Prep TR150 Unchained. Difficulty Result: Hard. As a result, Hazōpilot decides to switch to a lower TR-rating of 140 (unchained) for future prep days and the infusion roll, figuring that it will split the difference between the relatively doable TR130 and the apparently-challenging 150.

Sincere note: I love it when Hazou-pilot does this. Reasonable stuff, saves us from needing to vote it in again, doesn't waste prep days. Sincerely: love agency.

Hazō makes major progress on Force Domes. He thinks he's a little under a fifth of the way done. He feels pretty good about this rune, though he's not sure how much of that is due to excellent luck in the research process.

Jashin is that you? :p

Omake: The Chase is On

@eaglejarl, @Velorien, @Paperclipped

Would it be possible to get this threadmarked?
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I wonder if we could come up with some arrangement to buy chakra from Mareo, the bear summoner?
There are some major obstacles, both diplomatically and logistically (getting a toad to Bear). But a summoner his age must have great reserves which he's hardly using, and he's not likely to care that we're the most wanted missing-nin in the world right now.
But a summoner his age must have great reserves which he's hardly using, and he's not likely to care that we're the most wanted missing-nin in the world right now.
He's spent the near entirety of his adult life hiding on the Seventh Path so I think 'great' is setting your hopes too high. Certainly not nothing, but let me see. Seems to have buggered off at some range from high chunin to regular jonin then spent 40-50 years doing nothing, from what I can quickly recall. Call it 40 XP a year if he got any and I would peg him at like CR 40 realistically. Which is something and all but I leave it to the math guys to decide how much effort 400 chakra is worth.
getting a toad to Bear
For what it's worth, I think this is a pretty major hurdle. Toads aren't nearly as willing to be diplomats/relay beacons as Dogs are (prosocial, pack-bonding fluffballs that they are).

Noburi has had a great deal of trouble finding willing Toads, in the past... and that was back when the Toad Sages liked him. Now that he lacks their favor, I expect it to be doubly hard.
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He's spent the near entirety of his adult life hiding on the Seventh Path so I think 'great' is setting your hopes too high. Certainly not nothing, but let me see. Seems to have buggered off at some range from high chunin to regular jonin then spent 40-50 years doing nothing, from what I can quickly recall. Call it 40 XP a year if he got any and I would peg him at like CR 40 realistically. Which is something and all but I leave it to the math guys to decide how much effort 400 chakra is worth.
There is plenty of combat in the Seventh Path for him to have taken part in. No reason to think he was unable to unstagnate.
In Chapter 631 "Naruto declines Hazō's request to have an erratic, jōnin-level ninja within even spitting distance of Leaf's walls". Not sure how good Hazō is at judging someone's skill, though.
I tend to suppose that as a summoner, he'd invest more in CR than a typical ninja of his level.

I don't have any kind of plan for arranging this, though, so not claiming it'd be worth it, just wanted to float the idea.

(And more generally, while I think the logistical objections to kidnapping people for chakra are not that bad, the team probably won't be comfortable doing it, so I'd like to get some creative thinking on the topic of chakra sourcing.)
Speaking of having goodwill with summons - we have been checking in with Cannai occasionally, right? We're not really in a position to spend time doing anything for him, and I'm sure he'll understand that, but the Leopard campaign will have been going on for weeks (?) by now, unless Hyōhakken actually did come to the table, and Cannai's name hasn't been mentioned in a chapter since we got the order to go missing. He might want us to keep up to date. (I know we're trying to avoid being able to receive hypothetical family-torture threats, but we could ask Cannai not to tell us about any such and we've been Summoning anyway; if Cannai would tell us Cannai could order one of our dogs to tell us.)

My impression is that Hazō checking in with Cannai happens automatically if we don't tell him not to, but it would be bad to seem to be ignoring him - his goodwill is very important to us!
There is plenty of combat in the Seventh Path for him to have taken part in. No reason to think he was unable to unstagnate.
Bear guy seemed incredibly protective of him but on second thought that probably only started after the wandering wits. Yeah, dude is probably a elite jonin. I still don't think his chakra reserves are going to be prioritized higher than average ninja in his build since he can no longer actually summon but the average ninja does value chakra so he ought to have a decent bunch.

