Edits made as per @Twofold's suggestions. I'm pretty sure Noburi can Henge his barrel (@eaglejarl, @Velorien, @OliWhail, confirm?) since he's done it before, so I had him do it + had Inoue-sensei check the city in case of sleepers.

Still incomplete. Would like suggestions, especially on the last dot (lack of detail).

[X] Action Plan: Iron Escorts, Take Two
As per usual, square everything with the team.

  • Survive.
  • Go to Iron.
  • Set up a base.
  • Fix shit.
  • Go to Iron.
    • Have the evac plan mapped out before the end of the last update. Doubt we'd get the chance to stop and decide RN or after we've left.
      • Don't pressure the team to talk since they hate us now. Let Inoue-sensei lead and we'll follow with our suggestions as directed.
      • Justifications for going to Iron, if asked:
        • No hidden village.
        • No important ninja clan.
        • Post-Liberator hunter-nin are gone.
        • We know the basic land.
        • Kagome really knows the basic land.
        • Hashimoto-sensei can teach Noburi medicine.
        • Can make trip to Sarubetsu if Inoue-sensei wants to make up with that one innkeeper (don't actually say this out loud).
      • Possible travel map to suggest to Inoue-sensei.
        • Key:
          • Purple: If we're going straight to Iron.
          • Dark Red: If we want Leaf to think we went to Waterfalls.
        • We prefer the Purple plan over the Dark Red plan:
          • We can't communicate any plan of obfuscation without them finding out.
          • Waterfalls-nin may catch our trail.
    • While in Fire:
      • Make sure Kagome doesn't go crazy.
      • Be courteous. Say nothing unless addressed.
      • Be on alert for threats.
    • Once escort is dropped follow long-ranged movement SOP.
    • Find a base (see below).
  • Set up a base.
    • Follow Kagome-sensei/Inoue-sensei/Keiko's lead. Do what you need to do. If we are prompted to make suggestions...
    • Two parameters that matter for finding an ideal location: defensibility and camouflage.
      • Defensibility:
        • More room: More maneuverability.
        • Elevated from surroundings: Prevents enemies from attacking down upon us.
      • Camouflage:
        • Away from civilization/roads/natural resources: No reason for people to go through here.
        • Surrounded by natural barriers: Trees, rocks, hills prevent visual upon us.
      • Given our tendency to run over fight camouflage should be considered moreso than defensibility.
    • Building the base: MEW walls and seal traps.
      • Make as per Kagome-sensei's direction.
  • Do shit.
    • Team could destress for two days other then camp maintenance and security.
      • Hazou doesn't get to loaf around. He needs to make up for his fuckup.
    • Team could do After Action Report on the Arikada mission & actions in Konoha.
      • Make lists about everything we observed whenever Hazou has time. This is an individual reflection, don't pester the team. They do them.
    • Team could work on training plans.
      • If Noburi goes into Yuni to study medicine, make sure to be paranoid and ask Inoue-sensei to check the place for potential black ops plants. Also hide his barrel in Henge.
    • Team could decide where to go after Iron.
      • We've been to Iron twice already, probably not a good idea to stay forever.
      • Heading far east, towards Claw/Fang/Mountain, is farther from the action, but has unknown area.
      • Finding a place in Waterfall would be faster but the possibility of a tailed beast is bad for us.
Alright, none of the plans are doing what I want. I suppose there's only one path for me to take.

I think it will serve us well to address Hazou's current crisis of leadership straight on. See the plan for details, this part especially requires thread feedback. (It got wordy but I have a hard time condensing it. Halp?)

[X] Action Plan: Lonely RIver

Go to river, stay hidden, and train for border crossing.

