I'm kind of worried that all of this emotional drama may be bad for Akane's health. I think we should prioritize doing whatever will stress her out the least over long-term relationship stuff. That means not saying anything about Ino to her for now, since that complicates things greatly. Maybe we could get Mari's advice on how to bring it up in a way that doesn't make her feel bad, but I won't count on it.

There may be long-term relationship drama born out of this, but I'd rather put that off until Akane's better.
I agree it's probably bad for her health. I will also note, if ever Hazou wants to be particularly romantic towards Akane, all he needs to do is describe his previous inner monologue to her.
Personally, I'd rather leave whatever romancing happens up to the QMs for the most part, other than very broad things like "don't try to hide how you feel."
Incidentally, this is why I'd rather leave it up to the QMs.

Me too, as my attitude was to stay out of his personal life as much as possible, letting it play out naturally without the thread dictating who he likes. Nothing would've made me more angry than Hazou developing romantic affection for whoever won the strawpoll, as it seriously detracts from Hazou the character, and turns him into more of a hollow robot who produces output that we decide. But then it was made clear that nothing would really happen on its own, and there had be at least a "think about it in this light, and reflect on your own feelings" plan for anything to really happen. and we have done that, and it seems fairly clear that Hazou does like Akane romantically, more so than Ino or Keiko, though each are interesting in their own way. And I would be all for telling her this if it wasn't for the fact that I'm trying very hard not to manipulate her final decision.
I'm certain that a ninja clan who runs a flower shop and is expert in plants would know nothing about poisons, antidotes, or how to develop immunities.

See, this is a problem. I feel like f you're properly paranoid and immunity is a poison is a thing, nothing is safe. Doubly so if highly specialized poisons (for suggestibility, immobilization but not death, etc.) are also a thing.

Edit to avoid double-posting:

@ChronOblivion, I can see what you mean about not affecting her decision, that would feel skeezy. If Hazou felt really unambiguously about her, I'd say withholding that info would be pretty much just as bad; it is important for her to be able to make an informed decision. As is, I'm not really sure.

For what it's worth, unlike us, she hasn't done the "do you like me y/n" thing. Flirting is all about ambiguity and gradually-increasing comfort and intimacy, right? And we're going to be visiting her for like 10 minutes a day max, so we can let that be a pretty slow burn. (Pun intended.)

Also, it's kinda hard to visit a dear friend who's sick and sad in the hospital without doing stuff that could be read as romantic in the right light. I think we (and Hazou) are in a decent spot to kick the can down the road a little bit, caring for Akane but not being super explicit to her about feelings we're not sure about yet. My main concerns would be a) what we do down the road and b) how this interacts with the whole Ino thing.

We might have a better idea of the Ino thing once we hear from Jiraiya what his plans are vis-a-vis keeping us in Leaf. I think Oli's suggestion to talk about uplift-y stuff with her is a good one; it's not a clear acceptance or rejection, and it helps sound her out for a) long-term alignment with Team Uplift and b) personality/values fit with Hazou, which is way more important info for relationship stuff than the physical attraction and general "prettines/coolness" factors they're both going on right now.

Also, are most people in favor of trying to stay in Leaf longer? And for how long--I'm guessing 'til Akane recovers? I can see its good points (Akane, safety, learning, not splitting the team while Noburi learns from Kabuto). But it also keeps us at the mercy of lots of power players (somewhat more than we already are by virtue of them controlling Akane's health, anyway), many of whose angles and abilities we can't be sure of. And prevents us from training a lot of our really useful skills, like Roki, seals, and summoning.
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Also, are most people in favor of trying to stay in Leaf longer? And for how long--I'm guessing 'til Akane recovers? I can see its good points (Akane, safety, learning, not splitting the team while Noburi learns from Kabuto). But it also keeps us at the mercy of lots of power players (somewhat more than we already are by virtue of them controlling Akane's health, anyway), many of whose angles and abilities we can't be sure of. And prevents us from training a lot of our really useful skills, like Roki, seals, and summoning.

Stealth, man. Stealth.
Stealth, man. Stealth.
True. In that case, what we can do to make our team take future stealth sessions in Konoha a little more seriously?

Also, since we're trying out new plan structures and stuff, how do people feel about splitting off Ino Plans (and maybe Akane Plans) from our Action Plans for this update? These can be short--they're just a way to sequester arguments over shippy stuff from general-purpose planning.
@Dictator4Hire, re: your zeppelin idea from the discord chat

You know what's less dense than helium? Vacuum.

A variant of Kagome's implosion seal that sucks in air but doesn't release it, and that does so on a timer. Set timer, place inside a sufficiently strong + light + airtight "balloon", and we're good.

We don't have to go all the way to vacuum depending on how hard balloon-building is; if we can tune the seal, we can get it to suck in some but not all of the air.