My impression is that Hazō checking in with Cannai happens automatically if we don't tell him not to, but it would be bad to seem to be ignoring him - his goodwill is very important to us!
I think Cannai is a big boy and understands Hazo is also busy and we don't need to bite our nails about this.
I think Cannai is a big boy and understands Hazo is also busy and we don't need to bite our nails about this.
Fair. Still, I personally would like to know what's been happening with the Leopard campaign. I guess a better question would be "have we been talking to Cannai enough that a one-sentence summary of the campaign is within the scope of a QM question, or would we have to vote it into a plan?".

Actually, @eaglejarl @Velorien @Paperclipped, the above question. Does Hazō know how the Leopard campaign's been going (if indeed the Leopard boss didn't decide to negotiate)?
Since we're asking questions, I'll add one to the pile.
@eaglejarl @Velorien @Paperclipped
We were previously told by the Toad Sages that infusions done on the Seventh Path were dangerous because poking holes into the Out sometimes destroyed the stitches holding the Seventh Path and the Human Path together. Since sealing no longer causes holes to the Out by default (only on failures as far as I know), are infusions okay to do in the Seventh Path now?
IMO, how do you magically enact Medical effects on people without mednin? It would then follow that you'd need to know how to make a rune manipulate/produce Medical chakra... which means leveling mednin. Again, just IMO.
Same way that you can cause chakra-based magical effects through seals without learning ninjutsu I wager. Med knowledge is the theoretical part. Mednin is the part where you learn to do the exercizes that transform your chakra into magical healing effects plus the practical knowledge to know how to apply it to the living body right in front of you. The kinds of Runes we want to make are supposed to have effects that are too universal for the latter to matter either.
When we leave should we use some dog summons to basically create a bunch of false trails?

It should be a fairly straightforward operation to get a handful of hair samples and like and summon a bunch of dogs who move in a number of plausible directions Team Uplift could have gone, which could potentially buy us a number of valuable days/hours as our trackers waste time of multiple different paths.
When we leave should we use some dog summons to basically create a bunch of false trails?

It should be a fairly straightforward operation to get a handful of hair samples and like and summon a bunch of dogs who move in a number of plausible directions Team Uplift could have gone, which could potentially buy us a number of valuable days/hours as our trackers waste time of multiple different paths.
1) This costs an incredible amount of chakra, each summon costs 1/3 of its cost in upkeep each hour. For adult dogs that means about 50-100 CP casting cost. So say like 5 dogs would expend our chakra budget in something like 4 hours. Not much of a false trail.
2) It wouldn't smell like Uplift moving, since we wouldn't be shedding skin cells and whatever else. I also doubt the ability of the team to produce authentic samples. It's basically impossible to fool tracking dogs this way. You can eliminate scent by using running water/stony ground, but not fake false trails.
3) Skywalkers don't leave scent trails anyway. And Hidan doesn't hunt by nose regardless.

Seems like a total waste of time to me.
Same way that you can cause chakra-based magical effects through seals without learning ninjutsu I wager. Med knowledge is the theoretical part. Mednin is the part where you learn to do the exercizes that transform your chakra into magical healing effects plus the practical knowledge to know how to apply it to the living body right in front of you. The kinds of Runes we want to make are supposed to have effects that are too universal for the latter to matter either.
He probably could eventually figure it out, it's just substantially easier when you use the already existing magic system. We've also been told making psychic effects would be substantially easier if he already knows genjutsu, for example.
IMO there is pretty strong indication Hazou is not going to be able to do it with his current skill with runes unless he also invests in mednin. If for no other reason than because that's how Noburi is parsing it, and we're relying on his explanations to make the thing.
Prospective Noburi Build

Okay, so since Tsunade raised Noburi's medical stats into the 60s, this is build plan is going to need some reshuffling.

50Water WhipVamp Dew
30PhysiqueSyrup TrapW.D. BulletResolve
20EmpathySubstitutionHoz. MantleRapportDeceit
10StealthIntimidationPresenceWater CloneA.U.B. BombSurging SeasHiding in Mist

Okay, since Tsunade took over Noburi's training, he wasn't able to learn the Elemental Apprentice Stunt for Water. We should hop on that, especially since it's only, like, 25xp.

