There is a technique tech tree linked in my sig that anyone is free to steal, but I probably will not be maintaining it. By and large the thread's creative juices have been directed towards sealing.

There's a fairly big difference between using the skills we have creatively (aka. Banshee shoes) and researching new techniques. My post focuses mostly on the former; the one requiring the most research seems to be the telescope, but even that is fairly basic maths. Your tech tree involves inventing new tools altogether. That's definitely a laudible goal, but it's a lot more long-term.

I can only surmise that there are XP and resource constraints we have otherwise we would have some sort of seal powers floating death fortress by now.

I assumed the reason we don't is because it's extremely labour intensive, requires upkeep and, being immobile, becomes useless extremely quickly. And because you haven't tried AFAICT from the story.
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I assumed the reason we don't is because it's extremely labour intensive, requires upkeep and, being immobile, becomes useless extremely quickly. And because you haven't tried AFAICT from the story.
My statement was complete hyperbole, yeah.

I don't think we're going to be allowed to just waive our hands and *seal shenanigans* our way into a game breakingness just yet, is my point. Probably the official reason for that would be XP, seal constraints, or some stat related thing. Unofficially, I don't think the QM's actually have the ability to completely take into account every inane combination of abilities we can glue together after we start getting a few more. There's just too much to think of.
There's a fairly big difference between using the skills we have creatively (aka. Banshee shoes) and researching new techniques
Apologies - when you said 'hacking' in your original post my brain registered it as 'technique hacking'.

People were wanting a telescope earlier. Did anyone consider just making one from ice?
They did not, to my memory.

Vampiric Dew's water control
Note that VD does not grant water control, it grants the ability to drain chakra through water. Noburi uses Water Whip to manipulate water.

How does overlapping Elemental Mastery work? If one used a -X° Elemental Mastery with a range of 10 metres, and followed with a +X° Elemental Mastery in a 5 meter range, what would the result be?
Assuming they were concentric, there would be a zone 5m in diameter at the center that was normal temperature surrounded by a 5m-thick ring of normal temperature -X.

Does the effect go through walls?

The boiling steam could be reduced to a reasonable temperature by using Elemental Mastery
Indeed it could, if you had somebody in the party with Elemental Mastery.

because hundreds of sniper flak cannons is basically an instant win condition.
I am curious how you intend to 'snipe' anyone when you can't aim..?

Have people considered using Force Walls as near-invisible blade traps?
Yes, this is largely how Kagome uses them when trapping the base.

Kawarimi gives you the velocity of the object you swapped with. This sounds like great escape material; shoot the kawarimi target out of a horizontal cannon and swap with it
This is basically what PMYF was initially designed to do.
Thanks for the answers.

Assuming they were concentric, there would be a zone 5m in diameter at the center that was normal temperature surrounded by a 5m-thick ring of normal temperature -X.

It seems they can stack somewhat, interesting :). What if you used the second Elemental Mastery two or more times in a row?

I am curious how you intend to 'snipe' anyone when you can't aim..?

As do I. Sniping with a stationary flak cannon makes very little sense. I was looking for the word silenced.

For that matter, how loud would such a contraption be? The Five Seal Barrier completely locks the object, so under human physics it would be soundproof, and the only escaping noise comes out the front which is Banshee'd. The flak can't be silenced, but it's still a lot less noise given the explosion and sonic boom. Setting a few Silence Mines around the entrance might even suffice to hide the location of the battery.
I stolen part of @falfec 's plan to make my own better.

Hazou supports Iron per consenus.

HOWEVER, unlike his plan, the team will decide where to go. It might be Tea, Fang, Waterfall, or god knows what. The plan is good enough to support anywhere we want to go.

Anyway, here's an in-progress action plan.

[X] Action Plan: We're FREEEEEEEEE!


1. Don't Die
2. Go Underground
3. Rest & Recuperate


Phase 1
  • Discuss with team beforehand where we want to go. Ideally, this occur during the three days we spent couped up in the guestroom.
    • Hazo will use the hivemind's list of border nations, notes gleamed from Merchant's Gazetteer and other books to laid out options for the team.
    • Express concern about hunter-nins who may be hunting the team after the Hot Spring and Arikada mission.
    • The team together will decide where we go.
    • In spite of his reservation, Hazou will voice support for Iron. Below is a list of reason why:
      • No hidden village
      • No important ninja
      • Post-Liberator hunter-nins are gone
      • We know the land.
      • Kagome really know the land.
      • Hashimoto-sensei can finish teaching Noburi medicine
  • During escort:
    • Make sure Kagome don't do anything stupid or rash.
    • Be courteous. Say nothing unless addressed.
    • Be on alert for threats.
  • Once a bit past the border(20 km~) and no escort, execute SOP:LRM.
  • Keep moving until Mari-sensei judged a good spot to set up camp. Ideally, Mari-sensei will choose a site with:
    • Defensibility
      • More room: More maneuverability.
      • Elevated from surroundings: Prevents enemies from attacking down upon us.
    • Camouflage:
      • Away from civilization/roads/natural resources: No reason for people to go through here.
      • Surrounded by natural barriers: Trees, rocks, hills prevent visual upon us.
    • Given our tendency to run over fight camouflage should be considered moreso than defensibility.

