We need a consensus on how we're going to react to Yamanaka. As of currently, there is a placeholder there.
My thoughts on this: From a risk minimizing perspective, it's probably best for our personal safety if Yamanaka likes us, which would mean responding positively to her and flirting back (or, being a cool stoic missing-nin). From a "ensure Akane returns to the woods with us" perspective, it's probably best to let Yamanaka down gently. From a shipping perspective, it's entirely subjective.

Personally, I'd advocate just acting normally, responding to Ino's questions. Given that Ino crushed on Susake (who didn't respond to her advances at all), she'd likely still flirt with Hazou, and then when Akane asks us, we can just honestly say to her that we haven't been intentionally doing anything with Ino (which she will likely get).
My thoughts on this: From a risk minimizing perspective, it's probably best for our personal safety if Yamanaka likes us, which would mean responding positively to her and flirting back (or, being a cool stoic missing-nin). From a "ensure Akane returns to the woods with us" perspective, it's probably best to let Yamanaka down gently. From a shipping perspective, it's entirely subjective.

Personally, I'd advocate just acting normally, responding to Ino's questions. Given that Ino crushed on Susake (who didn't respond to her advances at all), she'd likely still flirt with Hazou, and then when Akane asks us, we can just honestly say to her that we haven't been intentionally doing anything with Ino (which she will likely get).
I think Akane would understand if we just said "Mari," and gave her a look. But I support explaining things to her ASAP, anyway, for drama-reduction value.
Still waiting on his talk with Inoue about sorting out his feelings, but we then need to decide what to do about this. When exactly is a good time to tell Akane about his feelings? She's gonna be stuck in this hospital for a very long time. To make things even more complicated, Hazou is also fairly interested in Ino, and she is now interested in him. The message that Hazou sent her is actually sorta accurate to the situation, except for the part about him expressing an interest in a relationship, which isn't something he had seriously considered until this morning. Not pleased with Inoue for that.

We should wait to talk to her about such feelings until we have a chat with Lee first (no, I am not shipping Lee and Hazou). Akane's first crush was Lee and we did encourage him to visit her. Until we know how she responds we shouldn't assume Hazou can just form a relationship with Akane at a moment's notice.

Responding positively to Ino is in our best interest at the moment. It keeps our options open, doesn't send mixed signals ('Why did you give me flowers if you weren't interested in me?'), and honestly it should be fun.
Quick check, what specifically did we include in the letter? Offer of the tower + paralytic + possibly selling other seal research?
Whatever you put in the plan, which I think is what you just said?

It's simple. Flirtasiously ask Ino to taste our food. She'll think it's cute, if it is poisoned either she'll die or the poisoner will intervene
I'm certain that a ninja clan who runs a flower shop and is expert in plants would know nothing about poisons, antidotes, or how to develop immunities.

I can't parse that; is it me or is a word missing?
It's an idiom; maybe it's just a New York thing, though? "Chicago pizza? Pah, those guys don't know from pizza!"

@eaglejarl @Velorien How much does Wind Wall cost in CP? Is there a particular reason why we've barely used it at all (e.g., fleeing from Hot Springs)?
You don't know how much it costs. As to why you haven't used it: it's static. It gives a very short-term speed boost which isn't useful for long-distance running. Basically, it's a tailwind that lets you jump a little farther, once, and then you're back to your normal speed. That's fine if you're chasing down a crazy Arikada who is just ahead of you, but not so good if you're putting miles under your feet to stay ahead of pursuers.

I suspect the more relevant problem is not so much that it costs chakra, but that it only helps in certain situations, and costs an action which could be spent throwing a kunai and killing someone. E.g. it's probably useless in indoor fighting, it's probably not super helpful in a confused melee, it's mostly useful if all of you are on one side and all of them are on the other.
Also, this.

Although, if I was really committed to the quest I would obviously just flunk the class :p
Please don't. We need you to do the science so we find immortality. I want to still be writing this quest when I'm 205.

(O, but you probably don't want to) Game night

I so wanted to write this. Stupid birthday dinner.
Please don't. We need you to do the science so we find immortality. I want to still be writing this quest when I'm 205.
In the year of 2220, we are stuck in the molasses that is Hidden Mountain diplomacy as we have been for the past fifty years, attempting the challenge that is integrating Mountain into the rest of the nations. XP inflation is on the rise. Send help.
(O) Visit a library or two
  • Look for titles relevant to our longer-term plans, for potential reading later
    • Because the day is probably too busy to devote extended reading time, but we can at least get an idea of where to aim our efforts
  • See if there are copies of the History of the Elemental Nations Vol. 1,2 and 4 for public reading, since we won't be able to afford our own. Alternatively, see if Nara would be willing to let us borrow Vol 1? Hazou completely understands, if not.
    • Beacuse Nara seemed very happy someone was finally taking a reading recommendation, and he also seems like a good person to follow through on reading recommendations from.
  • Check for a woodworking book for Kagome
    • Stress-reduction

Honestly, this is insufficient in my opinion. Visiting a library is our only chance to see how far science and other disciplines have publicly advanced in MfD as well as gaining the IC knowledge necessary to start any medium to large scale project.