If we can create a strong enough "sail", we can expel air (or, ideally, denser fluids) onto it from seals (PMYF or macerator) to propel ourselves.
Hm. You know, if we got powerful enough, we could probably force ourselves back into Mist even with Yagura in power. I mean, he wouldn't be happy with it, but you don't turn down S-ranked nin that want to join you. We likely wouldn't be part of the typical power structure at that point, though.

e: Also, I kind of want to start actively pushing the adult members of the team to push themselves as much as we are in training. Not that we really KNOW when Mari's training... if she does it right, we won't know when she's getting better at genjutsu, after all. But if we talk things over with Mari I'd like to suggest she try to learn a taijutsu style based around micro-genjutsu to throw people off their game.
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Hm. You know, if we got powerful enough, we could probably force ourselves back into Mist even with Yagura in power. I mean, he wouldn't be happy with it, but you don't turn down S-ranked nin that want to join you. We likely wouldn't be part of the typical power structure at that point, though.

e: Also, I kind of want to start actively pushing the adult members of the team to push themselves as much as we are in training. Not that we really KNOW when Mari's training... if she does it right, we won't know when she's getting better at genjutsu, after all. But if we talk things over with Mari I'd like to suggest she try to learn a taijutsu style based around micro-genjutsu to throw people off their game.

If we're good enough that mist or fire want us, I really don't think I'd want to join.
Yeah, maybe; but Keiko still has her sister there, and Mari has her family.

If we're good enough for mist to want us, we're probably capable of extracting people and not too far from being able to stage a coup.

Edit: To be clear, I don't mean being able to do either alone. I mean when we also use the favors we've accumulated, or other resources available to us.
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Personally, I'd rather leave whatever romancing happens up to the QMs for the most part, other than very broad things like "don't try to hide how you feel."
Problem with this approach is, if we (players) don't get the romance show on the road, it will not happen.

Without some degree of proactiveness from us Hazou will sit on whatever vague feelings he might have forever. He won't take initiative.

Avoiding romantic actions works great if the goal is to avoid romance completely, not so great if we do want that stuff.

Think of it as making friends. With- er. Yeah.

On a completely unrelated topic, I thought immunity to poison was impossible? Best you get is resistance?
@Dictator4Hire, re: your zeppelin idea from the discord chat

You know what's less dense than helium? Vacuum.

A variant of Kagome's implosion seal that sucks in air but doesn't release it, and that does so on a timer. Set timer, place inside a sufficiently strong + light + airtight "balloon", and we're good.

We don't have to go all the way to vacuum depending on how hard balloon-building is; if we can tune the seal, we can get it to suck in some but not all of the air.

If we can create a strong enough "sail", we can expel air (or, ideally, denser fluids) onto it from seals (PMYF or macerator) to propel ourselves.

Are you suggesting sealing the air inside the balloon? Wouldn't that just make the balloon collapse?

Also, note that the implosion seal doesn't deliberately release the air it seals away, that's an incidental feature. The seal activates, it stores all the air in the area, the surrounding air implodes into the new vacuum (which is the whole point), which destroys the seal, which causes the air to be released. If your seal were written on something strong enough it would not be destroyed and the air wouldn't be released.
Are you suggesting sealing the air inside the balloon? Wouldn't that just make the balloon collapse?

Also, note that the implosion seal doesn't deliberately release the air it seals away, that's an incidental feature. The seal activates, it stores all the air in the area, the surrounding air implodes into the new vacuum (which is the whole point), which destroys the seal, which causes the air to be released. If your seal were written on something strong enough it would not be destroyed and the air wouldn't be released.

Yep, hence the need for a "sufficiently strong" balloon. (Look, I'm a physics major, I'm in the handwaving business. You want practicality, call an engineer. :p)*

Cool, thanks for the info! Could also work if the seal was slow-acting enough to gradually pull in the air in an enclosed space without causing an implosion.

Given material restrictions, we probably shouldn't suck out *all* the air. And it should be easy to make a low-capacity airsucker seal, since that's just a 'bad' version of a higher-capacity one. We can use these to test out potential balloon designs and see what pressure differentials we can withstand. (fwiw, density of helium is ~1/10 of air's at sea level, so we're ultimately getting up to pressure differentials pretty close to that between the atmosphere and a vacuum, at least if we want a balloon volume to mass capacity ratio at least as good as real-world zeppelins'.)

Seems like the major next step for this is finding good balloon/zeppelin materials. If we can use seals to strengthen paper or make cloth stronger + less permeable, those could be decent starts.
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And this is why I love this quest. Physics, biology, and chemistry majors working in unison with engineers. Now we just need to start a company all together... :p
I would absolutely come work at that startup, since all the people from the thread that I've met in meatspace have been super cool (thanks for hanging out this morning, @Radvic!), but I don't know what we would actually get up to. Too many diverse interests.
I would absolutely come work at that startup, since all the people from the thread that I've met in meatspace have been super cool (thanks for hanging out this morning, @Radvic!), but I don't know what we would actually get up to. Too many diverse interests.
Yeah, sadly. That would be a hell of a story to tell people as to how you got your job, though. :p