Phase 2
  • For nearby locations, execute Intel Checklist discretely, and henged.
  • Set up camp. MEW shelter. Camo. Make seal traps and regular traps, set watch schedule. You know the drill. Follow Kagome's direction. He knows how to make a defendable camp. (We don't have a base-building SOP)
  • Suggested activities:
    • Before doing anything else, discuss breaking camp and relocating to somewhere else. E.g. Move from Tea to one of the islands south, maybe even Sea. Or move from Iron to Snow.
    • The team destress for two days other then camp maintenance and security.
    • The team do an After Action Report on the Konoha clusterfuck.
    • The team do an After Action Report on the Arikada mission.
    • Start on training plans.
  • Be polite and courteous.
    • If part of our plan results in not being polite or courteous, override that part of the plan.
    • Ignore this contingency if a threat appears, and speed of warning is more important than phrasing.
  • Be alert.
    • Keep an eye out for threats.
    • Alert the team if a threat appears, and Hazo is the first to notice.
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I like the idea of bansheeing all our equipment, but only as long if it doesn't affect our sense of hearing.

Being able to hear in combat is important, not only for communication, but for stealth AND awareness, like in real life.

I still don't know why skywalking should be our highest priority after all the easy seals get researched.
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How exactly do the 5SB work? Can we activate and deactivate then reuse them? If not, can we research this?

Imagine putting the seals on your shoes, or a platform under your shoes + chakra adhesion. You take a step into the air, activate the seal, take another step, activate the other seal, deactivate the first one and take another step...

Literal airwalking. Would take some practice, sure, but seems as doable as waterwalking, if not moreso. And much faster for travel than hoisting around platforms. Just have to be careful they don't get damaged or wet by rain or moisture.
I like the idea of bansheeing all our equipment, but only as long if it doesn't affect our sense of hearing.

Being able to hear in combat is important, not only for communication, but for stealth AND awareness, like in real life.

I still don't know why skywalking should be our highest priority after all the easy seals get researched.
Banshee Slayer works in a 3cm radius, so unless you want to saturate our equipment with seals, or do a fuckton of seal research, it won't work as intended. Then again, if we manage to make it work on everything below the neck we'd effectively be a mobile silent corps, save for our head (which is needed to hear + talk).

Skywalking is the highest priority because flight is nonexistent in the Elemental Nations. Jiraiya and the Hokage made a point for us to tell them about our flotation platforms specifically because Konoha was weak to aerial assault. Inventing Skywalker seals, and selling them, would do wonders for pushing our status into the "asset" category.

How exactly do the 5SB work? Can we activate and deactivate then reuse them? If not, can we research this?

Imagine putting the seals on your shoes, or a platform under your shoes + chakra adhesion. You take a step into the air, activate the seal, take another step, activate the other seal, deactivate the first one and take another step...

Literal airwalking. Would take some practice, sure, but seems as doable as waterwalking, if not more do. And much faster for travel than hoisting around platforms. Hust have to be careful they don't get damaged or wet by rain or moisture.
I'm pretty sure 5SB can be reused, and that's part of the idea of the Skywalker seals. Modified 5SB (to need only 1 seal), put on the shoes, boom. Would need to keep them in a hidden compartment in the shoe so that the seal isn't damaged naturally, but it's workable.
We did. I remember because someone suggested putting 5SB on it to stop the lens from melting.
Ah, right, I do recall this discussion.

IIRC, when we first got the technique, it was ruled that it doesn't stack. The highest temperature change dominates.
I may be misremembering, but I thought they didn't stack in that you couldn't cheat around your skill level by casting the jutsu multiple times? If you know where a quote for that is I'd really appreciate it.
Banshee Slayer works in a 3cm radius, so unless you want to saturate our equipment with seals, or do a fuckton of seal research, it won't work as intended. Then again, if we manage to make it work on everything below the neck we'd effectively be a mobile silent corps, save for our head (which is needed to hear + talk).

Yeah. I want everything but us make sounds.

Also, it would be nice to have sound protection, in the form of muffing everything extremely loud. We don't want to be exposed to loud noise, only just enough for situational awareness.

We want our enemies to be exposed to loud noises, though. It'll hinder their awareness and ability to communicate.

