Fortunately for us, the EN do not have paper currency or much in the way of anti-counterfeit technology. Gold is produced via Earthshaping in whatever form convenient for us, including actual literal ryo.
I was under the impression that shaping metal with Earthshaping was incredibly laborious, because you had to move it around as extremely thin slivers and couldn't control it directly (gathering of gold being as these slivers, or as highly gold-rich rock that's then easy to extract). Is that incorrect? (Also, are ryo really pure gold?)
I was under the impression that shaping metal with Earthshaping was incredibly laborious, because you had to move it around as extremely thin slivers and couldn't control it directly (gathering of gold being as these slivers, or as highly gold-rich rock that's then easy to extract). Is that incorrect? (Also, are ryo really pure gold?)
It used to be this but that got retcon'd IIRC.

EDIT: Specifically, we can manipulate ores as we would anything else, like iron ore and (presumably) gold ore.

Marked for Death: A Rational Naruto Quest

Naruto reimagined as a deathworld without most of the canon plot holes.
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It used to be this but that got retcon'd IIRC.
You can use Earthshaping's filtering ability to pull the pure gold dust out, no need to mix it with dirt. Earthshaping is fine with manipulating metal ore but it's not as good at manipulating pure metal (which gold is), so uniting it into ingots is possible but not practical. Instead, you shipped it home in bags as pure gold dust.

Once she had the dust in hand, Mari melted it into ingots
We have pure gold bars though. Most places aren't fussed about coinage as long as the weight is good.

Should be fine.

Obligatory out-faflecing faflec celebration.
Day 1
Prep TR140 Unchained.
Prep Force Domes.
Prep Long Fuse Explosive. Hazō thinks that getting timers accurate to seconds or minutes over the course of several weeks is going to overinflate the project's difficulty, so he instead designs the seal so that the timer is set at infusion instead of activation time, and it is accurate only to the hours mark. Difficulty Result: Genin.

Day 2
Prep TR140 Unchained.
Prep Force Domes.
Infuse Long Fuse Explosive.

Hazō (Calligraphy): 47 + 3 (Dampeners) + 2 (prep) - 9 = 43
Hazō (Sealing): 53 + 2 (prep) + 9 = 64

Hazō completes the Long Fuse Explosive! Once activated, this explosive tag occasionally flickers with light until a chosen time up to a month away, when it suddenly explodes. The duration is chosen at infusion time, and is only accurate to the hour mark.

Day 3
Prep TR140 Unchained.
Prep Force Domes.

Day 4
Prep TR140 Unchained.
Prep Force Domes.

Day 5
Infuse TR140 Unchained.
Hazō (Earthshaping): 50 + 8 (prep) - 6 (timeladder down) - 9 = 43
Hazō spends a FP to reroll!
Hazō (Earthshaping): 50 + 8 (prep) - 6 (timeladder down) - 3 = 49
Hazō (Primordial Sealing): 23 + 22 (crossover bonus from DoB-boosted Sealing) + 12 (Disciple of the Beyond) + 8 (prep) - 6 = 59
Hazō spends a FP to reroll!
Hazō (Primordial Sealing): 23 + 22 (crossover bonus from DoB-boosted Sealing) + 12 (Disciple of the Beyond) + 8 (prep) + 0 = 65

Hazō completes the TR140 Unchained! Mechanics: Like previous time runes, but with +40% acceleration instead. Rune lasts for 6 months, and affects an AoE a kilometer in diameter centered on the rune.

Infuse Force Domes.
Hazō (Earthshaping): 50 + 8 (prep) - 6 (timeladder down) - 3 = 49
Hazō (Primordial Sealing): 23 + 22 (crossover bonus from DoB-boosted Sealing) + 12 (Disciple of the Beyond) + 8 (prep) + 0 = 65

The progress continues slowly but surely. Hazō feels pretty comfortable with this rune.

Day 6
DoB rest.
Seal research rolls have been added into the chapter.
Technique Hacking Effort Post for the Future

I know it isn't in the books for a while, but I wanted to take a look at Earthshaping. Particularly, the general TH path we'd take in an ideal world, to gain veterancy towards improving our best/most plot relevant jutsu. Biggest advantages i can see are if we can decrease/eliminate the ongoing chakra cost, and if we can shape things faster without a time ladder penalty. These would let us use PS quicker/easier/more often, generally opening up options. It's entirely likely that by the time we get TH research time, the shape of the quest will be fundamentally different, and/or we'll care more about Minato Sealing. but if so that's fine.