Hazou doesn't know what Hazou doesn't know. This is a huge problem if we ever want to do anything different later on once we have been kicked out of Konoha.

Establishing Hidden Heaven will require in depth knowledge of architecture, but it may also require chemistry, other fields of physics, administration, forming a government, etc. Making a Merchant Empire will require economics, but it may also need data about caravan routes, prices of goods to both buy and sell, organization, etc.

Why not spend an afternoon just browsing what the library has to offer? Learning how far along technology is in MfD will give us a starting point to see how advanced our innovations will be. For example, if we knew that Leaf had no way of creating (relatively) arbitrarily high towers we could have at least tried to haggle with the Hokage for fair compensation for the invention.

We can also look into rumors about possible capabilities of enemies in various locations. Maybe Suna does have flight capabilities, but until we look into it Hazou may be looked at like he's crazy for even suggesting such a thing. Hazou will always be told "well duh" or "of course not, idiot" until we do our due diligence and get that boy a basic education.

For reference, here is what I had had in an action plan awhile back (and I still don't think it's comprehensive enough (it also needs to be updated in light of the latest chapters, like with Kagome and his sudden interest in Asuma's book)):
At the local reading center, suggest to each member of the team to do the following:
  1. Everyone scans what is and is not available so that we have a list of what we can and cannot read about for the next update
      • If one of the topics listed below is not available proceed to the next in line.
        1. If one character completes their assigned suggested reading, have them collect books for the other team members and then peruse topics that personally interest them or chat with the handlers as is appropriate in such an establishment: quietly.
      • If we are asked why we want to go to a library, truthfully reply that we never had the chance to learn for the sake of learning before and that we are eager to complete our non-combat educations. Having the chance to relax and improve ourselves at the same time is a rare treat for people in our positions and we want to take full advantage of the opportunity. We won't be idle, but we won't be physically exerting ourselves for the first time in months: perfect.
      • Maintain our disguises (w/e they are) as we read and keep them on until we are safe back at our designated accommodations.
  2. Hazou reads about engineering and natural laws with an emphasis on mathematics, physics, chakra laws, rationality (gotta go meta), and lastly abstract thinking.
      • What is the "Inumura diffusion" and how can it help our education as well as our seal craft?
        • Ask Kagome about this to see if he is familiar with it
      • Learning about buoyancy would help us if we ever want to make something lighter than air.
  3. Keiko researches law (particularly in relating to missing-nin as well as basic ninja protocol (if she gets snippy tell her to compare and contrast Mist methods with Leaf's since we need to fix any potential culture gap issues immediately)), economics/logistics (i.e. the basics of trade, how merchants operate, prices of goods, etc.), and international history plus politics
      • Basically, suggest to her that we don't ever want to have a mistake like we had in Hot Springs again where we didn't realize that ninjas from two different countries would work together to maintain the security of a DMZ.
      • If we have time, ask her to look into laws related to re-instating missing-nin or the process by which a village can (for lack of a better word) adopt missing-nin into a village so that hunter-nin won't bother us anymore.
        1. Are there any cases where this has happened before? How did they do it if it happened?
  4. Noburi studies up on his medical knowledge by reading about physiology, how chakra works in the human body, and biology in general.
      • While he looks for his books, suggest to him that he should try to ingratiate himself with our Leaf minders to get to know them better.
        1. Even if he fails his rolls it's not like they are going to murder him for putting his foot in his mouth.
      • If he has time he can also look into chemistry and then persuasion.
  5. Mari does as she pleases as per usual, but discretely suggest she look into psychology/counseling if she wants to continue to help Keiko with her problems.
    1. Also suggest to her to watch over Kagome as he will be excessively stressed due to not having any weapons in a ninja city. "I realize this may be obvious, but just in case..."
  6. Kagome, if he can be persuaded to do so (and our handlers allow it), should look into works by sealing masters just to see what he may have missed out on in his years of isolation. If he does not have access to anything worthwhile to him, have him look into survivalist literature or forensics so that he can improve the team's overall stealth.
      • Challenge him to see if he can spot any flaws in the published works and remind him that one day, again if he so desires, he may have his works published in an establishment just like this alongside the greats of sealing.
      • If sealing is unavailable or gets exhausted, suggest he look into cryptology or something to help him relax, like books about his hobbies (i.e. woodcarving).
  7. Hazou asks permission to pick up some reading material for Akane too, consisting of more engineering materials as well as mechanics/machinery, trap-making, inventing and the latest no-chakra-involved inventions in Konoha, and some light reading like canon's "Tales of a Gutsy Ninja".
      • Also drop off a get well soon card in the cover of one of the books, telling her that we will not abandon her and wish for her speedy recovery. No matter what happens or what she chooses she will always be a valued member of our team.
      • Since she can't have visitors, have the team drop off the books and note wherever the hospital staff will allow us so that it gets taken to Akane before she wakes up.

