Step Zero: Dispel.

Step One: Attack Aiko/support Noburi

Step Two: Kagome Maneuver

Easy peasy.

(jk will think about this harder)
There is going to be a problem down the line if Akane continues to always defer to Hazou over her current team. We should address that once we are in a stable environment to do so, it should be done privately too. Not a full reprimand but we should encourage her to gather opinions from her team as we do not always come up with the best plan, as this situation has demonstrated. Nara was correct to act as he did and we should take his wisdom with good grace and use it as a way to improve ourselves going further.

We do need to focus on Hazō's(or rather, the hivemind's) yo-yo like performance issue. He's sometime awesome....and sometime he just made the worst possible tactical choices.
What make you think that an explosive seal would actually work?

Do you mean for going off or for clearing vision? If you mean for clearing vision, probably because it doesn't store the air, it just pushes it away, now that doesn't mean the mist won't come back, we don't know how much they have, but it is most likely going to be better than an implosion seal for clearing sight
Was there a reason that EM wasn't tried? I know I didn't exactly push for it, but I don't see why it wouldn't work.
So, some of the mistakes distilled.

Mistake One: Turtling under the Air
- Pointed out at least by one player that it was a bad idea since it brunch up the genins.
- Nobody on the player side pointed out the problem of Mist draining. This is something that we collectively forgot/overlook.

Mistake Two: Assumption about Leadership
- Ignored the QM ruling that not everybody is going to follow Hazō's leadership. Everybody knows this. Yet this mistake was followed in the plan.

Thankfully, the QM gave us some slack, but suffice to say, we overlooked important details, some of which was stated outright to us.

How to avoid those kind of mistakes is an ongoing challenge that I am not particularly hopeful we will resolve any time soon.
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Nobody on the player side pointed out the problem of Mist draining. This is something that we collectively forgot/overlook.

Well I was under then impression you couldn't drain through chakra mist
There are jutsu that generate mist, but that mist is a chakra construct unless there is a large water source immediately at hand. Wakahisa can't drain through chakra constructs, so the ability will be used far less often than you might think.

I also assumed that implosion seal would disperse the mist if it was real.

Edit: also good news the mist is at most only 10 meters cube
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Well I was under then impression you couldn't drain through chakra mist

I also assumed that implosion seal would disperse the mist if it was real.

Edit: also good news the mist is at most only 10 meters cube

You can't drain through chakra mist but we're in a swamp so Aiko had plenty of regular water to call upon. Even beyond that, we were alerted to the enemies because Noburi was being drained through the mist.

I also thought that the implosion seal would disperse the mist, but in retrospect that thought process more or less ended at 'oh it's meant to disperse the mist' and I assumed it would work because my brain recognized that someone thought it through and thought it would work and my brain piggybacked on that logic.
I also had him be smart enough to stop you from turtling up under the Air Dome.
This strat seems really counterproductive. Under Air Dome there are a bunch of ways to clear the air, at least in theory (and Nara has little reason to assume otherwise, given our actions), and if Noburi is safe the maximum net drain is the delta between their abilities. On top of that, drain is mostly dangerous when it's targeted (a minute per person isn't that quick when battles take a third of that), and Noburi can trivially balance the drain out.

Once we move out of the safety of our prepared-sealmaster-holeup, not only are we inversing who is prepared for whom, but we're not preventing drain, and making ourselves more vulnerable to it since Noburi is less able to act as a counterbalance. It doesn't help that it feels Nara has taken the most predictable response to the situation, ergo the one that's most likely to be a trap.

Though to be really evil the implosion seal should have created a condensation cloud. :V
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Edit: also good news the mist is at most only 10 meters cube
The size varies depending on how much chakra you spend.
Attributes: Control * 3, Wits * 3
Chakra Cost: 10 per gallon vaporized if real water, 15 per gallon worth of vapor created by chakra construct

A vaporized gallon raises 1000 cubic meters (a 10mx10mx10m cube) of a thick bank of chakra-laden fog.

I thought the crab clan was the Kani clan?
Ah, so it is. I saw @Velorien's original post in which it was 'Makiko', but that must have been a first name. I'll change it.

