The official MfD kitten
Adhoc vote count started by Velorien on Feb 3, 2021 at 7:02 AM, finished with 171 posts and 26 votes.
Voting is closed.

Kudos to @MMKII for his last-minute vote.

Meet the official Marked for Death kitten, Minori.

Minori is eight weeks old, black, and of mixed breed.

Her favourite place to sleep is office chairs, likely because there were two in the room where she was born and spent her early days.

This does not always work out well for her work-from-home owners, since for now she refuses to be touched (maybe we should have named her Keiko after all) and therefore can't simply be lifted off one's lap.

She is a worthy genin, already skilled in the stalk-pounce-drag to safe place-thoroughly dismember cycle, and really too good at snatching dangly things before they can be yoinked away from her. We don't have many photos of that yet, since once she uses chakra boost, she is pretty much a black blur.

Most importantly, she is a gamer kitty. She watches my partner and me play PC games, and bats at the monsters. (I suspect this isn't good for the monitor, but I'm still looking for a protector that isn't designed for laptops.)

Finally, a message from Minori, composed specially for this post:

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The official MfD kitten, 6 months
Adhoc vote count started by Velorien on Jun 16, 2021 at 7:22 AM, finished with 78 posts and 13 votes.

Voting is closed.

This is Minori, the official MfD kitten, four months later:

We are very pleased with her progress.

She has already mastered the fundamentals of concealment... well as stealth and ambush.

As she is an indoor cat, some supplementary training has been necessary.

She is steadily making the journey from gamer kitty to indispensable peripheral

as well as ever improving her skills in hunting the mouse.

She continues to be an excellent kitten all round.
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The official MfD cat, 1 year
Everyone, please join me in wishing Minori the official MfD kitten a happy birthday as she transforms into Minori the official MfD cat.

Minori has grown a little since she first arrived at the official MfD Velorien lair.

The battle over the most coveted spot in the flat, my chair, continues--several times during the day, and pretty much every time I get up from it at night. She may be deceptively cute, but, like her fictional counterpart Jūchi Yosamu, she is not to be underestimated.

On the other hand, I am currently on top in the battle of wits over my bed, which Minori has refused to give up without a fight.

The battle has developed as follows:

1) Minori is in my room when I go to bed. I remove her, because if I do not, she will pounce on my feet while I sleep.
2) Minori learns to hide under the bed.
3) I learn how to extract her from her spot of choice under the bed with the aid of cunning and celerity.
4) Minori learns how to hide deeper under the bed, where no mortal hand may reach.
5) I learn to wait for when Minori is vulnerable and off-guard before seizing and removing her through stealth and guile.
6) Minori learns to identify the signs of me going to bed, such as brushing my teeth, and hides under the bed preemptively.
7) I learn to close the door to my room a couple of hours in advance, before she can enter to begin with.
For now, my sleep is secure. Unfortunately,
8) According to my partner, Minori is learning to open doors.

Minori is scarily intelligent when she puts her mind to it. We put out an enrichment toy for her birthday that she's played with two or three times in her life, with treats in compartments that require spatial manipulation to get into (like narrow-top jars). I did not have a chance to record the process, because it was over too fast: she finished the first puzzle in under five seconds, the second and third in under three, and the fourth in under one second--she just reached her paw into the complex windy tracks and plucked the treat out as soon as I let it drop.

She continues to be a gamer kitty, though unfortunately her increased size makes co-op play tricky.

In addition, we have introduced her to board gaming. While she enjoys her position as Assistant Dice Roller, her talents truly shine when she is allowed to join the kaiju.

Being of mixed breed, we originally found her difficult to classify. Here you see her under "V" for "Van, Turkish" (after her mother).

Eventually, my partner devised the ingenious solution of getting her her own shelf.

In the end, despite my eternal rivalry with Minori over the office chair (which, I will have her know, is required for me to write MfD updates), I feel hope that man and beast can come to a compromise over its use:

And finally, a message from Minori herself:

That's 54 spaces, enough for every quest regular to have one each, with a few to spare for newcomers.
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Marked for Death shipping chart 27/10/22
The Marked for Death shipping chart has been updated.

Patch notes:

- Removed Tachibana Yuri (dead)
- Removed Tachibana Minori (dead)
- Removed Gōketsu Jiraiya (still dead)
- Added Orochimaru (undead)
- Added Fujisawa Miyuki (alive)
- Added Kagome-Kumokōgō relationship
- Changed Ami-Mari relationship from It's Complicated to Rivals
- Changed Tenten-Snowflake relationship from Dating to Married
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