- Location
- Yes.
Edits made as per @Twofold's suggestions. I'm pretty sure Noburi can Henge his barrel (@eaglejarl, @Velorien, @OliWhail, confirm?) since he's done it before, so I had him do it + had Inoue-sensei check the city in case of sleepers.
Still incomplete. Would like suggestions, especially on the last dot (lack of detail).
[X] Action Plan: Iron Escorts, Take Two
As per usual, square everything with the team.
- Survive.
- Go to Iron.
- Set up a base.
- Fix shit.
- Go to Iron.
- Have the evac plan mapped out before the end of the last update. Doubt we'd get the chance to stop and decide RN or after we've left.
- Don't pressure the team to talk since they hate us now. Let Inoue-sensei lead and we'll follow with our suggestions as directed.
- Justifications for going to Iron, if asked:
- No hidden village.
- No important ninja clan.
- Post-Liberator hunter-nin are gone.
- We know the basic land.
- Kagome really knows the basic land.
- Hashimoto-sensei can teach Noburi medicine.
- Can make trip to Sarubetsu if Inoue-sensei wants to make up with that one innkeeper (don't actually say this out loud).
- Possible travel map to suggest to Inoue-sensei.
- Key:
- Purple: If we're going straight to Iron.
- Dark Red: If we want Leaf to think we went to Waterfalls.
- We prefer the Purple plan over the Dark Red plan:
- We can't communicate any plan of obfuscation without them finding out.
- Waterfalls-nin may catch our trail.
- While in Fire:
- Make sure Kagome doesn't go crazy.
- Be courteous. Say nothing unless addressed.
- Be on alert for threats.
- Once escort is dropped follow long-ranged movement SOP.
- Find a base (see below).
- Set up a base.
- Follow Kagome-sensei/Inoue-sensei/Keiko's lead. Do what you need to do. If we are prompted to make suggestions...
- Two parameters that matter for finding an ideal location: defensibility and camouflage.
- Defensibility:
- More room: More maneuverability.
- Elevated from surroundings: Prevents enemies from attacking down upon us.
- Camouflage:
- Away from civilization/roads/natural resources: No reason for people to go through here.
- Surrounded by natural barriers: Trees, rocks, hills prevent visual upon us.
- Given our tendency to run over fight camouflage should be considered moreso than defensibility.
- Building the base: MEW walls and seal traps.
- Make as per Kagome-sensei's direction.
- Do shit.
- Team could destress for two days other then camp maintenance and security.
- Hazou doesn't get to loaf around. He needs to make up for his fuckup.
- Team could do After Action Report on the Arikada mission & actions in Konoha.
- Make lists about everything we observed whenever Hazou has time. This is an individual reflection, don't pester the team. They do them.
- Team could work on training plans.
- If Noburi goes into Yuni to study medicine, make sure to be paranoid and ask Inoue-sensei to check the place for potential black ops plants. Also hide his barrel in Henge.
- Team could decide where to go after Iron.
- We've been to Iron twice already, probably not a good idea to stay forever.
- Heading far east, towards Claw/Fang/Mountain, is farther from the action, but has unknown area.
- Finding a place in Waterfall would be faster but the possibility of a tailed beast is bad for us.