This strat seems really counterproductive. Under Air Dome there are a bunch of ways to clear the air, at least in theory (and Nara has little reason to assume otherwise, given our actions), and if Noburi is safe the maximum net drain is the delta between their abilities. On top of that, drain is mostly dangerous when it's targeted (a minute per person isn't that quick when battles take a third of that), and Noburi can trivially balance the drain out.
How does Noburi balance the drain? He can't put chakra into people without them drinking the water and there's no time to get the water out of the barrel during combat.
So it's been a long time - Are we Chunin/Jonin(skill) level yet? When did we hit those points in-story, by GM's estimate?
What happens if we wrap a purifier around an implosion seal? Will it suck the air through the purifier fast, remove all the water, and then explode to release clear air?
They seem content to break out the big area weapons. A couple of GBWs will clear the mist through heating and compression consolidation, not to mention scare the hell out of them.
There were a number of problems with this plan. Among them:
Ultimately, I believe these problems were a result of making a detail oriented plan which lacked general instructions in a situation where we didn't know the details, and didn't allow for Hazou to update on new information in the plan (esp. Hyuga calling out info, and the fog apparently already being there). To address each point from my perspective (it looks like people used my plan despite my non-participation in the voting period):
You knew you were being drained, yet you decided to hunker down under an Air Dome for 10-15 seconds (3-5 rounds) despite knowing that it is possible to drain through an Air Dome if the mist was there in the first place. I decided to be a little generous and say that Wakahisa Aiko was draining you slowly in hopes of not being noticed, meaning that you had a few rounds before everyone went toes up.
So, my impression was that the mist wasn't in the fort. Since the mist was "cresting the walls" and we were told
Note that you have somewhere between three and thirty seconds before things go seriously sideways
I assumed we had at least 3 seconds to act before the mist reached us, which, I was under the impression was enough time to put up an air dome, especially as the mist wouldn't have reached us by then. I fully agree that this strategy was bad given that the mist was apparently there in the first place. If I had known that, I would have made a different plan.

The purpose of the implosion bomb wasn't stated, but my guess is that it was intended to clear the mist away. Implosion bombs store all the air around them, but then they release it back when the implosion destroys the seal. It does cause a lot of wind, but the wind goes in and then out again and I'm not sure how much that would actually do to disperse the mist. I also wasn't sure what would happen if you tried to store air that was saturated with chakra-infused water. Would it fail completely? Store the air and leave the water behind such that the water precipitated out? Cthulhu? Something else? Furthermore, the same Mist ninja who cast the original HITM could simply do it again. With too many options and my fellow QMs unavailable, I finally decided to keep it simple and have the battlefield briefly revealed, then covered in mist again.
Again, my impression was that the fog/mist wasn't in the fort, which would have made it much more viable. Given that there *was* fog in the fort, an explosion seal would have done much better.

If you were using the implosion bomb to get a clear view, you forgot that you were inside a fortress and there were walls blocking said view. I decided to have Noburi be smart and be up on the wall when the bomb went off so that you could get a little information.
The purpose of the imposion seal was to clear the mist, at least momentarily, so we could get a clean Air Dome up.
You assumed that everyone would follow your orders. Noburi and Keiko almost certainly would, Akane definitely would, and Akane's team would probably go along with what she did. Neji would absolutely not take orders from you and his team would almost certainly follow his lead in a crisis. There was no reason for the others to follow you either, but I decided to have Shikamaru do the smart thing, recognize what was going on with the mist, and put together the fact that he could get useful information from Noburi before going into the fight. I also had him be smart enough to stop you from turtling up under the Air Dome.
That's a fair critique. I did not expect the other ninja to react as quickly as they did, and that's my fault for underestimating them. Also, given that Nara was going to just call out battlefield info from the start, that's definitely the better use of words and stuff.
You tried to use Living Roots to gather battlefield information, forgetting that it requires contact with the ground and that the moment you left your fort you were going to be water-walking in the middle of a swamp.
Right, so my impression there was that ninja were literally at our walls, and that we'd be fighting in the fort, not in the swamp. Obviously the moment we left the fort, it becomes a bad situation. Also, I'd intended on Pangolin's Communion being used for primary battlefield communication between our team, with Noburi and Keiko's extra-sensory abilities trumping our own.
Minor point: You allowed for the possibility of Keiko summoning a pangolin, although you explicitly stated that you couldn't make a valid choice on this one since you didn't know the chakra costs. What you did know, however, was that the costs are high, that Keiko's status as the Pangolin Summoner was public knowledge, that chakra was being actively drained out of everyone, and that Wakahisa can identify the approximate remaining chakra levels of anyone they are draining. Spending huge amounts of chakra while being drained is probably not wise; it would have been smarter to tell her not to summon.
I just didn't think of this.

