Velorien gave us good information. So updated plan to reflect word of gods.

Anyway, here's an in-progress action plan.

[X] Action Plan: We're FREEEEEEEEE!


1. Don't Die
2. Go Underground
3. Rest & Recuperate


Phase 1
  • Discuss with team beforehand where we want to go.
  • During escort:
    • Make sure Kagome don't do anything stupid or rash.
    • Be courteous. Say nothing unless addressed.
    • Be on alert for threats.
  • Once a bit past the border(20 km~) and no escort, execute SOP:LRM.
  • Keep moving until Mari-sensei judged a good spot to set up camp.

Phase 2
  • For nearby locations, execute Intel Checklist discretely, and henged.
  • Set up camp. MEW shelter. Camo. Make seal traps and regular traps, set watch schedule. You know the drill. (We don't have a base-building SOP)
  • Suggested activities(can act on one or more ideas):
    • Before doing anything else, discuss breaking camp and relocating. E.g. Move from Tea to one of the islands south, maybe even Sea.
    • The team destress for two days other then camp maintenance and security.
      • However, Hazou will do the most dirty, unwanted, and annoying jobs for the team as repentance.
    • The team do an After Action Report on the Konoha clusterfuck.
    • Start on training plans.
  • Be polite and courteous.
    • If part of our plan results in not being polite or courteous, override that part of the plan.
    • Ignore this contingency if a threat appears, and speed of warning is more important than phrasing.
  • Be alert.
    • Keep an eye out for threats.
    • Alert the team if a threat appears, and Hazo is the first to notice.
It might be a good idea to ask Mari for training in politics.

If we ever plan to interact with powerful people again (and let's be realistic: of course we do) then we need to be able to talk to them without a repeat of this.
Oh yeah, I forgot.

Still has the Zabuza problem, though.
I expect Zabuza would be more likely to still be checking Rice for us. Regardless, I would very much like Noburi to finally finish his training.
It might be a good idea to ask Mari for training in politics.

If we ever plan to interact with powerful people again (and let's be realistic: of course we do) then we need to be able to talk to them without a repeat of this.
I very much agree. Also, social skills in general.
@eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail Did our books mention anything about the islands to the south (like sea)? And do we have any idea of what's outside the elemental nations? Are there rumors of other nations or lands filled with chakra beasts?

Are rucksacks commonly used by civilians traveling long distances? Do we have any idea how much it'd cost to commission one for noburi to hide his barrel in?
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So, Jiraiya jailing us, put in very simple terms, was because we did a thing that made him look like an idiot for associating with us.

Which means we probably made the Clan kids look like idiots and Sarutobi Asuma as well.

Ideally, this is what I would like to have happen eventually.

Jiraiya, is given a scroll by his summons through the pangolin summons. This box contains:
Really rare and wonderful cigarettes (on the order of quality a Kage would have)
Seedlings for some rare plants/flowers
A full collection of a very nice book series
A recipe cookbook from a far-off land that is very well made or from a famous chef
A seal attached to some weights that increase weight to stupid amounts, can change temperature to provide an ice bath effect (for athletes who train hard) and warm up (again to provide comfort for athletes who train hard) maybe this seal attached to weights does some other cool stuff
A set of pristine and stupidly effective throwing kunai or a very very nice sword or staff or weapon
I dont know what to get Neji or Gai or the ANBU who locked us up

I think what we have missed in discussion is that if we fucked up Jiraiya's credibility then we fucked up other peoples'. It would show us learning from the lesson if we also showed that we didn't want anyone to think we were in the "liability" rather than "asset" condition in their mind.

I am not saying this should be our first priority, but I think if I was Jiraiya, I would be happy to see that they thought past just their employer and to the greater Leaf connections. I would almost argue we should also include a letter to Jiraiya that gives all information on our mother. This does two things: 1. he would need this information to ever help her 2. it is us giving up information about one of the biggest emotional levers in the world against us.

So, Jiraiya jailing us, put in very simple terms, was because we did a thing that made him look like an idiot for associating with us.

Which means we probably made the Clan kids look like idiots and Sarutobi Asuma as well.

I don't think so. The clan kids were by and large associating with us because they were ordered to be our minders. They weren't responsible for us being in Leaf in the first place, and were just following orders.
I don't think so. The clan kids were by and large associating with us because they were ordered to be our minders. They weren't responsible for us being in Leaf in the first place, and were just following orders.
I mean, I wouldn't mind getting them gifts anyway; we should keep them in mind while shopping. After all, well-placed folks' goodwill is worth more than any amount of money to us.

e: Better wording.
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River is a labyrinth, kids, a labyrinth that Hidden Valley ninja know like the back of their hand and nobody else does.
"River's exports of chakra beast body parts soared this spring, so get 'em while they're cheap. The Fire-River-Wind route is particularly profitable while the boom lasts, but be sure to hire River ninja guides or you might never be seen again!

So I'm reading this and thinking that River ninjas might patrol the wilderness pretty heavily for training and chakra beasts, so it might not be quite as safe as I was thinking.

Then again, River has way more area than the other smaller nations available to us, so chilling there for a week should still be doable.

So the border between River and Fire isn't as patrolled as you might expect. Leaf would be crazy to invade, for both military and economic reasons, and anybody else would be crazy to invade through Leaf.

Also there are hints that the River ninjas might not be quite as vigilant as they could be.

"Tensions between Fang and Claw have risen again this year after an unusually high number of border incidents, so extreme caution is advised when crossing. Droughts in Fang are opening up possibilities for food trade, while the ascension of the new Claw daimyo after his predecessor's untimely demise presents an opportunity to build rich new business relationships.

