Have Jiraiya, the Hokage, stop by to personally explain the situation between his son and the daughter of the uppity civilian. Then invite him to game night with all the clan heads.
Please, please, pretty please with cherries on top, propose this to Jiraiya. I don't promise the outcome will be good but please please please propose it.

The best way to help Noburi is to offer him research ideas. I'm interested to see how the QMs will do quantifying chakra.
Damnit, I'm out of aspirin.
Oh, wait, I still have one can of Guiness. Saved!

I didn't know discreet was spelt that way or I may have gotten the joke.
I shall now make corny jokes and ask you to wheat around while I make cereal (and parallel) puns about various grains.

(NB: I'm a Murikan, so for me 'spelled' is a past participle and 'spelt' is a type of wheat. If you're a Brit then you may feel free to mock the poor spelling of the colonials. If you're also from Trumpistan then I hope you'll accept that this is intended in good fun and wasn't intended to be mocking.)

strip global thermonuclear war
My childhood is forever ruined. I'm pretty sure Matthew Broderick is onboard, though, and I think Ally Sheedy probably is too.

(Reminder: When all the nine beasts in canon came together, strip global thermonuclear war wasn't a technically incorrect term for what happened next)
In seriousness, what actually happened? Didn't they turn into a giant tree or something?
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Please, please, pretty please with cherries on top, propose this to Jiraiya. I don't promise the outcome will be good but please please please propose it.

Jiraiya: "So you want me to take time out of my VERY busy schedule so I can explain to your girlfriend's father that I've adopted you?"
Hazou: "...yes?"
Jiraiya: "Hold on, let me check if I can fit you in... NOPE."
I had a chakra/seal interaction question.

Channeling chakra to a part of the body that isn't either hands or feet is really hard to accomplish.

However, doesn't the Dispel technique cycle chakra through the entire body?

Therfore, could we literally staple a seal to our back, and then cast Dispel to activate it?

The chakra cycling through our body should travel through the blood from the wound, and then reach the paper and activate the seal.
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In seriousness, what actually happened? Didn't they turn into a giant tree or something?
The important details: (aka why I can technically call it "strip global thermonuclear war")
  1. Naruto at one point uses mass Sexy no Jutsu with all his clones. The results are predictable and technically involve him stripping all his clothes off.
  2. All five elemental nations were involved, and the attacks used created new lakes as well as erased mountain ranges in different countries, hence the "global thermonuclear".
  3. The Fourth Shinobi World War does not technically end until a bit after Naruto and Sasuke finish their lover's spat duel to the death friendly discussion on the geopolitics of the Elemental Nations and announcing their candidacy for the position of Seventh Hokage, meaning all the previous sections technically occurred during the Fourth Shinobi World War.
I need rules for this. For a friend.
  • Take an entire planet with multiple nuclear armed nations.
  • All players pick a nuclear nation to play as.
  • Begin a nuclear war of all vs all.
  • Strip off your clothes in inverse proportion to what percentage of your civilians survived.
You know, instead of forwarding one particular Kagome theory, it might make more sense to ask him to debrief his full world view, just with a lead in highlighting those parts. On the other hand, this assumes Leaf didn't already try to debrief him
You know, instead of forwarding one particular Kagome theory, it might make more sense to ask him to debrief his full world view, just with a lead in highlighting those parts. On the other hand, this assumes Leaf didn't already try to debrief him
We did, assuming you were around for Chapters 120-122. The problem is I don't think we've had a chance to brief the rest of Leaf's intelligence apparatus, and his information is dubiously accurate. Skysquids he was right on the mark about, but sealing factories and scorch squads are still unconfirmed, and those are the theories that are easiest to verify.
Noburi: "Hazō, for the love of all that is good, can you *please* at least *try* to keep the injuries you're immediately going to come bother me with simple?"
Well, being able to activate a burning wood macerator to prevent a kunai in our back would probably even out the fact we'd need to occasionally deal with small puncture wounds.

I'm reasonably sure leaf has seal factories. Seal masters produce an incredibly valuable product and leaf probably doesn't have enough numbers to produce enough skywalkers and pay them a fair market price. Since they apparently can afford to give genin skywalkers they probably have people chained up producing them
Question: at one point Hiruzen and Jiraiya had a conversation about scorch squads right? And we don't know if Hiruzen knew about them, Jiraiya knew about them, both, or neither?

What happens in a scenario where the Hokage would be privy to the info but Jiraiya was not. As stand-in Hokage would he now be privy to the info? In a situation where you have a stand-in Hokage, would they be briefed on Hokage-level secrets, or would the administration know to save Hokage-secrets for a real full Hokage?

