Just pronounce it "a coo" and it becomes adorable.
Or pronounce it like a kiai shout!

e: Also, a conversation on discord produced this concept from my head: Orphanage Matron Kagome (poor guy didn't know that was a girl's name). He's got a soft spot for dogs, I figure he'd get along well with (young, non-ninja) kids too :D
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It's about 12pm now and the plan is to get lunch then go to one of the training grounds and train. Exactly what to train is still up in the air.

I'm assuming we'll be training stealth again if the stealth training plan wins. Is there anything better to do during this particular training session? (Not directed at you, EJ).

Also, thoughts on our team not really actually training stealth last time? I'm hoping it was just a combo of Keiko wanting to relax and Noburi + Lee wanting to fight, but I'm not sure it wasn't a subtle jab by the QMs telling us to motivate stealth training in character or something.
[X] Training Noburi: Sneaky Medic
[X] Training Hazou: Sneaky Earth
[X] Training Keiko: Sneaky Wind
[X] Ino Response Plan : It's Complicated
I'm not sure it wasn't a subtle jab by the QMs

We typically aren't that subtle.

Inoue rolled her eyes even as she slowly pivoted ninety degrees and dropped into Dragon Stretches Its Tail. "You want us to meet with Takahashi to talk about talking to the other elders?" she asked.

"...yes?" Hazou said, immediately regretting his decision. That was the same tone she'd used the last time she'd shot down one of his suggestions.

"You want us to meet with Takahashi, who just told us that we couldn't meet with him anymore?" Inoue asked, shifting through a slow leg sweep.

"Oh," Hazou said.

"And, assuming that we could get a meeting," Inoue said as she came up, stepped on an angle, and slowly jabbed a Crane's Beak into an imagined victim's ear, "the point of that meeting would be to get his approval to talk to the other elders...which is an inherently political action, which Takahashi explicitly told us to avoid. Takahashi, upon whose good will we are dependent in order to get Keiko the summoning training that is our entire purpose in this village?"

"Oh," said Hazou. "Um...yeah."

"Might I also point out," Inoue said, "that virtually the first thing Yoshida ever said to us was that we should not speak to any of the elders? Yoshida, who is probably our second-strongest ally in the village after Takahashi?"
[X] Ino Response Plan: Outsider's Perspective
(the following is an example of the general tone of what I'd like the reply to be. It doesn't have to followed verbatim if y'all don't want to)
  • *Looks at the piece of art in front of him* "What's it like being a missing-nin? It's exhilarating... and terrifying. Every day is a fight for survival in its own way. We have the freedom to go anywhere and do anything want to do. However, no matter where we go we have to be on guard since our own village will send some of its best operatives to kill us if we ever become exposed. We have seen more of the world than I'd ever thought I'd get to see in my life."
  • *Turns to look Ino in the eyes, smiles slightly* "For example, right now I'm having a pleasant conversation with a Leaf ninja in her own village.
  • *Gestures to the work of art* "It's kinda like this... art thing. Simple actions can have so many unforeseeable consequences. Even while my team and I were on the run for our lives we used simple ninja techniques to secure food and other supplies from some civilians. I never realized before what an impact ninja can have if they chose to do so: our medic, Noburi, was able to heal a disfigurement on a small child in a matter of moments, but without that procedure the child would have had a cleft lip for life. I personally can make multiple walls out of Earth from a technique that Jiraiya showed me and I have used it to erect protective walls for a village in a few minutes whereas it would have taken the villagers months of labor... I've also used that same technique to kill another ninja to keep my team safe."
  • *Slouch slightly* "As a missing-nin, my team has become my village; I will do whatever I can to keep them safe. Every day I worry about what could happen to us and I try to make plans to protect us no matter what happens. I've realized that even then there is only so much I can do in some situations, but that doesn't mean I still can't try my hardest to do what I believe is right."
  • *Face Ino again, mustering up whatever courage Hazou can* "That's why I gave you the flowers. I know it's a bit much since we've just met... it's just, I'd rather have given you the flowers while I can now rather than risk never giving you the flowers until the 'moment is right'. I've seen how short life can be, so I want to do everything I feel I should do while I can before it's too late... Even if it was too soon, just doing it and not worrying about the consequences for once... felt right."
  • *After a moment's pause turn away blushing furiously* "D-does that answer your question?"
I am going to argue for a combination of the two Ino plans, with some wording that I feel is smoothed out:

