Also, in the bit about talking to Mari about Akane, he should probably address that he wants a serious discussion, not another Ino Incident![]()
As amusing as radvic x physics otp is I'd rather be more straightforward with the QMs about where we want the update to end rather than rely on weird meta stuff with Hazou's mind![]()
I'm on board with it staying in. Who knows. We might get to the physics faster@bayesclef As amusing as radvic x physics otp is I'd rather be more straightforward with the QMs about where we want the update to end rather than rely on weird meta stuff with Hazou's mind![]()
Tbh I have half a mind to get Jiraiya the same bouquet we gave Mari and see what happens.I swear. If Inoue is actually this competent, capable of playing on so many levels at once, we're making her Kage of something or another when we get the chance.
Tbh I have half a mind to get Jiraiya the same bouquet we gave Mari and see what happens.
Asking Nara to borrow his history book is in the library subplan.
I've amended contigency 1 as per your suggestion.
@bayesclef As amusing as radvic x physics otp is I'd rather be more straightforward with the QMs about where we want the update to end rather than rely on weird meta stuff with Hazou's mind
Also, in the bit about talking to Mari about Akane, he should probably address that he wants a serious discussion, not another Ino Incident![]()
Alright, it seems like we're getting closer to a prototype. I'm still worried about the valve, since a failure mode for that is that it opens completely, either by human error or mechanical failure, and BOOM SQUISH I TOLD YOU STINKERS. Why not also write the seal on, say, hard leather or something similar? Strong enough that it won't be ripped apart by wind, and elastic enough that it won't just crack like clay or marble under stress. We can also have failsafes for the valve, as well. The other thing that needs working on is how to suspend the seal in the center of the balloon, and remotely activate it.I agree, hot air balloons shapes are just easier to build and test with in the near term.
We don't. We make the container slightly smaller than the radius in which it can seal air. If the container is invulnerable there's still going to be a bit of a pop, but the inrush won't get to the seal.
If we make container slightly larger than the radius the tiny amount of air left will just quickly equalize pressure and never gather enough force to be destructive.
The inrush is caused by the large differential in pressure between the zone of vacuum and the surround air, as well as the fact that there's a functionally unbounded amount of incoming air.
Neither of these is a problem with an invulnerable container of an approximately correct size. Tiny mistakes aren't an issue.
It doesn't. At least not if the speed of it sucking the air in is greater than the speed of sound, and we have no indication that it isn't.
Open the valve a tiny bit, let the pressure inside and outside equalize slowly (over minutes rather than seconds) creating no major inrush waves.
I'd like them to see the light of day somewhere, at least. I'd be sad if they never turned up because you didn't write them down.I admit I want to brag about the cool ideas, but I think it's better if I don't. The thread has a ton of bright people with good ideas; having a QM contribute seems a little off.
Actually, I don't know how possible this is. What I do know, with reasonable certainty, is that puppets can be manipulated across country borders. We should make spanreeds.
As far as I'm aware, blackouts from concussion last maybe two minutes, tops, or they turn into comas. A sleep or paralysis jutsu, possibly applied by handstrike to the head, seems more likely.A soft knock at the door made the whole team jump, except Kagome, who was still laid out unconscious on the bed from Inoue-sensei's strike to his head earlier.
You might note that all reflective surfaces have been removed or obscured.
I dunno, I don't see clowns as Inoue-sensei's thing. Also, it lacks personal significance to Jiraiya, so far as Hazou knows.
Macerator wasn't specifically mentioned in letter, but possibility of selling seals was:@OliWhail's original plan had us discussing trading the macerator, but that never happened in the update and the letter for Jiraiya has already been handed over to Sarutobi.
Whatever you put in the plan, which I think is what you just said?
"Proposal Prank (GONE COMMITTED)"After the "Flowers, Sake, Beach Trip and Hand-Forged Ring Prank" ended in disaster
I know they get linked a few posts down but I think these are the first votes Counterbot will see, you may wish to link the post containing the plans themselves.[X] Training Noburi: Sneaky Medic
[X] Training Hazou: Sneaky Earth
[X] Training Keiko: Sneaky Wind
I'm going to spin this off into its own plan, for great modularity. I encourage someone else to take over as maintainer.