Basically, did Jiraiya's knowledge on scorch squads change after becoming stand-in Hokage and does this have interesting implications in other cases?
I'm reasonably sure leaf has seal factories. Seal masters produce an incredibly valuable product and leaf probably doesn't have enough numbers to produce enough skywalkers and pay them a fair market price. Since they apparently can afford to give genin skywalkers they probably have people chained up producing them

At the risk of being repetitive: we saw one genin using skywalkers for one task that literally could not be completed without them. We have no reason to expect that Skywalker production is wide-scale just because of that one event.
At the risk of being repetitive: we saw one genin using skywalkers for one task that literally could not be completed without them. We have no reason to expect that Skywalker production is wide-scale just because of that one event.

I'm hoping I'm wrong. It just makes everything fit for me. Seals are expensive. Seal masters aren't that common. Skywalkers are a huge security risk. If you can give them to one genin probably give them to more than one genin.

I don't want to investigate or anything about this. It's just what makes all the pieces make sense to me. I'm not going to be surprised that leaf does a bunch of shady shit. We just can't afford to look into it until Jiraiya is permanently Hokage
I'm hoping I'm wrong. It just makes everything fit for me. Seals are expensive. Seal masters aren't that common. Skywalkers are a huge security risk. If you can give them to one genin probably give them to more than one genin.

I don't want to investigate or anything about this. It's just what makes all the pieces make sense to me. I'm not going to be surprised that leaf does a bunch of shady shit. We just can't afford to look into it until Jiraiya is permanently Hokage

It does make sense that Leaf would be making as many Skywalkers as they could, because Skywalkers are useful and Leaf likes having useful things. I just don't like the Genin being brought up as evidence that every Leaf-nin has a pair by now or something ridiculous like that.
(NB: I'm a Murikan, so for me 'spelled' is a past participle and 'spelt' is a type of wheat. If you're a Brit then you may feel free to mock the poor spelling of the colonials. If you're also from Trumpistan then I hope you'll accept that this is intended in good fun and wasn't intended to be mocking.)
Actually I live in a different British offshoot down under. Officially we use British English but don't really care that much. In my opinion the British have no grounds to complain about bastardisation of language unless they are actually French.
Just as a suggestion if Kagome is reluctant to go to individual therapy, maybe Team Uplift can find some group therapy to join and take turns talking about their feelings, so he's encouraged to share in an environment that he knows is supportive and it seems less like he's being singled out (and also the others get the chance to as well).
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"I—I also have a design for knockout gas bombs you could drop from a height. Totally harmless and non-lethal. No threat to civilization at all."

"Better," Jiraiya agreed. "Much better. The Hokage will be happy to hear about those, at least if you can convince him that you're not going to accidentally poison anyone. Some poisons have serious long-term effects that you might not notice at the time, and you don't want to inflict those on anybody you want kept alive."

Mari-sensei gave a knowing smile which Hazō decided not to think about too much.

"What fascinates me is this next part," Jiraiya went on. "Storage seals and seal-based mechanisms for civilian use. As you know, Leaf is big on civilian welfare, and this could revolutionise civilian lives without getting anybody killed. Minato had some crazy ideas along the same lines—he'd have loved the idea of a Mist-nin of all people following up on them. He thought that if we radically improved civilian survival rates in the Fire Country, then Mist would be first in line to strike at our population centres to protect the balance of power. Hopefully, that's not going to be a concern for much longer.

"Once we win the war, we should have the resource base to throw behind something like this, provided you can come up with workable designs and persuade the decision-makers. I'd love to see what a prospering civilian population does to the sales figures for my books."

Jiraiya grinned. Hazō smiled uncertainly back.

"Now, negotiations. I think the 'keep your mouth shut' strategy is a good one. There's going to be quite a sense of urgency about this decision, so people will be looking for any opportunity to make snap judgements about you. Don't give them any openings, and let me do the talking, at least for now.

"In terms of custom seals for different clans, we're lucky with the timing. Normally, it wouldn't help all that much—if you're giving Clan A special seals, they can safely assume you'll be doing the same for their rivals in Clan B, and for all they know those seals could be better. But in wartime, those concerns fade into the background to some extent. That said, don't get ahead of yourself. Leaf does have its own sealmasters, and so do most of the big clans. You can't protect your independence if you have to rely on the central government for your sealing.

"Noburi's medic work will help us. There's no such thing as too many medics, and miraculously, you still have Dr Yakushi on your side. With a bit of help from Tsunade, we might be able to wrangle that into an extra support base, especially if you can figure out something to offer them that they don't have already. You got a bunch of training from outside Leaf, so figure out how to leverage it.