[X] Ino Response Plan: Complex Seed Planting
  • "It's complicated. None of us wanted to be missing-nin, we pretty much ended up being marked for death as collateral damage of others' schemes. But since then, we've done a lot of things. Fucked up a few times, but also done some good here and there. You should have seen the faces of the civilian children Noburi has healed. It was so easy for him to give a child the next best thing to an answered prayer from on high. He's done so much to help so many people, kept them and us from dying. And me as well -- I have this jutsu that can make walls, meant to be used for cover in a fight. But it took me a less than a day to give a village walls better than their whole population could build in a month, that helped protect them from chakra beasts that could have killed them."
  • "As a team, we really have to rely on each other, there's no safety net. No village we can run to when we're hurt. But because we're out there, we can do so much more to help. Things that ninja can do in seconds can add years to the lives of civilians. A trivial amount of chakra here and there can save lives."
  • "Honestly? In the end, being a missing nin is sad. It's sad because once you're outside system, it becomes clear exactly how much time and effort is wasted on maintaining the status quo instead of helping people, even though helping people would be so easy any fresh academy grad could do it. Instead, ninja fight, and the world suffers."
  • In further conversation, talk about ways that everyday civilians can be helped by basic ninja things.
    • Because we want to drive the point home
    • Because Ino might like it, and it promotes the ideas of team uplift
  • Be truthful but keep opsec
    • Nothing about VHitM
    • No revealing things that isn't already public knowledge (MEW and Nobby's medical skill are known to Team Asuma already.)
[-] Ino Response Plan: Complex Seed Planting

On a re-read this just seems way too heavy handed. She's not already sympathetic, we should be more subtle about it.
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[X] Ino Response Plan: Complex Seed Planting

e: Is uplift a memetic hazard for us right now? That's a legitimate question: Will we get in trouble for trying to spread the meme?
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[X] Action Plan: Steal This Plan
[X] Ino Response Plan : It's Complicated
[X] Training Noburi: Sneaky Medic
[X] Training Hazou: Sneaky Earth
[X] Training Keiko: Sneaky Wind
[X] Ino Response Plan: Complex Seed Planting

e: Is uplift a memetic hazard for us right now? That's a legitimate question: Will we get in trouble for trying to spread the meme?

I don't believe so, at least for subtler forms of spreading the meme. I just don't think we can convince ninja of the value of civilian life by forcing our views on them very explicitly.

We're better of just stating our own beliefs and facts, and letting those predisposed to liking our views rethink their position on their own.
@Jello_Raptor curious what you think of this compressed version.

I am going to argue for a combination of the two Ino plans, with some wording that I feel is smoothed out:

[X] Ino Response Plan: Complex Seed Planting
  • "It's complicated. None of us wanted to be missing-nin. Now that we are, we really have to rely on each other, there's no safety net. No village we can run to when we're hurt. But because we're out there, we get a unique perspective, and that means we can do more to help. Be willing to spend time healing kids, build houses."
  • "I think in the end, being a missing nin is sad. It's sad because once you're outside system, you can see exactly how much time and effort is wasted on maintaining the status quo instead of helping people, even though helping people would be so easy any fresh academy grad could do it. Instead, ninja fight, and the world suffers."
  • In further conversation, talk about ways that everyday civilians can be helped by basic ninja things.
    • Because we want to drive the point home
    • Because Ino might like it, and it promotes the ideas of team uplift
  • Be truthful but keep opsec
    • Nothing about VHitM
    • No revealing things that isn't already public knowledge (MEW and Nobby's medical skill are known to Team Asuma already.)
Voting is open for about 6 hours.