Now, there's been some talk about raising Noburi's Water Dragon Bullet to 40 for the combat power, or raising Physique to 40 to try and unlock Sage Mode. There's also going to be a push to raise Noburi's Resolve to 40 so he can maximally benefit from FOOM... but, whatever wins out, we're going to need to build pyramid supports for that.

That said, we also kinda want to get Hoz Mantle 30 ASAP, to get rid of the debuff from Noburi's main combat buff. So we'll raise SC to 20, but then delay SC 30 until after he raises HM to 30.

This is a neat compromise between Noburi's desire to have FOOM, but also maintain his combat viability.

50Water WhipVamp Dew
30PhysiqueSyrup TrapW.D. BulletResolve
20EmpathySubstitutionHoz. MantleRapportDeceitShadow Clone
10StealthIntimidationPresenceWater CloneA.U.B. BombSurging SeasHiding in Mist

And now we raise Hoz Mantle to 30, thus getting rid of that nasty debuff.

50Water WhipVamp Dew
30PhysiqueSyrup TrapW.D. BulletResolveHoz. Mantle
20EmpathySubstitutionRapportDeceitShadow Clone
10StealthIntimidationPresenceWater CloneA.U.B. BombSurging SeasHiding in Mist

And from here we can raise Water Dragon Bullet to 40, for combat strength.

50Water WhipVamp Dew
40AlertnessAthleticsChakraW.D. Bullet
30PhysiqueSyrup TrapResolveHoz. Mantle
20EmpathySubstitutionRapportDeceitShadow Clone
10StealthIntimidationPresenceWater CloneA.U.B. BombSurging SeasHiding in Mist

And now we have enough pyramid support to raise Athletics to 50.

50Water WhipVamp DewAthletics
40AlertnessChakraW.D. Bullet
30PhysiqueSyrup TrapResolveHoz. Mantle
20EmpathySubstitutionRapportDeceitShadow Clone
10StealthIntimidationPresenceWater CloneA.U.B. BombSurging SeasHiding in Mist

And from here, we need to raise a pre-existing 10-stat to a 20-slot. It'll probably be either Surging Seas, or Ami's Ultimate Buster Bomb, depending on the mechanics of the latter.

Until we get the mechanics, let's assume we raise Surging Seas.

50Water WhipVamp DewAthletics
40AlertnessChakraW.D. Bullet
30PhysiqueSyrup TrapResolveHoz. Mantle
20EmpathySubstitutionRapportDeceitShadow CloneSurging Seas
10StealthIntimidationPresenceWater CloneA.U.B. BombHiding in Mist

And from here, we can give Noburi SC 30, which unlocks FOOM.

50Water WhipVamp DewAthletics
40AlertnessChakraW.D. Bullet
30PhysiqueSyrup TrapResolveHoz. MantleShadow Clone
20EmpathySubstitutionRapportDeceitSurging Seas
10StealthIntimidationPresenceWater CloneA.U.B. BombHiding in Mist

All of this should cost ~1k in XP, which is 1 unstagnation for each domain. Not too bad, I think.

Alright, so we've got Noburi the Elemental Apprentice stunt for Water. Next step is to buy up SC to 20, which we can do once Noburi's bloodline research is done... After that, we can finally get Hoz Mantle to 30! It's been so many years, but finally, HM30 is within sight!
15 - (29/2 => 14.5) = 15 - 15 (rounds up)
Hm. Well, in that case, yeah, 29. That said, I know that I've seen the QMs muse that Hoz Mantle is a bit clunky, and in need of a rewrite. I also know that the other ninjutsu buffs unlock more functionality at ABs, rather than X9s.

That said, Substitution also rounds up in a similar way, and that's why we keep it on odd numbers. This sort of insight also ("technically this ninjutsu only needs level 29, not level 30") sounds like the sort of valuable training insight that Hazou-the-character is known for. Even Kei wanted Hazou to share these insights via writing a textbook about his training insights for the KEI Union.

So hopefully we'll get to keep it?

I'll tinker with Noburi's buildplan tonight or tomorrow, and make a secondary build path with this free 30-slot.