All of that might be pertinent to our long term plans; we don't know until we look into each though. It will probably take up an entire afternoon to compile what we do and do not have access to, but I firmly believe that it will be worth it in the medium to long term. This is a golden opportunity and we really shouldn't waste it by being short-sighted.

We don't have to read everything in depth right away, but we do need to be familiar with what is out there in the MfD world.
Why has no one thought of going to Shikamaru for help with Kei's depression?

Probably because it's not something Hazou knows.

If or when he does know, though, GO TO SHIKAMARU.

He has experience with dealing with depression, and could very likely help.

EDIT: Also, they have similar minds. That could help with things a lot.

However, Kei's problem is depression + PTSD, so yeah.
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Due to an unfortunate typo, in last night's update Asuma's team included Neji when they came to pick you up, and not one of you noticed.
Due to an unfortunate typo, in last night's update Asuma's team included Neji when they came to pick you up, and not one of you noticed.

Nah, it's standard practice for the Narutoverse to have defeated frenemies come back, act like they still hate you, and then eventually reconcile. Clearly Neji "snuck" in so he could talk to Noburi again. Neji has probably never been thrashed by someone before so he must have been all flustered when a civilian chakra level ninja pulled a fast one on him. Now Noburi will have to decide if he wants to reciprocate Neji's feelings.

Just another day in shipping paradise.

Due to an unfortunate typo, in last night's update Asuma's team included Neji when they came to pick you up, and not one of you noticed.
I saw that, thought it was weird and chopped it up to me not remembering a detail in the previous chapter. Kinda figured that Gai was so overcome by our team's YOUTH! that he wanted Neji to learn how to embrace the YOUTH! from us.
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Honestly, this is insufficient in my opinion. Visiting a library is our only chance to see how far science and other disciplines have publicly advanced in MfD as well as gaining the IC knowledge necessary to start any medium to large scale project.

Hazou doesn't know what Hazou doesn't know. This is a huge problem if we ever want to do anything different later on once we have been kicked out of Konoha.

Establishing Hidden Heaven will require in depth knowledge of architecture, but it may also require chemistry, other fields of physics, administration, forming a government, etc. Making a Merchant Empire will require economics, but it may also need data about caravan routes, prices of goods to both buy and sell, organization, etc.

Why not spend an afternoon just browsing what the library has to offer? Learning how far along technology is in MfD will give us a starting point to see how advanced our innovations will be. For example, if we knew that Leaf had no way of creating (relatively) arbitrarily high towers we could have at least tried to haggle with the Hokage for fair compensation for the invention.

We can also look into rumors about possible capabilities of enemies in various locations. Maybe Suna does have flight capabilities, but until we look into it Hazou may be looked at like he's crazy for even suggesting such a thing. Hazou will always be told "well duh" or "of course not, idiot" until we do our due diligence and get that boy a basic education.

For reference, here is what I had had in an action plan awhile back (and I still don't think it's comprehensive enough (it also needs to be updated in light of the latest chapters, like with Kagome and his sudden interest in Asuma's book)):

I'm going to spin this off into its own plan, for great modularity. I encourage someone else to take over as maintainer.