  1. Survive
  2. Hide in River
  3. Recuperate enough to change locations
  4. Train and plan for cross-border travel
  • Vote River as our next destination
    • Remember opsec, no need to go on in detail when we are being listened on
    • If pressed for a reason, state that you are worried about patterns of going to same places and meeting same people repeatedly
      • This is about Hazou being worried about Hashimoto's location being compromised in Iron
  • Suggest that we keep as low profile as possible
    • Use Long Range movement SOP after we have reliably ditched our escort, prioritizing stealth over speed
      • When moving long distances, team should:
        • Chakra-boost:
          • Choose a level of chakra-boosting based on availability of bodies of water for Noburi to refill the team's chakra.
          • Move while chakra-boosted according to chosen boosting level.
          • Regularly use Noburi's abilities to rebalance chakra pools of team members.
          • When possible, stop at bodies of water to allow Noburi refill chakra reserves.
        • Conceal their tracks:
          • Do short detours through bodies of water to thwart ninjas attempting to follow team's trails.
          • Use rabbit-like trail-scrambling tricks (loops, backtracking+jumping to the side, like on figure 2, etc.).
            • Instead of backtracking personally, use clones to lay false trail (preferably ending in a body of water/on stone outcrop/on other place where trail termination is not immediately obvious) and dispel.
          • Use PMYF to break trail:
            1. Team member throws PMYF and substitutes.
            2. One of remaining team members seals the substitution target into PMYF and reuses it.
            3. Repeat until everybody substituted.
            4. Last one to substitute uses additional tricks to conceal the fact of substitution:
          • Use local stone/log, substitute from the place where it was so it looks like it was slightly moved.
          • Substitute from surface of body of water, use stone collected from the bottom of the body of water as PMYF payload.
        • Use airborne poisons to deter scent trackers, if scent tracking is a possibility:
          1. Use a location shielded from the winds for track-scrambling tricks.
          2. Disperse airborne poison in the same location.
        • Utilize Henge to provide terrain-appropriate camouflage and reduce malus dice
        • If we need to cross a border, cross such that our actual target is not along the line of our apparent trajectory. This way, if we break pursuit, they won't be able to easily determine where to look for us.
    • Hide in the wilderness
    • No human contact
    • No MEW fortifications
  • Address the team about what happened and how it affects team functions
    • Hazou has been the idea guy and agitator for most of the things we have tried
    • With this current failure, he has no idea if the team wants him to continue in that role anymore
    • At the same time, the team needs to keep moving and doing things. Trying to dance around the issue might get some or all of us killed.
    • How does the team want to move onward from here? What role do they want Hazou to play in the team and what things do they want to trust to him?
    • This is completely on the rest of the team and Hazou will naturally serve at any role they see fit
  • Record our observations of Leaf for future analysis
    • Write them down individually and start cross referencing when we have time
  • Plan a trip to a more permanent hiding location
    • Since Leaf knows we went to River, we need to get out there as soon as training an preparation for border crossing is done
    • Hazou feels that Mountain could be sufficiently remote for a longer term base
    • Fang and Claw might be provide interesting opportunities (for improving the world, naturally)
    • These are just ideas and Hazou is not married to them
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How about we do NOT go to River?

You are free to vote wherever you want to go. I want to go to River.

For training plans, here are the quick options that will help with crossing borders.

[X] Training Hazou: Intermediate Stealth

Stealth 11 [11]
Stealth 12 [23]
Stealth 13 [36]
Stealth 14 [50]

Saved 83XP

[x] Training Keiko: Intermediate Stealth

Stealth 12 [12]
Stealth 13 [25]
Stealth 14 [39]
Stealth 15 [54]

Saved 107 XP

[x] Training Noburi: Intermediate Stealth

Stealth 12 [12]
Stealth 13 [25]
Stealth 14 [39]
Stealth 15 [44]

Saved 118.5 XP

I swapped to TacMove here, but you can replace TacMove with Stealth and the plan stays the same.

