I'm certain that a ninja clan who runs a flower shop and is expert in plants would know nothing about poisons, antidotes, or how to develop immunities.
See, this is a problem. I feel like f you're properly paranoid and immunity is a poison is a thing,
nothing is safe. Doubly so if highly specialized poisons (for suggestibility, immobilization but not death, etc.) are also a thing.
Edit to avoid double-posting:
@ChronOblivion, I can see what you mean about not affecting her decision, that would feel skeezy. If Hazou felt really unambiguously about her, I'd say withholding that info would be pretty much just as bad; it is important for her to be able to make an informed decision. As is, I'm not really sure.
For what it's worth, unlike us, she hasn't done the "do you like me y/n" thing. Flirting is all about ambiguity and gradually-increasing comfort and intimacy, right? And we're going to be visiting her for like 10 minutes a day max, so we can let that be a pretty slow burn. (Pun intended.)
Also, it's kinda hard to visit a dear friend who's sick and sad in the hospital
without doing stuff that could be read as romantic in the right light. I think we (and Hazou) are in a decent spot to kick the can down the road a little bit, caring for Akane but not being super explicit to her about feelings we're not sure about yet. My main concerns would be a) what we do down the road and b) how this interacts with the whole Ino thing.
We might have a better idea of the Ino thing once we hear from Jiraiya what his plans are vis-a-vis keeping us in Leaf. I think Oli's suggestion to talk about uplift-y stuff with her is a good one; it's not a clear acceptance or rejection, and it helps sound her out for a) long-term alignment with Team Uplift and b) personality/values fit with Hazou, which is way more important info for relationship stuff than the physical attraction and general "prettines/coolness" factors they're both going on right now.
Also, are most people in favor of trying to stay in Leaf longer? And for how long--I'm guessing 'til Akane recovers? I can see its good points (Akane, safety, learning, not splitting the team while Noburi learns from Kabuto). But it also keeps us at the mercy of lots of power players (somewhat more than we already are by virtue of them controlling Akane's health, anyway), many of whose angles and abilities we can't be sure of. And prevents us from training a lot of our really useful skills, like Roki, seals, and summoning.