Ah, War and Famine! The best friends of intrepid little ninjas who are shopping for their very own nation.

If there's conflict in the area, a hidden base might not be quite as secure there. But on the other hand, the conflict would give us room to work with. For example: When we say something stupid, we can just kill off the other party and blame the war.

Mountain seems remote, that might actually be a better location for a hidden base. Better have a pit stop in Fang before going in get some intel on it.

Also, we should totally go to Bear.
I removed Hazou doing extra chores and such. He's not feeling sorry for himself by being servile. The best way to make up for it is to redouble your effort and be a leader.

I make Hazou express concern for Zabuza and added After Action Report on the Arkikada mission to the list of suggested activities. Just because your mission is widely successful doesn't mean you can't learn anything from it.

Anyway, here's an in-progress action plan.

[X] Action Plan: We're FREEEEEEEEE!


1. Don't Die
2. Go Underground
3. Rest & Recuperate


Phase 1
  • Discuss with team beforehand where we want to go.
    • Hazo will use the hivemind's list of border nations, notes gleamed from Merchant's Gazetteer and other books to laid out options for the team.
    • Express concern about Zabuza who may be hunting the team.
    • The team together will decide where we go.
  • During escort:
    • Make sure Kagome don't do anything stupid or rash.
    • Be courteous. Say nothing unless addressed.
    • Be on alert for threats.
  • Once a bit past the border(20 km~) and no escort, execute SOP:LRM.
  • Keep moving until Mari-sensei judged a good spot to set up camp.

Phase 2
  • For nearby locations, execute Intel Checklist discretely, and henged.
  • Set up camp. MEW shelter. Camo. Make seal traps and regular traps, set watch schedule. You know the drill. (We don't have a base-building SOP)
  • Suggested activities(can act on one or more ideas):
    • Before doing anything else, discuss breaking camp and relocating to somewhere else. E.g. Move from Tea to one of the islands south, maybe even Sea.
    • The team destress for two days other then camp maintenance and security.
    • The team do an After Action Report on the Konoha clusterfuck.
    • The team do an After Action Report on the Arikada mission.
    • Start on training plans.
  • Be polite and courteous.
    • If part of our plan results in not being polite or courteous, override that part of the plan.
    • Ignore this contingency if a threat appears, and speed of warning is more important than phrasing.
  • Be alert.
    • Keep an eye out for threats.
    • Alert the team if a threat appears, and Hazo is the first to notice.
Dr Yakushi gave a soft smile. "I want to believe you, Kurosawa. You never struck me as the kind of young man who would take against others without good reason, much less threaten them. If you say it was all a mistake, then I will take a leap of faith and trust you one more time.

"As things stand, it is not my welfare I need to be concerned about but Ishihara's. If you disappear from her life so abruptly, it will be highly detrimental to her health. I will issue a formal statement of forgiveness, and pull such strings as are available to me, and perhaps I will be able to secure you a visit before you leave.

"Now if you will excuse me, I must find Noburi. I may be unable to serve as his master for the time being, but I can still offer him reassurance, and perhaps some advice for his independent training in the future."
You know, Kabuto may be a manipulative creep, but at this point I actually like him. He's demonstrating a willingness to do (probably low-investment) things to help Akane/build relations with our team in the long term, as a goal in and of itself. [It doesn't hurt that he's really cool, and I remember liking him in what little I've seen of canon.]
One thing to note is that we are still in Leaf and probably being spied on. Meaning we can't discuss our long term travel plans. Ideally, we just vote quickly for a country border we want to be dropped off at with minimal discussion.

We also need to debrief this Leaf thing while things are still fresh in our mind. Ideally everyone individually writes down a personal report on everything they observed while in Leaf, and then we combine them later for a full picture.

In the debrief, we should carefully consider and list all the social manipulation angles Leaf employed on us while in there. It won't make us impervious to their effect, but hopefully it will blunt them a bit.
You know, Kabuto may be a manipulative creep, but at this point I actually like him. He's demonstrating a willingness to do (probably low-investment) things to help Akane/build relations with our team in the long term, as a goal in and of itself. [It doesn't hurt that he's really cool, and I remember liking him in what little I've seen of canon.]


Even if he's 100% dripping with evil under his mask, I still want us to find a way to buy him from Leaf.
@eaglejarl, @Velorien, do we have any IC knowledge if Noburi would actually be able to get med-nin training with his first teacher in Iron?
One thing to note is that we are still in Leaf and probably being spied on. Meaning we can't discuss our long term travel plans. Ideally, we just vote quickly for a country border we want to be dropped off at with minimal discussion.
I agree. My vote is for Iron to complete Noburi's training (if feasible), then go from there.
  • Rivers: Unless you want to stay there it's probably a bad idea. Rivers is bordered by Sand, Rain, and Fire. Sand has flight-gliders and nowhere to hide (the in-story reason for why Shikigami never had us go there); Rain has bullshit chakra sensor rain; Fire is where we just came from and why the fuck would we do that. It's not terrible for a 1-2 week stay but then so is Tea. Or Iron.
  • Claw/Fang: I'm saying NO to traveling between two countries with such increased tensions. Both sides have reason to suspect us even moreso than the standard "missing-nin = KILL" response.
  • Mountain: If your final suggested destination is Mountain I feel it'd be safer to go through Iron/Waterfall, take a boat to Earth Country (or travel along the coast through Waterfall), and travel across Earth to Mountain.
  • Tea: Still an option.