"Keiko… the non-lethal thing could be a pro or a con, because the last thing you want is to be associated with Gai in people's minds when it comes to politics. Or at all. We'll come back to you later."

Hazō didn't like the way Jiraiya said that.

"With that said, your connections with the minders from last time are useful, and we should try to exploit them. For now, you can't be seen moving around as a group, or drawing any kind of attention, so there's not much you can do on that front, but think about ways you can appeal to the heirs in particular. It'll mesh well with my work higher up the chain.

"I'm thinking about the Hyūga in particular. I'm going to have a real hard time making inroads with those supremacist jerks, so if you've managed to get that Neji kid on your side, that could potentially make a big difference."

Noburi bit his lip.

"In broader terms, the strategy you've outlined is not that different from what I've been planning myself, with one notable exception. You kids really think there's hope of containment at this point? Right now very few people know you're back, but as to who you are? Pretty much everyone who's interacted with you in any way knows that by now. You think the clan kids didn't report to their parents? Or that nobody heard about that mess at the library? No, that messenger bird has flown. I don't deny we would have a much easier time if you were just mysterious ninja appearing out of nowhere, but we have to deal with the situation as it is.

"Now, my work for the next few days is going to be meeting with the clans one by one, spinning this story a dozen different ways, promising concessions and cashing in bits of political capital left, right and centre. A few clans might go for your idealism, so have some good speeches ready when they finally invite you for an audience. The traditionalists would freak out, so you'll need to focus on your loyalty to Leaf—stressing the Will of Fire and how much this place is better than Mist—and how useful your inventions will be, as opposed to how much they'll change the world.

"Above all, don't accept any invitations until you've had a chance for me to brief you on the clan. If ninja you don't know come to talk to you, try and deflect them. 'That information is classified' will get you surprisingly far, as long as you're polite enough about it. For myself, I particularly like 'It would be disrespectful to discuss such matters with you before I've had a chance to do so with your clan leader'. And go nowhere without an ANBU escort. I think that's pretty self-explanatory."
Here's a bit that we may want to check how much of is still relevant to us, and a quick reminder as to exactly what Jiraiya said on the topic of our seals. Specifically:

Jiraiya said:
"What fascinates me is this next part," Jiraiya went on. "Storage seals and seal-based mechanisms for civilian use. As you know, Leaf is big on civilian welfare, and this could revolutionise civilian lives without getting anybody killed."


"In terms of custom seals for different clans, we're lucky with the timing. Normally, it wouldn't help all that much—if you're giving Clan A special seals, they can safely assume you'll be doing the same for their rivals in Clan B, and for all they know those seals could be better. But in wartime, those concerns fade into the background to some extent. That said, don't get ahead of yourself. Leaf does have its own sealmasters, and so do most of the big clans. You can't protect your independence if you have to rely on the central government for your sealing.
@faflec In your Socialization section you may want to add a section detailing what Hazou will do if Ino finds us and "insists" we talk with her. Happened the last time we tried working in the library, which, speaking of, is another thing we could do.
We might want to keep Kagome away from the Minami clan for a while. If he does show up to the funeral could it be under Mari's watchful eye so that he does not blurt out things Jiraiya would rather not be spoken about?
@eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail How does Lesser Barrier Formation know to understand a seal? Like, if LBF is put next to a bunch of different seals, how does it know to activate the right seal?
As per a prior ruling, the seals must be in contact in order for one to trigger the other. If there are multiple seals in contact with the LBF, the QMs get to roll on a certain table.

@eaglejarj, @Velorien, @OliWhail - are we cleared to let Akane's dad know we're Leaf-nin yet, or is our existence still largely a secret?
It is no longer formally a secret given that you're coming back from a Hokage-sanctioned Leaf mission where you had a Leaf chūnin who wasn't under any orders to conceal who she was working with. That said, the Hokage doesn't want it spread around before he can make a formal announcement.

@eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail Does Team 8 have the same members as canon?
Hazo is vaguely aware that there is a Team 8 because Leaf authorities can count, but he has no reason to know anything about it beyond that.

not everyone has a Kei
Clearly, this is what you should be working on first, not all those civilian sealcrafting projects.

@eaglejarl @OliWhail @Velorien

Did Akane, Noburi, or Hazō ever told the rest of the team about reporting the Kagome incident to the hokage?
Yes, they did.
Clearly, this is what you should be working on first, not all those civilian sealcrafting projects.
We need to wait until we can get Orichimaru's research before we can start giving everyone a Kei.

Edit:Actually if we assume that Kagome's theory has a grain of truth then it is a strong possibility the Sage is possessing or has suborned Orichimaru. Getting that bloodline/cloning research may be even harder than we think.

Give Everyone a Kei should still go on our list of long term goals.
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