[X] Training Hazou: Fast Stealth

Stealth 11 [11]
Stealth 12 [23]
Stealth 13 [36]
Stealth 14 [50]

Dexterity 6 [62]

TacMov 15 [77]
TacMov 16 [93]
TacMov 17 [110]

Saved 23XP

[X] Training Keiko: Fast Stealth

Stealth 12 [12]
Stealth 13 [25]
Stealth 14 [39]
Stealth 15 [54]

TacMov 16 [70]
TacMov 17 [87]
TacMov 18 [105]

Saved 56XP

[x] Training Noburi: Fast Stealth

Stealth 12 [12]
Stealth 13 [25]
Stealth 14 [39]
Stealth 15 [44]

Dexterity 6 [56]

TacMov 16 [72]
TacMov 17 [89]
TacMov 18 [107]

Saved 55.5XP

EDIT: So what I'm saying here is that we should at minimum get Stealth 15. We have the XP to go farther than that, or optionally get more TacMove for speed, but I have no idea what is the best point to stop at.
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tl;dr 17 Stealth for everyone. If the winning Action Plan calls for medical training Noburi does that and the team -I'll edit it in-; if it doesn't they level Tactical Movement to 17.

Trying to decide if Stealth 17/Tac Move 17 (below) is a better plan than Stealth 15/Tac Move 18 (@Twofold's plan). Might end up putting another round of training so people can decide.

[X] Training Noburi: Modulated Training
Stealth 12 [12]
Stealth 13 [25]
Stealth 14 [39]
Stealth 15 [54]
Dexterity 6 [66]
Stealth 16 [82]
Stealth 17 [99]

If medical training is done:
Intelligence 3 [105]
Intelligence 4 [113]
Medicine 5 [118]
Medicine 6 [124]
Medicine 7 [131]
Medicine 8 [139]
Medicine 9 [148]
Medicine 10 [158]
Resolve 5 [168]
Medical Ninjutsu 8 [176]
Medical Ninjutsu 9 [185]
Medical Ninjutsu 10 [195]
Save 11.5XP

Tactical Movement 16 [115]
Tactical Movement 17 [132]
Save 74.5XP

[X] Training Keiko: Modulated Training
Stealth 12 [12]
Stealth 13 [25]
Stealth 14 [39]
Stealth 15 [54]
Dexterity 6 [66]
Stealth 16 [82]
Stealth 17 [99]

If Noburi does medical training:
Save 62XP

Tactical Movement 16 [115]
Tactical Movement 17 [132]
Save 29XP

[X] Training Hazou: Modulated Training
Stealth 11 [11]
Stealth 12 [23]
Stealth 13 [36]
Stealth 14 [50]
Dexterity 6 [62]
Stealth 15 [77]
Stealth 16 [93]

If Noburi does medical training:
Save 40XP

Tactical Movement 15 [108]
Tactical Movement 16 [124]
Save 9XP
I advise holding off on suggesting River until we know the results of The Great Rebalancing.

If River nin are likely to detect us as soon as we step inside their borders via some "detect intruders through river currents" jutsu, then suggesting we go there is an excellent way to burn the last of our credibility as team planner.
If River nin are likely to detect us as soon as we step inside their borders via some "detect intruders through river currents" jutsu, then suggesting we go there is an excellent way to burn the last of our credibility as team planner.
We had credibility left!?

But seriously, I really don't want to go to Rivers if (when we traveled from Iron to Tea) Inoue-sensei made a point of avoiding Rivers, and instead opted to go through Waterfalls instead, passing close to their Hidden Village in the process. I would much rather us go to Waterfalls and hole up there, if we don't want to go to Iron.
More edits shamelessly stolen from @Twofold:
Still incomplete. Would like suggestions, especially on the last dot (lack of detail).

[X] Action Plan: Iron Escorts, Take Two
As per usual, square everything with the team.