[X] Action Subplan: Library of Unknown Unknowns

  1. Gain general knowledge relevant to our interests
  2. Gain knowledge relevant to running our merchant empire
  3. Gain knowledge relevant to Hidden Heaven
  • Seek out a wordworking book for Kagome
    • Because (1) stress-reduction and (2) we'd rather not have to buy one; the freer the better
  • Seek out and read Elemental Nations Vol. 1,2 and 4, unless Nara is willing to lend us a copy (ask him first)
    • Because (1) this is good for building rapport, both by showing genuine interest in one of his interests and the Ben Franklin effect and (2) the freer the better
    • Read them, starting at the beginning, until either we're finished or are out of time
  • Seek out books that are at the root of a large knowledge tree we know nothing of.
    • Ask a librarian for an introductory book on every subject we anticipate being relevant to our interests. If we're unsure whether a tree of knowledge is going to be relevant, get an introductory book and give up on it if it's looking like a tree we won't use.
      • That is, ask the librarian to iterate through every subject they've divided their nonfiction books into. If we anticipate it being relevant to our interests or are genuinely uncertain, ask for an introductory book in it
    • Because, for all we know, there are fields of knowledge that could prove enormously useful but we don't even know they exist to study them.
    • Read the introductory bits.
    • Order them by importance
    • Read them until we're finished or are out of time.
  • Seek out books relevant to setting up a merchant empire, if we finish all above books
    • Economics
    • Geography (or caravan routes, if that book exists)
    • Management
    • Because there's a good chance we begin setting up our merchant empire before we come back to Konoha or anywhere else civilized enough to have books.
    • Read the introductory bits; order them by importance; read them in that order until we're finished or out of time.
  • Seek out books relevant to setting up Hidden Heaven, if we finish all above books
    • Physics
    • Chemistry
    • Government
    • Because Hidden Heaven is our long-term goal.
    • Read the introductory bits; order them by importance; read them in that order until we're finished or out of time.

  1. I'm having trouble phrasing what we mean by "general knowledge." We want an introductory book on every field of knowledge that may come up for us (math, physics, chemistry, biology, economics, law), but not something like poetry or philosophy.
  2. I'm assuming librarians exist. If not, the plan needs to be reworded to reflect this.
  3. Will some of our reading choices draw suspicion of the "are these merely-nominally-aligned missing-nin up to something that may or may not be aligned with our interests"?
  4. We should probably have an answer prepared for "why are you interested in [book]" that is different from "we're looking to set up a merchant empire" or "we're looking to set up our own hidden village."
  5. Hidden Heaven is sufficiently far off that the best use of our time now may not be researching for it.
  6. I haven't marked anything as (O), since the action plan which calls this has it marked (O). I also haven't marked anything as high-priority.

Questions for our QM's, @eaglejarl and @Velorien
  1. Do libraries organize nonfiction by subject? (Answering "yes" is both reasonable and will make this plan much easier to read.)
  2. Will the library contains librarians who will help us find books?
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Should our action plans involve how to navigate the conversation we're currently having with Ino?

That seems both immediate and important, albeit likely to start a shipping war.
Perhaps this is just me needing to go back to sleep, but could someone help me understand what the relationship between danger and quest pace is in this case..?
Presumably because the update included Neji in Asuna's group, which ought to have changed our actions (since Neji is a security threat). If the quest were faster paced, Neji would have still been with the group, rather than being ret-conned out. At least, that's how I'm interpreting it?
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Should our action plans involve how to navigate the conversation we're currently having with Ino?

That seems both immediate and important, albeit likely to start a shipping war.
I think they should.

One suggestion for people to riff off of:

"You really want to know? Being a missing nin is sad. It's sad because once you're outside system, it becomes clear exactly how much time and effort is wasted on maintaining the status quo instead of helping people, even though helping people would be so easy any fresh academy grad could do it. Instead, ninja fight, and the world suffers."
"You really want to know? Being a missing nin is sad. It's sad because once you're outside system, it becomes clear exactly how much time and effort is wasted on maintaining the status quo instead of helping people, even though helping people would be so easy any fresh academy grad could do it."
Hazou: using romantic attraction to try to expand support for his goals. I like it.
I'm kind of worried that all of this emotional drama may be bad for Akane's health. I think we should prioritize doing whatever will stress her out the least over long-term relationship stuff. That means not saying anything about Ino to her for now, since that complicates things greatly. Maybe we could get Mari's advice on how to bring it up in a way that doesn't make her feel bad, but I won't count on it.

There may be long-term relationship drama born out of this, but I'd rather put that off until Akane's better.
Should our action plans involve how to navigate the conversation we're currently having with Ino?

That seems both immediate and important, albeit likely to start a shipping war.

Yes; see point 2 of commentary on Steal This Plan.

I think they should.

One suggestion for people to riff off of:

"You really want to know? Being a missing nin is sad. It's sad because once you're outside system, it becomes clear exactly how much time and effort is wasted on maintaining the status quo instead of helping people, even though helping people would be so easy any fresh academy grad could do it. Instead, ninja fight, and the world suffers."

Given canon!Ino's attraction to emo-boy Sasuke, I see this as a vote towards "seduce her to bring us under Yamanaka protection", albeit in an uplift-seed-planting way.