Analysis of the completion and refinement system
Refinement makes the jutsu stronger, with completion acting as a balance. With no other context, we'd want to take as long as possible to do jutsu creation. However, if we're anywhere close to the TN, more days means more chances for bad roles, and therefore more flaws that we can't afford to spend Fate points trying to remedy. Also, we're always going to be on some sort of timer, so spending longer than necessary on a project isn't ideal. The best bet is to have TH over the TN by enough not to have to worry as much, and just truck along. However, since we won't know TNs, it'll take bit of experimenting and familiarity. We don't know how tweaks and new jutsu will affect complexity and the TN compared to each other, for example.

How high should we get our TH?
No idea! Ideally to 40 before we mess with ES, but I would say at least 20 before trying any project, and 30 before trying any project we're likely to care about.

How to Decrease Complexity
Veterancy applies here, like with sealing. Same with the TN decreasing it seems. So we want to have worked on a jutsu as similar as possible, that isn't the same technique due to the harder difficulty we've been warned about. ES is an Earth-element maneuver, slowly feeding our chakra into the earth in a maintained effect. Jutsu that share attributes with it are more helpful.

Do we Want to Decrease Complexity?
Yes. Of course. Getting through projects faster lets us do more cool projects. And we can always take up to TH AB to refine after we finish, where we don't have to put any points at all into complexity, so there's some flexibility.
Plus, since the only demo we've seen was from a basic jutsu sample where we were told not to take the numbers as gospel, if we're facing complexity of 30+, we'd want to reduce the time as much as possible.

Do we have enough chakra?
We can only buy up to chakra AB of points at a time. Since one has to go to complexity, we can spend at most AB-1 on refinement a day. Since right now our AB is 4, that means that until we are on those very last optional refinement days, we can't get refinement points past 3. Which means the absolute most points of refinement we can get when we finish complexity is 9. We don't really know how much things cost, but that does also include buying back any flaws. In the example from Paper, quite a few shifts of success were wasted, and then quite a bit of refinement went towards fixing an added flaw.
I think the short answer is that, yeah, increasing chakra to have an AB of 5 would be great. We'd be able to get more refinement early on and/or finish products quicker if we had good enough TH. That's an extra extra requirement, so more of a stretch goal. But, if Minato Sealing is a combo of sealing and TH, and literally depends on our internal chakra, there's a nontrivial chance increasing chakra would benefit that as well. Plus, I wanna summon Cannai one day, dang it!

What about the chakra cave water?
It wouldn't be a terrible idea to test our a single sealing project with the water still in our system, so we know how much it helps. Maybe it lowers TN significantly, or gives bonus success, or makes our effective chakra higher for buying success or something. Regardless, knowing what the effect is would help us plan better.
BUT, if we can get a rune that does that, we can explore at our leisure. And TH takes times, which we don't really have, plus chakra, which we don't have enough of. The only decent argument I can think for trying TH while under the water's influence is that it may help us get a better idea about what the water's doing, in a way that makes it easier for us to make the seal by bringing in our TH to it. I don't know that that's worth it though.

How much of this is conjecture?
Most of it! I mean, the math parts are straightforward (AB 5 > AB 4, veterancy > no veterancy, etc), but how much things matter or help, I have no idea! I'll update this part of the post (and likely the TL;dr at the bottom) once we know more.

Recommended Veterancy Pathway
-Highest priority, but not the first target, should be Living Roots. It's a Maneuver, like ES. It has a similar effect of putting chakra into the earth and sensing what's going on. We're somewhat familiar with it, and have levels in it. Which means it's both more knowledgeable to us, and any improvements to it are upside anyway.
-Any of the regular level 1 techniques we grabbed. Trying to tweak a new technique means if we mess up getting practice on something we weren't going to run anyway, it's no real loss, and we can still use the base version. And if we make something entirely new out of it, we don't have to give up xp switching to the new and superior jutsu.
-MEW. We know it, we love it, we never leveled it above level 1. It's also a maneuver, which means it's also harder than an attack or defense, but more similar to ES. Increasing efficacy out of it would be useful as well.
-I genuinely don't know how BoC would work, since it's already an offspring of ES. It may negatively impact our ability to hack ES, so I am recommending against it until we get IC confirmation it wouldn't be an issue.

Other Techniques we may want to improve anyway
-PEA. It's a good strong toolkit technique we'd want to improve if we can, like decreasing costs for higher level usage, or making the activation a supplemental (even reactionary) in exchange for a decreased effect. Plus, tweaking to make a move faster may be good practice for trying to make ES faster. HOWEVER, we did promise the Pangolins not to modify any of their technique, so it would be a further violation of a deal that we had already broken off.
-BRI, or the other good level 1 skills we have. If we could improve bleeding river impalement or stone storm barrier by TH before leveling it, we'd know if it was worth it or not, and how likely we were to use it.