Skywalking is the highest priority because flight is nonexistent in the Elemental Nations. Jiraiya and the Hokage made a point for us to tell them about our flotation platforms specifically because Konoha was weak to aerial assault. Inventing Skywalker seals, and selling them, would do wonders for pushing our status into the "asset" category.

I'm pretty sure 5SB can be reused, and that's part of the idea of the Skywalker seals. Modified 5SB (to need only 1 seal), put on the shoes, boom. Would need to keep them in a hidden compartment in the shoe so that the seal isn't damaged naturally, but it's workable.

We need a tactic doctrine to make use of this. It doesn't seems like flight to me though it'll enable another dimension for us.
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I thought I didn't get that set up right, as I can't see it anywhere. :/

[X] Action Plan: Iron Escorts, Take Two

[X] Action Plan: We're FREEEEEEEEE!

I still(always) think metacognitive training is useful. Due to her bloodline, might Keiko have some training in this area that can help?
On mobile, turn your screen sideways to see signatures :)
[X] Action Plan: Iron Escorts, Take Two

This plan is insufficiently paranoid.

  • Go to Iron.
    • Hashimoto-sensei can teach Noburi medicine.

I still maintain that Hashimoto is compromised. Noburi spent a lot of time around her in that town with his barrel hanging out for all to see. I would be very surprised if the Mist intelligence apparatus (that reportedly has been combing the area multiple times) has not picked up on this.

Note that a hunter-nin don't have to be camping in the bushes to trap us here. The only thing they need is few agents/informants keeping tabs on Hashimoto, who will send a word to Mist proper and requisition one of the kill teams they have set aside for this sort of things.

I'm not against going to Iron as long as we don't meet Hashimoto or go to places we have been at, but in the current climate Hazou is not going to be able to convince the team to just chill in Iron and not pursue medical training without serious proof.

Basically, if we don't want to risk the Hashimoto Trap, we need to go to somewhere else than Iron.

  • Have the evac plan mapped out before we leave Leaf. Doubt we'd get the chance to stop and decide after we've left.
    • Don't pressure the team to talk since they hate us now. Let Inoue lead and we'll follow with our suggestions as prompted.

Team Aomori and Leaf spies are still in the hearing range, meaning we should not discuss details about anything. A good way to decide where to go would be to have a huddle and each of the genin just states their preferred country with no extra detail to Mari and she makes the decision without further consultation.

[X] Action Plan: Iron Escorts, Take Two

  • Possible travel map:
    • Key:
      • Purple: If we're going straight to Iron.
      • Dark Red: If we want Leaf to think we went to Waterfalls.
    • We prefer the Purple plan over the Dark Red plan:
      • We can't communicate any plan of obfuscation without them finding out.
      • Waterfalls-nin may catch our trail.

Not really sure why we are suggesting a travel plan that we don't even want? Just say we go straight to Iron and make the plan that much shorter.

  • Fix shit.
    • Team could destress for two days other then camp maintenance and security.
    • Team could do After Action Report on the Konoha clusterfuck.
    • Team could do After Action Report on the Arikada mission.
    • Team could work on training plans.

We need full individual reports from everyone about what they observed while in Leaf. This is a priority since our memories will get worse as time goes on.

Second priority is deciding where to go next. We can't stay in Iron for more than a week, lest we really want to get hunter-nin on our backs.

Third would be getting Stealth training done, since we can't cross borders safely with our current dice.

  • Building the base: MEW walls and seal traps.

We really should not be building MEW bases willy nilly across Elemental Nations. We can and will be tracked by them.

Not that I expect Mari to take us seriously since we have brought this up before and she ignored it.

[X] Action Plan: We're FREEEEEEEEE!

The plans are super similar, so see above.

For nearby locations, execute Intel Checklist discretely, and henged.

We can't execute that checklist unless we talk to people and hence make our footprint in the chosen country bigger. If we actually want to do it discreetly, the only real option is to have Mari do this.
@OliWhail, @eaglejarl, @Velorien (or anyone else who knows the answer) You have now rebalanced our opposition to be harder than before right? Do we get any sort of indication how the power levels changed from our earlier estimates?

I ask because we need to decide how much Stealth to pump into our genin next. (I also need to completely re-haul our long term XP plan, but I'll do that after the vote is over.)

I think my earlier estimates for base dice levels were something like this:
  • Genin 1-9
  • Chuunin level 10-18
  • Special Jounin 19-21
  • Jounin 21-24
This plan is insufficiently paranoid.

I still maintain that Hashimoto is compromised. Noburi spent a lot of time around her in that town with his barrel hanging out for all to see. I would be very surprised if the Mist intelligence apparatus (that reportedly has been combing the area multiple times) has not picked up on this.

Note that a hunter-nin don't have to be camping in the bushes to trap us here. The only thing they need is few agents/informants keeping tabs on Hashimoto, who will send a word to Mist proper and requisition one of the kill teams they have set aside for this sort of things.