  • Survive.
  • Go to Iron.
  • Set up a base.
  • Fix shit.
  • Go to Iron.
    • Have the evac plan mapped out before the end of the last update. Doubt we'd get the chance to stop and decide RN or after we've left.
      • Don't pressure the team to talk since they hate us now. Let Inoue-sensei lead and we'll follow with our suggestions as directed.
      • Justifications for going to Iron, if asked:
        • No hidden village.
        • No important ninja clan.
        • Post-Liberator hunter-nin are gone.
        • We know the basic land.
        • Kagome-sensei really knows the basic land.
        • Hashimoto-sensei can teach Noburi medicine.
        • Can make trip to Sarubetsu if Inoue-sensei wants to make up with that one innkeeper (don't actually say this out loud).
      • Possible travel map to suggest to Inoue-sensei.
        • Key:
          • Purple: If we're going straight to Iron.
          • Dark Red: If we want Leaf to think we went to Waterfalls.
        • We prefer the Purple plan over the Dark Red plan:
          • We can't communicate any plan of obfuscation without them finding out.
          • Waterfalls-nin may catch our trail.
    • While in Fire:
      • Make sure Kagome-sensei doesn't go crazy.
      • Be courteous. Say nothing unless addressed.
      • Be on alert for threats.
    • Once escort is dropped follow long-ranged movement SOP.
    • Find a base (see below).
  • Set up a base.
    • Follow the team's lead. Do what you need to do. If we are prompted to make suggestions...
    • Two parameters that matter for finding an ideal location: defensibility and camouflage.
      • Defensibility:
        • More room: More maneuverability.
        • Elevated from surroundings: Prevents enemies from attacking down upon us.
      • Camouflage:
        • Away from civilization/roads/natural resources: No reason for people to go through here.
        • Surrounded by natural barriers: Trees, rocks, hills prevent visual upon us.
      • Given our tendency to run over fight camouflage should be considered moreso than defensibility.
    • Building the base: MEW walls and seal traps.
      • Make as per Kagome-sensei's direction.
  • Do shit.
    • Team could destress for two days other then camp maintenance and security.
      • Hazou doesn't get to loaf around. He needs to make up for his fuckup.
    • Team could do After Action Report on the Arikada mission & actions in Konoha.
      • Make lists about everything we observed whenever Hazou has time. This is an individual reflection, don't pester the team. They do them.
    • Talk about what role Hazou should be in from now on:
      • Hazou has been the idea guy and agitator for most of the things we have tried.
      • With this current failure, he has no idea if the team wants him to continue in that role anymore.
      • At the same time, the team needs to keep moving and doing things. Trying to dance around the issue might get some or all of us killed.
      • How does the team want to move onward from here? What role do they want Hazou to play in the team and what things do they want to trust to him?
      • This is completely on the rest of the team and Hazou will naturally serve at any role they see fit.
    • Team could work on training plans.
      • If Noburi goes into Yuni to study medicine, make sure to be paranoid and check the place for potential black ops plants. Also hide his barrel in Henge.
    • Team could decide where to go after Iron.
      • We've been to Iron twice already, probably not a good idea to keep doing that.
        • Also Leaf knows we went here, might not be a good idea to stay longer than we need to.
      • Heading far east, towards Claw/Fang/Mountain, is farther from the action, but has unknown area.
      • Finding a place in Waterfall would be faster but the possibility of a tailed beast is bad for us.
After action report is supposed to be a team activity, not something you do alone.

That said, it's a good idea to do first do the reports individually to avoid contamination of viewpoints, before recombining it together.
But seriously, I really don't want to go to Rivers if (when we traveled from Iron to Tea) Inoue-sensei made a point of avoiding Rivers, and instead opted to go through Waterfalls instead, passing close to their Hidden Village in the process. I would much rather us go to Waterfalls and hole up there, if we don't want to go to Iron.

That didn't happen though? We went to River and got the boat to cross over to Tea from there. Are you sure you are thinking the right River?

Didn't we at some point hash out how it would generally be better for our border crossing survival to go heavy on one skill instead of being mediocre in both? I could remember that wrong though.

