I like the idea of getting to a nice safe place, pulling a Black Hunter(iirc, Kagome's old SOP before we met him), and training/learning a bunch.
In regards to planning (because I actually
did skim a bit of the planning from a few days ago), I like the idea of setting goals or plans using Hazo's personality as the impetus for things, with possibly a few exceptions to allow for finer control when necessary.
(AAAHHHH I can't turn off italics, RIP mobile)
Example plan: Training.
Loop: [Gauge how pissed Mari is.]
If: she seems willing to talk to us,
ask for training that would help us not fuck up on such a grand scale.
Else: Train. Make conversation trees, practice techniques, research sealing, anything we can do to generally improve ourself.
I recommend metacognitive training to recognize when our emotions are guiding us in a dangerous direction, with possible implementation of something similar to a regularly-used genjutsu release (kai?) where Hazo takes a mental step back and tries to simulate the reactions of others based on past actions extrapolated onto what he is about to say in the current moment. This should be done regularly.
Edit: Thank you,