I'm not against going to Iron as long as we don't meet Hashimoto or go to places we have been at, but in the current climate Hazou is not going to be able to convince the team to just chill in Iron and not pursue medical training without serious proof.

Basically, if we don't want to risk the Hashimoto Trap, we need to go to somewhere else than Iron.

Neither of any our plans account for Nobby going straight to Hashimoto for medical training, and that's only if we end up going to Iron.

Should the situation come up, we could have Hazo object to the idea.

Team Aomori and Leaf spies are still in the hearing range, meaning we should not discuss details about anything. A good way to decide where to go would be to have a huddle and each of the genin just states their preferred country with no extra detail to Mari and she makes the decision without further consultation.

My plan is to have Hazou discuss with the team during the three days we spent training, not with Team Aomori.

Also, it's all open source information and Jiraiya grilled us about all our missions. So we don't have any reason to not discuss anything and increase our risk of dying in any of those countries.

We need full individual reports from everyone about what they observed while in Leaf. This is a priority since our memories will get worse as time goes on.

It's on the suggested activities list.

Second priority is deciding where to go next. We can't stay in Iron for more than a week, lest we really want to get hunter-nin on our backs.

Once we set up camp, it is the first thing we will discuss.

Third would be getting Stealth training done, since we can't cross borders safely with our current dice.

Listed as "training plans".

We really should not be building MEW bases willy nilly across Elemental Nations. We can and will be tracked by them.

Not that I expect Mari to take us seriously since we have brought this up before and she ignored it.

I'll have Hazo express concern.

We can't execute that checklist unless we talk to people and hence make our footprint in the chosen country bigger. If we actually want to do it discreetly, the only real option is to have Mari do this.

We can't have the genin do nothing forever.
Incorporated @Twofold's critique.

Anyway, here's an in-progress action plan.

[X] Action Plan: We're FREEEEEEEEE!


1. Don't Die
2. Go Underground
3. Rest & Recuperate


Phase 1
  • Discuss with team beforehand where we want to go. Ideally, this occur during the three days we spent cooped up in the guestroom, not in earshot of the escorting team.
    • Hazo will use the hivemind's list of border nations, notes gleamed from Merchant's Gazetteer and other books to lay out options for the team.
    • Express concern about hunter-nins who may be hunting the team after the Hot Spring and Arikada mission.
    • The team together will decide where we go.
    • In spite of his reservation, Hazou will voice support for Iron. Below is a list of reason why:
      • No hidden village
      • No important ninja
      • Post-Liberator hunter-nins are gone
      • We know the land.
      • Kagome really know the land.
      • Hashimoto-sensei can finish teaching Noburi medicine
    • Furthermore on Iron, express concern that Hashimoto-sensei might be watched by Mist agents/informants and spies not from Jiraiya's network.
  • During escort:
    • Make sure Kagome don't do anything stupid or rash.
    • Be courteous. Say nothing unless addressed.
    • Be on alert for threats.
  • Once a bit past the border(20 km~) and no escort, execute SOP:LRM.
  • Keep moving until Mari-sensei judged a good spot to set up camp. Ideally, Mari-sensei will choose a site with:
    • Defensibility
      • More room: More maneuverability.
      • Elevated from surroundings: Prevents enemies from attacking down upon us.
    • Camouflage:
      • Away from civilization/roads/natural resources: No reason for people to go through here.
      • Surrounded by natural barriers: Trees, rocks, hills prevent visual upon us.
    • Given our tendency to run over fight camouflage should be considered moreso than defensibility.

Phase 2
  • Set up camp. MEW shelter. Camo. Make seal traps and regular traps, set watch schedule. You know the drill. Follow Kagome's direction. He knows how to make a defendable camp. (We don't have a base-building SOP)
    • Express concern with patterns of base-building being used to identify where the team has went all over the Elemental Nations, especially with Hazo's use of MEW.
  • For nearby locations, execute the Intel Checklist discretely, and henged. Follow Mari's instruction.
  • Suggested activities(ordered by priority):
    1. Before doing anything else, discuss breaking camp and relocating to somewhere else. E.g. Move from Tea to one of the islands south, maybe even Sea. Or move from Iron to Snow.
    2. The team do an After Action Report on the Konoha clusterfuck.
    3. The team do an After Action Report on the Arikada mission.
    4. Start on training plans.
    5. The team destress for two days other then camp maintenance and security.
  • Be polite and courteous.
    • If part of our plan results in not being polite or courteous, override that part of the plan.
    • Ignore this contingency if a threat appears, and speed of warning is more important than phrasing.
  • Be alert.
    • Keep an eye out for threats.
    • Alert the team if a threat appears, and Hazo is the first to notice.