Ultimately, I think the primary failing of the plan was that it was too strict an instruction set for what was going to happen and worked off incorrect information (Mist not being in the fort, having at least a round to put up defenses). I think a better plan would have more explicitly hedged what it said, for instance, talking over Neji when he called out information on our opponents was definitely not a good call on our part.

Anyways, I'm gonna devote my efforts this voting period to finishing my combat code rather than developing combat tactics. Hopefully I'll have something to show for it before Wednesday, and it can make the resulting battle easier for the QMs to calculate.
Seriously, either scatter and rally to pre-established rendezvous point A, or break out the log-nukes to clear the air and scare the opponents enough to drill for the Waka.

Considering that we're already scattered and facing an international coalition, option A is probably best.
So, my impression was that the mist wasn't in the fort. Since the mist was "cresting the walls" and we were told

I assumed we had at least 3 seconds to act before the mist reached us, which, I was under the impression was enough time to put up an air dome, especially as the mist wouldn't have reached us by then. I fully agree that this strategy was bad given that the mist was apparently there in the first place. If I had known that, I would have made a different plan.

Again, my impression was that the fog/mist wasn't in the fort, which would have made it much more viable. Given that there *was* fog in the fort, an explosion seal would have done much better.
Aye, I was under this impression too, as I mentioned before. It's kind of unfortunate; had I been aware otherwise, I definitely would not have voted for that.
Enough recriminations. I for one expected the implosion seals to consolidate the fine suspension of mist into large drops of rain, but that's not important right now. What do we do now? Count on everybody to scatter and reform? Try to link up? Try to drill straight for the Waka?

If she doesn't have a lot of support with her Hazou actually has a decent chance of disrupting her operations with enough surprise firepower. GBW will make anybody duck and increasing local temperature makes the air absorb the mist back into vapor while the pressure wave pushes more away. Start hurling those on a straight line towards her and she's going to have to adapt, and probably assume that either Nobs or a Hyuga is directing the assault. Since she's probably using her ability to direct the others who can't see there goes the enemy C&C.

-not to mention that with Kagome not being on the field any Leaf-nin is going to hear a screaming banshee running headlong into a straight line of GBWs and explosive seals thrown at quarter-second intervals towards the last-known location of the greatest threat and think, "Yup, found Hazou."
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@eaglejarl @OliWhail @Velorien I'm trying to figure out a good user-interface for a command-line script that simulates a ninja battle helpfully and accurately (and flexibly enough to use). Would code run from the command line which asked the following questions (and did the requisite background calculations and stat tracking) be helpful and accurate for simulating a battle?

1) Ask user for number of ninja in a battle
2) For each ninja, ask user for excel file/google doc with their stats (or manually enter their stats)
3) Roll Initiative
For ninja in Initiative:
4) Ask user for specific action & boost (e.g. Tai, or boosted by 4 Tai with Roki and Claws, or Move, or Goo Bomb)
5) Ask user which ninja or ninjas attacker is targeting/rolling against (e.g. whichever ninja are in the area of effect, or whatever ninja is going to try to stop / run from the move action)
6) Ask user which defense the targeted ninja(s) will use, and if they will boost (e.g. Tac_Move boost 3)
7) Ask user if Mass Combat bonus applies, and if so, which ninja with which skills on both sides of the attack
8) Calculate and display rolls and results, update ninja_class_object for each involved ninja adding injuries, removing pangolin conditioning, removing chakra points, etc. as necessary
9) Return to 4 until all actions are completed for this ninja​
10) print stats of all current involved ninja and ask if combat over - if not, return to 3

The above is my current thought on how to automate combat from a high level (obviously there's backend stuff too, but I think I've got a pretty good handle on how to handle that). I think steps 5-8 will likely need to be somewhat different for different actions, but I think the above general outline would work.

Do you have interest in such a code? If so, would you prefer it be structured differently from the above?
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apparently our shit-tier fortifications and traps were a complete waste of fucking time and chakra. lesson learned.

And for the record, perhaps if the mist surrounding and enveloping us was accurately described things may have been planned differently.