CounterBot, version 1.5

Plan name: Training Hazou: Sneaky Earth

Voters: @bayesclef, @Chronocide, @faflec, @HearthBorn, @hypothermic, @Jello_Raptor, @Kiba, @Langevin, @Orisha91, @Radvic, @Restinan, @Shneddly
Num votes: 12

Plan name: Training Keiko: Sneaky Wind
Voters: @bayesclef, @Chronocide, @faflec, @HearthBorn, @hypothermic, @Jello_Raptor, @Kiba, @Langevin, @Orisha91, @Radvic, @Restinan, @Shneddly
Num votes: 12

Plan name: Training Noburi: Sneaky Medic
Voters: @bayesclef, @Chronocide, @faflec, @HearthBorn, @hypothermic, @Jello_Raptor, @Kiba, @Langevin, @Orisha91, @Radvic, @Restinan, @Shneddly
Num votes: 12

Plan name: Steal This Plan
Voters: @bayesclef, @Chronocide, @hypothermic, @Jello_Raptor, @Kiba, @Langevin, @OliWhail, @Orisha91, @Radvic, @Restinan, @Shneddly
Num votes: 11

Plan name: Ino Response Plan : It's Complicated
Voters: @bayesclef, @Chronocide, @hypothermic, @Jello_Raptor, @Kiba, @Langevin, @Orisha91, @Restinan, @Shneddly
Num votes: 9

Plan name: Action Subplan: Akane: Growing Strong
Voters: @Cariyaga, @Jello_Raptor, @Langevin, @OliWhail, @Shneddly
Num votes: 5

Plan name: Ino Response Plan: Complex Seed Planting
Voters: @Cariyaga, @Langevin, @OliWhail, @Ridiculously Average Guy, @Shneddly
Num votes: 5

Plan name: Action Subplan: Akane: Delay until she gets better
Voters: @Nilay, @OliWhail
Num votes: 2

Plan name: Action Subplan: Library of Knowing Unknowns
Voters: @Kiba, @OliWhail
Num votes: 2

Plan name: Action Subplan: Library of Unknown Unknowns
Voters: @bayesclef, @Shneddly
Num votes: 2

Plan name: Akane Interaction Plan: Growing Strong
Voters: @Cariyaga, @Jello_Raptor
Num votes: 2

Plan name: Action Subplan: Akane - Subsubplan: Soup
Voters: @Langevin
Num votes: 1

Plan name: Action Subplan: Akane: Lousy Flirting and hiding
Voters: @Langevin
Num votes: 1

Plan name: Action Subplan: Akane: Shipper's Delight
Voters: @Langevin
Num votes: 1

Plan name: Akane Interaction: Not Today
Voters: @Dictator4Hire
Num votes: 1

Plan name: Ino Response Plan: Outsider's Perspective
Voters: @Dictator4Hire
Num votes: 1

Plan name: Ino Response Plan: Uplift Seed planting
Voters: @OliWhail
Num votes: 1

Plan name: Ino Response: Uplift Seed planting
Voters: @MadScientist
Num votes: 1

Number of voters: 18
Good Ghu that's a lot of plans. Nice turnout, though. We've been doing well on that front ever since The Event.

I'm off for bed. Good night all.
[-] Action Subplan: Library of Unknown Unknowns
[X] Action Subplan: Library of Knowing Unknowns

Better keep it simpler for now, we can add things later when we get more information
[X] Action Plan: Steal This Plan
[X] Ino Response Plan : It's Complicated
[X] Action Subplan: Akane: Growing Strong

[X] Training Noburi: Sneaky Medic
[X] Training Hazou: Sneaky Earth
[X] Training Keiko: Sneaky Wind
[X] Action Plan: Steal This Plan
[X] Ino Response Plan : It's Complicated
[-] Research Plan: Scheherezade Seal
[X] Training Hazou: Sneaky Earth
[X] Training Noburi: Sneaky Medic
[X] Training Keiko: Sneaky Wind
[X] Action Plan: Steal This Plan
[X] Ino Response Plan: Outsider's Perspective
[X] Action Subplan: Akane: Growing Strong
[X] Action Subplan: Library of Knowing Unknowns
[X] Training Hazou: Sneaky Earth
[X] Training Noburi: Sneaky Medic
[X] Training Keiko: Sneaky Wind
[X] Ino Response Plan: Complex Seed Planting

I'm neutral in the shipping war, but I think that it's a good idea to spread the uplift meme to influential people like Ino.