@Velorien The contrast between Hazō, who set up a system that gave Snowflake 12 hours of freedom/life, and Shikamaru, who gave Snowflake the diary of Tobirama, the man who both created and enslaved shadow clone, is interesting and a bit sad.
Hazō worked to help Snowflake gain more freedom, so that she could experience life more, so that Snowflake could flex her own agency and become whomever she decides to be.
Shikamaru gave Snowflake a humanizing diary of the monster who restricted her freedom. Who made her a permanent slave to the orders of another (thankfully Kei has a thing about agency and found the line between "order" and "request" as soon as humanly possible).
And being confronted with a (perhaps unintentional?
This reads more as Shikamaru thinking that he's giving out a cool/rare philosophy book) attempt at humanizing someone who does that to you is a knife in the gut. After all, why should
you care about
their trials and tribulations, their hopes and their dreams, when
they sought to take
your very personhood away?
Perhaps it needs to happen in order for you to heal, perhaps you can heal without that. But if it is to happen at all, it is to happen on your own time, at your own pace.
TL;DR: Interest contrast that implies things about Shikamaru's character.