I would also like to note that Stealth 17 goes above the projected long term value for Hazou's build. Not that it matters since the whole thing needs to be reworked anyways at some point.

For completeness sake, here's the full Stealth 18 option. We would actually be sneaky ninjas for once (...not):

[X] Training Hazou: True Stealth

Stealth 11 [11]
Stealth 12 [23]
Stealth 13 [36]
Stealth 14 [50]

Dexterity 6 [62]

Stealth 15 [77]
Stealth 16 [93]
Stealth 17 [110]

Saved 23XP

[X] Training Keiko: True Stealth

Stealth 12 [12]
Stealth 13 [25]
Stealth 14 [39]
Stealth 15 [54]

Stealth 16 [70]
Stealth 17 [87]
Stealth 18 [105]

Saved 56XP

[x] Training Noburi: True Stealth

Stealth 12 [12]
Stealth 13 [25]
Stealth 14 [39]
Stealth 15 [44]

Dexterity 6 [56]

Stealth 16 [72]
Stealth 17 [89]
Stealth 18 [107]

Saved 55.5XP

EDIT: Whoops, I forgot to change the names.
Last edited:
Thanks, @Kiba; added stuff to that line to clarify:
We'll combine notes once we do a team meeting or whatever we're calling them.

@Twofold We went along the Fire-River border which is supposed to be relatively unguarded. From what I'm reading of your proposal I'm getting the impression you want us to go into River which is supposed to be much harder.
@Twofold We went along the Fire-River border which is supposed to be relatively unguarded.

Ah, I see. I didn't remember that detail. I guess we really can't go to River then. Our Stealth is not much better than it was then, with the rebalancing it might actually be worse.

I still don't want to go to Iron. Noburi will definitely insists going to train with Hashimoto and then we will get Zabuza equivalent on our tail.

Grass seems too small for us to hide in, Waterfall is not much bigger and I have a bad feeling about trying to camp in the turf of insular ninjutsu experts.

But I suppose Waterfall is still our best bet. Everything else is too far for us to travel tired or too hot for us.

@faflec You might want to move the team address part to a more visible location in your plan. It is not a minor issue, and could easily account for the whole update depending how ej wants to play it.

I would also cut the rest time to one day. Leaf ninjas will know where we got off so to speak, and they might leak to Mist if they feel like getting rid of uppity missing-nin. We are not on safe waters and need to get out fast.
Thanks, @Twofold. Might I suggest that we remain in Fire (either near Hidden Swamp or along the unpatrolled Fire/Rivers border)? It would be a way for us to stay near Rivers in a known less-occupied area. We'd end up doubling back or something similar.

Plan edits below:
Still incomplete. Would like suggestions, especially on the last dot (lack of detail).

[X] Action Plan: Iron Escorts, Take Two
As per usual, square everything with the team.