[X] Action Subplan: Library of Unknown Unknowns
- Gain general knowledge relevant to our interests
- Gain knowledge relevant to running our merchant empire
- Gain knowledge relevant to Hidden Heaven
- Seek out a wordworking book for Kagome
- Because (1) stress-reduction and (2) we'd rather not have to buy one; the freer the better
- Seek out and read Elemental Nations Vol. 1,2 and 4, unless Nara is willing to lend us a copy (ask him first)
- Because (1) this is good for building rapport, both by showing genuine interest in one of his interests and the Ben Franklin effect and (2) the freer the better
- Read them, starting at the beginning, until either we're finished or are out of time
- Seek out books that are at the root of a large knowledge tree we know nothing of.
- Ask a librarian for an introductory book on every subject we anticipate being relevant to our interests. If we're unsure whether a tree of knowledge is going to be relevant, get an introductory book and give up on it if it's looking like a tree we won't use.
- That is, ask the librarian to iterate through every subject they've divided their nonfiction books into. If we anticipate it being relevant to our interests or are genuinely uncertain, ask for an introductory book in it
- Because, for all we know, there are fields of knowledge that could prove enormously useful but we don't even know they exist to study them.
- Read the introductory bits.
- Order them by importance
- Read them until we're finished or are out of time.
- Seek out books relevant to setting up a merchant empire, if we finish all above books
- Economics
- Geography (or caravan routes, if that book exists)
- Management
- Because there's a good chance we begin setting up our merchant empire before we come back to Konoha or anywhere else civilized enough to have books.
- Read the introductory bits; order them by importance; read them in that order until we're finished or out of time.
- Seek out books relevant to setting up Hidden Heaven, if we finish all above books
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Government
- Because Hidden Heaven is our long-term goal.
- Read the introductory bits; order them by importance; read them in that order until we're finished or out of time.
- I'm having trouble phrasing what we mean by "general knowledge." We want an introductory book on every field of knowledge that may come up for us (math, physics, chemistry, biology, economics, law), but not something like poetry or philosophy.
- I'm assuming librarians exist. If not, the plan needs to be reworded to reflect this.
- Will some of our reading choices draw suspicion of the "are these merely-nominally-aligned missing-nin up to something that may or may not be aligned with our interests"?
- We should probably have an answer prepared for "why are you interested in [book]" that is different from "we're looking to set up a merchant empire" or "we're looking to set up our own hidden village."
- Hidden Heaven is sufficiently far off that the best use of our time now may not be researching for it.
- I haven't marked anything as (O), since the action plan which calls this has it marked (O). I also haven't marked anything as high-priority.
Questions for our QM's, @eaglejarl and @Velorien
Do libraries organize nonfiction by subject? (Answering "yes" is both reasonable and will make this plan much easier to read.)Will the library contains librarians who will help us find books?
I must disagree, on the basis that following the plan as-is leads to us spending the entire time reading the History of the Elemental Nations instead of sorting through all available subjects (since you say "seek out and read").
I'll assume you meant 'not attracted to girls' rather than 'gay', because I'm given to understand they aren't the same thing. Otherwise, keep preaching.I assume you meant "can help himself" and answers include:
- A gay one.
- A blind one.
- An asexual one.
- One who hit puberty late.
"Ha! Scandal always beats gun!" - Doctor McNinjaYou're forgetting all the other actual scandals. Like the one where Clinton killed an FBI agent looking into her foundation with her bare hands
I believe we agreed to call it Akou?"Desire" is somewhat problematic but whatever, I understand we have a number of Hakane shippers in the thread.
I claim the set of [gay guys, asexual guys, and guys who have not hit puberty] covers the set of guys not physically attracted to gals
Indeed, this is against USPS regulations!