Suggested Earth TH Queue. Number of * indicate how important I think the step is.
1) *Try Tweaking a random level 1 skill (like stone bullet)
2) **Try modifying MEW
3) ***Try tweaking Living Roots
4) *Try tweaking BRI, or other good level 1 skill (like SSB or RAotT)
5) **Try tweaking PEA (thread consensus on breaking the agreement with the Pangolins notwithstanding)
6) ***TH Earth Shaping

More chakra would be helpful, but hopefully not vital. If we wanna modify ES, and we should, we should do some tweaking projects first. Living Roots is our best veterancy testbed. Trying on another good technique first to get a good sense of difficulty and a new shiny would be good.

I'll try to include my proposed TH stats for ES in this post when I have time, plus for a couple of the others. I'm also down if folks have suggested modifications to add them here.

Feedback/improvement/telling me why I'm wrong (politely) always welcome.
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Seal research rolls have been added into the chapter.
...6 months eh? That delayed explosive seal isn't going to cut it. Though an AoE of a km is pretty wild. Hiding that would be so much harder.

But. Imagine if we set that under Leaf. Just have a city moving faster than the outside world. Replacing ninja and recovering from operations faster than other villages could match. Too bad that's exactly the sort of thing that gets us focus-fired.
-PEA. It's a good strong toolkit technique we'd want to improve if we can, like decreasing costs for higher level usage, or making the activation a supplemental (even reactionary) in exchange for a decreased effect. Plus, tweaking to make a move faster may be good practice for trying to make ES faster.
The original pangolin deal in which we got Earth Armor included our clan's agreement to not hack it, IIRC
Hazō completes the TR140 Unchained! Mechanics: Like previous time runes, but with +40% acceleration instead. Rune lasts for 6 months, and affects an AoE a kilometer in diameter centered on the rune.
Uhhhhhhhhhh this is a little bigger than I was expecting! Like, to the point where setting this up in a remote area will leave that area looking noticeably different half a year later.
The Gōketsu Clan. If we're not part of the Gōketsu anymore, than we're already in violation of the deal, I think; but Pantsa presumably doesn't object on the technicalities as long as it's the same actual group of people.

"Five jutsu for your clan; you may divide them among yourself as you see fit. This is a significant gift, Summoner; the Pangolin Clan is not fond of letting our military secrets out of our control, since they could easily be stolen by someone on the Human Path and then make their way back to the Summoner of an enemy clan." He raised a massive claw in admonishment. "I'm trusting you a great deal here. Our jutsu are to be secrets of the Gōketsu Clan. They will not be shared outside your clan, studied, or modified."

"So," Keiko said carefully, "the upfront payment will be three pounds of diamonds, the full-time availability of Pankurashun and five elite pangolin of my choice, plus the training jutsu for each member of Gōketsu and five other jutsu of our choice. After that, we agree to a monthly payment of sixty pounds of gold in exchange for ninety of the Pantokrator's Judging Eyes." She paused, considering, then nodded. "My clan leader will probably be angry with me for doing such a poor job of bargaining but I suspect he'll accept the deal rather than shaming me by forcing me to go back on my word with such an important ally as the Pangolin Clan."

Pantsā snorted but took no other notice of her addition to the upfront cost. "I shall ensure that the diamonds are all of good quality," he said magnanimously. "You, however, will acknowledge the terms of our jutsu training, since it seems to have been left out of your statement of the bargain." He paused, then leaned in slightly. "You will ensure that our jutsu are kept secret, Summoner. Nor will you attempt to study or modify them." His tone had shifted from the nearly playful one he'd had while bargaining, a note of warning hanging just barely out of sight behind the words. A shiver ran down Kei's spine on icy feet.

"Yes, Pantsā," she said, trying and failing to keep her voice from squeaking at the implied threat. "I will. We will. Keep the Pangolin jutsu secret, that is. And not study or modify them."
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Extra Long Fuse Explosive


An explosive seal with the timer set at infusion instead of activation time, is accurate only to the "week" mark on the time ladder, and can be set to explode "a year" later.