  • Survive.
  • Go to Iron.
  • Set up a base.
  • Fix shit.
  • Go to Iron.
    • Have the evac plan mapped out before the end of the last update. Doubt we'd get the chance to stop and decide RN or after we've left.
      • Don't pressure the team to talk since they hate us now. Let Inoue-sensei lead and we'll follow with our suggestions as directed.
      • Justifications for going to Iron, if asked:
        • No hidden village.
        • No important ninja clan.
        • Post-Liberator hunter-nin are gone.
        • We know the basic land.
        • Kagome-sensei really knows the basic land.
        • Hashimoto-sensei can teach Noburi medicine.
        • Can make trip to Sarubetsu if Inoue-sensei wants to make up with that one innkeeper (don't actually say this out loud).
      • Possible travel map to suggest to Inoue-sensei.
        • Key:
          • Purple: If we're going straight to Iron.
          • Dark Red: If we want Leaf to think we went to Waterfalls.
        • We prefer the Purple plan over the Dark Red plan:
          • We can't communicate any plan of obfuscation without them finding out.
          • Waterfalls-nin may catch our trail.
    • While in Fire:
      • Make sure Kagome-sensei doesn't go crazy.
      • Be courteous. Say nothing unless addressed.
      • Be on alert for threats.
    • Once escort is dropped follow long-ranged movement SOP.
    • Find a base (see below).
  • Set up a base.
    • Follow the team's lead. Do what you need to do. If we are prompted to make suggestions...
    • Two parameters that matter for finding an ideal location: defensibility and camouflage.
      • Defensibility:
        • More room: More maneuverability.
        • Elevated from surroundings: Prevents enemies from attacking down upon us.
      • Camouflage:
        • Away from civilization/roads/natural resources: No reason for people to go through here.
        • Surrounded by natural barriers: Trees, rocks, hills prevent visual upon us.
      • Given our tendency to run over fight camouflage should be considered moreso than defensibility.
    • Building the base: MEW walls and seal traps.
      • Make as per Kagome-sensei's direction.
  • Do important shit.
    • Team could destress for a day.
      • Hazou doesn't get to loaf around. He needs to make up for his fuckup.
    • Find time to talk about what role Hazou should be in from now on:
      • Hazou has been the idea guy and agitator for most of the things we have tried.
      • With this current failure, he has no idea if the team wants him to continue in that role anymore.
      • At the same time, the team needs to keep moving and doing things. Trying to dance around the issue might get some or all of us killed.
      • How does the team want to move onward from here? What role do they want Hazou to play in the team and what things do they want to trust to him?
      • This is completely on the rest of the team and Hazou will naturally serve at any role they see fit.
    • Team could do After Action Report on the Arikada mission & actions in Konoha.
      • Make lists about everything we observed whenever Hazou has time. This is an individual reflection, don't pester the team. We'll combine notes once we do a team meeting or whatever we're calling them.
    • Team could decide where to go after Iron.
      • We've been to Iron twice already, probably not a good idea to keep doing that.
        • Also Leaf knows we went here, might not be a good idea to stay longer than we need to.
      • Heading far east, towards Claw/Fang/Mountain, is farther from the action, but has unknown area.
      • Finding a place in Waterfall would be faster but the possibility of a tailed beast is bad for us.
  • Less important shit:
    • Team could work on training plans.
      • If Noburi goes into Yuni to study medicine, make sure to be paranoid and check the place for potential black ops plants. Also hide his barrel in Henge.
Might I suggest that we remain in Fire (either near Hidden Swamp or along the unpatrolled Fire/Rivers border)? It would be a way for us to stay near Rivers in a known less-occupied area.

Our escorts are not going to let us stay in Fire, and I'm pretty sure Jiraya is not going to allow it even if we asked.

Okay, so I typed a plan out, but suddenly I have no faith that we can cross borders without being noticed. It's one thing to cross them when you can just keep running away afterwards, but to actually Stealthily invade a country and then stay there. Can we actually do that?

I guess we did that with Rice, but I think that was more or less because they were waiting for drug trafficking...traffic.

This is really not a fun vote. No wonder people are not getting excited about it.

[X] Action Plan: Waterfall Escorts

Follow Iron Escorts, Take Two, but after we have crossed over to Iron and are alone, suggest two alterations to the plan:
  1. Continue on from Iron to the northern Waterfall to further obfuscate our track
  2. Argue against going to meet Hashimoto. We have been there too many times and the location is probably compromised. It is one of the few locations we could be anticipated to return to.
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Our escorts are not going to let us stay in Fire, and I'm pretty sure Jiraya is not going to allow it even if we asked it.

Okay, so I typed that out, but suddenly I have no faith that we can cross borders without being noticed. It's one thing to cross them when you can just keep running away afterwards, but to actually Stealthily invade a country and then stay there. Can we actually do that?
No I mean...

Go to Rivers, then backtrack somewhere else into the Fire/Rivers border.

Or go to Iron, and backtrack into Hidden Swamp (or equivalent).
Go to Rivers, then backtrack somewhere else into the Fire/Rivers border.

