
  • Seal distribution
    • Do not want back:
      • Training tag
      • Weapon:2 for demolitions
      • Oxygen Mask Seal
      • Earmuff Seals
    • Will want unused back:
      • Goo Bombs
      • Banshees
Are you giving each of your 6 assigned squadmates 1 of each of those seals? If not, how many?

A good point. I'll write something indicating Hazou briefs his teammates via hand signals. The really complicated hand signals which we somehow have.
  • I'm doubtful that QMs would be willing to continue using hand signal telepathy, which means our ability to communicate our extremely complex plan and receive meaningful critique of it would be extremely limited.

*cough, cough, strawman misinterpretation, cough, cough* :p

With a sigh, Hazō flicked some handtalk at Noburi and Keiko. Loosely translated from the simplified and telegraphic battlesign, the message was simply <I've got some strategy ideas> (More literally: 'Tactical plan. Multiple.')

<Damnit, Hazō, what took you so long?> Noburi grumped back. ('Overdue. Dumbass.' Yes, Team Uplift had evolved a specific intra-team handsign for the word 'dumbass'.) <Keiko and I have been waiting five whole minutes, and I bet her ten ryo that you'd be finished doing the thing two minutes ago.>

It'll still be a bit of light, and you don't need a lot of light to use Genjutsu. Just look at how Mari took out Yami and Joutarou in the middle of a darkened inn room.
!!!!! Who are you and what have you done with faflec?!! Give him back!!!!
Light blossomed as Akane unsealed a lit oil lamp. Hazou blinked in the sudden light, raising a hand to shade his eyes while they adjusted. Akane set the lamp on the ground by the wall; it dimmed the light and meant there were shadows everywhere, but it also put the flame out of the way and left her hands free.
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Why are we keeping the word-halves instead of just burning them?
Because they might be worth points later and we have an extra dimensional storage in Pangolin country that no one could possibly access short of conquering an entire summon tribe.
There should probably be a contingency for the social types: Do not volunteer any information about our techniques and especially not about our teammates or any Leaf teammates.

Also, we can ask Katō who the lowest point value targets are, to turn in the information.
Right, I agree with you Re: Pain Train.

We can spend the last hour of the event dragging some nobody Red from their cell and forcing him to return the documents to proctor HQ. Even if we have to carry him there. Do this for the 3 other Red Teams.

At this point, either everyone is in a cell or we failed miserably in every aspect of this plan, so I don't see the risk here.

There will likely be some people we don't catch. I don't expect everything to go perfectly. The round lasts 22 hours. We won't likely have all our Pangolins by the end of the event, and if we don't any remaining people may well try to take us out. I don't see any reason to try to make this more complicated by trying this.

ALSO, the plan doesn't specify to do it in the last hour.

Why are we keeping the word-halves instead of just burning them?

Because taking them and keeping them may be worth points.
One thing I'm considering is to...well, not really care if Red Teams get the +75 from word-halves, as long as they're still all got Moderate Consequences and are in a jail cell. Red Teams that get this in this way still have less than -400 points; It's not a deficit they can just climb out of.

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