Does not need to be mobile or single element.
Since this didn't work, I think we want to make sure to research runes that will burn themselves out in a matter of days or a week at most, so we can destroy them before we leave whichever research site we're using at the time.
And I am once again asking you to specify that all the runes we research have a duration of less than 30 days.
>be me
>worried about leaving active runes behind that will serve as clues or research material for our enemies
>convince the hivemind to specify that runes should have a limited duration
>this makes time rune TNs higher
>hivemind decides to research 'unchained' time runes to maximize time dialation
>the time runes are unchained
>oh no

(To be clear this isn't an 'I told you so', because I don't intend to or think it would be productive to wag my finger at people, and because I think I can only claim partial credit for telling you so—I never anticipated that the TR area of effect would be so large, and if not for that they'd be much easier to conceal. I'm only pointing this out because I think it's hilarious and some of you may share my amusement.)
Given the trends, it seems that this is more or less inevitable if we wanted anything much better than a TR 125.

Fortunately, we can hide the rune 975m down underground and just use the tiny bit that peeks out over the surface to train in.
Maybe we should research a rune which bores a kilometer-deep hole in the ground, to save time and chakra on digging those manually. Or... hm. One Zone's worth of earth and rock, centered on the rune, disappears as if into a storage seal, then reappears at its previous location once the rune is no longer active nearby? Chakra metal and runic substrate unaffected of course. Call it the "Hiding Like A Weasel" rune. Empty space underneath means it, and any other runes in the affected zone, descend steadily into the ground at the usual runic-drag rate unless otherwise supported. Difference between earth and fire chakra hopefully means it'll come to a stop floating like a cork on the Mohorovičić discontinuity - Wikipedia rather than melting into anything catastrophic.
Maybe we should research a rune which bores a kilometer-deep hole in the ground, to save time and chakra on digging those manually. Or... hm. One Zone's worth of earth and rock, centered on the rune, disappears as if into a storage seal, then reappears at its previous location once the rune is no longer active nearby? Chakra metal and runic substrate unaffected of course. Call it the "Hiding Like A Weasel" rune. Empty space underneath means it, and any other runes in the affected zone, descend steadily into the ground at the usual runic-drag rate unless otherwise supported. Difference between earth and fire chakra hopefully means it'll come to a stop floating like a cork on the Mohorovičić discontinuity - Wikipedia rather than melting into anything catastrophic.
This is overkill. One cast of Tunnel Excavation can do 1Zone/Round for 20 rounds. That's 600m. 2 casts for 48 CP should get the job done.
This is overkill. One cast of Tunnel Excavation can do 1Zone/Round for 20 rounds. That's 600m. 2 casts for 48 CP should get the job done.
That's a known jutsu which leaves an easily-located tunnel, though. If all the displaced rock is put back exactly where it was, by a completely novel technique, traces should be much harder for hunters to find.
That's a known jutsu which leaves an easily-located tunnel, though. If all the displaced rock is put back exactly where it was, by a completely novel technique, traces should be much harder for hunters to find.
Not really, first of all, it's a Pangolin jutsu, so it's not well known.

Second, just collapse the tunnel with explosives and smooth the ground with ES. Should be undetectable.

Researching a rune for this is a waste of time.
Not really, first of all, it's a Pangolin jutsu, so it's not well known.

Second, just collapse the tunnel with explosives and smooth the ground with ES. Should be undetectable.

Researching a rune for this is a waste of time.
That does assume we can actually make a kilometre-deep tunnel straight down without any kind of support on the walls and not have it collapse on top of us, though, which I am not convinced by.
That does assume we can actually make a kilometre-deep tunnel straight down without any kind of support on the walls and not have it collapse on top of us, though, which I am not convinced by.
The locus of the jutsu should keep Hazou from being crushed. He can always tunnel back out once he infuses the rune. Being trapped is not a concern. Worse case scenario, we send an SC and it pops.
Does Hazou think Force Domes will clear his stagnancy barrier at 16500? He made an infusion roll on them after clearing his barrier at 15500
Perhaps not, but it'll definitely count for progress.

How does Hazou feel about dropping prep days on FDs?
He'd rather not, this early into the project. Unlike Sealing, he's not sure about his ability to appropriately judge progress and how far he is from failure.

Apropos of nothing in particular: can biosealing unstagnate a Medical domain?
Potentially, but presumably the medical domain would be about healing people, so the specific project choices are limited. Rare is the biosealing project that causes there to be more people alive than the counterfactual.

If it can: if someone had a Sealing domain and a Medical domain, and they did a really difficult biosealing project, could that unstagnate both domains at once?
HDK (as in, this sounds like a can of worms so we'll let our poor future selves deal with it if it ever becomes relevant).

Can we Declare that we did this? That we stashed 10+ skysliders in Dog?
That's too much for a Declare, sorry.