Or go to Iron, and backtrack into Hidden Swamp (or equivalent).

Swamp is not an option, Mari made that clear when were running from Hot Springs.

But yeah, I guess we could backtrack back to Fire. For some reason I doubt Jiraya would like that, and the team is probably not open for us to risk annoying him. Not to mention all the reason we don't like to go to Fire in the first place: their sensory bloodlines.

I think I'm going to hold onto my "go to Waterfall through Iron" thing. It is going to get shouted down by the team but I can't on good conscience whats as we get trapped by Zabuza + Orochimaru tag team.
Added Phase 0 to indicate what we will be doing while we stay couped up.

Also stolen shamelessly from @falfec again.

Anyway, here's an in-progress action plan.

[X] Action Plan: We're FREEEEEEEEE!


1. Don't Die
2. Go Underground
3. Rest & Recuperate


Phase 0
  • When the team is spending time couped up in the guestroom for three days, Hazou didn't stay idle. He did things to prepare for the journey:
    • By reading, collating, and taking notes on the countries we might be going to in the future.
    • By reading books and self educating himself.
  • Follow Mari's lead in OPSEC. If Mari says we can't discuss where we are going beyond a vote, that's what we're doing. If she say to discuss in full details, that's what we're doing.
    • Especially for Phase 1, don't argue with her if she shut us down.
    • We know that Konoha spies are watching and listening to our every move anyway.
    • It doesn't excuse us from not talking to our team, especially if our survival in the wild is more important than getting backstabbed by a Konoha faction.(don't mention this to anyone)
  • Hazou can't get to feel sorry for himself. He must do what is needed to increase our chance of survival.

Phase 1
  • Discuss with team beforehand where we want to go. Ideally, this occur during the three days we spent cooped up in the guestroom, not in earshot of the escorting team.
    • Hazo will use the hivemind's list of border nations, notes gleamed from Merchant's Gazetteer and other books to lay out options for the team.
    • Express concern about hunter-nins who may be hunting the team after the Hot Spring and Arikada mission.
    • The team together will decide where we go.
    • In spite of his reservation, Hazou will voice support for Iron. Below is a list of reason why:
      • No hidden village
      • No important ninja
      • Post-Liberator hunter-nins are gone
      • We know the land.
      • Kagome really know the land.
      • Hashimoto-sensei can finish teaching Noburi medicine
    • Furthermore on Iron, express concern that Hashimoto-sensei might be watched by Mist agents/informants and spies not from Jiraiya's network.
  • During escort:
    • Make sure Kagome don't do anything stupid or rash.
    • Be courteous. Say nothing unless addressed.
    • Be on alert for threats.
  • Once a bit past the border(20 km~) and no escort, execute SOP:LRM.
  • Keep moving until Mari-sensei judged a good spot to set up camp. Ideally, Mari-sensei will choose a site with:
    • Defensibility
      • More room: More maneuverability.
      • Elevated from surroundings: Prevents enemies from attacking down upon us.
    • Camouflage:
      • Away from civilization/roads/natural resources: No reason for people to go through here.
      • Surrounded by natural barriers: Trees, rocks, hills prevent visual upon us.
    • Given our tendency to run over fight camouflage should be considered moreso than defensibility.
    • If in Iron, it should not be near the same village or town.

Phase 2
  • Set up camp. MEW shelter. Camo. Make seal traps and regular traps, set watch schedule. You know the drill. Follow Kagome's direction. He knows how to make a defendable camp. (We don't have a base-building SOP)
    • Express concern with patterns of base-building being used to identify where the team has went all over the Elemental Nations, especially with Hazo's use of MEW.
  • For nearby locations(such as towns, farmhouse, etc), Mari will decide how to execute the Intel Checklist. It shall be done discretely and in henge. Follow Mari's instruction.
  • Suggested activities(ordered by priority):
    1. Before doing anything else, discuss breaking camp and relocating to somewhere else. E.g. Move from Tea to one of the islands south, maybe even Sea. Or move from Iron to Snow.
    2. The team do an After Action Report on the Konoha clusterfuck and the Arikada mission.
      • Each member of the team will provide a full and detailed report from their own perspective. They will not talk to each other to avoid contamination of opinions and details. This is hugely important for avoiding bias, false memories, etc.
      • In a team meeting, combine and collate details, talk about how the missions go, what they did wrong or right, how they can do better, etc.
    3. Find time to talk about what role Hazou should be in from now on:
      • Hazou has been the idea guy and agitator for most of the things we have tried.
      • With this current failure, he has no idea if the team wants him to continue in that role anymore.
      • At the same time, the team needs to keep moving and doing things. Trying to dance around the issue might get some or all of us killed.
      • How does the team want to move onward from here? What role do they want Hazou to play in the team and what things do they want to trust to him?
      • This is completely on the rest of the team and Hazou will naturally serve at any role they see fit.

    4. Start on training plans.
      • If we are in Iron and If Noburi goes into Yuni to study medicine:
        • Argue against idea, raising concern of Hashimoto's location being compromised by Mist Intelligence, unless this is already addressed in Phase 1.
        • If the team decide to go for it anyway, make sure to be paranoid and check the place for potential black ops plants. Also hide his barrel in Henge. An additional member of the team may need to watch Hashimoto's location.
    5. The team destress for one-two days other then camp maintenance and security.
  • Be polite and courteous.
    • If part of our plan results in not being polite or courteous, override that part of the plan.
    • Ignore this contingency if a threat appears, and speed of warning is more important than phrasing.
  • Be alert.
    • Keep an eye out for threats.
    • Alert the team if a threat appears, and Hazo is the first to notice.
[X] Action Plan: Waterfall Escorts

Follow Iron Escorts, Take Two, but after we have crossed over to Iron and are alone, suggest two alterations to the plan:
  1. Continue on from Iron to the northern Waterfall to further obfuscate our track
  2. Argue against going to meet Hashimoto. We have been there too many times and the location is probably compromised. It is one of the few locations we could be anticipated to return to.
I'm not actually against this, TBH.

[X] Action Plan: Waterfall Escorts
Swamp is not an option, Mari made that clear when were running from Hot Springs.

But yeah, I guess we could backtrack back to Fire. For some reason I doubt Jiraya would like that, and the team is probably not open for us to risk annoying him. Not to mention all the reason we don't like to go to Fire in the first place: their sensory bloodlines.

I think I'm going to hold onto my "go to Waterfall through Iron" thing. It is going to get shouted down by the team but I can't on good conscience whats as we get trapped by Zabuza + Orochimaru tag team.

My plan already has "talk about disassembling camp and moving somewhere else". I supposed I could have Hazou talk about Waterfall or maybe Snow?
Hand Bot version 0.0

Plan name: We're FREEEEEEEEE!

Voters: @Chronocide, @elpachosan, @faflec, @Kiba, @schlega, @MadScientist, @Dissonance
Num votes: 7

Plan name: Iron Escorts, Take Two
Voters: @faflec, @Chronocide, @MMKII, @Pahan, @Dissonance
Num votes: 5

Plan name: Waterfall Escorts
Voters: @Twofold, @faflec
Num votes: 2

Plan name: Honeyed Knee, Version 1
Voters: @elpachosan, @schlega
Num votes: 2

Plan name: Lonely River
Voters: @Twofold
Num votes: 1

Plan name: Destination Subplan: Iron
Voters: @elpachosan
Num votes: 1

Plan name: Destination Subplan: Tea
Voters: @elpachosan
Num votes: 1

I didn't include training plans.
[X] Action Plan: Iron Escorts, Take Two

I don't have the heart to tell Noburi no to studying medicine, and I don't think J would let us return to his agent if he thought it would get Hashimoto compromised.